Liechtenstein identity card

Liechtenstein identity card

Liechtenstein identity card
Issued by  Liechtenstein
Valid in  Europe (except Belarus, Kosovo, Northern Cyprus, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine)
France French overseas territories
Type of document Identity card

The Liechtenstein identity card (in German: Identitätskarte Liechtenstein) is issued to Liechtenstein citizens by the Immigration and Passport Office in Vaduz. The card costs CHF80 for adults aged 15 or over and is valid for 10 years. For children, the card costs CHF30 and has a validity of 3 years.[1]

Holders of a Liechtenstein identity card can apply to use lisign, a service facilitating the use of electronic verification and signatures.[2]

See also


  1. Ausländer- und Passamt: Liechtensteinische Identitätskarte
  2. Ausländer- und Passamt: Identitätskarte
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