October Open Thread

10/11/2020102 Comments

As this was a particularly busy week for me, there will be no subscriber newsletter this weekend. In its lieu, I’ll open up this October Open Thread (to take over from last month’s September Open Thread). Corbett Report members are free to use this thread to post information, links, questions and discussion on whatever is on your mind this month.

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  1. Jermaine says:

    I recently rewatched the video on “Gladio B Battle for Eurasia” video regarding the conflict in Naragano region between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


    “This discussion seems relevant with active conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Even ABC News reveals there are members of the FSA that are being deployed to the battlefield with the help of Turkey.”


  2. spider says:

    Prime Directive
    Now that whole countries have become outlaws, international pirates, infesting unjust economies on the people of the world, becoming parasitic on their wealth and vital energies, attempting to reshape eons of cultural learning, heading civilization toward chaos and ruin, we, the people, united and interdependent, do declare a New World Order in which life, animal, plant and mineral, is sacred and love for this life is the Prime Directive.
    spider 1975

  3. Langboch says:

    S p a g h e t t a t a
    für politisch Zartbesaitete
    in Zeiten der Corona Panik

    Es gilt die Schweigemaskenpflicht

    Zur Vermeidung der Lädierung empfindlicher Seelen
    wird empfohlen, auf politische Themen zu verzichten.

    Zuerst erheben wir uns in ehrfurchtsvoller Stille zur


    Insalata alla Corona Inventata

    Spaghetti alla Norma Neo Normale

    Pannacotta con Spira Zionista

    Zum Schluss vereinen wir uns alle zum GEBET DES


    Billy unser, der Du uns global beschützest,
    Gesponsert werde Dein Name.
    Dein Zwang komme.
    Dein Lockdown geschehe,
    Wie im Westen, so im Osten.
    Unser täglich‘ Impfstoff gib uns heute.
    Und vergib uns unsere Viren,
    Wie auch wir vergeben Deine Neurosen.
    Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
    Uns zu erlösen von Deinen Zwängen.
    Denn Dein ist das Geld und der Kredit
    Und unser Genom, in Ewigkeit!

    NB bei dieser Gelegenheit:
    Einen ganz herzlichen Gruss an die Heilige Mutter Melinda

  4. HomeRemedySupply says:

    October 11th, 2020 – Sunday
    This is what Normal looks like today in Sweden
    (25 seconds)

    (H/t Broc West’s Twitter)

  5. mkey says:

    Are You Outsourcing Your Truth? – Authentic JP

    The funny guy does it again. Will the appeal to common sense work on the senseless masses?

  6. HomeRemedySupply says:

    By now, many Corbett Report Members are likely familiar with
    The Great Barrington Declaration,
    in which many thousands of people, Doctors and Medical Professionals have signed onto with their support.

    Zero Hedge has some visuals showing how evil “Google Search” can be.

    “Big Tech Has Become A Tool Of Totalitarian Fascism” –
    Google Has ‘Memory-Holed’ The Great Barrington Declaration


    • HomeRemedySupply says:

      Del Bigtree with The Highwire gives a 9 minute video overview of
      The Great Barrington Declaration


      Three of the world’s leading infectious disease specialists from Stanford, Harvard & Oxford created “The Great Barrington Declaration,” calling for an immediate withdrawal of strict lockdown measures for healthy populations, and “Focused Protection” for our most vulnerable. As we post this segment, almost 18,000 medical practitioners and public health experts have signed the declaration in support.

      #FocusedProtection #COVID19 #GBDeclaration #GreatBarringtonDeclaration #EndLockdowns

    • scpat says:

      Great article. The points made at the end were very well said (my emphasis):

      We seem to be at a crossroads. We can either see this for the power play that it is and seek out new ways to get information and communicate and take back our data and our speech, or we can fall under this spell and become lost in this propagandistic house of mirrors. Search and social media do not have to be like this. They can be peer to peer, open source, and provide personal agency.

      Remember that you are not google’s customer, nor twitter’s. You are their product. They sell you to their customers. Did you not ask who pays the bills? But this can change and will change. The more they adulterate and censor, the more incentive there is to leave their walled gardens and find a better way. This is going to be the awkward adolescence of internet and social media. But it needs to happen. It’s time to grow up.

      It is only a matter of time before this happens on a large scale. It is the natural progression that occurs everywhere throughout nature. When a system goes to an extreme in one direction, it must balance itself out. It must heal itself. Water always seeks its own level.

    • eat my cake says:

      from your zero hedge link:
      “we don’t yet know how long immunity from COVID-19 lasts, now that confirmed cases of reinfection have been found around the globe. To be sure, those cases are few and far between, and there’s a substantial amount of anecdotal and scientific data suggesting that health care workers have developed lasting immunity.”

      The Lie is so big that journalists attempting to expose it continue to propogate it: according to reports sourcing the designer of the test,, pcr testing is not for isolating virus’s, and one can have varied results depending on how many test “generations of a sample” are done.. and so why would anybody talk about “confirmed cases” or “number of deaths” or “reinfections” or “lasting immunity”if initial diagnosis had never properly been done, at all?

      Has anyone seen a study on the illegitimacy of the test, not journalism, Ive read plenty; looking for an actual study, to look for a correlation between testing protocols and results?

      The Dr’s that have offered the best postulates to my mind, have said that most of us are carrying varying degrees of tens and thousands of types of viral matter which the body is always disposing of. this body, with its dirty city streets, eventually sanitation dept cant keep up and one or another bad tabloid (discarded info that no cell wanted) actually becomes the new plan, and voilla first came taxes and then death.

      I’m pretty past it at this point. Im in a band with a “Dr”, its afro high life family friendly music, so the vibe amoungst us in the band is also light. However When I confront him with data, sources, links to other dr’s,,et all in the best diplomatic tone and language that I can muster, its water off a ducks back,, I dont think he can absorb any of it, not different than a hypnotized person who can only react to the hypnotists orders.

      walk-in using his body (kind of possession)?
      politician pretending to doctor?
      incredibly skilled at hiding and avoiding?
      a complete gester?
      programmed with a lock on?
      an idiot?
      an idiot disguised as a nice guy?
      is he the enemy or someone to save?

      • cu.h.j says:

        I know the PCR test is very inaccurate. We use it at the hospital I work in and it gives false positives and false negatives pretty frequently. Not sure how other hospitals are getting their results, but there are lots of reports of false positives (according to the Ron Paul Liberty Report). He’s had some good info about that.

        I think a large number of people like the lockdowns, the fear, and preoccupation is like an addiction of some sort. This is my theory anyway. Then there are people who like to conform and they like to virtue signal that they are being “good” by conforming while others are “bad”. I think this may be more prevalent in Asian countries but is very noticeable now in the US especially in more “liberal” areas.

        Regarding regular MDs, their training is years and years of indoctrination. There are a few that overcome this programming and actually approach situations from the perspective of a scientist
        but many do not, especially young MDs. This is my observation anyway.

        I think it would be useful to speak with a psychologist about what techniques could be used to un-hypnotize people. It seems like a form of Stockholm syndrome or another type of maladaptive psychological coping mechanism. It’s highly disturbing and I find it difficult to interact in society the way I used to.

        • mkey says:

          Regarding the “test”

          a) it’s looking for a not well defined RNA sequence since the virus was never isolated

          b) it’s very much questionable if the sequence used for matching is sufficient to identify this exact strain and separate it from other similar strains of whatever this virus is

          c) the threshold, the iteration count is not standardized. Some will double the specimen 30, others will do it 35 while some may go for 40 times. More you multiply, more specimens will be “positive”

          d) even if we take for granted that this infection is caused by the virus they say it and even if we assume the “test” is looking for the right thing, we still have to understand that amount of virus, according to the theory, is major factor in determining whether or not someone is infected/infectious/ill

          e) now we can start talking about the false positive rates and introduce even more insecurity in the discussion

    • mkey says:

      Looks like Google has tracked back u bit, now they show a bit less tainted results.

    • Mielia says:

      The Great Barrington Declaration is False Hope, False Promise, False Opposition

      They mention vaccines but without mentioning any of the drawbacks that even people who like and use vaccines have (bad with flu/common cold, GMHumans with years ago attempted but failed thus even officially non-approved (so-called) “vaccines”; normal development time of a successful vaccine of 10+ years).
      They even say “…and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine.”

      They want even more PCR tests for nursing homes

      And I wanna share my translation of a comment by Wolfgang Wodarg of a sentence.

      „Menschen im Ruhestand, die zu Hause wohnen, sollten sich Lebensmittel und andere wichtige Dinge nach Hause liefern lassen.“
      Meine Meinung:
      Die spinnen wohl! Amazon lässt grüßen! Raus an die frische Luft und unter Leute! Bewegen Sie sich!

      “Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home.”
      Wodarg’s opinion:
      They are nuts! Amazon sends its regards! Out for fresh air and to meet people! Move yourselves!


      put it through a translator if you wanna know Wodarg’s opinion

      I’d rather recommend the video by Rainer Fuellmich which is in the first link of the latest NewWorldNextWeek 1583
      “Story #1: The German Investigation Into the Covid Scandal”


      Edit: The main signees of The Great Barrington Declaration in an interview
      apparently the woman will present something at a libertarian foundation
      but she/they don’t have libertarian positions (later half of the interview)

      • Mielia says:

        Okay I am pedaling back.
        Just listened to Sucharit Bhakdi (in German only) who announced The Great Barrington declaration to the German speaking audience
        in a follow-up interview with questions about our problems with the declaration

        He gave an important background information:
        It was made by the background organization https://www.pandata.org.za/
        which formed similar to Bhakdis organization mwgfd
        but got much bigger with more people, more high position people (Stanford, Harvard, Oxford), + lawyers + extra

        They (Bhakdi, Reiss, …?) have now a foot in the door
        and are talking about changes to the declaration (at least in German(?)), proposals for changes in general etc
        (as they are now the first continental Europeans (+ maybe he the first Asian) to join)

        So we’ll wait and see and much of the general sentiment is okay.
        If it will result in anything – remains questionable, as with everything.

        PS: And google has apparently deleted The Great Barrington declaration from the first page
        PPS: Now gonna check out a bit the panda page and https://twitter.com/pandata19

        • Mielia says:

          e.g. a good example
          they retweeted https://twitter.com/abirballan/status/1315272758016847873
          which would not be aligned with the declaration
          but would be aligned with the sentiment of Wodarg/people with general empathy+rationality (who criticized the declaration)

          At another point in time Abir Ballan said
          I will take this opportunity to launch myself as a Member of PANDA International.
          Really proud and honoured to be working with
          @PanData19 Team.

          And the libertarian foundation I mentioned at the first post via the Edit above is probably AIER which we have read about here too (includes Jeffrey Tucker)

  7. ztaco says:

    I’ve been debating on Discord lately about Anarchy and found some interesting takes from people. The main take seems to be moral-nihilism/non-cognitivism as a way to discredit anarchy. They dont believe in objective morals, so they say in a stateless society people would go crazy because there is no morals set by the state and nature itself, so people would have an excuse to do whatever they want. Obviously this is a bad take, and many of you might already know a moral-nihilist anarchist without knowing it named Tomasz Kaye (the guy who made the George Ought to Help video, Edgar the Exploiter, and more videos on the Bitbutter YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/bitbutter/featured ). Tomasz wrote a great article responding to a David Friedman review of a book on Ethical Intuitionism – https://medium.com/@mormo_music/moral-nihilism-for-libertarians-a79218546895 . This opened my eyes to a different side of anarchism. I thought you had to believe in natural law/objective morals to be an anarchist, but obviously not.

    Anyone here got any further takes on this? This threw a wrench into my belief of natural law a bit, but I still hold strong.

    • scpat says:

      I have some philosophical thoughts about this:

      Who is the “boss” of your own body? If you didn’t govern your body and command your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe, would they stop functioning? Who is the boss of the animal kingdom and the rest of nature? How do birds know when and where to migrate to each year? What guides them and other processes of nature of this kind?

      It is the common understanding in the Western world that humans are separate from nature, that we control ourselves entirely. But is that really true? Is there not a deeper, unknowable, indescribable intelligence that governs the world naturally?

      I think that it is our very attempts to control our emotions, to control our thoughts, and to constantly attempt to control the muscular movements of our facial expressions and the rest of our body that explains why society attempts to govern itself. It is the mindset that we must order everything and control life which is why governments and “authority” developed and why it still reigns.

      • HomeRemedySupply says:

        There is some very profound observational insight there.
        Thanks scpat.

      • eat my cake says:

        people one on one can connect, lotsa dots murmuring life along. But people in a group, function (at least cognitively) on a much simpler level (try to have a meaningful conversation with a parade-of,, there fore I imagine bosses and controllers are there to guide mob mind. Didn’t the current spate of governing mobs arise out of monarchys gone stale a few hundred years ago,, (sort-of)? pretty sure the current “government” carry-on came in the last blink of an eye.

        I agree wholeheartedly about the arrogance of humanism; people and nuclear power plants and fake pandemics is all part of nature. The thought that “I am separate from nature” is a fear based fantasy, smug nonsense. Are there natural laws that she governs by? you betcha. Those I’ve met who are closest to that knowledge tend to be indigenous.

        As to why we seek to control each other. That may be explained by watching why and how parents need to control infants, toddlers, kids, adolescents,, and then,, watch for it,, comes the teens controlling the parents as we play kidocracy, and here come the young adults, freshly uninitiated yet old enough to make more kids, who they have even less of an idea how to raise because they weren’t shown examples of how and why we need and are respect.

        that lack has led us to be pyramid bricks mortared with deception

        In a natural law sense, our species has traipsed way out on a sick limb., The eugenicists are planning to amputate, but thats just another violation of natural law.

        Id guess that a modern morality will give everyone rights to access a healthy environment and food/shelter + sovereign custodianship of some thing or place, but will also need a unifying task, such as “heres how Im gonna contribute to the health or truth or beauty or happiness of my community or of all”. The chiefs can be the ones who want it the least. The tech could be less driven by materials that are toxic to produce and more about our finer capacity of abstracting. when I think of the bad controllers of our times, its exciting, knowing that It will get much much better, because i cant imagine worse than we’ve had and have

        you guys are onto book scale topics.

    • mkey says:

      To state that the state states and sets the moral beacon is beyond absurd, it’s an insult to one’s innate intelligence and an affront to common sense. We already do have a lot of people who do whatever they want while they don’t appear to have a conscience nor do they appear to care about miserable results of their deplorable actions. The worst part is that these people are concentrated at the top and they appear to have authority in the eyes of the subdued, mind controlled masses.

      ztaco, I’d posit that one can not be a proper human being without adhering to natural laws and realizing that there is one objective truth and that morals are absolute, instead of whatever one wants make them to be. This is exactly why and how we find ourselves in this predicament, surrounded by people who don’t live up to a fraction of their potential.

      The natural law is immutable and can not be broken without consequence. There may be a certain delay between the moment when the law is broken and the moment the universe aligns to exact the punishment; that’s why the connection between the transgression and the consequence may become less evident.

      The natural law does not require belief, ignore it at your own peril. To ignore the natural law means to live in a world of chaos, pain, misery; in other words, hell.

      The simple fact of the matter is that much of our lives are conducted in an anarchist fashion, without control from without. When you are home alone or among family, when you roam the woods, when you drive around, when you lie in the bed and gather your thoughts as you wonder off into the dream land.

      The only solution is to not become but realize that we are sovereign human beings. We stepped into this world as free creatures, not slaves. We can only and must control our kingdom from within through discipline and committal to self improvement at the cost of internal sacrifice.

  8. Fawlty Towers says:

    I used to be a fan of the CBC, I’m almost ashamed to admit it now.
    Then I finally saw the light after they started to censor my posts in the comment section of their online site.

    Like all the rest of the MSM they have been pimping Covid 24/7 since March this year.

    Today they will be aggressively trying to shame Covid conspiracy theorists on their radio call-in show ‘Cross Country Checkup’.

    Here’s the billing for today:

    How do you correct people who are misinformed about COVID-19

    Host Ian Hanomansing will take your calls: 1-888-416-8333

    Misinformation about COVID-19 has been spreading online for months. How do you approach those who doubt the illness’s seriousness?

    Pseudoscience. Conspiracy theories. Misinformation. Let alone the “avalanche of information” coming from government and health experts in the lead up to Thanksgiving.

    There’s a lot of confusion out there. Some have called it a “hoax”, and others have downplayed the serious effects COVID-19 can have.

    When questionable information about the novel coronavirus flows from family, friends, or co-workers, is it time for flight — or fight — for you?

    Our question: How do you correct people who are misinformed about COVID-19?”

    Show starts at 4:00 pm Eastern, but beware if you are trying to call in.
    They pre-screen callers! That’s right. They thoroughly question you to get a feel for your positions on the subject at hand.
    First they take your name and number. Then comes the third degree.
    If they don’t like the vibes from the conversation you won’t get a call-back.

    So if you want to try to put them in their place, I suggest you play their game, and say what they want to hear during the screening, and then tell them how you really feel, if they call you back for the show.

    • Fawlty Towers says:

      I couldn’t get through the phone lines, but my goodness, they still
      quoted me!

      It happens around the 2:00 minute mark.


      The first thing I was going to say, had they picked up my call was:

      “The question should be ‘How do you correct people who are Flooding the Zone, trying to push a nefarious agenda, like the CBC?’ ”

    • mkey says:

      It would probably be a good idea to let one of the familiar normies handle the screening process. I’m not sure I could fake what it takes to get in line with the program.

      • Fawlty Towers says:

        I only listened to around the first half hour of the show before tuning out.

        To my surprise they actually let at least a couple of ‘conspiracy theorists’ on the show!

        The first one was a ‘controlled guest’. They had interviewed her earlier in the week and simply broadcast that interview. Talk about cheating! She is the leader of an anti-face mask group in Saskatoon.

        Kudos to the second one though that got through!
        She employed the stealth mode strategy that I had suggested.
        She obviously fed the call screener a pro-normie Covid stance,
        because when she started talking live, she was guarded in what she said for a few seconds.

        Then she began to gradually plunge the knife into host Ian Hanomansing. You could tell the more she said the more and more uncomfortable he became. He was squirming, totally at loss to counter what she was saying. I loved it! 🙂

    • mkey says:

      Here’s a more convenient URL to this episode, can be downloaded as well and played without limitations from their backwards player.


      I do plan to listen to this at least partially at 200% speed, but my backlog is insane.

  9. miro.s says:

    Many of CR members are, I guess, allready quite familiar with this site, but some new ones might be interested. This is still a very good source of ebooks and some other publications: gen.lib.rus.ec

  10. catmad says:

    I have a question.

    I now wake up feeling a mood I can’t describe. What is this mood that I have never experienced before and don’t know what to call it?

    I am Australian and everyday I wake up to the most insane “news” about harder lockdowns for no medical reason, no international travel until 2022 or a vaccine, no vaccine expected, borders shut until after the election because that is when it will be safe, kids dancing back to back wearing masks for their formal, and quarantine for brain surgery people but not for footballers.

    It is not anxiety, depression, shock, anger, or anything else like that. I have BiPolar that is stable but this new unknown mood is way more concerning than a manic episode.

    This is a serious question. Is there a mood that we don’t know because we have never had to experience it in our generation?

    • eat my cake says:

      gday mate,
      I reckon if enough people feel a certain way then it can/will spread. We can transmit and receive: like when a crowd cheers or rises for an ovation,, the stadium wave,, but this time its “cognitive dissonance”. lotsa are living the contradictory tyranny being foisted. But this time its not just on the original bloodlines for racist reasons, now its related to anyone’s number in the economy and or a willingness to obey. The eugenicists have upped their game, it appears that they’re going for their biggest cull yet.

      I understand “cognitive dissonance” to mean: trying to have faith/believe-in or even act on contradictory thoughts. the “dissonance” is like a short circuit, If you’re an arcwelder perhaps the short can be controlled, thats next level transmutting stuff. But for most of us,, it is clashing of intents, non flowing clanger in the brain, dissonant drumming (with some playing on and some off-pulse) can make one sick; dissonant thoughts are the same, they can make one disturbed upset hair-trigger aggressive edgy, straight up mad bro.

      suggested remedy for your personal peace of mind is to decide. The mind that hasnt decided is like a skipping record/cd, with the same thought occurring over and over, without flow the mind is disturbed; so decide.

      It helps to accurately Name the question; figure out what you believe. try to base it on as much first hand experience and demonstrable evidence as possible. Draw your line in the sand. and let the rest of the idiots have their circus.

      (one time)

      • catmad says:

        I looked into cognitive dissonance and this is my understanding.
        “Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs when a person simultaneously holds two cognitions, thoughts or beliefs that are psychologically inconsistent with a person’s behavior”

        I think that is what others experience as I grew up with the NWO and surrounding topics being an everyday conversation piece since I could walk.

        I do agree 100% that no matter what it is called you must draw that line in the sand and pick a direction… I think the idea of self-sufficiency, closer communities, and looking after the cancelled members of society is my direction.

        Thanks for your suggestion 🙂

    • Duck says:

      I suspect its a kind of shock, a disbelieving fear as you sit in relative comfort and watch the water washing slowly over the deck of the Titanic.
      Less news and more exercise or positive action of any kind is the only thing that alleviates my negativity

      • catmad says:

        Do you watch Jason Bermas?
        I slid into disbelievment when he started to report on the NY lockdowns. I had already stocked up on basics mid January so wasn’t fearful but prepared.

        Agree that less news and more exercise definitely helps.

    • lizzie says:

      Catnap. Thanks for your comment and bringing up that unknown feeling. I feel the thing too, trying to explain it though is another matter, dim, hazy, surreal or even the mubble fubbles doesn’t quite sum it up.
      After hearing James talk with Freeman Behind The Wall, I checked out his earlier podcast here
      -We’ve entered the dim age –

      They are talking about how we are grieving from the death of our old lives, so what you are feeling could be part of that.
      Is the feeling bearable for you?? I think it is a good idea to try and vaguely name it, even if we called it John or something so there is some sort of acknowledgment about what is lurking in our brain.

      • catmad says:

        Thanks, have downloaded that podcast and will listen today.

        Is the feeling bearable? Some days I feel like it is almost unbearable… but only some days… like when I hear we can’t travel for 2 years and my son might not get home to see his dad who has huntington’s disease before it is too late.

        But most days I’m fine! I guess it depends on the news of the day!

        I’m glad but sad to hear you also feel the “thing” because not being alone makes it easier to process!

        • lizzie says:

          Some days indeed. Could that be the name of the thing… the thing???!!!
          I would often send love as a meditation technique but I can’t do it at the moment. It’s like there is a love defender barrier up everywhere.
          I think all those joyous things that aren’t happening are affecting the whole world flow. Like the after a yoga class feeling, people praying together, hugs, people massaging each other and all that other good vibe stuff.
          So let’s shake off this thing and turn up the fun dial!!! Whaddya say ???

        • debra.b says:

          Hi catmad,
          I have many days when I feel it’s unbearable. And, I think that’s perfectly natural. I agree with Lizzie about grieving a loss and about the love barrier. Feelings of warmth and natural instincts are being repressed by so many people on many levels. It appears to me that people are developing mental health issues on a massive scale due to the trauma everyone is experiencing. Having dealt with mental health issues of my own for several years seems to have allowed for me to recognize signs of it in others. It’s a very unsettling feeling. It’s like I can feel the magnitude of that and I think that’s what creates this unbearable feeling. The ground feels very shaky. However, I do my best to come back to balance. I keep breathing as best I can. I remind myself that feelings go up and then they come down. I do my best to allow for that. Trying to block feelings in my experience just makes it worse. Makes me almost hyper focused on that one feeling while ignoring others that may be lying in wait. If that makes sense.

          It’s good to keep informed. But, it’s also good to unplug from it all. Enjoy whatever you can in your own life. I know it’s all easier said than done. This community is a tremendous help, makes me feel less alone and so much knowledge in one place. 🙂

    • Octium says:

      One possibility is the Casandra complex. You might think that you would gain some satisfaction from telling everybody “I told you so!” But when the time comes the feeling can be quite the opposite. Seeing the future can be a curse.

    • janet says:

      It’s Gaslighting. Watch the movie and the dime will drop on how you are feeling.

    • Alchemist says:

      I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be in your situation. What’s happening there is wrong on every level.

      I’ve felt some strange foreign feeling here in California as well and think it has to do with the draining of our collective energy. We are all victims of this crime. I’m doing my best to keep my vibrations up and find ways to feel joy through the madness. Sending good vibes your way!

      • catmad says:

        Thanks for the positive vibes. This is definitely a global thing and that draining of the collective energy sounds about right.

        Maybe it is the fact it is a crime against humanity that not one person on the globe can escape from!

        Wrong on every level is so true.

        I was blessed to be in a very good position in life when this all started to unfold so when I finish building my house I want to create a community of local like minded people that can support eachother as we get thrust into a social credit system and one by one we are debanked, deplatformed, shunned , and isolated!

    • mkey says:

      I’d say what you are experiencing there is war weariness because, for all intents and purposes, this is war. The enemy is all around you and top play in the playbook is confusion.

  11. Big-_-Brother says:

    I just want to know the Anarchy and Agorism solution to policing. Yes i agree the militarization of police is bad and should be stopped. But there should be some form of high authority that should enforce the laws. We as human beings are not perfect and can be sinful. I dont think to eliminate the police and having no legal authority in my eyes is just flawd. By having no accountabity to wrong doings is evil and its an easy recipe for disaster. This is one of the reasons i cant agree with SOME not all of the soultions that James has. I like the libertarians soultion like Polycentric law.
    **Read more here—–> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycentric_law **

  12. Big-_-Brother says:

    Does james ever talk about QAnon i never hear him talk about it before(im a new member). if he did please be kind enough to list and articles or videos if you can. 🙂

    • mkey says:

      James reference Qanon once and it was in a disparaging fashion, it’s really the only time he lost his cool as far as I can remember. I do not not have a link for you, it was more than a year ago in one of the podcasts, James was ticked off by some emails he got from the audience.

      The general sentiment on this site (according to me) in regards to Qanon is that it’s a psyop that aims to coral people who have started seeing through the bullshit into a special ward where people who they would like to put back to sleep are kept.

    • cu.h.j says:

      I was sent a QAnon video by a friend and it seemed to suggest JFK Jr. was still alive. I just didn’t believe it. However, they have other good info, probably a lot of factual info. So could it be a mix of truth and lies so that the truth gets overlooked as lies?

      I think it could be a Psyop or infiltrated by the CIA. I don’t think there’s any proof either way. Try to follow the facts and use good information for positive changes.

      “Limited Hangouts” can provide useful information, but it’s good to see it for what it is also.

      • Duck says:

        Qanon tells people to wait for a human savior and do nothing much in the mean time but to trust the plan….like Trump himself it appears to be a way to run out the clock on peoples ability to act in their own interests

  13. eat my cake says:

    here’s a normie fence sitter reference:
    ,,,3 eloquent U.S. lawyers describing the current lawlessness. if this is too long, it can at least be saved and shared as a reference.

    Panel: “The Coronavirus and the Constitution”
    Chairman: Ronald J. Pestritto
    Hillsdale College


    first comment:Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

  14. bta says:

    Read the military plan.

    New chart reveals military’s vast involvement in Operation Warp Speed


  15. adam83 says:

    Has anyone seen anything on the “shooting” in Denver today(10/11/2020)? It seemed like a false flag to shift attention away from the Declassification or more “divide and conquer” tactics

  16. james.w says:

    According to Dr. Paul Offit, people will need to continue wearing masks and social distancing for “the next couple of years” even after a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available
    A viral video shows the violent arrest of an Ohio mom at a local football game, ostensibly for not wearing her mask in the stands. The problem with arresting people for not complying with mask rules is that there’s no evidence to support the idea that masks prevent the spread of the virus
    Face shields, recommended as an added layer to protect the mucous membranes of your eyes, are useless for the prevention of viral spread, especially if used alone in lieu of a mask. Masks with exhalation ports are also useless as they do not filter the outbreath
    Flow visualization research shows that while face shields block the initial forward motion of the jet, expelled droplets move around the visor and spread out over a large area. Visualizations for face masks equipped with an exhalation port show droplets pass through the exhale valve unfiltered
    September 18, 2020, the CDC posted updated COVID-19 guidance that, for the first time, mentioned aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, saying “this is thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” It also noted that aerosolized viruses can travel farther than 6 feet. The CDC deleted these sections September 21, claiming they were posted in error. Aerosolized spread confirms the futility of mask rules

  17. Ethan Hunter says:

    Why the episode “Meet Paul Ehrlich – Pseudoscience Charlatan” is my favorite Corbett Report:

    This episode encapsulates the intellectual sickness that has infected our society and has reached a fever pitch in 2020 – the Malthusian, depletionist mindset that views human beings as a cancer on the Earth.

    Paul Ehrlich is of the same mindset as the Technocrats that are causing so much misery today – the control freaks that view the majority of humanity as cannon-fodder and like locusts that only consume resources.

    I think of the “chicken-little” pronouncements that happened earlier this year where millions were predicted to die from Covid-19 from the likes of Imperial College’s Niel Ferguson or the doomporn of NIH’s Anthony Fauci – and turned out to be so blatantly and mind-numbingly wrong in their predictions but accomplished the fear-mongering to foster the control that has been planned and in the works since “Lockstep” that was planned by the Rockefeller Foundation a decade ago.

    The episode proposes a “solution” that is more of a revolution of the mind than a tangible solution of a more banal nature. That is the importance of human ingenuity. I adore the highlighting of Julian Simon’s optimistic appraisal of the “ultimate resource” of human invention and ingenuity.

    I wonder…if we cultivate this trait in ourselves and in our loved ones – would this create a “ripple-effect” that outpaces the control freak’s plans of total control? Can ingenuity outpace uncreative, unimaginative, and heartless control freaks that continuously try to dominate us?

    In conclusion, I believe this episode gets to the heart of the matter of our current dilemma – the need to revolutionize our appraisal of the resources of our planet and our Universe beyond.

    • ztaco says:

      The economist David Friedman talks a decent amount about the old overpopulation scare. He said they acted like it was the end of the world and enacted tons of policies to fight it, but in the end it was a mess of statistical nonsense. He then relates that to the current climate scare and how we’re repeating the same events as overpopulation. It’s very cool hearing this from a very high IQ economist and it only further adds to the nonsense we’re being told every day.

  18. HomeRemedySupply says:

    Published during the Covid lockdown in April 2020

    “OUT OF SHADOWS” – Official Documentary
    (One hour 18 minutes)

    The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

    This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.

    Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

    This documentary was first recommended at 911Blogger.com

    That entry also refers to the FAMOUS CATALOGUE OF RESEARCH by “Shoestring” entitled
    Hollywood and 9/11:
    The Movies and TV Dramas Resembling the Terrorist Attacks That Were Being Produced in September 2001

    (Be sure to check the comments for additions & comments to this work.)

    • cu.h.j says:

      Wow that’s very disturbing. It’s incredible to me that so many psychopaths could concentrate in government and Hollywood and also that people would trade their “soul” for power and success.

      Good video but made me sick to my stomach.

      • cu.h.j says:

        I think the satanic rituals and other dark occult practices can be noted in Skull and Bones. These “elites” are a bunch of devil-worshiping monsters.

        I do believe in “magic” and “healing” though. I had a dramatic recovery twice in my life and I believe that there are good forces at play. Perhaps that goodness can be channeled to oppose the evil.

        I’m not “religious” but am not an atheist either. There is so much that we don’t see and don’t know and I can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God (s).

        But the evil that these monsters are tapping into is real and it must be opposed.

        • Duck says:

          “..I’m not “religious” but am not an atheist either…”
          Atheism is just the stepping stone that society needs before it will accept the New Age Religion…. that project goes back a long time (I suspect that Spiritism was an early attempt to main stream it)
          Constance Cumbey did good work describing the process, she is an Evangelical Christian but her description of the movement is pretty good even if her world view is not your own.
          As to Elite satanism I suspect its like your average Church of 20 or 30 years ago…. you have your 10% hardcore believers your 30 or 40 % who KINDA believe and the others think its a great place to network, do deals and make friends and who “just love the ‘music’ “

        • eat my cake says:

          “But the evil that these monsters are tapping into is real and it must be opposed.”

          I bet its not “real”. Though I dont suggest that people dont suffer, its just that, as you say “there’s much unseen and unknown”. and most folks treat that fact with respect. some try it by sitting in a church once a week. The atheists may just be the “doubting Thomas’s”, who refused to believe that the master had returned from the dead until he could put his hand in the wound,,, the story goes that he did get his chance and the master (lord sananda) honored his unwillingness to just believe what someone had said.

          being mad at the perpetrators of the daily bad news has its uses, but can also feed them. I try to measure my madness.

          religion, I was taught, comes from the greek “relihios” which is to merge with the planetary mind and its intent. thats a whole lot different than wearing or not wearing this or that hat. If anyone pulls off even close to that kind of awareness, they should feel blessed or lucky-as. An indigenous person might open and confess that “at least i’ve got my connection to the mother”, and they wont be talking about some concept they were told around the fire. they will be spilling that they had an actual experience, epiphany, that will affirm respect in natural law for life.

          otherwise, “organised religions” are just co-opted or stolen law. certain beings, in history, have understood or been given a high degree of natural law. This attracts students, then followers, then mobsters who co-opt the whole gig and flip the law (fear is the bait to lure/entrain mind into a dualistic entrapment, good vs evil), so they can essentially steal the faith of many to feed their own agendas. Yup, evil, but can be blown like so much dust off ones shoulder: it has no power here, because it is not real. but, When we give faith, we do feed a potentiated force to whatever the object.

          I see the corruption that we call “culture”, (especially these days) as an energetic feeding frenzy. fasting helps. I try to avoid feeding the obstacle with too much anger ,,,or denial.

  19. lizzie says:

    I watch Jim Lee from time to time. He does some great work weather warfare etc…on his website
    Just watched his latest video where he says he is having surgery on his throat, so to support him and wish him well you can find his links through this video


    • Mielia says:

      totally agree to that his work has been outstanding over the past years!
      these days iceagefarmer may be the most important channel on the topic of planting seeds, starting gardening which is adjacent to the whole climate and geo-engineering or climate intervention or what they call it now topic

  20. 8Gc58 says:

    TLDR: The Phase II virus lives a lot longer on common surfaces.


    Published:April 02, 2020

    Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions

    We further investigated the stability of this virus on different surfaces. Briefly, a 5 μL droplet of virus culture (∼7·8 log unit of TCID50 per mL) was pipetted on a surface (appendix p 1; ∼cm2 per piece) and left at room temperature (22°C) with a relative humidity of around 65%. The inoculated objects retrieved at desired time-points were immediately soaked with 200 μL of virus transport medium for 30 mins to elute the virus. Therefore, this recovery of virus does not necessarily reflect the potential to pick up the virus from casual contact. No infectious virus could be recovered from printing and tissue papers after a 3-hour incubation, whereas no infectious virus could be detected from treated wood and cloth on day 2. By contrast, SARS-CoV-2 was more stable on smooth surfaces. No infectious virus could be detected from treated smooth surfaces on day 4 (glass and banknote) or day 7 (stainless steel and plastic). Strikingly, a detectable level of infectious virus could still be present on the outer layer of a surgical mask on day 7 (∼0·1% of the original inoculum). Interestingly, a biphasic decay of infectious SARS-CoV-2 could be found in samples recovered from these smooth surfaces (appendix pp 2–7). 39 representative non-infectious samples tested positive by RT-PCR3
    (data not shown), showing that non-infectious viruses could still be recovered by the eluents.

    We also tested the virucidal effects of disinfectants by adding 15 μL of SARS-CoV-2 culture (∼7·8 log unit of TCID50 per mL) to 135 μL of various disinfectants at working concentration (appendix p 1). With the exception of a 5-min incubation with hand soap, no infectious virus could be detected after a 5-min incubation at room temperature (22°C). Additionally, we also found that SARS-CoV-2 is extremely stable in a wide range of pH values at room temperature (pH 3–10; appendix p 1). Overall, SARS-CoV-2 can be highly stable in a favourable environment,4
    but it is also susceptible to standard disinfection methods.



    Published: 07 October 2020

    The effect of temperature on persistence of SARS-CoV-2 on common surfaces

    Survival rates of SARS-CoV-2 were determined at different temperatures and D-values, Z-values and half-life were calculated. We obtained half lives of between 1.7 and 2.7 days at 20 °C, reducing to a few hours when temperature was elevated to 40 °C. With initial viral loads broadly equivalent to the highest titres excreted by infectious patients, viable virus was isolated for up to 28 days at 20 °C from common surfaces such as glass, stainless steel and both paper and polymer banknotes. Conversely, infectious virus survived less than 24 h at 40 °C on some surfaces.


  21. Duck says:

    “revolt of the Elites” audio book… (by the guy who wrote ‘culture of narcissism’ which was almost a perfect description of the kind of society we live in today) . 7 hours and worth every second of it…. describes how and why society is atomizing AND stratifying at the same time and the rise of the sub-elite class that considers themselves almost tourists in their own culture and regard the mass of fellow citizens as half civilized bigoted buffoons… Published in the mid 90’s

  22. keithk says:

    BitCHute cell phone app- BitSlide has a new update, better than ever!!!


  23. debra.b says:

    Whitney Webb on Last American Vagabond

    “ Expose Warp Speed – CIA-Linked Contractors Used To Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret” (32:20 min)


  24. scpat says:

    Nature just published an article purporting the effectiveness of masks. It would appear they are laying all their best evidence on the line. Given that we know Nature is a tool for social control (at least since this pandemic), it might be worth a read. I have selected what I thought were the main passages.

    Face masks: what the data say – Nature, October 6, 2020
    The science supports that face coverings are saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic, and yet the debate trundles on. How much evidence is enough?


    To be clear, the science supports using masks, with recent studies suggesting that they could save lives in different ways: research shows that they cut down the chances of both transmitting and catching the coronavirus, and some studies hint that masks might reduce the severity of infection if people do contract the disease.

    …Should members of the public bother wearing basic surgical masks or cloth masks? If so, under what conditions? “Those are the things we normally [sort out] in clinical trials,” says Kate Grabowski, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. “But we just didn’t have time for that.”

    So, scientists have relied on observational and laboratory studies. There is also indirect evidence from other infectious diseases. “If you look at any one paper — it’s not a slam dunk. But, taken all together, I’m convinced that they are working,” says Grabowski.

    …Other hints of effectiveness [of masks] emerged from mass gatherings. At Black Lives Matter protests in US cities, most attendees wore masks. The events did not seem to trigger spikes in infections, yet the virus ran rampant in late June at a Georgia summer camp, where children who attended were not required to wear face coverings.

    • scpat says:


      …More-rigorous analyses added direct evidence. A preprint study posted in early August (and not yet peer reviewed), found that weekly increases in per-capita mortality were four times lower in places where masks were the norm or recommended by the government, compared with other regions. Researchers looked at 200 countries, including Mongolia, which adopted mask use in January and, as of May, had recorded no deaths related to COVID-19. Another study looked at the effects of US state-government mandates for mask use in April and May. Researchers estimated that those reduced the growth of COVID-19 cases by up to 2 percentage points per day. They cautiously suggest that mandates might have averted as many as 450,000 cases, after controlling for other mitigation measures, such as physical distancing.

      “You don’t have to do much math to say this is obviously a good idea,” says Jeremy Howard, a research scientist at the University of San Francisco in California, who is part of a team that reviewed the evidence for wearing face masks in a preprint article that has been widely circulated.

      Many believe that asymptomatic transmission is driving much of the COVID-19 pandemic, which would suggest that viruses aren’t typically riding out on coughs or sneezes. By this reasoning, aerosols could prove to be the most important transmission vehicle. So, it is worth looking at which masks can stop aerosols.

      In a review of observational studies, an international research team estimates that surgical and comparable cloth masks are 67% effective in protecting the wearer.

      Perhaps fortunately, some evidence12 suggests that donning a face mask might drive the wearer and those around them to adhere better to other measures, such as social distancing. The masks remind them of shared responsibility, perhaps. But that requires that people wear them.

      Denmark was one of the last nations to mandate face masks — requiring their use on public transport from 22 August. It has maintained generally good control of the virus through early stay-at-home orders, testing and contact tracing.


    • mkey says:

      This is a wild goose chase.

  25. generalbottlewasher says:

    It could be falling from the patented aerosol delivery system designed by Ken Caldera. I heard he and psycho cohort David Keith are working for Bill and Malinda Gates. Also heard Gates is funding the John Brennen favorite weapon of choice Stratispheric Aerosol Injection program. For what? Covert 19.
    Erh…I mean Sars2.
    Can it be proven at the civilian level? A cloudy morning last Friday appeared out of thin predawn air, a light mist covered everything. Smell ? yes like burnt aluminum. Burned away by 1:00pm. A stationary high pressure ridge has been in place 2 weeks with little or no clouds visible. Thursday day before, the sky was white no clouds just chemtrails here and there.
    Today the blue has returned and the illnesses and hospital deaths spiked over the weekend. The commie mayor calling for lockdowns and mask ordinances. Maybe he really wants us to be protected from the Caldera mist, stay inside and wear protection for breathing but can’t say why. Go figure. Some of these psychos may even have a heart.?

    Everyone is contributing such great work. Thanks James for allowing the nut to offer up shells of insights. Humbled.

  26. 8Gc58 says:

    Papua New Guinea to fit ankle monitors to arrivals in Covid quarantine

    Papua New Guinea will fit all foreign workers coming into the country with an electronic ankle monitor for the duration of their Covid-19 quarantine, the government’s pandemic controller has said.


  27. 8Gc58 says:

    First Covid-19 reinfection in US confirmed by researchers

    A 25-year-old man with no known immune disorders or underlying conditions was infected with Covid-19 on two separate occasions.


    • cu.h.j says:

      One case and they haven’t thoroughly detailed what they found, what testing methods they used, etc. I’m glad that you are posting this. It’s good to listen to “the enemy”.

      One case of possible reinfection with a different strain. But did he die? If not, who cares. Let us get on with our lives. I’m so sick of this “biosecurity” paranoia. At least it allows me to weed out the morons and people I want nothing to do with.

      They are part of this, they like the fear and paranoia and masks. It allows them to live out the “zombie apocalypse,” what has been pushed into the public consciousness with all the predictive programming movies.

      Thanks for posting.

      • 8Gc58 says:

        You’re welcome. It is interesting to see what is happening in the lame stream media. They are often sparse with details, making it difficult to check what really did happen.

        For sure, this new era is sickening. Will enough people wake up in time? Will there become two very distinct separate groups of citizens; “maskers” vs “freedom fighters”? What will happen if/when “they” will start force vaccinating the population?

  28. 8Gc58 says:

    It’s not a Hollywood movie script, it is the main stream news. Ah, right, that is more or less the same thing.

    Machine translation below.


    A new variant of coronavirus has been discovered in the “corona bus”

    Stavanger (NRK): The National Institute of Public Health has uncovered a new mutated variant of the coronavirus in the «corona bus». No one became critically or life-threateningly ill when the bus full of pensioners was infected.

    The National Institute of Public Health have now revealed that the coronavirus that the passengers on the tourist bus were infected with is a mutated version of the original coronavirus we have in Norway.

    – (evil google) https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrk.no%2Frogaland%2Fen-ny-type-koronavirus-er-oppdaget-i-_koronabussen_-1.15196939

  29. 8Gc58 says:

    The new norm: Green lane citizens, sponsored by a company or government agency, from selected countries, where travellers don’t need to be quarantined.


    As part of Singapore’s plans to revive its aviation sector, now that COVID-19 cases have been steadily falling, the Government has been setting up “green lane” arrangements and travel bubbles with certain countries and territories.

    Singapore’s first travel agreement was a “fast lane” arrangement with China which started on Jun 8.

    It allows for official or business travel between Singapore and six provinces and municipalities in China – Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

    Travellers must be sponsored by a company or government agency.

    For Singapore residents, the relevant company or agency will file an application with the authorities in the province or municipality they intend to travel to.

    Once approved, they can then apply for a visa from the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, as well as submit a health declaration to the Chinese authorities.

    For China residents travelling to Singapore via the fast lane, the company or government agency sponsoring their trip in Singapore will file an application for a SafeTravel Pass, and receive an approval letter once they are given the go-ahead.



    In Singapore. Travellers can apply for a safe travel pass (https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/), where there are some conditions (example: https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/australia/atp/conditions), like:

    An Air Travel Pass holder must:
    – undergo a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test at the airport
    – download the TraceTogether app on his/her mobile device

    And: “Given the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the relevant authorities in Singapore may, at their own discretion, introduce new measures or requirements to safeguard public health, which may include variation of the conditions or cancellation of the Air Travel Pass at short notice.”

    New measures. Like “take the vaccine”? Hmm…

  30. scpat says:

    Bill Gates best job interview answers and COVID-19 update | State of Inspiration w/ Stephen Curry


    Gates (machine transcript):
    “…you know our ability to connect up with each other is driven by that but it also has meant that a lot of very surprisingly interesting conspiracy theories that are false sadly they spread a lot faster than the truth you know so the idea that did somebody intentionally cause this thing completely false even in some cases accusing me of having some connection that can be dangerous because it means you know your willingness to believe is the vaccine something i should take should i wear masks you know if you go for these simple but wrong theories getting people to work together and protect each other so we can get out of this as soon as possible that’s really at risk you raise the question of how should the government deal with that it’s very difficult ideally citizens are just well informed and they know which publications are very careful about what they say and we don’t have to engage in censorship but so much of the almost crazy false information is out there that looking at the companies like facebook and saying okay what is their role in that you know when somebody says masks don’t work which is wrong or they say just take hydroxychloroquine and you’ll be totally safe what is their responsibility for catching those things particularly when they get out to large numbers that is being debated.”

    Overall, it seems likely that Bill Gates is being given softball interviews with popular, likable, sports stars such as Steph Curry in order to rebuild his crumbling public image.

    To summarize what Gates said: If people don’t believe the mainstream sources of information we want people to believe, and they search for alternative information, then we can’t allow that and have to censor them because they don’t know what’s best for them. Only we enlightened beings on high know what’s best for you.

    • 8Gc58 says:

      Thanks a lot, scpat! Nice share.

      Interesting quote:
      “ideally citizens are just well informed and they know which publications… are very careful about what they say and we don’t have to engage in censorship”

      So, if people are “well informed”, meaning, reading and citing only the officially selected publications, then all is good. However, if people are “not well informed”, meaning also reading independent news sources, then censorship is needed.


      What tool did you use for the machine transcript?

      • scpat says:

        It was just taken from YouTube’s transcript.

        But yes, exactly. Crazy quote. I guess it isn’t too surprising he would say something like this, but it is amazing that something like this is being said in the United States, where for so long it has prided itself on freedom of speech. And here you have Bill Gates saying publicly that it’s necessary to censor people if they don’t share the “right” type of information. Amazing.

      • scpat says:

        Something else I just thought about is that the Russia-Gate event and fake news narrative that stemmed from that really gave momentum to big-tech censorship of information deemed to be Russian propaganda. They were almost obliged by the government to censor “fake news.”

        I think that narrative/idea cracked the door for big tech/government censorship generally from that point on until the present day and foreseeably into the future. To the general public, it might seem less surprising and more acceptable now that all this information is getting censored because of course fake news has to be censored, we can’t let outside forces influence the truth.

    • mkey says:

      Wait, we have a basketball player and an IT snake oil salesman discussing public policy? This is one of those hard core warp speed Picard moments, isn’t it?

  31. 8Gc58 says:

    Engineers print wearable sensors directly on skin without heat

    Wearable sensors are evolving from watches and electrodes to bendable devices that provide far more precise biometric measurements and comfort for users. Now, an international team of researchers has taken the evolution one step further by printing sensors directly on human skin without the use of heat.


    “It could be recycled, since removal doesn’t damage the device,” Cheng said. “And, importantly, removal doesn’t damage the skin, either. That’s especially important for people with sensitive skin, like the elderly and babies. The device can be useful without being an extra burden to the person using it or to the environment.”

    Next, the researchers plan to alter the technology to target specific applications as needed, such as a precise on-body sensor network placed to monitor the particular symptoms associated with COVID-19.

    Src: https://techxplore.com/news/2020-10-wearable-sensors-skin.html

  32. HomeRemedySupply says:

    In case you missed it…

    MAINSTREAM MEDIA talks dirt about “THE GREAT RESET” and Davos
    This week, Sky News Australia contributor and former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi, tore open the debate on COVID after calling out a globalist agenda which few in mainstream media have dared to mention so far.

    Bernardi believes that the COVID-19 pandemic hysteria is being used as the Trojan horse for a globalist agenda hatched out of the World Economic Forum in Davos. It’s called The Great Reset, and its designed by elite billionaires supposedly to bring about ‘social and economic change.’…

    VIDEO (11 minutes)

    Original story…
    ~~www 21stcenturywire.com/2020/10/12/australian-media-calling-out-davos-great-reset-agenda/

    which was posted at the comment section of Corbett’s Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset
    ~~www corbettreport.com/interview-1581-james-corbett-breaks-down-the-great-reset/

  33. mkey says:

    Israeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask that lets you eat without taking it off

    This was published sometime in May, but it hasn’t lost one iota of its ridiculousness.

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