Interview 1584 – Ernest Hancock and Derrick Slopey on IPFS

10/12/202018 Comments

Did you know The Corbett Report is on IPFS? Well, you do now! Do you know what that means? Well, you’re about to! (Spoiler: The Corbett Report is now censorship proof resistant).

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

Declare Your Indpendence radio show

The Corbett Report IPFS link

Corbett Report server IP address (in case the domain ever gets seized):

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  1. Saad says:

    This is a great idea! I’m very pleased by you doing this…

  2. Duck says:

    For after the EMP…….
    “… IPoAC may achieve bandwidth peaks of orders of magnitude more than the Internet when used with multiple avian carriers in rural areas. For example: If 16 homing pigeons are given eight 512 GB SD cards each, and take an hour to reach their destination, the throughput of the transfer would be 145.6 Gbit/s, excluding transfer to and from the SD cards….”

  3. Big-_-Brother says:

    Wow i did not know that James was on another persons show every week.

  4. Libertydan says:

    Indeed, the Decentralization of Information and thus the ability for anyone to get the information they seek is fundamental to individual freedom.

    Prior to the invention of the Printing Press (about 1440 AD), books deemed to be worth duplicating, were rewritten by hand. For about a thousand years Vatican City decided what was worth having additional copies of, and many copies of the Bible were made (in Latin) to be distributed to Churches and Missionaries around the world. Since the controlled masses were not allowed to possess a Bible, and even if they did manage to get a peak at one, they likely could not read Latin, and had no way of knowing what Christ was actually preaching. Thus, the Priests were free to interpret “The Word of God” as they wished.
    The Printing Press allowed for a layman’s Version of the Bible to be mass produced and thus opened up a whole new world of Decentralized Knowledge for all that learned how to read.
    Most knowledgeable people over the last 500 years have had there own collection of Books. And, for the last 200 years, Public Libraries have made most books available to nearly everyone, with the time and the determination to seek written knowledge. Today, with a connection to the Internet, and a good Search Engine, nearly anyone can find the information they seek in minutes, without leaving their home.
    That all sounds great until you begin to see that the Internet itself can be controlled, like the Church controlled, “The Word of God”. For a thousand years the teachings of Christ were censored and controlled by Usurpers who sanctioned rule by force, (a direct contradiction to the teachings of Christ).
    Today I see a new Church, a “Church of the Internet” that wishes to control the masses through what they allow to be seen and read on the Internet. Downloading and saving Documentaries, Interviews, Video clips, and what ever we consider valuable is like reprinting a good Books.

  5. OZ says:

    by the way. Some or most of the old references/links do not work from the Corbettreport site. Some I have managed to access by typing in the address.

  6. rogero says:

    Login is not working on IPFS.

  7. pill says:

    A few months ago, I downloaded some of the Corbett Report videos, added them in the ipfs-desktop client and posted the video hash here in the comment section. At some point, I stopped the client though, because I didn’t see any significant traffic and also, it’s kind of resource-hungry. I might change my mind again, but in the meantime, I’ve come to the conclusion that a standard Bittorrent setup might be easier. You might have to provide the torrent files or magnet links on the website for people to be able to load the right files, but many people could just continue using the Bittorrent client they already have.

    Also, I think it’s more important to distribute the actual video files using a censorship-resistant system than the website, at least at this point in time with Youtube becoming less and less reliable and relevant.

    So many videos are disappearing from Youtube lately, it’s really a sign that we’ve become too dependent on it as a central platform (why would you use a slow file sharing client if you can find it on Youtube) and it’s a reminder that file sharing systems like Bittorrent used to be and still are valuable and can be used to distribute and share files without relying on one single point of failure.

  8. Jermaine says:

    So is this “IPFS” the “Internet 2” for when the i-911 crashes the current internet platform?

    • Duck says:

      Its the way to find stuff when the search engines start “non finding” it for you… actual decentralized internet would be something like MESH or Batmann
      Thing is that while HAM’s had access to phone’s over hand held radio decades before Cellular networks existed now they are mostly old people…. I know some who were setting up a MESh but getting non HAM’s involved was not really happening…. unless someone makes an easy non-techie package that people can set up easily the majority will never see a decentralized internet that you dont need an ISP for providing your line.

      The internet for 80% of users is whatever their mobile phone connects to…which is why phone providers set up your default browser and settings

      • Jermaine says:

        Well I have my research cut out for me. Definitely going to go through the PDF on MESH networks. thanks

        • Duck says:

          there is probably better sources, I just did a quick search.
          If your US based getting a Ham radio license is as easy as memorizing the question pool (they publish them online) and taking the test at a club.
          I would bet that if you can find a club with people young enough to actually do stuff you could get a network going.

        • Jeff says:

          Jermaine, below is a link to, a conference where many meshnet protocol folks unite to discuss… protocols. Anywho, the site links to many of the protocols where you can follow the work and dig into what is going on there. I found watching past battlemesh videos of the conferences to be very useful also.

  9. HomeRemedySupply says:

    I am glad IPFS was explained in somewhat layman terms.

    I really appreciate Ernie and his friends. They are solid. True activists. They walk the talk.

  10. Jeff says:

    Hats off to Derrick and Ernest with IPFS! An important piece to the puzzle of communications problems we face today and certainly in the future.

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