Cobb County Public Library System

The Cobb County Public Library System (CCPLS) is the system of 16 public libraries in Cobb County, Georgia, USA excluding its second-largest city of Smyrna, which runs its own Smyrna Public Library. CobbCat is the online computer database of all CCPLS holdings, replacing the card catalogs.

The CCPLS has a system by which books from any branch can be reserved and picked up at any other branch, usually within three business days. Each business day, each branch is notified of the books requested from it, and the staff selects these books for transport. A county van picks up the books daily and takes them to Central, where they are sorted and sent out on the following morning's run. Likewise, books can be returned to any county library branch. Interlibrary loans from outside the county are possible for items not held by the CCPLS.


The system's four regions are defined by the CCPLS. Due to Budget cuts library hours have been cut, once in October 2010 and again April 2011. Hours were expanded in January 2014.

Where indicated, the numbers are the branch numbers. The bookmobile collection was "branch" 60; the law library, located in the county courthouse (Cobb State Court) on Marietta square, was branch 70, but has since been split from the CCPLS.





Library systems in neighboring counties

External links

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