All-time Paralympic Games medal table

An all-time medal table for all Paralympic Games from 1960 to 2016 Summer Paralympic Games and 1976 to 2014 Winter Paralympic Games is tabulated below.[1]

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) itself does not publish all-time tables, and publishes unofficial tables only per single Games. This table was thus compiled by adding up single entries from the IPC database.[2]

The results are attributed to the IPC country code as currently displayed by the IPC database. Usually, a single code corresponds to a single National Paralympic Committee (NPC). When different codes are displayed for different years, medal counts are combined in the case of a simple change of IPC code (such as from RHO to ZIM for Zimbabwe) or simple change of country name (such as from Ceylon to Sri Lanka). As the medals are attributed to each NPC, not all totals include medals won by athletes from that country for another NPC, such as before independence of that country (see individual footnotes for special cases such as combined teams). Names in italic are national entities that no longer exist.

Medal table

The table is pre-sorted by the name of each Paralympic Committee, but can be displayed as sorted by any other column, such as the total number of gold medals or total number of overall medals. To sort by gold, silver, and then bronze (as used unofficially by the IPC and by most broadcasters outside the US) sort first by the bronze column, then the silver, and then the gold. Medal totals in this table are current as of the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio

Summer Paralympic Games Winter Paralympic Games Combined Total
Team (IOC code)

1st, gold medalist(s)

2nd, silver medalist(s)

3rd, bronze medalist(s)


1st, gold medalist(s)

2nd, silver medalist(s)

3rd, bronze medalist(s)


1st, gold medalist(s)

2nd, silver medalist(s)

3rd, bronze medalist(s)


 Algeria (ALG) 723183273 00000 723183273
 Angola (ANG) 54318 00000 54317
 Argentina (ARG) 15316164156 20000 17316263156
 Australia (AUS) 153683933641125 101161330 253793993771155
 Austria (AUT) 15102117126345 11104113108325 26206230234670
 Azerbaijan (AZE) 69181138 00000 68181137
 Bahamas (BAH) 70235 00000 70235
 Bahrain (BRN) 92337 00000 92338
 Belarus (BLR) 636323098 6471223 12403942121
 Belgium (BEL) 15727574221 80011 22727575222
 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) 62304 20000 82305
 Botswana (BOT) 31001 00000 31001
 Brazil (BRA) 1288115105308 10000 1288115105308
 Bulgaria (BUL) 857314 60000 1447314
 Cape Verde (CPV) 30011 00000 30011
 Canada (CAN) 14355299322976 11434349135 253983423711111
 Chile (CHI) 71001 40000 111001
 China (CHN)[3] 94423402511033 40000 134423402511033
 Chinese Taipei (TPE) 7561322 00000 7561324
 Colombia (COL) 9381223 00000 9381223
 Ivory Coast (CIV) 63114 00000 63115
 Croatia (CRO) 755919 40000 1155919
 Cuba (CUB) 739192886 00000 739192882
 Cyprus (CYP) 92316 00000 92316
 Czech Republic (CZE)[4] 6414147129 555515 16464652144
 Czechoslovakia (TCH)[5] 445817 535210 97101027
 Denmark (DEN) 139382105277 102136 219583108283
 Dominican Republic (DOM) 636110 00000 636110
 Egypt (EGY) 12494761143 00000 12494761157
 Estonia (EST) 748719 40011 1148820
 Ethiopia (ETH) 70101 00000 60101
 Faroe Islands (FRO) 917513 00000 917513
 Fiji (FIJ) 81001 00000 81001
 Finland (FIN) 14709394256 11764859182 25146141153440
 France (FRA) 15311320318949 11524752152 263633673601101
 Germany (GER)[6] 154874914651323 11130113102345 266176045671778
 Georgia (GEO) 21001 00000 21001
 East Germany (GDR)[7] 10314 00000 10314
 Great Britain (GBR) 156265845791789 11191727 266275935961816
 Greece (GRE) 1119383794 40000 1519383794
 Guatemala (GUA) 71012 00000 71012
 Hong Kong (HKG)[8] 12373241104 00000 11373241110
 Hungary (HUN) 10304861139 30000 12304861139
 Iceland (ISL) 1025194084 30000 1415133462
 Independent Paralympic Participants (IPP)[9] 14318 00000 14318
 India (IND) 1144412 00000 1144412
 Indonesia (INA) 10441018 00000 10441010
 Iran (IRI) 8563744137 50000 13563744137
 Iraq (IRQ) 736413 00000 736414
 Ireland (IRL) 15666694226 00000 14666694226
 Israel (ISR)[10][11] 15124124204380 00000 14124124135383
 Italy (ITA) 15153173182530 1012202961 25165193211569
 Jamaica (JAM) 1221161854 00000 1221161855
 Japan (JPN) 14106122134362 1120283280 24126150166442
 Jordan (JOR) 816411 00000 81438
 Kazakhstan (KAZ) 61102 60101 121203
 Kenya (KEN) 1118161347 00000 1018161347
 Kuwait (KUW) 1010151843 00000 1010151843
 Laos (LAO) 40011 00000 40011
 Latvia (LAT) 854611 20000 1054615
 Lebanon (LIB) 40022 00000 30022
 Libya (LBA) 50011 00000 50011
 Liechtenstein (LIE) 40000 20011 60011
 Lithuania (LTU) 76121530 10000 86121533
 Luxembourg (LUX) 71427 00000 71427
 Macedonia (MKD) 61102 00000 61102
 Malaysia (MAS) 632510 00000 632510
 Malta (MLT) 90269 00000 80268
 Mexico (MEX) 129790100287 30000 149790100287
 Moldova (MDA) 60022 00000 60022
 Mongolia (MGL) 41021 30000 71023
 Morocco (MAR) 8127827 00000 8127827
 Mozambique (MOZ) 20011 00000 20011
 Myanmar (MYA) 62327 00000 62327
 Namibia (NAM) 52338 00000 52338
 Netherlands (NED) 15264233217714 834410 23267237221672
 New Zealand (NZL) 13704652169 10156727 23855259196
 Nigeria (NGR) 735191670 00000 735191670
 Norway (NOR) 141069782277 1113510381319 25241200163604
 Pakistan (PAK) 70111 00000 70112
 Palestine (PLE) 50123 00000 40123
 Panama (PAN) 63418 00000 63418
 Papua New Guinea (PNG) 40101 00000 40101
 Peru (PER) 73148 00000 73148
 Philippines (PHI) 50011 00000 50011
 Poland (POL) 12223216187626 101162744 22234222214670
 Portugal (POR) 1025313692 00000 1025313694
 Puerto Rico (PUR) 81247 00000 81247
 Qatar (QAT) 50202 00000 50202
 Romania (ROU) 7118827 20000 8118827
 Russia (RUS)[12] 5918790268 6848861233 11175175151501
 Rwanda (RWA) 50011 00000 50011
 Saudi Arabia (KSA) 61214 00000 61214
 Serbia (SRB) 357416 20000 457416
 Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)[13] 10022 00000 10022
 Singapore (SIN) 83249 00000 83249
 Slovakia (SVK) 619192159 69171837 1228363991
 Slovenia (SLO) 948719 40000 1348719
 South Africa (RSA) 111179486297 40000 1511794867297
 South Korea (KOR) 14125104108335 70202 21125106108337
 Soviet Union (URS)[14] 121191555 10022 221191757
 Spain (ESP) 12212220229661 915161143 21227232232682
 Sri Lanka (SRI) 60022 00000 60011
 Sudan (SUD) 31001 00000 31001
 Sweden (SWE) 15235227175637 1126324199 26261259216736
 Switzerland (SUI) 15738687246 11505548153 26123141135399
 Syria (SYR) 70011 00000 60011
 Thailand (THA) 919242663 00000 919242663
 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) 43123 00000 43126
 Tunisia (TUN) 839342083 00000 839342083
 Turkey (TUR) 6661123 10000 7661123
 Uganda (UGA) 80101 20000 100101
 Ukraine (UKR) 5125115134374 520343690 10145149170464
 Unified Team (EUN)[15] 120151651 1108321 230231972
 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 739416 00000 739414
 United States (USA) 157376596582054 119710476277 268347637342331
 Uruguay (URU) 70011 00000 70011
 Uzbekistan (UZB) 4871732 10000 5871732
 Venezuela (VEN) 7151117 00000 7151116
 Vietnam (VIE) 41124 00000 41124
 Yugoslavia (YUG)[16] 618223070 40011 1018223171
 Zimbabwe (ZIM) 1223262069 00000 1223262069
Totals 15 - - - - 11 - - - - 26 - - - -

NPCs without medals

National Paralympic Committees that have not yet won a Paralympic medal.

Team (IPC code) № Summer № Winter № Games
 Afghanistan (AFG) 5 0 5
 Albania (ALB) 2 0 2
 Andorra (AND) 2 3 5
 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT) 2 0 2
 Armenia (ARM) 6 4 10
 Aruba (ARU) 1 0 1
 Bangladesh (BAN) 3 0 3
 Barbados (BAR) 5 0 5
 Benin (BEN) 5 0 5
 Bermuda (BER) 6 0 6
 Brunei (BRU) 2 0 2
 Burkina Faso (BUR) 6 0 6
 Burundi (BDI) 3 0 3
 Cambodia (CAM) 5 0 5
 Cameroon (CMR) 2 0 2
 Central African Republic (CAF) 4 0 4
 Comoros (COM) 2 0 2
 Congo (CGO) 1 0 1
 DR Congo (COD) 2 0 2
 Costa Rica (CRC) 6 0 6
 Djibouti (DJI) 7 0 7
 Ecuador (ECU) 9 0 9
 El Salvador (ESA) 5 0 5
 Gabon (GAB) 3 0 3
 The Gambia (GAM) 2 0 2
 Ghana (GHA) 4 0 4
 Guinea (GUI) 3 0 3
 Guinea-Bissau (GBS) 2 0 2
 Haiti (HAI) 3 0 3
 Honduras (HON) 6 0 6
Individual Paralympic Athletes (IPA) 1 0 1
Independent Paralympic Athletes (API) 1 0 1
 Kosovo (KOS) 0 0 0
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 6 0 6
 Lesotho (LES) 5 0 5
 Liberia (LBR) 2 0 2
 Macau (MAC) 8 0 8
 Madagascar (MAD) 4 0 4
 Malawi (MAW) 1 0 1
 Mali (MLI) 3 0 3
 Mauritania (MTN) 4 0 3
 Mauritius (MRI) 5 0 5
 Montenegro (MNE) 3 0 3
 Nepal (NEP) 4 0 4
 Nicaragua (NCA) 3 0 3
 Niger (NIG) 4 0 4
 North Korea (PRK) 2 0 2
 Oman (OMA) 8 0 8
 Samoa (SAM) 5 0 5
 San Marino (SMR) 2 0 2
 São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) 1 0 1
 Senegal (SEN) 4 0 4
 Seychelles (SEY) 2 0 2
 Sierra Leone (SLE) 3 0 3
 Solomon Islands (SOL) 2 0 2
 Somalia (SOM) 1 0 1
 South Sudan (SSD) 1 0 1
 Suriname (SUR) 4 0 4
 Tajikistan (TJK) 4 0 4
 Tanzania (TAN) 5 0 5
 Timor-Leste (TLS) 3 0 3
 Togo (TOG) 1 0 1
 Tonga (TGA) 5 0 5
 Turkmenistan (TKM) 5 0 5
 Vanuatu (VAN) 4 0 4
 Virgin Islands (ISV) 2 0 2
 Yemen (YEM) 2 0 2
 Zambia (ZAM) 5 0 5
Totals 15 10 25

See also


  2. "Results, Rankings & Records | IPC". Retrieved 2014-02-10.
  3. Does not include totals of Chinese Taipei (TPE) or Hong Kong (HKG).
  4. Totals not combined with those of Czechoslovakia (TCH) Competed 1960–1992.
  5. Competed 1960–1992. Does not include medals won by the Czech Republic (CZE) or Slovakia (SVK) (1994–current).
  6. Prior to 1990 also called West Germany (FRG). Does not include the totals from East Germany (GDR).
  7. Recognized as separate NOC from 1968–1988, first entry in 1984. Totals not combined with those of Germany (GER).
  8. Includes all medals won by athletes representing the Hong Kong National Olympic Committee, designated as  Hong Kong from 1960–1996 and  Hong Kong, China since 2000.
  9. Individual Yugoslav athletes taking part in the 1992 Summer Paralympics because Yugoslavia was under UN sanctions. Totals not combined with those of Yugoslavia (YUG).
  10. Great Britain (2012-09-09). "Summary of Paralympic Games Appearances - Israel (1960-2008)". Retrieved 2014-02-10.
  11. Great Britain (2012-09-09). "Israel's medals count". London 2012. Retrieved 2014-02-10.
  12. Competed 1994–current. Totals not combined with those of the Soviet Union (URS).
  13. Does not include medals won by athletes from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (YUG, 1996–2000).
  14. Competed 1960–1988. Does not include the totals from the Unified Team (EUN, 1992), nor the totals from pre- and post-Soviet republics (RUS, UKR, etc.).
  15. Team of several Commonwealth of Independent States nations that competed together in 1992 after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Totals not combined with those of the Soviet Union (URS).
  16. Includes medals won by athletes from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1960–1992 Winter) and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1996–2000), all of which used the name "Yugoslavia" and the country code YUG. Does not include medals won by Serbia and Montenegro (SCG, 2002–2006) or of any other ex-SFRY nation that have won medals since 1992 (CRO, SLO, BIH, MKD). Also does not include medals won by Yugoslav athletes competing as Independent Olympic Participants at the 1992 Summer Olympics (IOP).


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