
Franjee and El-Balyama emblems

Mon Oct 26 11:52:18 2020

L: Here are two last emblems of the rest countries of Shang-La - Franjee and El-Balyama. Dragon VS caterpillar, and outcome of their conflict not even obvious! On the current timing in the setting both countries didn't reach a comprimise yet.

elbalyama.png franjee.png


Sun Oct 18 16:47:26 2020

L: This is my small and quick contribution to Inktober. The ink-theme works so well with the Crown of Leaves, so I just couldn’t miss it!

Young mr.Bird, maybe he is 20-23 years old here.


Stage extras

Thu Sep 24 17:01:00 2020


People are waiting.


Ingrid's tail

Thu Sep 24 09:34:22 2020

Fjorge finished almost all of Ingrid's tail animations! Here is one of them, we will share the rest of them later.

2.gif 3.gif 4.gif

Background sprites

Fri Sep 18 14:16:07 2020



I always hesitate, when it's time to draw background characters. In my Gantt chart it marked as an easy task, that can take a day of work, but I didn't finished it today, so apparently I overestimated myself xD And some of them was drawn a while ago (Anna, a couple on a boulder and also a dog and a man with a pipe, that were drawn by Grimm).
So, are you glad to see Alek and Vander again? (:


Я постоянно колеблюсь, когда приходит время рисовать фоновых персонажей. В моем чарте Гантта эта задача помечена как простая, и занимает день работы, но я ее за сегодня не закончила, так что я себя, видимо, переоценила xD И некоторые из спрайтов были нарисованы еще некоторое время назад (Анна, парочка на валуне, а также пёс и мужчина с трубкой, которые были нарисованы Гримм).
Ну что, рады снова видеть Алека и Вандера? (:

bg_sprites_1.png bg_sprites_2.png bg_sprites_3.png

Bedroom [FINISHED]

Mon Sep 14 08:15:07 2020

The render is finished! Who do you think can live here?


The kitchen - DONE

Sat Sep 12 07:50:36 2020

Here we go.


The night field

Sat Sep 12 07:44:52 2020

It's finished! Drawing the night backgrounds is kinda hard, but it worth the hard work.

We also have more stuff to show you, will do that soon~


The kitchen - [WIP]

Sun Sep 6 16:32:44 2020

This is an unfinished version of this background. Maybe it's not the coziest room of Drobeski's house but his family spend a lot of time here.


The forgotten place [FINISHED]

Sun Sep 6 16:00:24 2020

G: Lins finished this one and I am happy how it turned out - the morning light gives the mysterious feeling to the whole scene, yet it's not too gloomy.


Drobeski tail animation - angry

Sun Sep 6 15:51:02 2020

Fjorge - our animator - finished the angry Drobeski's tail animation and it looks just wonderful. We love it <3

4_1.gif 1-1.gif 3-1.gif

Forgotten place

Wed Aug 26 12:43:32 2020

G: Ready for the render :>

jpg (d) sample.jpg

Junyver 3 and 4 sprites

Mon Aug 24 07:21:38 2020

L: The last two Junyver's sprites.


Junyver 3 and 4 sprites [Animated]

Mon Aug 24 07:20:51 2020

L: Finally, I did it!


Junyver 2 [Animation]

Fri Aug 21 16:56:42 2020


It took some time to make an animated gif, because I was horribly busy finishing the rest of her sprites. I wanted to make a gif with a full set, but Photoshop crashed and I gave up on this idea until tomorrow.

Понадобилось время, чтобы сделать гифку, потому что я была ужасно занята дорисовыванием других её спрайтов. Я хотела сделать гиф с полным сетом спрайтов, но Фотошоп крашнулся, так что запощу её завтра.


The bedroom (WIP)

Fri Aug 21 16:08:07 2020

G: Okay, this is the last room in Drobeski's vardo that I need to finish! So when I'm done coloring this one, I will only have two bgs to go from the whole Chapter2.
I'm very glad with how this one looks in the end, I still need to fix a few things but it will be a fun work.

background_drobeski.jpg 2.jpg

Franjee emblem - WIP

Wed Aug 19 11:01:32 2020

G: I want to finish the last two emblems asap - this one is an emblem of Franjee and it's almost done, we just need to add some bg details to it.
So, dragons are official symbol of this country. You can find these animals in franjean lands (among with other dragon species) but you better be careful because they are dangerous and smart predators and may want to kill you for your tasty meat.

1.jpg 122.jpg 12.jpg

Streaming today

Mon Aug 17 10:16:57 2020



Okay, what about a spontaneous stream today? I'm going to finish the third Junyver's sprite today, listening an audiobook and/or music.

Approx duration - 2-3 hours, maybe more, but with dinner and other breaks. If you remember the stream, when we were drawing Drobeski - it will be something like that.



Итак, что насчёт спонтанного стрима сегодня? Собираюсь закончить третий спрайт Джунивер, слушая аудиокнигу и/или музыку.

Примерная продолжительность - 2-3 часа, может и больше, но с обеденными и прочими перерывами. Если вы помните стрим, когда мы рисовали Дробески - будет что-то похожее.

Добро пожаловать!


Options for supporting us

Sun Aug 16 21:47:58 2020


Important news!

Alright, guys, we realized that SubscribeStar is not very good for our needs. It's inconvenient to use, has no app, bad at organizing content and has utterly uncomfortable payout methods. And, honestly, we can't trust it.

We can suggest you three options for supporting methods:

We are sorry for the inconvenience. We appreciate your attention and support, but we want to choose the most comfortable option for everyone. We like to feel some bond with our backers, chat in comments and so on. SS is too quiet and kinda dead for it and Patreon... I'm not sure if we can trust it as well in the future, but time will show.


Важные новости!

Хорошо, ребята, мы постепенно осознали, что SubscribeStar не так уж и хорош для наших нужд. Он неудобен в использовании, у него нет приложения, он плох в организации контента и крайне некомфортный в отношении вывода денег. И, честно говоря, этот ресурс в принципе не вызывает доверия.

Вместо него мы можем предложить вам три опции для поддержки:

Мы очень извиняемся за все эти неудобства. Мы ценим ваше внимание и поддержку, но мы также хотим, выбрать наиболее комфортный вариант для всех. Нам нравится чувствовать связь с нашими бэйкерами, общаться в комментариях и так далее. SS слишком тихий для этого и как будто мёртвый, Патреон... Не знаю, можем ли мы на него рассчитывать в будущем.

Junyver sprites

Sun Aug 16 17:27:43 2020



Hello, guys!

So, I finished the linework on Junyver on the yesterday stream, but I was feeling sick and took a break. But at night I completely finished her sprites, so only basic animations left now (eyes, mouth and don't know about tail, maybe tail too).


Привет, ребята!

Итак, я закончила лайн на вчерашнем стриме, но почувствовала себя плохо и взяла перерыв. Однако вечером полностью закончила работу над спрайтами, и теперь остались только базовые анимации (глаза, рот, и я не знаю насчёт хвоста - может, и хвост тоже будет).


Stream Announce [UPD 2]

Fri Aug 14 10:59:05 2020



Hey guys!

We got back to the city for a couple of weeks and able to do some streams finally. I'm going to draw Junyver sprites, listening audiobook "It" of S. King (as always; also, it will be not from the beginning, so you can mute it). Maybe will listen some music or talk a bit with a mic, but only if we won't be too dead for it.

See you tomorrow at 3:00 PM in Moscow time! We'll update this post and add a link to the stream.


Эй, ребята!

Мы вернулись город на пару недель и, наконец-то, можем провести стрим. Буду рисовать спрайты Джунивер, слушая аудиокнигу "Оно" С.Кинга (как всегда; начали мы её давно, так что включаем не сначала - можете заглушить). Может, послушаем музыку или посидим с микрофоном, но только если мы не будем чересчур мёртвыми для этого.

Увидимся завтра в 15:00 по Москве! Мы апдейтнем этот же пост и добавим ссылку на стрим.

Drobeski's house, the kitchen - UPD

Thu Aug 13 16:49:41 2020

G: We finally got back to work on the backgrounds, here is the small kitchen in Drobeski's house.

Lined and colored!

2121.jpg jpg (d)

Rasko's tail animation

Thu Aug 13 16:37:12 2020

Fjorge finished her work on Rasko's tail, he is so sharp <3 Really fits his whole personality.
You can look at the process below.

3.gif 1.gif 2-5.gif 3_1.gif

Inayva Mon and Latori

Thu Aug 6 17:00:10 2020



We are keep drawing emblems! And here we got Inayva Mon, kodo's site, and Latori (oh, should I really introduce this small and absolutely unknown country?).

Kodo symbol is a bamboo tiger, maoto, drawn in tasty colors and fully collaborated with Grimm. Latorian emblem featuring a spirit of local hero, werefox Barsali, and classical Red Baroness flowers - poppy.


Продолжаем рисовать эмблемы! Переходим к Инайве Мон, территориям кодо, и Латори (ох, должна ли я представить вам эту маленькую, абсолютно никому неизвестную страну?)

Символ кодо - бамбуковый тигр, маото, нарисован вкусными цветами в коллаборации с Гримм. На латорийскую эмблему помещен дух местного героя, лиса-оборотня Барсали, и классические цветы Красной Баронессы - маки.

inayvamon.png latori.png

What they did to you?

Mon Aug 3 17:00:07 2020

"What did the do to you? Hey!"

Mr Bird from the cutscene/alternative dialogue I'm working on~


New items

Sat Aug 1 14:07:05 2020

G: Here we go! Here are new items for the quests you will find in Chapter 2. What is your fav fish here? :D And what do you think is inside that mug?

hsrb.jpg other.jpg

Ayelahai Emblems

Wed Jul 29 17:01:01 2020



Well, yes, Ayelahai got two emblems. This empire stands Red Mountains and Green Mountains, so peacock basilisk represents the first one and axolotl represents the second one.


Что ж, да, у Айелахая две эмблемы. Империя раскинулась вдоль Красногорья и Зеленогорья, так что павлиний василиск представляет первую область, а аксолотль вторую.

ayelahai_1.png ayelahai_2.png


Mon Jul 27 17:00:04 2020



I tried to find some special manner of Rasko's speaking and added him one side smirk when he talks. Another one sprite, finished in Clip Studio; work goes fast!


Попыталась найти какую-нибудь особенную манеру того, как Раско говорит, и добавила ему лёгкую усмешку на одну сторону. Ещё один спрайт, законченный в Клип студио; работа идёт быстро!



Sat Jul 25 17:01:03 2020



Hello, guys!
I brought here some emblems, that represents two Shanglanian countries - Nouri and Beyleria. I gave up on idea to draw true-heraldic emblems, and I got wild with colors and details. So, here we have Nourian Peryton and Beylerian Hawk. Earlier there was a unicorn on emblem of Nouri, and also hawk had a company of two magpies.


Привет, ребята!
Я принесла вам эмблемы, которые представляют две шанлайские страны - Ноури и Бейлерию. Я забросила идею с рисованием тру-геральдичных гербов, и дала себе волю в цветах и деталях. Итак, тут у нас ноурийский Перитон и бейлерийский Ястреб. Раньше на гербе у Ноури был единорог, а у ястреба была компания в виде двух сорок.

nouri.png beyleria.png

Junyver sprite [Animation]

Thu Jul 23 17:00:07 2020

L: I don't know, why, but Juny's animations was the hardest!

Her eyelashes was especially tricky xD


Flynn reference [2] Spoiler!

Tue Jul 21 18:56:54 2020


Spoilerous content goes below.

Спойлерный контент ниже.






I decided to post it too, because I released a concept sheet of him earlier here on Patreon. Actually it was a first huge redesign of Flynn, and he were an absolutely different character before (and had a name Fynn). I didn't even realize that he actually will appear in the 1st Chapter in a "good condition", so that design in the previous post supposed to be in "nothing special" category, but became his regular instead.


Решила и этот референс запостить, потому что ранее я уже публиковала концепт-лист с этим его обликом здесь, на Патреоне. На самом деле это первый огромный редизайн Флинна, до которого он был абсолютно другим персонажем (и звали его Финн). Я даже не могла подумать, что он появится в первой главе в "хорошем состоянии", поэтому дизайн из предыдущего поста должен был относиться к категории "ничего особенного", но вместо этого как будто бы стал его основным.

flynn22.png spoiler_cover.jpg

Flynn reference [1]

Tue Jul 21 18:34:34 2020



I made a doll for future Flynn's clothes design, because the only clothes that Flynn has for now is his Tigla-Dera coat. And yes, he is still a bit chubby.

AND YES, I DID A REFERENCE, I can't believe it too, okay xD


Сделала куклу для будущих дизайнов одежды Флинна, потому что пока единственное, что у него есть, это костюм для Тигла-Деры. И да, он всё ещё немного пухлый.

И ДА, Я СДЕЛАЛА РЕФЕРЕНС, тоже не могу в это поверить xD


Veglamb T-shirts

Sat Jul 18 07:19:50 2020

We made a small collaboration with the YadPrint ( ) guys, who are making custom prints using the silkscreen technique. They wanted to sell something related to the Crown of Leaves, and we made this Veglamb print for them ^^
The purchases and shipment are only available for Russian region at the moment, unfortunately, but maybe they will do something about it in the future (or you can still try and ask them if they can ship it your way if you live in different country, tho, but we're not sure about it).

Но если вы из РУ и вам нравятся футболки, вы можете зайти к Яду в вк, по ссылке выше, для заказа.

UP8qxm6-hOE.jpg Gbr9OKVCIro.jpg

Gojo, sick hares [reference]

Wed Jul 15 19:14:04 2020



Once Grimm wrote a description for a few Latorian animals to expand a local bestiary a little. There were no concepts nor sketches, only text description, so I drew gojo as I imagined (it's kinda a variation of jackalope, but tall and with rickets).

Gojo or "sick hare", "monster hare", "harestag". An endangered species of hares, living only in the north of Latori. They are quite big, with long and thin legs. They have a horn on their head or, how it's commonly called, a "fang". Female gojo have tiny ears; male's ears very large, narrow at the base and incredibly wide at tips, covered with a net of veins. Gojo are not too cute animals, but kind and easily tamed. They are hunted for their hides, which can be extremely soft and mottled, suitable for fur coats and decorations.


Гримм как-то написала инфу про разных животных Латори, чтобы немного расширить местный бестиарий. У нас не было ни концептов, ни скетчей, только текстовое описание, поэтому я нарисовала годжо, какими их представила (небольшая такая вариация на тему джакалопов, только высоких и рахитичных).

Гожо или "больной заяц", "заяц чудище", "рогач". Вымирающий вид зайцев, живущий только на севере Латори. Довольно большие, с длинными и тонкими ногами. Во лбу растёт рог или, как его чаще называют, "клык". У самок крошечные ушки; у самцов уши очень большие, узкие у основания и невероятно широкие ближе к концу, покрытые сеткой вен. Гожо не слишком симпатичные, но добрые и легко приручаются. На них охотятся из-за шкур - они могут быть невероятно мягкими и пестрыми, подходящими для шуб и украшений.

gojo_eng.png gojo_rus.png

Drobeski's vardo - the room - [WIP2]

Wed Jul 15 15:34:32 2020

G: I almost finished this one, I only need to line and color a few small details here and there.


Roban sprite [Animated]

Tue Jul 14 18:58:12 2020

L: And animated version.


Roban sprite

Tue Jul 14 18:57:04 2020



Meet Roban: a good lonely boy, full of love to his mother, and he's here to ruin your day. He will appear in one of three routes that depends on card you chose in DLC Immortal Horses.

Hope you like him >:3


Встречайте Робана: хороший одинокий парень, полный любви к своей матери, и он здесь, чтобы испортить вам день. Он появится в одном из трёх рутов, которые зависят от того, какую карту вы выбрали в DLC "Бессмертные лошади".

Надеюсь, он вам нравится >:3


Rasko, sprite 1 [animated]

Sun Jul 12 17:01:02 2020

L: ...and animated version!


Rasko sprite 1

Sun Jul 12 17:00:02 2020



Alright, now I can say, that suspenders are somehow diffcult to draw. They are not just stripes of leather and have to be elastic... well, I'll think about it next time.

The most fun in Rasko is drawing his hands. Eventually I'm taking photos of my own hands and use it as references for some tricky positions. They are not photogenic at all and have different proportions, so I draw them older (like for Grullo), more flexible (like for Ingrid) or draw long fingers (like for Marestail). Making them bigger and veiny for Rasko is very unusual xD

This is the second time I colored and animated the whole sprite in Clip Studio on iPad. I have to get used to it more, because it makes me more mobile and less attached to my workplace.


Ну теперь я могу с уверенностью сказать, что подтяжки довольно сложно рисовать. Это не просто полоски кожи, и они должны быть эластичными... буду иметь в виду.

Самое веселое в Раско - рисовать его руки. Иногда я фотографирую свои руки и использую их как референсы для разных хитрых позиций. Они не фотогеничные и имеют другие пропорции, поэтому я рисую их более старыми (как для Грулло) или более подвижными (как для Ингрид), или рисую длинные пальцы (как для Маре). Рисовать их большими и жилистыми для Раско было очень необычно xD

Это второй раз, когда я крашу и анимирую спрайт целиком в Clip Studio на айпаде. Надо бы еще попривыкать к нему, потому что так я становлюсь более мобильной и менее привязанной к своему рабочему месту.


Rasko Sprite Linework

Thu Jul 9 11:15:20 2020

L: A guy with big hands~


Mingu Explanation List

Tue Jul 7 17:27:07 2020

L: Okay, here we go. Thank Caervec for editing the English text!

Mingu_ENG.png Mingu_RUS.png Mingu_ENG.png

Tsourai Craft Conception

Tue Jul 7 15:18:07 2020



I know, this guide will create more questions rather than give answers. The matter that tsourai use for Crafting is calling “Ink”.

Why the heck is constellation here? No one knows.


Я знаю, этот гайд скорее породит вопросы, а не даст ответы. Материя, которую цурай используют для творения, называется «Чернила».

Какого фига тут делает созвездие - никто не знает.



Sat Jul 4 17:01:00 2020



I started from drawing of ivesh, because I just wanted to practice watercolor brushes in Procreate, and then filled all list with random mushrooms of various shapes (I do love draw mushrooms aaaa). All of them are Latorian. Maybe I'll think about their characteristics later.


Начала с рисунка ивеша, чтобы попрактиковаться в рисовании акварельными кистями в Procreate, а потом заполнила весь лист рандомными грибами разных форм (обожаю рисовать грибы аааа). Все они латорийские. Может, подумаю над их свойствами позже.


The Slough (WIP)

Wed Jul 1 12:26:18 2020

L: Sketch for Chapter 2 promo 👀



Wed Jul 1 07:27:52 2020



Posting it for all patrons, because those animation are so minor that it's like not animation at all x)

There is a story behind this character. Her name is Anna, and she belonged to a girl, who was a huge fan of the Crown of Leaves. Sadly, she passed away and two friends of her asked us to draw Anna on the Cemetery to celebrate the life of her owner.


Постим для всех патронов, потому что эта анимация настолько мала, что она будто и не анимация вовсе х)

За этим персонажем кроется небольшая история. Её имя Анна, и она принадлежала девушке, которая была фаном "Короны из листьев". К сожалению, она нас покинула, и двое ее друзей попросили нас нарисовать Анну на кладбище, чтобы почтить память её владелицы.



Mon Jun 29 13:36:52 2020

You are amazing. Thank you so much ✨⭐️

Posting Frequency

Mon Jun 29 10:36:50 2020



This is an important part of any social media or membership platform, and frequent posting could be as bad as seldome posting (pesky vs inssuficient). People want to get what they pay for - being participated to some behind-the-scenes activity, exclusive content, etc and etc, but needing to check every notification they get from a creator or a few creators they follow could be very annoying. I never can find a right balance between it and I would like to focus on your feelings. What frequency of posting do you prefer?

vvv (Answers below) vvv


Это очень важная часть любых социальных медиа или платформ с подпиской, и частые публикации могут быть так же плохи, как и редкие (назойливость vs недостаточного количества). Люди хотят получать то, за что они платят - наблюдать за закулисным движем, глядеть на эксплюзивный контент и т.д. и т.д., но необходимость проверять каждое уведомление от создателя или нескольких создателей, которых они поддерживают, может быть крайне утомительным. Я никогда не могу найти правильный баланс между этими двумя крайностями, поэтому хочу сфокусировать на ваших ощущениях и чувствах. Какая частота публикаций вам больше нравится?

Ответы с переводом // Answers with translation

A) Каждый день или через день // Every day or almost every day

B) 2-3 дня в неделю // 2-3 days in a week

C) 1-ой публикации в неделю было бы достаточно // 1 publication in a week would be enough

Flynn’s Adventures

Sun Jun 28 15:09:33 2020


Flynn: A weed? What if it’s edible?


Bo: So?

Flynn: TERRIBLE. (mispelled)

IMG_3078.jpg IMG_3079.jpg

Travellers Watches

Sat Jun 27 19:35:48 2020



Shared some WIP on Instagram and posting the result here. Here we got watches of four travellers: Kudret, Fel, Anoosh and Raakel. I tried to make these concept look recognizable, reflecting colour of countries where they were bought.
I was thinking about Anoosh’s watches and added a ring detail that looks like centipede. But it’s not enough yet!


На Инстаграме я поделилась випкой, результат же пощу сюда. Тут у нас часы четырех путешественников: Кюдрета, Фэл, Ануша и Раакель. Я пыталась сделать эти концепты узнаваемыми, отражающими колорит стран, в которых они были куплены.
Я обдумала часы Ануша и добавила на внешнее кольцо деталь в виде многоножки. Но все еще недостаточно!


Beastie concept (Marumis)

Sat Jun 27 12:31:48 2020



Almost all animals in Latori are fluffy and curly. All marumis based on hedgehogs and martens or something like that, and this little creature is just one kind of many. They are quite unfriendly to people, but come along well with big animals like sujidaro and horses. Their wool is using in fire divinations, fish luring and cooking, because it has strong fruit-like smell and crumbles on small pieces, when you boil or burn it. And it’s tasty! Parba says so.


Почти все животные в Латори пушистые и кудрявые. Все марумисы базированы на ежах, куницах и чём-то подобном, и эта зверушка - представитель одного вида из многих других. Они недружелюбны к людям (и сахаш тоже), но хорошо общаются с большими животными вроде суджидаро и лошадей. Их шерсть используется в огненных гаданиях, в готовке, а также на неё приманивают рыбу; шерсть имеет сильный запах, похожий на фруктовый, и крошится, когда ее варят или сжигают. И она вкусная! Так говорят парба, по крайней мере.



Fri Jun 26 11:29:42 2020

L: One of my favorite frame from the Act I cutscene.


Patreon and SubscribeStar

Wed Jun 24 15:12:31 2020



Some patrons are unsubscribing from our page because of raised Patreon taxes. We fully understand it and still we are trying to make subscription more comfortable for you, so we created a SubscribeStar account. We're going to duplicate all Patreon content there, so you can choose what is more preferable option for you - support us here or there. (:


Некоторые патроны отписываются от нашей страницы из-за выросшей комиссии Патреона. Это абсолютно понятно, и мы пытаемся создать для вас более комфортные условия, поэтому мы создали SubscribeStar акк. Там мы будем дублировать весь контент с Патреона, так что вы можете выбрать для себя наиболее подходящий вариант - подписываться здесь или там. (:

More Slough Backgrounds [Done]

Mon Jun 22 13:46:43 2020

Yeee, all of them are done! I would be really happy to stream it, but it's quite uncomfortable now and internet is unstable. Anyway, it was cool to share WIP through Lenses!
Йеее, все эти фоны закончены! Я была бы счастлива постримить процесс, но сейчас это довольно некомфортно, и интернет нестабильный. В любом случае, было круто делиться с вами випками через Линзы!

bg_3.jpg bg_1.jpg bg_2.jpg bg1-3.png

Happy #FathersDay!

Mon Jun 22 11:55:53 2020

We almost forgot it's #fathersday today, so we decided to support it with a little cute drawing!
Bo seems to be glad to be called a father, but what's about Flynn... Not so sure.

Characters Q&A #5

Sat Jun 20 23:40:02 2020

L: Translating the question shortly and inaccurate (because I'm sleepy as hell, sorry!! >< ). Here is the question.

Q: "What is the ways of the weather prediction there in Latori?"
(words near the arrow "Any melalo")
Melalo: It's going to rain, if this little one will turn around.
Junyver: Wow, who knew.
Roui: Don't listen to him, he's lying.
Extra frame: Sometimes there are coincedences.
Любимый сезон Руи - лето, а у Джунивер - зима.
Roui's favorite season is summer and Junyver's favorite seasons is winter.


Quick question [UPD]

Sat Jun 20 16:43:17 2020



Lenses appeared as absolutely uncomfortable and laggy feature xD I can't even add a text, because it imeddiately causes compression error.

Okay, I'm trying to use Instagram instead now. We'll be sharing some WIPs there and here too (but here on Patreon will be more exclusive content of course). So - welcome!


Линзы показали себя вообще не самым лучшим образом - очень неудобно и страшно лагает xD Не могу даже текст добавить, потому что это вызывает ошибку со сжатием.

Ладно, теперь пытаюсь использовать Инстаграм. Будем делиться випками и тут, и там (но здесь на Патреоне экслюзивного контента будет, конечно, больше). Так что - добро пожаловать!


Do you like Lenses? Sometimes we forget about this feature, but it seems it can be fun. Would you love to see more of them and which kind of content do you prefer?
Some WIPs, jokes, sketches, videos maybe?

Нравятся ли вам Линзы? Иногда мы забываем про эту функцию, но, похоже, иной раз пользоваться ей бывает весело. Хотели бы вы видеть больше такого контента и что именно?
Процесс работы, шутейки, скетчи или, может быть, видео?

The Door [Done]

Fri Jun 19 17:26:16 2020

L: Yesss, it's done!


The Door [Process]

Fri Jun 19 17:26:24 2020

L: We decided to record an irl-video of rendering on of the Crown of Leaves background.

Grimm made a sketch, linework and coloring, and I'm rendering it. The finished version is opened for Melalo.


Characters Q&A #4

Tue Jun 16 08:25:25 2020


- Флинн, какие предметы или еду смертные обычно оставляют цурай в качестве подношений?

- Ну...


Characters Q&A #3

Sun Jun 14 10:03:52 2020

L: These questions look better with the text answers! We'll post translation later :>


Characters Q&A #2

Sat Jun 13 16:36:46 2020


В: Если бы ты мог вернуться назад во времени, что бы ты изменил в своём прошлом?
О: Я бы не слушал последний сезон радиосериала «Профессор Что». Все мои любимые персонажи погибли, а антагонисты воскресли. Это отстойно.


Characters Q&A #1

Thu Jun 11 13:19:38 2020

L: Here we go!


В: Какое значение для тебя имеет аксессуар в виде гадательной планшетки, которую ты носишь на хвосте?

О: Вы, шанти, используете их, чтобы общаться с какими-то высшими существами, правильно? Вот и я тоже.


News and Characters Interview

Tue Jun 9 18:02:25 2020



Привет, патроны!

Да, в последнее время наша активность на Патреоне сильно снизилась, и многие старожилы даже знают, почему так происходит. Вот две причины:

1) Мы работаем над спойлерным контентом;

2) Мы работаем над сценарием.

И обе этих причины верны! Я рисую кучу скетчей для катсцены из Акта I, и она очень спойлерная. Когда я подчищу наброски, я запощу наиболее безопасные из них. Также мы с Гримм мозгоштурмим на тему квестов - показывать тут нечего, за исключением моих беспорядочных заметок. К сожалению, это не тот контент, который стоит того, чтобы быть запощенным (разве что только после релиза главы!).

Очень извиняемся за то, что были такими тихими! О:


Что вы думаете о небольшом движе вроде интервьюирования персонажей? Мы бы ответили на вопросы текстом или рисунками от их лица.

Вы можете спросить Руи, Джунивер или Флинна.


- никаких 18+ вопросов;

- придерживайтесь сеттинга Шан-Ла, используя знания, которые вы почерпнули из игры (пожалуйста, не задавайте вопросов, связанных с нашим реальным миром или чужими сеттингами из книг, комиксов, фильмов, игр и т.д.)

Если хотите поучаствовать - запостите ваш вопрос в Коммьюнити с заголовком вроде "Спрашиваю [Персонажа]".

Ну, вот и всё (:


Hello, patrons!

Yep, our activity on Patreon is quite low lately, and many old-timers even knows what could be a reason. There are two of them:

1) We are working on spoilerous content;

2) We are working on the script.

And both are right! I'm drawing a bunch of sketches for cutscenes from the Act I and it's very spoilerous. When I'll clean some doodles, I'll post the most safe of them. Also Grimm and me are brainstorming about quests - there is nothing to show except of my messy notes. Unfortunately, it's not that content that worth to be posted (only after the chapter release!).

We're apologizing for being silent! O:


What do you think about some little activity, like interviewing characters? We would answer on your questions with text or drawing on their behalf!

You can ask Roui, Junyver and Flynn.


- no NSFW questions;

- stick to the Shang-La setting, using your knowledges that you learned from the game (please, no questions, related to the real world or any other settings of books, comics, movies, games, etc)

If you want to participate - drop a question in community with a title like "Asking [Character]".

That's all! (:

Junyver - tail animation - DONE

Thu Jun 4 22:00:13 2020

Fjorge must be a magician. This tail animation is amazing and we're super happy for Juny


A small request!

Mon Jun 1 15:19:16 2020

Mostly for the newcomers and those who have a free minute to spend!

If you reading this it means you love our game and enjoy the content we're making (or at least we hope so! :D). You already helping us by being our Patrons, but if you want to help the project even more you can write a small review on Steam:

Share your thoughts and experience with other players! We will be very thankful for your support.

Если вы читаете это, вы (как мы надеемся!) полюбили "Корону" и вам нравится наблюдать за новым контентом, который мы для вас постим. Будучи нашими Патронами, вы и так помогаете проекту, но если вы хотите сделать для игры еще что-нибудь, вы можете написать ревью на Стиме:

Поделитесь своими впечатлениями и эмоциями от игры с другими игроками! Мы будем очень благодарны вам за поддержку и помощь.

Wolves (WIP)

Mon Jun 1 14:59:21 2020

G: These mysterious guys are hidden here and there in almost every project we're working on. You must have seen them at least once... but we won't tell you who they are.

Just be careful - if you meet one of them it means something bad is going to happen.


Junyver - tail animation

Sat May 30 10:34:02 2020

Fjorge is now working on Juny's tail animation - this one is almost done! She is so very elegant!


Okay, the winner of the sticker hunt is...

Fri May 29 18:57:56 2020

... Glitch the Protogen! His comment was 11th, and it was chosen by the random numbers generator.
We will contact you via messages here, on Patreon, to get your address to send your sticker to ^^

Sticker hunt!

Wed May 27 11:32:37 2020

G: Okay, guys! Leave a comment under this post to join the sticker hunt! Any comment will work.

We will choose one of you randomly to send them the free vinyl sticker in the first dates of June (depends on Patreon with its payments processing).

We will choose on of you today!

Junyver sprites [WIP]

Wed May 27 00:07:35 2020

L: Well, it was hard to find some poses for her, but after a couple of Mob Psycho episodes with our team things went well.

But her full-face portraits need more work... Her muzzle looks pretty flat.



Tue May 26 17:04:20 2020

G: This is my Nomad character, Argon. I want him to be an antagonist in Grino's and Owen's story.

jpg (d) 0ca7379e5c7993ca_1.jpg


Tue May 26 16:40:46 2020

G: We won't tell you about this mysterious thing, but some of you will find it in Chapter 2 <3


Drobeski's vardo - the room - [WIP]

Tue May 26 16:24:10 2020

We did the sketch together, it was fun! You can finally see what's inside of this big vardo.

111.jpg 111.jpg

A Cliff

Sun May 24 17:00:04 2020

L: An idea sketch for the final of the 2nd chapter. It will be slightly animated, I guess.


The Field - [WIP]

Fri May 22 09:33:38 2020

G: Lins and me are working on this new BG, the last one from the Cemetery-related locations. This place will have the night version only, but it will be interesting to work on the moonlight here.


Anoosh tail - DONE

Fri May 22 09:25:55 2020

Fjorge finished the last tail-animation for Anoosh!

Just look how smooth it is <3 Wonderful.


Okay guys, let's see!

Sun May 17 14:03:04 2020

Well, guys, a few other creators came to us, explaining some hidden details, and it seems the Patreon-made merch idea isn't so transparent and comfy for Patrons/Creators as we thought it will be.

We're very sorry, but we want it to cost less to you and to us, so we're deleting the pledge.

But do not worry. We will try to manage it through the R3dbubble instead. We won't open the new tier right now because we want to test it first.

And now to the fun part of it - we will choose one of the $8 tier Patrons randomly and send them a special, unique tCoL sticker for free in the end of May, using the R3dbubble printing and shipping service. :)

Итак, друзья, к нам пришли ребята-создатели, которые имели некоторый опыт с Патреоном, и стало очевидно, что условия работы с патреоновским мерчем не настолько комфортны, как бы нам того хотелось.

Но не переживайте. Мы попробуем решить вопрос с помощью сервиса Редбаббл. Мы не будем пока открывать отдельный тиер для стикеров, сначала посмотрим, насколько это удобно на практике.
И теперь к более веселой части поста - мы рандомно выберем одного из патронов, который подписан на $8 тиер, и отправим ему бесплатный стикер с персонажем "Короны" в конце мая. :)

An update on Patreon sales tax

Sun May 17 12:21:11 2020

Hi everyone!

Short news - due to new laws passing in several countries and US, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st.

Less than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55 cents.

Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.

If you’re in a location where sales tax will be required, you should expect to receive an email from Patreon with more information about this very soon, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of these changes way ahead of July 1st when they go into effect.

If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here > or ask the Patreon’s customer support team here >

Thank you for staying with us, thank you for all of your support, it means the world to us! <3

Привет, ребята! Небольшой апдейт от Патреон - в связи с принятием новых законов в нескольких странах ЕС, России и США, Патреон должен будет взымать маленький налог с некоторых тиеров, начиная с 1 июля.

Это будет небольшая сумма, от 10 до 60 рублей, в зависимости от того, на какой тиер вы подписаны. Деньги, которые Патреон собирает, выплачиваются непосредственно местным органам власти.

Патроны из тех регионов и стран, которые попадают под это правило, в скором времени получат письмо от Патреон с дополнительной информацией, но мы решили вас проинформировать сами до 1 июля, чтобы это письмо не стало для вас неожиданностью!

Если у вас есть вопросы, вы сможете найти ответы здесь> по ссылке, либо у представителей техподдержки Патреона >

Спасибо, что вы остаетесь с нами, мы очень благодарны вам за поддержку <3

Drobeski Expressions [Animation]

Sun May 17 11:29:35 2020



Hello everyone! I see a lot of new faces here, so here is kinda greetings post for you ♥ Thank you for joining our Patreon community!

Here is an example of Drobeski expressions. I want to add a simple animation of glasses shine later~


Всем привет! Вижу много новых лиц, так что этот пост будет для вас вроде как приветственный ♥ Спасибо, что присоединились к нашему Патреон-обществу!

Тут у нас примеры эмоций Дробески. Чуть позже я добавлю какую-нибудь простенькую анимацию блика на очках~


The Crown of Leaves on GMS2

Thu May 14 08:57:19 2020



Пока мы рисуем спрайты с фонами (и играем в Stardew Valley в наше свободное время), Дизир ремастерит 1-ую главу на GMS2. Хочу поделиться с вами прогрессом и показать, как быстро теперь работает "Корона"!


While we're drawing sprites and backgrounds (and playing Stardew Valley in our freetime), Dizir is remastering the 1st Chapter on GMS2. I want to share a progress and show how fast "the Crown" is working now!


Ingrid Emotions [Animation]

Sun May 10 11:31:36 2020

L: Aaaand Ingrid (:

ingrid_anim.gif ingrid_anim.gif

Mare Emotions [Animation]

Sun May 10 11:08:43 2020

L: Here we go!


Ingrid Sprites examples

Sat May 9 20:34:19 2020



Все спрайты Ингрид закончены, кроме одного с усталой позой/позой отчаяния. У Ингрид есть полный сет моргающих глаз и говорящего рта (как звучит-то) - я релизну анимации для Ювелиров сразу, как только у меня будет свободное время!

Рисовать её руки было весело и захватывающе~ Какой спрайт и/или эмоция вам нравится больше всего? Моё любимое - bruh-face xD (2-ой лист, первый спрайт)


All Ingrid's sprites are done, except one of her "desperated"/"tired" pose. She got full set of blinking eyes and flip-flapping mouth - I'll release animations for The Jewelers as soon as I got free time!

Drawing her hands was funny and exciting~ Which sprite and/or expressions do you like more? My favorite - bruh-face xD (2nd page, 1st sprite)

ingrid_1-3.png ingrid_1-2.png ingrid_1-1.png

The stage (prerender)

Sat May 9 17:35:07 2020

G: Aaaand finished! There will be a lot of random sahash to show the crowd here, but we're going to add them later.
<3 This location connected to the Blue Vardo and the Cemetery.

sample.jpg 0102.jpg

Blue vardo (prerender)

Fri May 8 15:12:14 2020

G: I finished this bg today, yay! You will find this mysterious blue vardo near the cemetery. Any ideas who is the owner of this caravan?


More Mare's sprites

Wed May 6 22:39:08 2020

L: Even it's not a secret... though it has been no secret, I'm using a spoiler cover anyway.

His sprites drained all vital power from me, but they still are not finished. I think Juny's sprites will be pretty detailed, but I'm trying to not think about it.

Jacket ~♥

mares.png spoiler_cover.jpg

Rasko sprites

Sun May 3 21:27:45 2020



Horrified, I was looking at my huge todo-list with sprites... before I pulled myself together and started to draw Rasko.

(Also I finished redraw of Serban sprites and it gave me some power to draw more, but in the end me ded)

I based on three old sprites we already had, changed proportion, clothes... okay, I changed everything.

I like the second sprite, but the third is my favorite. Rasko looks so funny here ♥


Я в ужасе смотрела на свой гигантский туду-лист по спрайтам... прежде чем взяла себя в руки и начала рисовать Раско.

(Я также закончила редроу спрайтов Сербана, и это дало мне энергию порисовать больше, но в итоге я здох)

Базировалась на трёх старых спрайтах, которые у нас уже были, только изменила пропорции, одежду... окей, я поменяла всё.

Мне нравится второй спрайт, но третий мой любимый. Раско выглядит таким забавным ♥


Rainy day

Fri May 1 09:46:48 2020

G: it's a gift we drew together with @darya_chi for Lins on her birthday! *A*
Don't worry, Owen, Grino will protect you from the rain. <3
Happy birthday, Lins!


Livestream [Offline]

Thu Apr 30 13:11:19 2020



Doing a redraw of old Serban sprites and listening an audiobook. I'm not sure if you interested in watching of redraw, but we want to listen the book so bad and we don't want people who are listening it too to miss it xD

So join if you like!


Перерисовываем старые спрайты Сербана и слушаем кинговский "Институт". Не уверена, будет ли вам интересно смотреть на редроу, но мы ужасно хотим послушать книгу и не хотим, чтобы те, кто слушает её вместе с нами, что-то пропустили xD

Так что присоединяйтесь, если желаете!



Anoosh tail - 2 [WIP]

Wed Apr 29 13:08:23 2020

Our awesome animator Fjorge is working on the next tail-animations for Anoosh. He's a lucky guy, just look at this <3

tail1.gif tail2.gif

Ingrid sprites

Tue Apr 28 17:29:06 2020

L: Thank you everyone for coming on our stream!


Cute Ingrid added.

ingrid_1.png png (d)

Patreon is weird

Tue Apr 28 14:55:16 2020

G: For some reason, some of the comments can be deleted (our replies included), Patreon also won't let you to comment or edit some of the posts/your comments can stay hidden from others, so double check when you post anything here.
They're going to update the site tomorrow, hope it will fix the issue.

Brilla's vardo [morning]

Tue Apr 28 17:00:06 2020



Официально заявляю, что утренний рендер для всех локаций готов. Остальные фоны, которые вы уже видели в первой главе, мы постить не будем - всё увидите сами. Но уже сейчас можно сказать, что ощущение от утреннего стана очень своеобразное и совсем не похоже на дневное.


I officially announced that all locations were finally rendered in morning colors! The rest of backgrounds from the 1st chapter won't be posted here - you'll see everything in the game. Even know, however, we can say that the morning camp is giving a specific, strange feeling, not the same as the day camp.

dining_room_morning.png rouiroom_morning.png brilla_vardo_morning_compilated.png

Livestream today! [Offline]

Tue Apr 28 09:12:11 2020



Finishing Drobeski sprites and listening Stephen King's "The Institute". Chat will be closed.

Starting in an hour or so~


Заканчиваем работу над спрайтами Дробески и слушаем Кинговский "Институт". Чат будет закрыт.

Начнем где-то через час~


As noticed Broslan, a key is going in the link right after "Lingrimm/"


Quick News

Tue Apr 28 08:19:07 2020

Chapter 2 Act 1 went through editing and now it's being translated into English.


GrOwen (SFW)

Mon Apr 27 15:15:56 2020


G: Drew this for Lins as a small gift ^^



Sun Apr 26 16:45:39 2020

G: I had enough headache for today, so I will post this sweet thing simply to make this day a little bit brighter for me and Lins.


You're a Badger!

Sun Apr 26 12:19:16 2020

G: No he's not xD

Owen's knowledge of zoology leaves something to be desired, but he wanted to find an animal that would - in his opinion - fit Grino's "species". Stupid boy.

Anyway, Lela called Owen a "damsel in distress" once, and in this part of his story it fits him perfectly xD

He was searching for treasures and local legends (that may lead him to some interesting abandoned places) in the North of Latori and suddenly got lost in a thick fog. It was late already, not too far from one of the sahash camps and Owen noticed the light in the distance and thought that this could be a campfire. He didn't understand why the fog seems to be so unnatural and strange, and it made him feel uncomfortable.
He walked there, almost sure that he would find parba travelers but instead found himself right in the Headless Nomads camp instead. It seemed most of them were on their 'hunt' and only Grino was there, alone, surprised by meeting a human.

It goes without saying that Owen was scared. He had heard about Nomads and knew they wouldn't show any mercy to him. He wanted to run, but the next second he heard an inhuman voice vibrating right inside his poor head, it made him almost hypnotized. The voice sounded gentle, but also dangerous. The legends say that Nomads can't talk and they are silent killers attacking unlucky travelers in the night, but Grino was a talkative one. And he liked Owen and all these interesting ideas he found in his head, so he claimed this fella as his boy. He took him far from the camp, saved him from other Nomads, and asked for one of Owen's bracelets in exchange for Grino's help.

Anyway, they found out that they could work together - even being a scared boy, Owen was still a treasure-hunter and he became inspired by the fact Grino - and other Nomads - can find metals because, as Grino said, they can smell or hear it. Grino also knew a lot about the Flat, more than anyone Owen had ever met. He wasn't a human, he wasn't a sahash... Then what was he? It made Owen extremely intrigued. He was charmed by the strange nature of this big guy and decided to stick around to find out more about him.

badger2.jpg png (d) grino.png


Sat Apr 25 09:07:31 2020


G: Lins posted Grino so I feel like I can show you my OC who is connected to Grino's story - the human named Owen!

He was born in Beyleria, but moved to Latori later and worked in the mines in the Kato Mountains (which Femi mentioned once in dialogue in the game). The Latori authorities attracted locals to the extraction of rare metal, referred to as “tsourai metal" - the Red Baroness wanted to compete with Beyleria and their rare steel.

But the Kato Mountains were a part of the Flat territory and even after being left by the local tsourai clan years ago and becoming a part of the Stream, this place turned out to be dangerous for mortals. It was driving the miners crazy if they worked there for too long. Not completely crazy, but Owen was unstable from the very start, so this place affected him more than it should.

He suffered a seizure, killed a few people, his co-workers, but no one found out what he did. He threw the bodies into the cleft (and it wasn't the first time when people suddenly disappeared in this place). He doesn't remember what he did, yet he has nightmares and feels scared for no reason from time to time... Anyway, he left his old job and became a treasure hunter (and, well, a marauder). This is how he met Grino in the end, but I'll tell this story next time xD

He is a typical Beylerian (he learned how to survive on his own), but with a bit of Latorian charm. Loves sparkly things and Latorian style outfits, loves to live freely, moving from place to place, having no home of his own.


It's not very obvious for locals in Latori, but it's the metal itself that is making mortals crazy.


G: Линс запостила Грино, а это значит что пора бы и мне запостить Оуэна - персонажа-человека, связанного с его историей.

Он родился в Бейлерии, но переехал жить в Латори, чтобы работать там шахтером в горах Като (Феми упоминала их в одном из игровых диалогов). Власти Латори разместили здесь рудники и привлекли местных к добыче редкого металла, определённого как «цурайский» - Красная Баронесса хотела составить конкуренцию Бейлерии с её редкой крипсайской сталью. Исследования горной флоры показали, что Като когда-то находились под властью Штиля и принадлежали клану, связанному с катойским металлом. Но даже несмотря на то, что Штиль отступил и это место стало частью Потока много лет назад, шахты оказались опасными для смертных - те, кто слишком долго работал здесь, сходил с ума. Не то, чтобы совсем, но Оуэн никогда не отличался крепкой психикой, поэтому шахты подействовали на него сильней, чем на других шахтеров.

Спустя год работы у него случился припадок и он убил несколько человек, а потом сбросил их тела в расщелину. Исчезновение людей не было редкостью на шахтах, к тому времени катойский стан уже перестал быть популярным местом для зарабатывания денег и оброс дурной славой. Так или иначе, то, что сделал Оуэн, осталось секретом, даже для него, потому что он не помнит этот эпизод, хотя и мучается ночными кошмарами и неожиданными приступами паники.

Но что-то подсознательное не позволило ему остаться на прежней работе, и Оуэн подался в искатели сокровищ (или, если называть вещи своими именами, в маордеры). Именно из-за этого он и столкнулся с Грино, но это уже другая история, для следующего поста. xD

Оуэн - типичный бейлериец (он умеет выживать и полагается только на себя) с латорийским шармом. Ему нравятся местный стиль жизни, нравится путешествовать и постоянно переезжать, не имея собственного дома. А еще он очень падок на блестяшки.

Это пока еще не очевидно для латорийцев (или кто-то просто старается закрыть на это глаза), но плохо влияет на шахтеров именно сам металл, а не место.

223y.png Owen.png --.png

Stream - extra hours

Fri Apr 24 14:46:08 2020

Okay guys! Our work-time is over, but we decided to have a multi-stream with @LiLaiRa95 for a few extra hours!
Do notice her own stream is bloody (LOVE THE BLOOD), just in case you're not comfy with the theme.

Streaming Soon ONLINE

Fri Apr 24 10:03:54 2020



We'll work today between 14:00 to 16:00 (Moscow, +3 GMT).I will be coloring Drobeski sprites and listening audiobook "Duma-Key" :> We are keeping chat closed, otherwise it will distract us.


Работать с 14:00 до 16:00 (Москва, +3 GMT) Буду красить спрайты Дробески и слушать аудиокнигу "Дьюма-Ки" :> Чат в это время мы закрываем, чтобы не отвлекаться.


Flynn and Bo humanization

Thu Apr 23 20:33:50 2020


Thank for the stream again, guys, it was amazing! xD

bo.png flynnbo.png buttons.jpg

[Spontaneous] livestream today > ONLINE!

Thu Apr 23 09:34:34 2020



KEY: 802c34c0dded0f6d948be92059e5653b


Привет, ребята! Будем стримить сегодня что-нибудь рандомное, потому что у нас... ну, что-то вроде выходных. Так что будет музыка и открытый чат (и, наверное, поболтаем по микрофону тоже)! Может, порисуем какие-нибудь реквесты по "Короне из листьев", если хотите.

(Пока я горю желанием нарисовать человеческие версии Бо и Флинна...)

Дробески и книгу оставим до завтра :)

Стрим будет в течение сегодняшнего дня, поэтому присоединяйтесь, когда вам будет удобно). Начнём через час, 13:30 +3 GMT


Hello guys! We'll be streaming today something random, because it's our... errr, sorta weekends? So there will be music and opened chat (and maybe even talk with a mic)! Maybe draw some "The Crown of Leaves" request, if you like.

(For now I'm full of willing to draw human Bo and Flynn...)

Drobeski and the book we'll keep for tomorrow :)

We'll be streaming all day long, so join whenever you like. Start in an hour, 13:30 +3 GMT


Thu Apr 23 08:50:12 2020

G: Okay xD Thank you for all the comments!

So, I was super inspired by the Nomads concept and Grino in particular, because I have a soft spot for these big, scary guys.
And a scary guy needs some chibi art xD So i drew this as my small gift for Lins.


mr Bird expressions

Thu Apr 23 09:03:12 2020



Я всегда использую этот лист как помощь в рисовании спрайтов (как с Руи). Пришло время для мистера Птицы...

Скетчи на данный момент не совсем точны, и некоторые из них я поменяю, но пока продолжаю добавлять новые эмоции по ходу чтения сценария, чтобы они соответствовали репликам.


I'm always using this exercise sheet as a help in drawing sprites (like with Roui). So it's time for mr Bird...

These sketches not very accurate right now and I'll change some of them, but I keep adding new expressions when reading the script to make it appropriate for Bird's lines.


A quick question

Thu Apr 23 07:52:33 2020

G: I want to ask you guys - do you want to see other characters we have from Shang-La setting who are not related to tCoL directly?

I am not sure if I should post such art here or not.

Flynn humanization

Wed Apr 22 21:05:40 2020



И опять Флинн.

Вряд ли Флинн мог бы получить маверик от человека, но мне очень хотелось нарисовать его в не-антро виде. И еще я хотела попрактиковаться в рисовании человеческих лиц, потому что для меня начинаются тёмные времена, и скоро мне придётся рисовать кучу спрайтов мистера Птицы... ДА. НЕХОРОШО.

Там есть небольшой стрип про флинновы исследования флоры Потока. Он страстный повар и хладнокровный огородник, если можно так сказать (хахах) - в нём даже близко нет ничего от нежного садовода Вандера, который обращается с растениями как со своими детьми.

И насчёт Флинна не беспокойтесь - даже если он отравится, он быстро восстановится глубоко в Штиле.


And Flynn again.

There is no way that Flynn could get a maverick from a human, but I really wanted to draw him as non-anthro. And I wanted to practice in drawing human faces, because dark times are coming and I have to draw a bunch of mr Bird sprites. YES. NOT GOOD.

Also here is a small strip about Flynn's researching of the Stream flora. He is a passionate cook and cold-blooded gardener, if I may say so (hahah) - there is nothing in him even close to gentle gardener Vander, who treats plants as his children.

And don't worry about Flynn - even if he get poisoned, he will recover quickly deep in the Flat.


ah.jpg Flynn2.jpg flynns2.jpg

Flynn pin-up

Wed Apr 22 20:47:26 2020


Alright, it was a trade with LiLaiRa's, she asked us to draw pin-up Flynn. How could I resist? So, here is his hairy bode.

It's not really nsfw, but somehow he looks teasing, so I cropped it for a cover. Full version in attachments.

naked_flynn_smaller.png naked_flynn_smaller2.png

Streaming! OFFLINE

Wed Apr 22 11:57:01 2020



Rendering commissions! And also we'll be drawing Drobeski sprite right after that. Continuing listening the audiobook we mentioned before, and we both are far from that place where we stopped on the previous stream, sorry x)


Рендерим комиссии! А также будем рисовать спрайт Дробески сразу после.

Продолжаем слушать аудиокнигу, которую мы упоминали раньше, и мы вдвоем уже далеко ушли от того места, на котором мы с вами остановились на предыдущем стриме, простите х)


Headless Nomads [warning for nudity]

Tue Apr 21 20:34:45 2020

Scroll down for the full version!



Do you remember a conversation between Roui and Lazy, where they are talking about Headless Nomads? Since then we were thinking about their design a lot and all our thoughts were floating around some... huge forms. I imagined Nomads as taciturn, but furious-looking creatures, who definitely would kill you or make something even worse if you meet them... though they wouldn't actually. Rumors are just rumors.

Their design inspired by zibellino things. You can see it on the list, but here are links with bigger images.

Link 1 | Link 2

I wanted to use a "harness" in conjuction with almost full nudity to keep a feeling, that Nomads are intrepid and don't afraid to be wounded - "Here I am, come on and try to kill me". Only their heads are hidden behind this metal cage, like it's the only things that matters for them. And I definitely want them to look pretty much sexualized, full of dangerous animal energy.

And some news: we're planning to make a small after-ending DLC, that will be coming right after the end of the 2nd Chapter. But it will be released when the 2nd Chapter will be released as well. (:

P.S: Oh, by the way, this guy in a red coat is a character now! His name is Grino, say hello to Grino.


Помните разговор между Руи и Лентяйкой, в котором они обсуждают Безголовых Кочевников? С тех самых пор мы много думали об их дизайне, и все наши мысли плавали вокруг... крупных форм. Я представляла Кочевников молчаливыми, но свирепо выглядящими существами, которые определенно убили бы тебя или даже сделали что похуже, если бы тебе довелось с ими встретиться... хотя на самом деле они не стали бы этого делать. Слухи - это просто слухи.

Их дизайн был вдохновлён зибеллино или иначе - блохоловками. Их можно увидеть на листе, но всё равно даю ссылки на изображения побольше.

Ссылка 1 | Ссылка 2

Мне хотелось использовать "сбрую" на фоне почти полной наготы, будто Кочевники не боятся, что их легко можно поранить - "Вот он я, подойди, попробуй меня убить". Только их головы спрятаны за металлическими клетками, словно голова - единственное, что для них важно. И я определенно хотела сделать так, чтобы Кочевники выглядели довольно сексуализированно, полными опасной животной энергии.

И небольшие новости: мы планируем сделать небольшой DLC, который будет идти сразу после окончания 2-ой главы. Соответственно, он будет опубликован после релиза главы. (:

P.S.: И кстати, парень в красном пальто теперь персонаж! Его зовут Грино. Скажите привет Грино.

Headless_Nomads_small.png Headless_Nomads_smaller.png

The Stream and the Flat

Mon Apr 20 17:01:01 2020



Rendering this drawing get me mad, because I couldn't find a good balance for light and shadow.

This is a old barrier between the Stream and the Flat, warning the Flat travellers about timeless zone... but it can not forbid them to cross it.


Рендеринг свёл меня с ума, потому что я не могла найти хороший баланс между светом и тенью.

Это старый барьер между Потоком и Штилем, предупреждающий путешественников о зоне безвременья... но он не может запретить им пересечь его.



Sun Apr 19 16:18:18 2020

G: I found an ooooold sketch made by Lins, and felt like I need to finish it xD
Bronty and Sarissa, dancing and happy. Love these two.


The Claw Master

Sat Apr 18 16:43:43 2020

L: He won? He lose?


Idea of this drawing belongs to Grimm! I just drew it.

serban_normal.png serban_filtered.png

Drobeski's vardo [prerender]

Fri Apr 17 16:54:14 2020



G: Okay now! There are just about 10 backgrounds left to finish, and it's good news. So I'm up to line them all so Lins will have all she needs to make a render.

This is a new look of the Drobeski's vardo, I still want to add more details to it, but I love it already.

a.jpg sample.jpg a.jpg sample3.jpg 222222.jpg sample32.jpg

Flynn's advice

Fri Apr 17 12:13:23 2020


I have to explain this joke upfront, because it has more sense in Russian. Our game's name in Russian is "Korona iz Listyev", that's practically sounds the same as "Coronavirus". Imagine if covid-19 would be "crownvirus" and you will understand what do we mean.

Sad bad true


Now Roui and Flynn dialogue:

F: Solving constellations is unsafe! And I don't even know what will happen to you when you will solve "The Crown".

R: Look, I protected myself from "The Crown"!



Second doodle:

F: Stupid shantou.

CN2_5KP6wYk.jpg kIaqBjDWAZE.jpg


Thu Apr 16 09:12:55 2020

Our part of the trade with @LiLaiRa95 and the character for @Smoky_Jack
<3 <3 <3

It was fun to work on him, tbh, we love the colors and the soft nature of this guy.


Livestream today! [Offline]

Wed Apr 15 08:05:16 2020


UPD Guys, thank you very much for coming! I'll upload updated Drobeski sprite asap :)


From 17:00 to ???, Moscow time GMT+3.
We'll be drawing Drobeski sprite and listening Duma Key as yesterday.
This time we are streaming together with LiLaiRa!


C 17:00 до ???, по московскому времени.
Будем рисовать спрайт Дробески и слушать Дьюма-Ки, как и вчера.
В этот раз мы стримим вместе с LiLaiRa!


Characters t-poses

Tue Apr 14 15:07:38 2020


Alright! Collected all t-posing characters in one place, even if some of them were posted!

Tsk, Junyver changed a bit since I drew this t-pose

tpose_1_ingrid.png tpose_2_marestail.png tpose_3_serban.png tpose_4_flynn.png tpose_5_femi.png tpose_6_junyver.png tpose_7_lazy.png tpose_8_waffles.png tpose_10_brilla.png tpose_9_drobeski.png tpose_11_emeral.png tpose_patreon_eng.png tpose_patreon_rus.png

Commissions Livestream [Streaming now!]

Tue Apr 14 10:46:07 2020


Guys, we're planning to stream drawing commissions today. It will be a cozy streaming, because today is a rainy day and we're feeling a bit drowsy. No voice, no music - just unhurried drawing and audiobook (we're listening Duma Key by Stephen King - you can mute us if you want).
You're welcome! Don't forget to read our updated rules.
P.S.: Scroll down for a link and a key.


Ребята, мы планируем сегодня постримить рисование комишек. Стрим будет уютным - сегодня пасмурный дождливый день, и мы чувствуем себя очень сонно. Никакого голоса, никакой музыки - просто неспешное рисование и аудиокнига (мы слушаем Дьюма-Ки Стивена Кинга - можете замьютить, если хотите).
Добро пожаловать! Не забудьте прочесть наши обновлённые правила.
P.S.: Ниже вы найдёте ссылку и ключ.


KEY: 5c907b5aaf9ca245bdcfd0c9bf89a50e

commissions.jpg commissions.jpg

A list of WIPs [1 unfinished]

Mon Apr 13 17:49:49 2020

Drobeski's Sprite // Спрайт Дробески

Last updated 04/13/20

Step by step drawing Drobeski's sprite. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Пошагово рисуем спрайт Дробески. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.

Drobeski sprites [WIP]

Mon Apr 13 17:30:01 2020


#5, 04/28/20

Aaaaand done.

#4, 04/24/20


#3, 04/22/20

Colored 2/3 sprites and I'm done for now (and Drobeski is not done yet). Details and the last sprite will be definitely finished on the next stream.

Thank you for watching us! It was really nice of you ♥

#2, 04/15/20


I lined him on livestream, continuing to listen Duma-Key. I feel like Drobeski got some Jerome Wireman's vibes and I don't know why :D They are not very similar.
Thanks everyone for coming on stream!


Полайнила его на стриме, продолжая слушать Дьюма-Ки. Кажется, Дробески приобрёл что-то от Жерома Уайрмана, и я не знаю, почему :D Они не очень похожи.
Спасибо всем, что пришли на стрим!

#1, 04/13/20


Here comes Drobeski! It was almost a night and I was tired as hell, so more details and more charisma will be added with next updates.
The most canonical face and proportions are in the first sprite.


Дробески на очереди! Я рисовала его почти ночью, и была уставшая как чёрт, так что детали и харизма будут добавлены со следующими апдейтами.
Наиболее каноничное лицо и пропорции на первом спрайте.

drobeski.png drobeski_2.jpg drobeski_3.jpg drrrrr.jpg drobeski_final.png

Roui in Animal Crossing

Mon Apr 13 08:54:58 2020

G: xD I drew this finally, we didn't play AC, but Elkane did a wonderful job on Roui's outfit in-game ( ) and it was pretty inspiring!


The Stage [WIP]

Sat Apr 11 19:37:40 2020

G: I did the lines for the new background, I'm pretty happy with it tbh.

212.png 212.png

Sketches for Marestail animatic

Fri Apr 10 17:58:46 2020



Sorry for being offline so long, guys! We've been busy with some irl stuff.
Here are some sketches of animatic with Marestail. I'll think more, maybe there will be their regular outfit.


Простите, что так долго были оффлайн, ребята! Были заняты кое-какими ирл-делами.
Тут у нас скетчи для аниматика с Марестейл. Я ещё подумаю, может, в этой сцене будет не сценический наряд, а обычная одежда.


Mr Bird reference

Tue Mar 31 17:30:01 2020



Here it is, reference on mr Bird. He will be a second important character in the Crown of Leaves plot (I believe we told it already). His temper and nature was unclear for me, and I were changing him and his line in the script a lot of times, before I found some balance.
You will hate this guy. As for me, I hate and love him at the same time.


Вот и референс на мистера Птицу. Он будет вторым по важности персонажем в сюжете Короны из листьев (кажется, мы это уже говорили). Его темперамент и характер долгое время были для меня загадкой, и я меняла его, а заодно и его реплики в сценарии бесчисленное количество раз, прежде чем найти баланс.
Вы возненавидите этого парня. Что до меня, я ненавижу его и люблю одновременно.


Updated Roui Reference

Tue Mar 31 17:30:59 2020



I got some time to redraw an old reference on Roui. It was necessary, because all details of his clothes and accessories (excluding bracelets and rings) were unclear. Also his face and anatomy was a bit off.
I fixed his general shape, drew actual face and hairstyle, changed a necklace, gave him suspenders and more color on his pullover.


У меня появилось время перерисовать старый референс на Руи. Детали его одежды, а также аксессуары (за исключением браслетов и колец) в старом дизайне были не совсем понятными, а также его лицо и тело оказались неканоничными.
Я подправила его силуэт, нарисовала актуальные черты лица и прическу, изменила подвеску на шее, добавила подтяжки и цвет на пулловер.

roui.png roui.png

The Stage

Wed Apr 1 17:30:02 2020


Made a help-model for the Marestail's stage! It will be used as a base for difficult angles and stuff.

Сделала вспомогательную модель для сцены Марестейл! Будет использоваться как база для сложных углов и тому подобного.

Piano model made by D.M. and stool model is by 광수 김.


Anoosh tail [done]

Tue Mar 31 09:36:04 2020



Just look at this magnificent animation made by Fjorge! I can't keep my eyes off that shine on the metal accessories on his tail. All the time when Fjorge were sharing the process with our team, we were like fan-girls (-boy) and didn't realized that every new stage can be better.


Только посмотрите на эту великолепную анимацию, которую сделала Fjorge! Мы не можем глаз оторвать от этих бликов на хвостовых украшениях. Всё время, пока Fjorge делилась процессом с нашей командой, в чате происходит нескончаемый фангерлизм (фанбоизм), и мы даже не думали, что каждый новый апдейт может быть ещё лучше предыдущего.


Under the Belltree (WIP)

Fri Mar 27 16:40:02 2020


G: I was super happy to draw some colorful stuff, like the Cemetery and Tents, but now I'm working on the black and white backgrounds again!
Here is the... door. And it's obviously locked.


Г: Я была очень рада заниматься цветными фонами, вроде Кладбища или Палаток, но теперь я снова возвращаюсь к работе над черно-белыми фонами.
А вот и дверь. И она, очевидно, заперта.


Under_the_belltree.jpg 2.jpg

Fluffy Girl

Tue Mar 24 15:36:40 2020

L: I was almost sleeping and then suddenly

How would Ingrid looked like without her ponytail?



Sun Mar 22 18:33:02 2020



Thank you, guys, who made me doubt in giving Junyver a tricycle - I was thinking about it more, so Grimm and me decided to concept a special vehicle for her, that would be different from vardo but still looking like an old comfortable wreck.
So, yeah, now there are cars on Shang-La officially (specifically in Latori). It's wildly expensive, mostly because of the mysterious Hao engine. Fuel? Nah, forget about it. A wheel? Who needs a wheel, when your car is reading your thoughts?
We've heard it's tsourai technology, but who knows? There are only three of them in Latori, called after Red Baroness Mervari, and Junyver is owning one of them - the blue one. Lucky girl. The first car belongs to the Red Baroness herself.


Спасибо тем ребятам, которые заставили меня сомневаться в том, чтобы сделать для Джунивер трицикл - я долго об этом думала, и мы с Гриммом в итоге решили наконцептить для неё какой-нибудь особенный транспорт, который бы кардинально отличался от вардо, но всё ещё выглядел бы как старая и уютная развалюха.
Так что да, теперь на Шан-Ла официально есть машины (конкретно - только в Латори). Это дико дорогое удовольствие, в основном из-за мистического двигателя Хао. Топливо? Ха, забудьте об этом. Руль? Кому нужен руль, когда твоя машина умеет читать твои мысли?
Мы слышали, это цурайская технология, но кто знает? Существует только три машины, названные в честь Красной Баронессы Мервари, и Джунивер владеет одной из них, синей. Счастливица. Первая машина принадлежит самой Красной Баронессе.


Maoto (kodo tigers)

Fri Mar 20 20:05:37 2020

G: I'm gonna work on tigers from Kodo's forest - there a few others I still want to draw.

This one is called 'maoto', they are not aggressive with Kodo nation but will be super angr with any other sahash.


Tents - [Prerender]

Fri Mar 20 17:37:53 2020

All done! Look at those cute El-Balyamian toys! <3 <3
Old post:
G: I have no idea why Patreon is acting strange today, but it won't allow me to edit some of the old posts so I will post these separately. Anyway, here is the prerendered tents - I drew 3 of them and have only one to finish now!

We found out some of the tents are too big for the first version of the background, so we changed it to match those designs. But I do love both versions and I found it interesting for the players - they will see something new when replaying the game. <3

for_patreon2.jpg tents.png

Nomes (the tsourai of El-Balyama)

Fri Mar 20 11:13:05 2020

We drew this concept list on Elbalyamian tsourai - Nomes - to show how they looked like ages ago, before almost all of them died or lost their mind and run wild. Now they are worshiped as gods in El-Balyama, there are very few of them left - one for each nom (analogue of the state in this country).

We won't delve into history right now because SPOILERS, so we just leave you here with these beautiful creatures. xD

Не так давно мы нарисовали концепт-лист на Эльбальямских цурай - Номов - чтобы показать, как они выглядели когда-то, прежде чем большинство из них погибли или лишились разума и одичали. Сейчас в Эль-Бальяме их почитают как богов, но осталось их очень мало - по одному на каждый ном (аналог штата или региона в этой стране). Не хочется и дальше углубляться в историю, потому что СПОЙЛЕРЫ, так что мы вас оставим с этими красивыми созданиями и пока на этом всё хD


Morning in the Hill Camp

Tue Mar 17 17:41:17 2020

L: Rendering of location is going fast! I'm happy with the result, with the Lake especially. By the way, it has a name now - Dalan Lake.

AM_outside_morning_small.jpg LAKE_morning_small.jpg RF_morning_1920x1080.jpg

The Script is Done!

Sun Mar 15 12:56:22 2020



Hey hey, stop doing whatever you're doing and let's celebrate a little: we finished the main plot of the Crown of Leaves!
There will be two different endings, tons of menus, jokes, and drama.
There are ~37 300 words without additional dialogues.
We're almost there! Stay tuned!


Эй-эй, прекратите делать то, что делаете, и отпразднуйте с нами окончание работы над основным сюжетом Короны из листьев!
В этой главе будет две кардинально отличающихся друг от друга концовки, тонны меню, шуток и драмы.
Всего вышло ~37 300 words без дополнительных диалогов.

ы почти закончили! Оставайтесь с нами!

Marestail’s Stage [Description UPD]

Sun Mar 15 09:52:29 2020



When Grimm and I are discussing a regular background, I'm making sketches like the second one to show scales and shapes - just to figure out, how it will be in the environment. For this one, we thought it will be a medium size scene, looking more or less modern-like, but then focused on vintage and mysterious color. In the end, it will be mixed (we still didn't think about interior).

Searching for inspiration, I found this amazing article. Honestly, I found the wagon sketches earlier, then I wondered where is it from.

It gave me an idea to make the stage a folding vardo, which is carrying around by Marestail with his main vardo. We still have to concept it more, because I don't want to borrow Terry Gilliam's idea and make the same.

The second step will be concepting an interior and the third one is modeling a base in SketchUp.


Когда мы с Гримм обсуждаем очередной фон, я делаю подобные скетчи, чтобы показать размер и форму - просто чтобы представить, как это будет выглядеть в окружении.
Тут мы представили средних размеров сцену, которая больше похожа на современную, но затем сфокусировались на винтажном и мистическом колорите. В итоге мы смешаем нашу первую и вторую идеи (и подумаем над интерьером).
В поисках вдохновения я случайно набрела на эту прекрасную статью. Честно говоря, сначала я нашла скетчи вагончика, а только потом заинтересовалась, откуда они.
Это дало мне идею сделать сцену мистика складным вардо, который Марестейл таскает за собой вместе с основным вагончиком. Всё это нуждается в доработке, потому что я не собираюсь заимствовать идею Терри Гиллиама и попросту делать то же самое.
На втором этапе мы доконцептим интерьер, а на третьем - сделаем базовую модель в SketchUp.

IMG_2619.jpg IMG_2622.jpg

Anoosh's tail animation

Tue Mar 10 12:29:26 2020

L: While I'm busy with the script, our other artists are drawing. Here are some progress of nifty animations of Anoosh's tail made by fjorge!

0.gif 1-2.gif 1-2_1.gif


Mon Mar 9 09:47:38 2020

L: Another character from the story “Dog in Thorns” :D He got a little redesign too, like Sarissa (because he had parba horns and was called parba, though he is phurra obviously).

IMG_2580.jpg IMG_2581.jpg

The tents [WIP] - UPD

Sat Mar 7 20:08:54 2020

G: This is a left part of the Cemetery - the festival takes place here, but only a few tents will be important for the player.

You can also see the plush tigers - it's a cute souvenirs that the kodo merchant brought to the festival to sell them to the locals :3

Now it's almost done! I only need to draw the linework for the blue tent and to think of the way of adding another two tents into this bg.



Fri Mar 6 12:05:50 2020


While we on improvised sick leave, we are working on Shang-La in general, writing about the lore and our characters on Toyhouse. I remembered Sarissa - one of my old sahash characters from the story with temporary name “Dog in Thorns”. Sarissa is Beylerian, but she had pretty random design with dallinga horns and Ayelahaian-like outfit. That was bugging me a lot, before I finally drew her as I see her.

She is 14 years old rogue and Adventurer, travels with ex-knight Brontir, the legend of Adventurers Endagar and his sister, kitchen-witch Mahleesia.

Maybe rewatching “Slayers” helped me be more brave in drawing things like this haha

By the way, we are feeling much better and going to proceed our work on the game from tomorrow! I still can’t tell when we’ll be streaming, but will see.

Thank you for support and kind words, guys. ⭐️


A border [UPD]

Wed Mar 4 22:18:00 2020





We caught the flu and were extremely dead during a week, but now we seem to feel a little better, but still... bleh. This is the reason why we didn’t work on the game all these days.

But I got this little WIP for you.

This is a border between the Stream and the Flat. Normal flora of the world of mortals can be changed by the Flat (but flora of the Flat will be deceased in the Stream), but it’s a long process, so travelers still have all chances to get lost. I hope I didn’t mess up with the description because my English is so Engrish today.


Мы простудились и умирали где-то неделю, но сейчас постепенно становится лучше, хотя не очень. По этой причине мы все эти дни не работали над игрой.

Но у меня для вас есть небольшой WIP.

Это граница между Потоком и Штилем. Нормальная флора мира смертных может изменяться Штилем (но флора Штиля просто погибнет в Потоке), но это долгий процесс, так что у путешественников все ещё есть все шансы потеряться.


Nourian Weapon

Sat Feb 29 16:33:20 2020

L: These questions reminded me about this concept list I made a few months ago.

All electrical Nourian weapon named after mythical creature Netleyn, the giant sea eel. Here is some drawing from 2014:

Probably it's feral tsourai, but who knows?


Young Junyver

Thu Feb 27 22:09:56 2020

L: A sketch before to go sleep 💤


The Fire [Spoiler]

Wed Feb 26 21:00:40 2020

There are spoilers everywhere, so beware.

Until the fire turns to desire
Until the fight becomes daylight






L: As we told on streams, the plot of the 2nd Chapter Act 1 was surprisingly close to some Ladytron’s songs from her album “Until the Fire”. Grimm appreciate Ladytron a lot, so this coincidence made her really happy. We recommend to listen “Until the Fire” and also “Deadzone”.

This is a concept of Roui the Fire. I’m still thinking about how it could be visualized, so probably it will be different in the game.

Why he is in flame? Maybe it’s not a Roui anymore?

P.S.: There still no any fire mages


The Script Progress [2]

Wed Feb 26 16:36:35 2020



Мы закончили сценарий для 2-ой главы! Чтобы прояснить: это основной сюжет, и он не включает в себя дополнительные диалоги с персонажами, осмотр локаций и квестовые реплики.
Итак, 2-ая глава состоит из трёх актов.
~11 475 слов
Я бы сказала, что в целом глава готова на 70%.


We finished the script for the chapter 2! Just to be clear: it's a main plot and not including additional dialogues with characters, location observing and quests lines.
So, 2nd Chapter consists of 3 Acts.
~11 475 words
I would say the chapter is 70% done.

Roui's ponytail

Tue Feb 25 17:55:13 2020

Answering on the part of Atlas' question :D


Alain sprite [Animation]

Mon Feb 24 17:31:00 2020

L: Emotional Alain and his mistery box.


The mound of the lost - Panoramic view [80% finished]

Sun Feb 23 14:57:53 2020


G: Hell yeah, it's finished! Now all it needs is light and a few additional shades. We also thinking about animated flags but we'll see about that.


G: Ну вот фон и готов! Теперь остается только положить свет в зависимости от времени суток и добавить теней. Мы также подумываем анимировать флажки, но это скорее на уровне идеи пока.

jpg (d)


Thu Feb 20 21:52:11 2020

L: Working on something. Hmmmm.



Wed Feb 19 21:48:25 2020



Привет! Наш патрон, Jared Jurkiewicz, спросил нас про Руи и его очки. Вот здесь вопрос.
Я уже давно думала об этой истории из прошлого Руи, и вопрос вдохновил меня нарисовать это в виде небольшой истории.
Русская версия в прикреплёнке.


Hello! Our patron Jared Jurkiewicz asked us about Roui and his glasses. Here is their question.
I've been thinking about this part of Roui's past for a long time and this question inspired me to draw it as a short story.

teeth_01_eng.png teeth_01_rus.png teeth_02_eng.png teeth_03_eng.png teeth_03_rus.png teeth_02_rus.png

Alain sprite update [Done]

Mon Feb 17 19:53:14 2020

#3, 02/23/20
Animated version will be posted tomorrow!

# 2, 02/17/20


Исправила пропорции, дизайн одежды и цвета.
Лайн ниже.


Fixed proportions, clothes design and colors.


P.S.: Благодарности Igneous за камео! Этот прекрасный персонаж принадлежит ему, и должен был появиться в 1-ой главе, но мы наконец-то нашли ему место в следующей.
P.P.S.: У нас возникли трудности с его именем в русском варианте. Судя по тому, что мне удалось найти, он не только не "Алан", но и не "Ален", а "Алейн". Так что привыкаем.


P.S.: Thanks Igneous for a cameo contribution! This brilliant character belongs to him and had to be in the 1st chapter, but now he finally found a place in the next one.

Animatic sketches

Mon Feb 17 11:47:57 2020



Сценарий подходит к концу, и это значит, что я могу больше времени посвящать другим задачам в проекте. Над аниматиком мы будем работать вместе с fjorge, что должно ускорить процесс.

Эти сцены идут не подряд (возможно, их разделит ещё одна или две). Ниже ещё один скетч, который я либо уточню, либо переработаю, и концепт монстробаранца. Я его постила, но навигация по Патреону бесчеловечна.


The script is coming to an end, and this means I’m able to devote my time on other tasks in the project. We’ll be working on animatics together with fjorge, it will accelerate the process.

These frames are not going one by one (probably they will be separated by a couple additional scenes). Below you will see another one sketch - maybe I will finish it, or maybe change a bit. And also a monster-veglamb concept. I definitely posted it, but it’s really hard to find something on Patreon.


The mound of the lost - close up [WIP2] UPDATED!

Sun Feb 16 12:41:01 2020


G: Some of the Chapter 2 events will take place at the cemetery. We already had a few sketches/old versions of this background, but they didn't fit the plot so we decided to start over.

I wanted to give this place the feeling of open space, with the stones and a cemetery tree as the center of the composition. It's not gloomy - so you can see a lot of flowers, sunlight and red-colored flags strung between a tree and stones, adding a carnival-like atmosphere to the whole picture.


G: Часть событий второй главы будет происходить на кладбище. У нас уже были наработки для этого фона - мы нарисовали целую панораму и даже добавили туда персонажей, но теперь поняли, что для сюжета эти арты не годятся. Поэтому решили начать заново.

Мне хотелось добавить этому месту ощущение открытого пространства, где единственным центром композиции будет кладбищенское дерево и огромные камни вокруг него. В Латори кладбища не считаются "мрачными", поэтому вы можете заметить на фоне цветы, много солнечного света и красные флажки, добавляющие почти карнавальное настроение этому месту.



G: Okay, here we go with the close-up view! I also re-lined some of the super old parts of this bg (we drew them 2 years ago xD).
G: Я решила начать с ближнего плана, так будет проще работать над общим - плюс переделала лайн некоторых элементов 2-х летней давности хD

333.jpg NewCanvas1.jpg

Shang-La Map Update [WIP]

Sat Feb 15 09:46:52 2020

L: Uploading it by request! I have to change and add something, but countries location are canonical.


Community Section

Thu Feb 13 15:32:49 2020



Don't forget about Community section here! You may ask about Shang-La lore or just say hello~


Не забывайте про раздел Сообщество! Там вы можете спросить про лор Шан-Ла или просто сказать привет~


Mon Feb 10 11:29:51 2020


It’s done! Can’t believe it.

There are regular sahash teeth and an example of matree’s mutation.


Get ready to the next livestream!

Sun Feb 9 18:14:18 2020

We're going to finish this stickerpack finally!


Serban sprite-kit

Sun Feb 9 17:57:23 2020



Разобранный по кусочкам и по кусочкам санимированный спрайт Сербана... новый. Я его собиралась сделать ещё для октябрьского ремастера, но меня все схватили за руки и запретили это делать, иначе бы мы задержались с релизом. А после ремастера уже некому было меня держать, и я потихоньку перерисовывала Сербана по ночам.
В конце концов, это один из основных персонажей в игре, а у него даже костюмчик поменять нельзя было.
Так как мы меняем движок, и я кодом больше не занимаюсь, мне нужно собирать для нашего нового кодера, Dizir'a, максимально полную информацию о том, где у спрайтов персонажей какая часть, что у них анимированно и как оно называется.
Хвост пока старый, кстати.
(и его руки здесь выглядят как ноги. Теперь не могу развидеть. Хелп.)


Dismemberent animated Serban's sprites... which is brand new. I wanted to draw her even before October remaster, but everybody grabbed my hands and forbided me to do this, otherwise release would be delayed. And after the release there were nobody to stop me from it, so I redrew Serban's sprites at night.
He is one of main characters at least, but I couldn't even change his outfit.
Since we're chaning engine and I'm not doing code anymore, I have to gather maximum detailed info for our new programmer, Dizir, and explain everything about characters sprites, what is animated and what's the name of all these parts.
Tail is still old, by the way.
(and his hands look like legs. Now I can't unsee it. Help)


The Bedroom [WIP, #2] - UPDATED

Fri Feb 7 16:01:49 2020


G: I'm done with the Basement (it only needs to be rendered now) and almost done with this one - so I want to show it to you!

This place is a strange mix of an old garden and a bedroom, waiting for you to feel its eerie, quiet atmosphere.

G: Я закончила с Подвалом (теперь осталось только порендерить его) и почти доделала Спальню - поэтому хочу поскорее поделиться с вами процессом.

Это место - причудливый микс спальни и заброшенного сада, оно ждет, когда вы зайдете и ощутите на себе его зловещую, молчаливую энергетику.



G: Ии-и почти готово! Обновила арт в шапке поста. Остается только доделать мелочи, ну и дорендерить где надо/проверить еще раз угол у предметов/добавить финальные детали.

G: And it's almost done! We just need to render it/add the final details/check if the angle needs some changes. I re-uploaded the main file so you can see the result of the work now.


Pure Mind

Thu Feb 6 20:52:24 2020


Latorian Breakfast

Wed Feb 5 14:51:32 2020


I wanted to name this dish and make a small description, but realized that my empty brain is delaying release of this drawing. I drew it a long time ago, but finished it just now.

Looks like something I would be glad to eat right now.


Sualokin wing

Sun Feb 2 12:42:17 2020



На всякий случай начну с обращения к тем, кто любит анатомию и ратует за реалистичность: если в реальной жизни все подчинено законам физики, биологии и химии, то в мире, далёком от научфана, эти законы можно и нужно нарушать. (примечание: научфан мы любим, но только глазами, и это не то, что мы хотели бы видеть в своём сеттинге)
Не забывайте про стилизацию, которая нарочно искажает пропорции ровно в той степени, чтобы они смотрелись гармонично, и забудьте про фразы в духе "С такими крыльями они летать не будут". Мы же не строим дельтаплан, поэтому нас не интересует вероятность того, поднимутся суалокин в воздух в реальности или нет.
Да, зачастую художнику требуется учить анатомию так же, как учат её студенты мед института, но не затем, чтобы досконально помнить названия всех костей и мышц, желательно на латыни. Я и сама вспоминаю эти названия только тогда, когда решаю попрактиковаться и открываю анатомический атлас или туториалы. Анатомия для художников - база, которая даёт полное представление о том, как в движении поворачиваются кости, как вздуваются и натягиваются мышцы. О пластике, в конце концов. Понимая анатомию, можно научиться упрощать и стилизовать её, сохраняя узнаваемый базис, и демонстрировать свою манеру рисования.
Итак, вернёмся к теме.
Я вынудила себя тщательно обдумать, как всё же выглядят кисть на крыльях у суалокин, потому что даже в стилизации меня не устраивало то, как она выглядит. Не могу заставить себя оставить им только четыре рабочих пальца, хотя удлинённый мизинец выглядит странно. С другой стороны, его можно манерно оттопыривать, попивая чаёк, и тогда аристократический эффект усиливается на 20%.
Крылья длинные, узкие: в основном ориентируюсь на морских птиц - олуш и фрегатов. У суалокин может быть и другая форма крыльев, и пропорции тела изменяются в соответствии с ними - чем больше и шире крылья, тем массивнее тело, и наоборот. Перепончатые крылья тоже бывают, я с ними позже разберусь.
Цурай не состоят из плоти и крови, как смертные. То есть, своего рода плоть и кровь у них конечно же есть, но структура и консистенция очень непривычные. Здесь это видно на примере данги (#1).


Just in case, I want to speak to those who loves realism: everything in the real world depends on the laws of physics, biology, and chemistry, but it's different in the world that is quite far from sci-fi, so these laws can and sometimes should be broken. (note: we love sci-fi, but it's now what we want to see in our own setting).
Don't forget about stylization, that can deliberately distort proportions to make them look harmoniously. Forget about phrases like "they can't fly with these wings" because we're not building a hang glider. We simply don't care if sualokin can fly in real life or if they can't, but we do care about the aesthetics.
Sometimes artists have to learn anatomy as much as the medical institute students, but it's not about remembering the names of every bone and muscle, preferably in Latin. I remember these names only when practicing with the help of anatomical atlases and tutorials. Anatomy is a base for artists that helps to understand how bones rotate, how the muscles tense up and so on. To understand the plastic too. If you know anatomy, you can simplify and stylize it, keeping a base and demonstrating your drawing style and vision.
So, back to the theme.
I was thinking about sualokin wings and their hands because I wasn't too happy with it even in stylization. I can't make myself to draw them only four active fingers, though this long pinky looks weird. But they could gracefully protrude it, drinking tea, so the aristocratic effect increases by 20%.
Wings are long and narrow, referencing to seabirds - gannets and fregatas. Sualokin can have different wing shapes, so body proportions changes in comparison with them - the bigger and wider wings are, the more massive is the body. They also could have membranous wings, but I'll deal with them later.
Tsourai are not made from flesh and blood as mortals... not really. Its structure looks different and pretty weird, you can see it here on Danga's example (#1).


Sualokin bode

Thu Jan 30 19:53:11 2020


Just a sualokin without a mane and clothes to show their proportions. Forget about a human-like chest xD


Sualokin’s landing

Wed Jan 29 20:15:51 2020



The whole morning I was watching birds photos and videos. I’m a huge fan of birds and I can really stack for hour looking at their feathers and wings. Yeah. I hope it doesn't sound creepy.
So, it inspired me to draw a few sketches to show how sualokin are landing on the ground.


Целое утро я смотрела на фотки и видео птиц. Я большой фанат птиц, и я правда могу залипнуть на час, разглядывая их перья и крылья. Да. Надеюсь, это не слишком криопово звучит.
В общем, это вдохновило меня на пару скетчиков, показывающие, как суалокин приземляются на землю.


Rasko and Lazy [Animation]

Mon Jan 27 12:48:00 2020



Вот и анимации!
Конечно, это ещё не вся работа над этим спрайтом - в будущем добавлю больше эмоций и, возможно, нарисую ещё одну позу, если она понадобится по сценарию. Ну и хвосты тоже будут анимированы (:


Here goes animations!
Of course it's not completely finished yet - I'll add more emotions and, probably, one more pose - it depends on the script. And tails will be animated too (:


Abandoned Manor, morning

Wed Jan 22 18:30:15 2020



Дом становится всё более мистическим...
Утро - сложное время, нельзя просто взять розовый свет и фиолетовые тени и радоваться. У меня постоянно получается закат вместо восхода, так что, надеюсь, рендер почти всех локаций в утро поможет мне это исправить.
Как думаете, что происходит в этом доме? Кто или что пришло сюда? Оно хорошее или злое?


This house is becoming even more mystical...
Morning is a difficult time, you can't just take a pink light and violet shadows and be happy with it. I'm always unintentionally draw dusk instead of dawn, so I hope that rendering almost all locations into morning will help me to change it.
What do you think, what's happening in this house? Who or what came here? Is it good or bad?


Basement [WIP, #1]

Sun Jan 19 18:31:32 2020



Yay, I'm back to work on the backgrounds! We continue the black and white backgrounds series, featuring the basement this time - a room full of old furniture, toys, and art objects. This room looks like an antique shop, but it's abandoned and not very cozy.

The art will be darker in the end, but the lights and shades will be finished by Lins <3


Ура, я снова работаю над фонами! Это еще одно загадочное место из той самой черно-белой серии, которую мы уже показывали раньше - подвал, заполненный старой мебелью, игрушками и интерьерной ерундой. Чем-то (лично мне) он напоминает антикварный магазин, правда выглядит заброшенным и не слишком-то уютным.
Арт будет темнее в своей итоговой версии, но финальным рендером будет заниматься Линс <3


Livestream link

Fri Jan 17 12:39:33 2020

Stream ended. Thanks to everyone!


Answering your question

Thu Jan 16 15:07:27 2020

The Perfomance, v1 [OST]

Sun Jan 12 17:30:01 2020



Музыку мы заказываем под уже написанные сцены. Этот трек будет играть во время выступления Марестейла, которым я очень горжусь, и трек получился именно таким, каким я его и представляла.
Как написал сам Блэк:


We're ordering music for scenes that already written. This track will be playing during Marestail's perfomance, and I really proud of this scene. The music sounds exactly how I imagined.
What Black himself said (translation of the screenshot above):
"The hero is changing through the instruments and in the end he's getting back to the main theme, relaxing his congregation, and he is like "Relaaax, I'm joking. This is a joke"."


Fel's tail waving cycle [by fjorge]

Sat Jan 11 13:26:53 2020



For now we're working on the script and relaxing before 16th of January, playing RDO with friends. But it doesn't mean we have nothing to show~
Here is the first work of our animator, fjorge! We're incredibly happy with the result :O


Пока мы работаем над сценарием и расслабляемся до 16-го января, играя в RDO с друзьями. Но это не значит, что нам нечего показать~
Это первая работа нашего аниматора, fjorge! Мы безумно довольны результатом :O


Brilla's heart

Fri Jan 10 15:19:55 2020

Before the New year we met Faellin, an owner of the cameo character Fel, and she gifted us a couple of hours of pleasant and funny chatting and... Paprika!
Honestly, we thought it's a natural one xD And only when we took her in hands, we realised it's plastic. But it looks extremely natural. Now Roui have to co-exist with it in the one shelf.

До Нового года мы виделись с Фаэллин, владельцем персонажа-камео Фэл, и помимо пары часов приятного и веселого общения она подарила нам... паприку! Честно говоря, сначала мы решили, что она настоящая xD А только потом взяли в руки и поняли, что нет. Но выглядит она очень здорово, и теперь Руи вынужден соседствовать с ней на одной полке.

Happy New... Wolf

Sun Jan 5 17:02:17 2020



Hello, guys! How do you do?
We're still enjoying our vacation, though we already in Moscow. And here is a New Year art for you!


Привет, ребята! Как у вас дела?
Мы всё еще наслаждаемся нашим отпуском, хотя мы уже вернулись в Москву. И вот вам новогодний арт!


Happy New Year!

Tue Dec 31 20:50:00 2019

We are gonna celebrate the New Year!

“Normal” art is in progress, but here, take a funny sketch, based on Russian comment!

Here is the Russian comment. I don’t think it’s need to be translated in English, you can see everything on the sketch above xD



Sun Dec 29 10:12:38 2019



Всем привет!
Мы особо не обновлялись, потому что это неделя перед Новым Годом, и мы были заняты с подготовкой к праздникам. Завтра мы отправимся на дачу, где интернет очень медленный и нестабильный - планируем отдохнуть там недельку. И всё-таки дача - лучшее место для рисования и писания, потому что это тихое и спокойное место, так что мы привезём кое-какие материалы для Патреона!
Спасибо за то, что вы с нами!


Hello everyone!
We were not updating much, because it’s a week before the New Year, and we were busy with preparing to the holidays. Tomorrow we are going to dacha, where’s internet is slow and unstable, planning to get the rest for a week. And still, dacha is the best place for drawing and writing, because it’s calm and quite place, so we’ll bring some materials for our Patreon!
In general we are feeling okay, but have troubles with sleeping. Hope we will fix it somehow during holidays~
Thank you for being with us!

Special Offer is ended!

Tue Dec 24 18:55:24 2019



We sent all keys we had, but it was not enough. I requested for more, but we're still waiting for approve (Steam says it will be done during 2-3 days). Sorry for delay, friends!
Мы разослали все ключи, которые у нас были, но их оказалось недостаточно. Я запросила больше, но мы всё еще ждём подтверждения (Стим сообщает, что это происходит в течение 2-3 дней). Простите за задержку, друзья!

Streaming [Offline]

Sun Dec 22 12:22:10 2019


У нас проблемы с записью стримов - по какой-то причине Пикарто отказывается это делать, даже при учёте, что все соответствующие галочки поставлены, а запись включена. Так что только стрим.

We have a problem with livestream recording - for some reason Picarto is refusing to do it, even if recording is on. So it's be just a livestream.


Sticker pack [done]

Sat Dec 21 22:06:50 2019


#4, 04/05/20

Sticker pack is done! I'll draw some background for it, but later.

#3, 03/29/20

Linework is done!

I started to color it, but still hadn't time to finish it an once. I know it wouldn't be long.

#2 02/15/20

Detailed sketches and lined up Flynn on today stream~

And here is also a second version of Serban I decided to keep.

#1 12/22/19


stickers.jpg tcol_stickers-2.jpg tcol_stickers-12.png

Stream stuff

Fri Dec 20 16:36:34 2019

Here is some funny stuff we were drawing on our stream :D

Pantsu and newiefen.

2.jpg 1.jpg newiefen1.jpg newiefen2.jpg newiefen3.jpg

Streaming Rasko and Lazy [OFFLINE NOW]

Fri Dec 20 12:22:25 2019


Thank you, guys! <3


Stream schedule [UPD]

Mon Dec 16 15:13:32 2019



Всем привет! Здесь будем собирать расписание предстоящих стримов, чтобы вы успели заранее подготовиться к ним (если захотите к нам присоединиться). Вероятно, сидеть будем без голоса - для этих целей мы рано или поздно потестим Twitch или Youtube.
Ссылка и ключ на канал в Picarto (эксклюзивно для патронов) появится в день стрима.


Hello everyone! We'll keep here a schedule of upcoming streams to give you time to prepare (if you want to join us). Probably we'll be streaming with a mic off - for any broadcasting with voices we'll test Twitch or Youtube, but later.
A link and a key to the Picarto channel (exclusive for patrons) will appear at the day of the stream

19 декабря, четверг, с 16 до 18-19 по Москве. Буду лайнить Раско с Лентяйкой.

19th December, Thursday, from 4 PM to 6-7 PM, Moscow time. I'll be doing a linework for Rasko with Lazy.

Marestail sprites [WIP, #2]

Sun Dec 15 18:37:48 2019


All updates for spoiler things comes below!

#1, 12/15/19


Yeah, I know, it's not a spoiler anymore for the most of you, but still, it's a spoiler for all who joined us recently. Maybe you just want to keep your head clear from any spoilers, so this warning is here for you.
Here are the sprites and I'm SO EXCITED to work on them!! And can't wait to stream the process <3


Да, я знаю, это уже не спойлер для большинства из вас, но это все ещё спойлер для тех, кто недавно присоединился к нам. А может, вы просто хотите держать вашу голову чистой от всяких спойлеров, так что эта обложка здесь для вас.
Вот спрайты, над которыми я ОЧЕНЬ РАДА работать!! И не могу дождаться, когда начну стримить процесс <3

#2, 03/26/20

Feel the love go~

#2, 04/11/20



Unfortunately, we couldn't stream the process as promised, because last days things didn't go as planned. Here are Mare's rendered sprites with a hat and without it (and his ears in this hat looks soooo dumb, I don't like it and I'll change it, I swear).


К сожалению, мы всё-таки не смогли застримить процесс как обещали, потому что в последние дни всё идёт не по плану. Так что вот вам порендеренные спрайты Маре со шляпой и без неё (его уши в этой шляпе выглядят ужасно тупо, мне не нравится, и я это переделаю, клянусь).


Rasko and Lazy [WIP, #4]

Sun Dec 15 18:30:40 2019


#4, 1/17/20


Закончила с рендером. Остались только анимации!


Finished with render. There are only animations left!

#3, 12/22/19


Забыла на стриме дорисовать руку Лентяйке и хвосты обоим xD Исправилась.
За идею сделать Раско хвостик спасибо GlumBlitz - сразу захотелось представить, как бы это смотрелось на персонаже, и всем, включая нам, понравилось. Так что это теперь канон.


I forgot to draw Lazy's hand! And tails for both xD Fixed it.
For idea to draw Rasko with a ponytail thanks to GlumBlitz - we immediately wanted to see how it would look like on character, and everybody (us included) liked it. So it's a canon now.

#2, 12/20/19


#1, 12/15/19


Yeee, this is the first double sprite in the game! (except for Femi with Waffles, but Waffles is silent when she being held ).
All stages will be streamed, stay tuned and wait for the next updates~


Йеее, это первый двойной спрайт в игре! (за исключением Феми с Вафлей, но Вафля молчит, когда она сидит на руках у своей маман).
Все стадии мы будем стримить, оставайтесь с нами и ждите грядущих обновлений~


Fel sprite

Sat Dec 14 23:59:09 2019

L: Blinking and flipflaping Fel :D

There is nothing else to say.


Stream! (offline now)

Sat Dec 14 18:33:51 2019


That was fun, thank you!


Juny’s tricycle

Fri Dec 13 19:05:14 2019



Раз уж Джунивер продаёт пылесосы, у нее должен быть свой транспорт. Было трудно представить, как она возит свои товары в вардо или на телеге, впряженной лошадью или суджидаро (и вообще трудно представить, как она общается с животным), поэтому я подумала о трицикле. Это самая первая идея, которая пришла мне в голову - возможно, её транспорт позже приобретет немного иной вид.


So, if Junyver is selling vacuum cleaners, she must have her own transport. It was hard to imagine how she's delivering her goods in a horse- or sujidaro-driven vardo or on a cart (and it's also hard to imagine how she communicates with animals at all), so I thought about the tricycle. This is the very first idea that came to my mind - perhaps, her transport will later acquire a little different view.



Wed Dec 11 17:26:23 2019


Просто практиковала рандомные позы, и вдруг получился Флинн.

I just was practicing random poses, and suddenly drew Flynn.

png (d)

Picarto channel

Tue Dec 10 02:03:03 2019



Well, we decided that podcasts was not very reasonable suggestion; streams are way better. We'll be streaming on Russian and English at the same time (it will be not a synchronized translation - we'll be chat and answer your questions).
So, getting ready to streams! We even have something to show you. Alas, but we didn't bought any mic yet, so you can just subscribe for now (and we'll understand how does this system works as well).


Итак, мы решили, что подкасты - не совсем разумное предложение, и пришли ко мнению, что стримы будут куда лучше. Вести будем одновременно на русском и английском (не параллельно переводить, просто болтать и отвечать на вопросы).
Так что всё, готовимся к стримам! Как раз есть, что показать. Увы, у нас на данный момент ещё нет микрофона, так что можете пока просто подписаться (а мы заодно поймём, как и что там работает).



Mon Dec 9 00:45:21 2019



Спасибо большое, что беспокоитесь о нашем здоровье и психическом состоянии xD Когда мы задавали вопрос про подкасты, мы полностью забыли про то, что это будет отнимать наше рабочее время. Да и в самом деле, о чем конкретно делать покдасты? Тем более, реализовать это одновременно с двумя языками будет очень трудно.
Мы рассмотрим видео-подкаст или стримы. С видео будет уже проще, так как большую часть времени я всё равно рисую.
Большое спасибо за ваше мнение, мы более тщательно продумаем этот формат контента и вернёмся к вам с новым опросом :D

Thanks for worrying about our physical and mental health xD When we were asking that question about podcasts, we completely forgot that it will take our working time. Indeed, what's it should be about? And make it bilingual would be very complicated.
We'll consider video podcasts or livestreams. With video it would be easier, since I'm drawing most of my time.
Thank you very much for your opinion, we'll think about this content format and we'll back to you with a new poll :D


Even if we start to make something like this, it will be only in Russian, because our English pronunciation is far from good. Though we could try xD
So the first question is:
#1 yes
#2 no?
and if the answer is "yes", we'll make another poll.


Если мы и будем делать что-то такое, то только на русском, так как английское произношение заставляет желать лучшего. Хотя можно попытаться было бы xD
Так что первый вопрос такой:
#1 да
# нет
и если ответ будет "да", то мы сделаем другой опрос.

Script progress and structure

Mon Dec 9 00:40:25 2019



A structure of the main plot, Act II, part 1. Still a lot of work to do, but now I see the whole picture clearly.


Структура основного сюжета, Акт II, часть 1. Еще многое надо сделать, но есть чёткая картина того, что происходит (:



Sat Dec 7 23:03:09 2019



Small retrospect; portraits from 3rd November 2016 (!).
You probably remeber the intro from the first chapter, where these trio makes an appearance. Actually, only two - you didn't saw the girl on the center, only her silhouette. So, it's the Black Baron's wife and her name is Rose.
Other two are obviously Black Baron Shayon and Red Baroness Mervary.
Decided to show it to you, because I just killed two hours, trying to find it. I thought it was deleted from my hard drive.


Небольшой взгляд в прошлое, портреты из 3 ноября 2016 (!) года.
Вы наверняка помните интро первой главы, в конце которого мелькнули эти три персонажа. Точнее, два - девушку по центру вы не видели, только её силуэт. Так вот, это та самая невеста Чёрного Барона, и зовут её Роза.
Остальные у нас, очевидно, Чёрный Барон Шайон и Красная Баронесса Мервари.
Решила вам это показать, потому что я только что убила часа два на его поиски, думая, что он навсегда исчез с харда.


The Script Progress

Fri Dec 6 13:39:00 2019


Время рассказать о том, что происходит у нас со сценарием. Какое-то время назад мы говорили, что закончили (или почти закончили?) писать Акт I, и он даже прошел редакцию. Но в очередной раз история поменялась, и пришлось всё переписывать заново. Теперь, когда у нас наметились изменения в команде, дела пошли намного лучше, так как у меня появилось больше времени на писанину и арт.

It's time to tell what's going on with the script. Some time ago we told you that we finished (or almost finished?) and edited the Act I. But the story changed again and I had to write it from scratch. Now, when our team is changing things are going better because I got more time to write and draw.

Сей факт меня настолько вдохновил, что я полностью переписала первый акт за две недели, а всю третью я добавляла ветвления.

This fact inspired me a lot, so I completely re-wrote the Act I in two weeks and was writing the branches the whole next week, too.

Мария Мухарская, наш редактор (напомню, в прошлом она действительно профессиональный редактор; и, кстати, мама Гримма) полностью проработала со мной сценарий и отжала воду. Сейчас она проверяет кое-какие дописанные кусочки из Акта I, а также начало Акта II.

Maria Mukharskaya, our editor (a small reminder: she is a professional editor... and Grimm's mom by the way! xD), helped me to finish it. Now she's checking some stuff I added in Act I and Act II.

Вторая глава, вероятно, будет состоять из 3-4 актов (посмотрим дальше), каждый акт состоит из 4-х частей.

The 2nd chapter will probably consist of 3-4 Acts (we'll see), every Act consists of 4 parts.

Статистика без дополнительных диалогов:

Statistic without additional dialogues:

Акт I: ~5100 слов (4/4) // Act I: ~5100 words (4/4)

Акт II: ~1640 слов (1/4) // Act II: ~1640 (1/4)

Roui's sprites [GIF]

Fri Dec 6 13:11:29 2019

L: We're almost there!


About the Special Offer

Mon Dec 2 15:31:30 2019



Привет вам, старожилы и новоприбывшие!
Как видите, мы запустили Специальное Предложение и рассылаем стим-ключи каждому новому патрону. Это наша первая кампания подобного рода, и на третий день мы поняли, что делали всё неправильно. Теперь мы изменили условия получения ключа; позвольте нам себя поправить!
Мы хотим поблагодарить всех патронов, которые жертвуют нам $3 и больше - не важно, как долго вы находитесь в нашем маленьком Патреон-комьюнити. У вас появится право на получение бесплатного ключа, чтобы получить "Корону из листьев" в Steam - если у вас уже есть игра, вы можете передарить его другу!
Как гласит правило Специального Предложения, вы получите ваш презент не раньше 24-го декабря (помашите рукой те, кому он достался раньше! Мы не будем забирать его обратно, не беспокойтесь).
Спасибо за то, что вы с нами!


Hello, old-timers and newcomers!
As you may see, we are running a Special Offer and sending a Steam Key to every new patron. It's our first "Special Offer" event, and we realized (on a third day xD) that we did it all wrong. Now we changed our terms of getting a key, so let us correct ourselves!
We want to thank our patrons who are pledging $3 or more - no matter how long you have been in our small Patreon community. You will be eligible to receive a free Game Key to get the Crown of Leaves on Steam - if you already have the game, you may gift it to your friend!
As Special Offers rules say, you will get your little present right after the 24th of December (everybody who got it earlier - say hello! We won't take your key back, don't worry).
Thank you very much for being us!

Chilling fans

Sun Dec 1 22:12:58 2019

Just a small warmup before sleep
Небольшой разогревчик перед сном


Morning in the Hill camp

Mon Dec 2 17:01:02 2019



Seriously, when Grimm's giving me her backgrounds, she is asking me humbly "Render it, if it's not too much trouble...", but I'm good with it. I just love to draw lights, to pick shades that depend on different day time and to break my brain in many different ways. Everything's fine.
I would work on this background even more if only I wouldn't be busy with other things. And I have to split all this between a few layers... (see the gif below).


Серьёзно, когда Гримм отдаёт мне свои фоны на рендер, она неуверенно так говорит "Ну ты порендери, если тебе не сложно будет...", а мне и отлично. Вот нравится мне класть свет и рассчитывать, как приблизительно упадёт тень, подбирать оттенки под разное время суток и ещё другими разными способами ломать себе остатки мозговых извилин. Всё в порядке.
Я бы ещё повозилась, если бы не надо было работать над кучей других штук. А ведь ещё каким-то образом надо вот это всё делить по слоям:

hillcamp_morning_HQ.png hillcamp_morning_2.png

A list of current WIPs (3 finished, 3 new)

Thu Nov 28 13:43:23 2019

Rasko and Lazy's sprite // Спрайт Раско и Лентяйки

Last updated 12/22/19

Step by step drawing double sprite of Rasko and Lazy. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Пошагово рисуем двойной спрайт Раско и Лентяйки. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.

tCoL stickerpack // tCoL стикерпак

Last updated 12/22/19

Рисуем стикеры для мерча. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.

Drawing stickers for merch. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Marestail's sprite // Спрайт Марестейл

Last updated 12/15/19

Step by step drawing Marestail's sprite. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Пошагово рисуем спрайт Марестейл. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.


Fel Belohvost's sprite // Спрайт Фэл Белохвост - FINISHED!

Last updated 12/15/19

Step by step drawing cameo character Fel, which belongs to Faellin. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Пошагово рисуем персонажа-камео Фэл, которая принадлежит Faellin. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.

Here is a basic animation of this sprite, available for the Jeweler level and higher.

Здесь лежит базовая анимация для спрайта, доступно для Ювелиров и выше.


Environment concept // Концепт окружения- FINISHED!

Last updated 2.12.19

Concepting tents on the Cemetery. Available for the Jeweler level and higher.

Концепт палаток на Кладбище. Доступно для Ювелиров и выше.


Junyver's sprite // Спрайт Джунивер - FINISHED!

Last updated 11.12.19

Working on Junyver's basic sprite. Available for the Parba Traveller level and higher.

Работаем над базовым спрайтом Джунивер. Доступно для Парба-Путешественников и выше.


Wed Nov 27 19:21:57 2019



Sorry for infrequent updates, guys. It's the hard times for me and Grimm and we're trying to look at life optimistically, but it's a bit difficult right now. Our sweet pet died, and Grimm is getting another surgery (fortunately, it will be free this time), her health is not very good in general. Our team is reforming and also there are big game changes coming in the near future, but we're not ready to announce it yet (it's definitely NOT the bad news, but we have to prepare first before we can tell you anything). Plus, the weather. Cold, freezing, the winter is coming, ugh (but it's not like in American movies - too little snow and too little sun).
Anyway, I have a lot of materials and I ready to share them with you today.
Thank you, friends, for being with us.


Ребят, простите, что так немного апдейтов. Мы с Гримм переживаем не самые лучшие времена, стараемся оптимистично смотреть на жизнь, но даётся это тяжело. У нас умер наш питомец, а Гримм в очередной раз предстоит операция (к счастью, бесплатная), потому что у неё в целом по жизни так себе здоровье. В нашей команде происходят реформы, и с игрой происходят изменения, о которых мы пока не готовы сообщить (это определенно НЕ плохая новость, но нам нужно основательно подготовиться, прежде чем что-то рассказывать). Плюс, погода. Холодно, мерзко, приближается зима.
Но у нас в любом случае накопился материал, и сегодня я порадую вас контентом. Спасибо, друзья, за то, что вы с нами.

Fel Belohvost [FINISHED, update #3]

Wed Nov 27 19:40:52 2019


#3, 12/15/19


Доделывала рендер и дорисовывала анимацию на стриме, было очень увлекательно и необычно. Удивительно, но с публикой даже как-то веселее работается!
Бонус со стрима ниже xD


I was finishing render and animation on stream, it was very exciting and unusual experience for me. Surprisingly it's funnier to work when you have some watchers!
You can find a little bonus from the stream below xD

#2, 12/11/19


Filled Fel's sprite with base colors. Almost lost the file, because my my cloud storage suddenly bugged (it's my curse these last day), but Grimm saved me.
So, here is colored Fel, ready to render and adding new various features.


Залила Фэл базовыми цветами. Едва с концами не потеряла файл, потому что багнуло облачное хранилище (в последние два это моё проклятие прямо-таки), но Гримм меня спасла.
В общем, вот цветная Фэл, готовая к рендеру и добавлению всяких фишечек.

#1, 11/27/19


Fel belongs to our patron Faellin!
Yes-yes, I had to redraw the sprite... No, I liked the previous one - but we brainstorm a quest for this character, so old poses and emotions don't fit there anymore. We also decided that there will be morning in the Hill camp, so we wanted to show on Fel's example, how much she doesn't like to sleep in a cold tent. She waked up, totally broken, she got a headache and she's trying to pull herself together, drinking hot tea or coffee.
(I should change her muzzle form a little, otherwise, she looks almost like a human here)
You will see sketches of her sprites below. The same pose, but different hands, tail and head angle. I don't like the new horns that I drew on this sketch, so I borrowed them from the previous design. Also, Fel is holding a small axper (Grimm conditionally called him Costya????), she raised him herself. If you will pay attention to the third sprite, you will see Costya's wearing small shades. Grimm's idea x)


Фэл принадлежит нашему патрону Faellin!
Да-да, пришлось мне перерисовать спрайт... Нет, дело не в том, что он мне не нравился - просто мы придумали другой квест для этого персонажа, поэтому старые позы и эмоции теперь не подходят категорически. Кроме того, мы придумали, что во второй главе в Холмовом стане будет утро, поэтому хочется на примере Фэл показать, как ей не нравится спать в палатке в холоде. Проснулась она разбитая, у нее болит голова, и она пытается придти в себя, попивая горячий чай/кофе.
(Надо будет чуть-чуть сдвинуть ей моську, а то она почти человек)
Вот скетчи её спрайтов. Поза будет одна и та же, но будут меняться руки, хвост и поворот головы. Здесь рога мне не совсем нравятся, так что я заимствовала их из предыдущего дизайна. Также Фэл должна держать маленького акспера (Гримм условно назвала его Костя????), которого она вырастила сама. Если приглядеться, то можно увидеть, что на последнем спрайте на него надеты солнечные очки. Идея Гримм х)

When I started to add details to the sprite, I changed the proportions to make Fel more "mature". I scaled her head a little and made her body shorter.
Когда я начала уточнять спрайт, я немного изменила пропорции, чтобы сделать Фэл более взрослой. В финале я немного увеличила ей голову и укоротила тело.


tCoL, chapter2: Anoosh and Raakel

Tue Nov 26 14:16:17 2019


We have something interesting from our to show you! This is a cameo of our patrons' characters, Akira08 and Yurokat.

Anoosh is an insidious guy from El-Balyama who makes a living by different types of fraud, in particular by showing everyone a booklet made of psychic paper, so everyone thinks something is written on it. Okay, we're joking, we just removed the contents of the brochure to avoid the spoilers. Anoosh doesn't have a glass disk that the Matrie aristocrats wear on their horns, but he feels great even without it.

Raakel is a half-breed, a gloomy Beylerian adventurer from the Magpies Brotherhood, a bounty hunter. She pretends to be a wandering merchant. Raakel was brought in Hill Camp by chance, and she fell in love with the local cuisine - it seems that Hill Camp dishes are always able to lift her spirits!

So you can try to guess now what kind of quests are waiting for you with these guys (:


Anyone who wants to join our glorious backstage - welcome to our Patreon!


Это камео классных персонажей наших патронов, Акира Ноль-Восемь и Yurokat.

Ануш - коварный парень из Эль-Бальямы, зарабатывающий на жизнь различными аферами, в частности тем, что демонстрирует всем буклет из психобумаги, и все думают, что на нём что-то написано. Шутка, на самом деле мы просто убрали содержание буклета, дабы избежать спойлеров. Стеклянного диска, который матри-аристократы носят на рогах, у Ануша нет, но он и без него себя прекрасно чувствует.

Раакель - метис, мрачная бейлерийская авантюристка из Сорочьего Братства, охотница за головами. Прикидывается мирно странствующей торговкой. В Холмовой стан Раакель привёл случай, и она страшно увлеклась местной кухней - похоже, холмостановские блюда мигом поднимают ей настроение.

Вот и судите сами, какие квесты вас ждут с этими ребятами (:


Всем, кто желает присоединиться к нашему славному закулисью - добро пожаловать на наш Patreon!


The Crown Of Leaves Birthday

Tue Nov 26 14:07:53 2019



Всем привет!
Сегодня у нашей игры День рождения (: Наш план был релизнуть игру 27 числа, так как само число для Короны весьма символическое, но вышло так, что она появилась в Стиме на рубеже 26-27 - на считанные минуты раньше задуманного. В любом случае, поздравить именинницу и её создателей можно уже сейчас!
И пара тёплых слов, которые мы уже сказали в Дискорде и хотим теперь донести до вас: спасибо вам большое за преданность и любовь к нашему проекту, в веру в нас, а также за то, что вы наши фаны и/или просто люди, которые очень заинтересованы в этой маленькой инди-игре. Даже если мелкий мёртв, это не значит, что Корона тоже мертва - мы ударно работаем над ней и никогда не прекращаем это делать.
Спасибо большое за это коммьюнити!


Hello everyone!~
Today is our game's Birthday (: ! We planned to release the game on the 27th of November because this number is quite symbolic for the Crown of Leaves, but somehow it appeared on Steam in between 26th and 27th - literally a few minutes earlier than planned. Anyway, we all can salute the birthday girl (if we may call the game like this haha) right now!
And a couple of warm words we have already said in Discord fan server and want to say to you too: thank you so much for your loyalty and love to our project, for believing in us, for being our fans and people who really were interested in this small indie game from the very start. Even if the kiddo is dead, it doesn't mean that the Crown is dead too - we're working on it so hard and never stop doing it. Thank you for being our community!


The Empty World [OST]

Mon Nov 25 17:01:02 2019



Главный саундтрек к Акту I. Композитор добавил разные гнетущие и угрожающие элементы, вроде скрежета металла. В этот раз я была очень требовательной и делала много правок, но Блэк как всегда был очень терпелив и внимателен, за что ему огромное спасибо!
Большая версия обложки ниже.


This is the main soundtrack of the Act I. Composer added different depressing and ominous elements, like metal scrapping. I was very picky this time and made a lot of edits, but Blacksmith was very patient and attentive, so thank him very much!
Big version of the cover:


Tents concepts

Mon Nov 25 17:00:03 2019


# 2, 2.12.19


Yey, finished color concept!
These stand and pot inspired me to draw a stand for Kudret's coffeepot.


Ура, закончила цвето-концепт!
Подставка с чайником, которая вдохновила меня на подставку для кофейника Кюдрета.

# 1, 25.11.19


Sketches, searches, ideas

You will meet a lot of new characters at the Cemetery in the second chapter (and, contrary to all expectations, they will be alive) since the festival is held there. Some parba are only happy to meet guests and to let them stay at their houses, but their vardo are too small and uncomfortable for the big crowd. And also don't forget, we are in the Hill camp, and the Hill camp isn't the friendliest place in the world.
So tourists are pitching tents, it's quite common for the Latorian festivals.
You will find Raakel (Yurokat), Kyudret (RK), Anoosh (Akira08) or Fel (Faellin), depending on the route - we decided that it's not the best idea to put all the cameo characters into one location. It will distract the player from the main plot. Side branches are good only if there are not too many of them.
Each character will have a tent. I tried adjusting them to suit characters so they will harmonize with each other and give the right picture of their owner's nature. Grimm helped me with the ideas for the tent of Kyudret and Anoosh, thanks a lot, Grimm <3

We will keep the colors we used on the sketches, but try to make them work with the landscape. Another three random house tents are just a bonus.
We'll show you the color concept with the next update!


Скетчи, поиски, идеи
Во второй главе вы встретите множество новых персонажей на Кладбище (и, вопреки всяким ожиданиям, они будут живы), так как там проводится фестиваль. Некоторые парба только рады разместить у себя приезжих жильцов и одарить их гостеприимством, но вардо - слишком маленькое и неудобное жилище для целой толпы. Ну и не забывайте, что мы в Холмовом стане, а Холмовой стан - место в глубине своей души не самое дружелюбное. Так что туристы размещаются в палатках, и для фестивалей такая картина очень даже привычна.
Вы встретите Раакель (Yurokat), Кюдрета (RK), Ануша (Akira08) или Фэл (Faellin) в зависимости от рута - мы решили, что запихивать всех камео в одну локацию будет лишним и только отвлечет внимание игрока от основного сюжета. Побочные ветки - это хорошо, только если их не слишком много.
У каждого персонажа будет своя палатка. Я старалась подстроить их под персонажей, чтобы они правильно гармонировали друг с другом и давали приблизительное представление о характере своего владельца. Гримм помогла мне с идеями для палатки Кюдрета и Ануша, за что ей огромное спасибо <3
Будем придерживаться оттенков как на скетче, но постараемся правильно вписать их в пейзаж. Бонусом идет еще тройка рандомных палаток для массовки.
В следующем апдейте будет цветовой концепт.

IMG_1869.JPG tents.jpg

We're back

Thu Nov 21 12:35:36 2019



Ух ты, ребята, мы не ожидали, что посты вроде того, который мы запостили чуть ранее, может собрать так много лайков! Вы действительно так сильно нас ждали? Что ж, мы вернулись :D Ждите сегодня контент.


Wow, guys, we never expected so much likes on a post like the previous one! You are really waiting us back so bad? So, here we are! :D Get ready for a content today.

Raakel [WIP]

Thu Nov 21 15:10:38 2019


#2; 23/10/2019


Вот, наконец-то Раакель доделана! Ниже примеры ее анимаций.
Анимацию с поеданием вкусняшек еще не закончила... да и не знаю, смогу ли. Все-таки аниматора во мне ноль, и я как будто постоянно забываю, что скетч - это ещё не всё xD


Well, Raakel is finally done! Here is a gif with examples of her animations.
Animation of eating tasties is not done yet... and I'm not sure would it be even done. I'm not an animator after all and it's like I'm always forgetting that sketch stage is not the end xD

#1; 21/10/2019


(Думаю, буду апдейтить тот же самый пост, так что показать концепт в динамике или процесс рисования будет проще)
Когда мы находимся вдали от нашего рабочего места, наш фокус смещается на то, чтобы закончить лайн и покраску спрайтов или фонов. Ну, iPad 9,7" хорош для работы на лету, и если вы ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО терпеливый человек, для вас не будет пыткой рисовать серьезные арты с рендером и всем таким прочим. Но я не такой человек. Мне понадобилось очень много времени, чтобы закончить хотя бы лайн для Раакель (постоянно сдвигать и сдвигать и сдвигать, приближать и отдалять), хотя заливка в Clip Studio Paint настоящее чудо. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы в Саи было что-то подобное.
Конечно, шейдинг на планшете был бы для меня адским мучением. Ну да ладно, это просто сила привычек.
Итак, это наша прекрасная Раакель... Она авантюристка, охотница за головами из Сорок, и маскируется под странствующую торговку. Но она - не опасность и не стучит в двери, пока живет в Холмовом стане, так что Руи не о чем беспокоиться. Наверное. Всё, что Раакель хочет - это местную ЕДУ.
Это одна из двух версий ее спрайта - во второй она держит еще одну порцию тех самых восхитительно вкусных канапешек (даже не знаю, как их в русском-то назвать).


(I think I will be updating the same post, so showing a concepting and drawing progress will be easier)
When we're out of our workspace, our main focus is to finish linework+colors for the sprites or backgrounds. iPad 9,7" is good for working on the fly and if you're REALLY a patient person it's not a torture for you to make serious art with render and all that stuff. But I'm not that kind of person. It took me so long to finish a linework for Raakel (panning and panning and panning, zooming in, zooming out), though the coloring process in Clip Studio Paint is a miracle. I wish Paint Tool Sai has a bucket tool like that!
Of course, the shading process on a Ipad is taking me to hell. It's just a force of habit, I guess.
So, here is our precious Raakel... She is an "adventurer", a bounty hunter from the Magpies disguising herself as a wandering merchant. But she's not a danger and she doesn't knock the doors while she is in the Hill camp, so Roui can relax. Probably. All Raakel wants is the local FOOD!
This is one of two versions of her sprite - she is holding one more portion of that hella tasty cabob in the second version.


Поменяла цвета у повязки, потому что цветовой ритм назойливо напоминал мне Феми (и это полностью моя вина - Феми я надизайнила намного позже, чем Раакель, но спрайт Феми нарисовала раньше, чем спрайт Раакель, так что мне надо было что-то менять).
Каждого владельца персонажа-камео я прошу заполнять своеобразную анкету, чтобы получить более полное представление о том, для кого и в какой манере я буду прописывать диалоги.
Вот здесь анкета для Раакель (она на английском).


I changed the colors of her hair band, because a color rythm of it intrusively reminded me Femi (it's all my fault - I designed Femi after Raakel, but since I drew Femi's sprite earlier than Raakel's I had to change something).
Every cameo-character owner got some kind of survey from me - their answers provides me a comprehensed view at their characters and understanding, how to write lines for them.
Here is the Raakel's survey.


Getting back soon

Wed Nov 20 11:43:21 2019

L: Hey guys! As you know, we were out of our "office" and we are going to get back soon (tomorrow or after tomorrow). Here comes the content! Thank you for your patient and staying with us, you are awesome <3
And hello to new patrons!

Junyver final sprite [DONE, all stages below]

Sat Nov 16 22:22:59 2019


#3, 12/11/2019

Fully rendered Junyver! I updated the main picture of the post.

Полностью порендеренная Джунивер! Апдейтнула основную картинку поста.

#2, 28/11/2019


Лайн я сделала за считанные часы. Вот настолько меня вдохновляет Джунивер xD
Клобук делает её таинственной и закрытой. Девушки с длинными тёмными волосами исторически ассоциировались у людей с ведьмами, и головной убор в облике Джунивер как раз визуально соответствует этим представлениям. Важная часть - глаза. Они довольно сильно отличаются от того, как нарисованы глаза у других персонажей - нет зрачков, ресницы густые и плотные.
Ниже головы Джунивер выглядет как обычная современная девушка, предпочитающая лёгкую экстравагантность в одежде. В целом в ее образе сталкиваются мистический и обыденный образы.


These lines took me just a couple of hours! That's how much Junyver inspired me xD

The cloak is adding a mysterious feeling to her look. Ladies who have long and dark hair were historically associated with witches and Juny's headdress reflexing those associations. The eyes are the most important detail here. It's very different from the general style I used drawing other characters' eyes - no pupils and the eyelashes are thick and solid.

But without the headdress, Junyver looks like a normal modern girl, who is preferring a slight extravagantness in her clothes. The mystical and casual themes meet each other in her appearance.

#1, 11/17/2019


Всё еще вдали от нашего рабочего места, но я всё еще пытаюсь обновлять патреон, упорно борясь с плохим интернетом.
Итак, Джуни УБИЛА МЕНЯ. Я сделала кучу скетчей с ее "нормальным" спрайтом, пытаясь найти позу, которая хорошо бы показывала ее характер, и мне не нравился ни один из них. Я взяла небольшой перерыв и немного попрактиковалась, используя прекрасные туториалы от Griz and Norm (погуглите, они замечательные), и теперь я чувствую себя лучше.
И - внезапно! - я нарисовала Джунивер, и это ее итоговый "нормальный" спрайт, каким он будет в игре. Изменила ее морду, глаза и добавила немного деталей в одежду. Я хотела сделать ее отличной от Лэйзи, самой женственной девушкой в истории "Короны", и сделать ее более серьёзной, более "закрытой". И они все ещё очень горячая, но теперь акцент не на этом.


Still out of the work place, but I’m trying to update our Patreon, struggling with the bad Internet.
Alright, Juny KILLED ME. I did tons of sketches with her “normal” sprite, trying to find a pose that will represent her well, and I was not satisfied by any of them. I took a small break and did some practice, using amazing tutorials by Griz and Norm (google them, they are awesome), and now I feel myself a little better.
And - suddenly - I drew Junyver and this is her current “normal” sprite, changed her muzzle and eyes and added some new details to her clothes. I wanted to keep her different from Lazy, the most feminine girl in the Crown of Leaves’ story, and make her more serious, more “closed”. And still she is hot, but it’s not an accent now.
Stage sketches hahah:


It's waiting for you among the flowers

Fri Nov 15 00:44:09 2019



Вы найдете это место во второй главе. Не буду объяснять, что происходит, так что... оставляю вас здесь.


You will find this place in the 2nd chapter, but we won't give you any explanation of what's going on. So... We leave you here.


Golden Lights

Mon Nov 11 14:49:51 2019



Public version!
HQ-file in attachments.


Версия для паблика!
HQ-файл в прикрепленке.


The Projection Room [DONE]

Mon Nov 11 14:49:46 2019


And now the final versions of the Projection Room!
1. Lights off;
2. Vending machines, lights on;
3. The working projector;


И теперь финальные версии Проекторной!
1. Свет выключен;
2. Торговые автоматы, свет включен;
3. Работающий проектор;

You can download HQ-files in attachments! It's bigger than the main resolution of the game.

bg_projection_room_2.png bg_projection_room_0.png bg_projection_room_1.png

The Projection Room [read the description!]

Mon Nov 11 14:49:40 2019


(Electric Six - Psychic Visions)


Hello everyone!
Since the most of you voted for "the less often, but more informative updates", I decided to do an experiment and share the whole work process on the "Projection Room" background.
The very first sketch of the room made by Grimm (see below).


Всем привет!
Раз уж многие из вас проголосовали за "Редкие, но более информативные обновления", я решила провести эксперимент и поделиться полным рабочим процессом над фоном Проекторной.


This room looked too blank and not interesting, because we had no point what to draw - "It's, like, a room for the projector and the projector is, like, projecting something on the wall". Besides, just look at these bottles on the shelves! Doing the linework for any bottles is the most horrible work, believe me, and I didn't want to make Grimm suffer.
So, this sketch was not inspiring at all and we started to think of a new one. I quickly made did this shitty model in SketchUp to show Grimm what do I want. We decided to implement vending machines, because of the quest we made up a little earlier, so the projection room was gonna be awesome.
Though you would never say that, looking at the sketch below.


Изначально Проекторная выглядела слишком пустой и неинтересной, потому что мы понятия не имели, что рисовать - "Это, типа, комната для проектора, и проектор, типа, процирует что-то на стену". И поглядите на эти бутылочки на полках! Лайнить бутылки - самая жуткая работа, поверьте, и мне не хотелось заставлять Гримм страдать.
Короче, изначальный скетч нас совсем не вдохновлял, и мы начали думать над новым. Я быстро склепала эту дерьмовенькую модель в SketchUp, чтобы показать Гримм, что я хочу. Благодаря квесту, который мы придумали ранее, мы решили добавить торговые автоматы, так что проекторная обещала стать классной.
Хотя вряд ли вы так подумали бы, глядя на это:

(Модель торгового автомата сделана Samak)

(Vending machine made by Samak)


Okay, I concepted the vending machines, Grimm did the linework - this stage and also the concept of the machines you will find here.
Many thanks to Natalie De Corsair! She filled the linework with flat colors, and I started to render the room. It was fun... first half an hour. I never thought It's so difficult - shading a room without any source of light. I remember one guy who told us "Hey, try to use a few sources of light in the one scene!" and I accepted the challenge, so it helped me to improve this drawing perk. But nobody never told me "Hey, draw a room without any source of light!", so I did


Ладно, я наконцептила автоматы, Гримм сделала лайн - эта стадия и концепты описаны здесь.
Куча благодарностей Натали Де Корсар! Она залила лайн плоскими цветами, и я начала рендерить комнату. Это было весело... первые полчаса. Никогда не думала, что это настолько трудно - класть тени в комнате без источников света. Помню, как однажды один парень сказал нам "Эй, а попробуйте использовать несколько источников света в одной сцене!", и я приняла вызов, что, кстати, помогло мне вкачать этот рисовательный перк. Но мне никто никогда не говорил "Эй, а нарисуй комнату без единого источника света!", так что я умерла. Ладно, я пыталась xD


In the post I linked above, I told that I wanted to make red accent color. Well, I tried the red and then I tried vibrant neon pink, but I hate both variants, because it looks too aggressive and glamorous - I don't mind both these colors, it just don't fit this place. White light looked too boring, so I decided to make it golden. I'm still happy Grimm agreed with me xD


В посте, на который я ссылалась выше, я говорила, что хочу сделать акцентный красный. Что ж, я попробовала красный, потом попробовала яркий розовый, но оба варианта я просто ненавижу, потому что они выглядят слишком агрессивно и гламурно - ничего не имею против этих цветов, просто они не подходят месту. Белый свет выглядел слишком скучно, так что я решила сделать его золотистым. И я все еще счастлива, что Гримм со мной согласна xD


Все три версии законченного фона будут доступны Мистикам, но один из них мы запостим для общего доступа.


All three versions of the finished backgrounds will be allowed to the Mystics, but on them we'll post for the public.


Content Poll

Thu Nov 7 22:16:02 2019


Hey, guys, we got a poll for you! All options described below, because we want to allow Russians and non-Russian speakers at the same time to check a box - it would be easier to count a result
How often and how exactly would you like to get the Patreon content?
Option 1
Less often, but I want to see more interesting information and additional materials with concept art, sketches, etc
Option 2
I prefer frequent updates, and I'm not focusing on description.


Эй, ребята, у нас тут опрос! Ниже мы описали опции, потому что хотим позволить одновременно и русскоговорящим, и не русскоговорящим поставить галочку - так будет проще подсчитать результаты.
Как часто и как именно вы бы хотели получать Патреон-контент?
Опция 1
Реже, но мне хотелось бы, чтобы в посте было много интересной информации и дополнительных материалов с концептными поисками
Опция 2
Мне нравятся частые обновления, и я не особо фокусируюсь на описании

The Entertainer

Mon Nov 4 16:04:37 2019



Этот персонаж должен был говорить что-то мотивирующее, и мы сделали это только ради шутки... но черт возьми, если я сменю это на что-то другое! Гримм тоже не хочет ничего менять, хотя у нас еще есть время подумать, прежде чем мы найдем подходящий груви-шрифт и сделаем эту фразу официальной xD
Теперь небольшая история создания (это все происходило почти месяц назад).
Я думала об [ОДНОЙ КОНКРЕТНОЙ И ВАЖНОЙ ШТУКЕ], стараясь придумать для нее маскота. Это был просто рандомный скетчинг всякого дерьма, который я даже не хочу показывать (и не смогу, потому что я никогда это не сохраняю). Моя основная цель - сделать простого, легкого для рисования мультяшного персонажа, который выглядит как конфетка с шипами - вы определенно захотите ее съесть, даже зная, что она может застрять в горле.
Однажды я искала уроки по анимации в АЕ и наткнулась на канал одного парня, где я случайно подцепила один хороший трек (вот этот парень и вот этот трек). И вдруг я нашла себя рисующей вот это (смотрите ниже).


This character should be telling something motivational and I did this just as a joke... but damn me if I change it! Grimm doesn't want to change it as well, but we still have a time to think about it, before I'll find a proper groovy font and make it official xD
Now, the little story of creating this fella! (it all was almost a month ago)
I was thinking about [ONE PARTICULAR AND IMPORTANT THING], trying to create a mascot for it. I was randomly sketching a lot of shitty stuff, that I don't even want to show (and I can't anyway, because I never even save it). My main goal was to make a simple, easy-to-draw and cartoonish character, that looks like a candy, but with spikes - you definitely want to eat it, even knowing it will stuck in your throat.
Once I was looking for some AE animation tutorials and stumbled onto the one guy's channel, where I suddenly catch a good music (here it the guy and here is the music). And I found myself drawing this:


В соответствии с образом шипастой конфетки, этот маскот должен был быть элегантным, но вы никогда точно не поймете, мальчик это или девочка.
Потом мы решили добавить крылья. (ниже)


In accordance to the image of spiky candy this mascot should be elegant, but you never know exactly is it a boy or a girl.
Then I decided to add wings:

And the final version looks like this:

А это финальная версия:


(Честно говоря, я очень далека от понимания всех этих небинарных и бинарных штук, и я знаю, что люди очень чувствительны к этой теме. Я не собираюсь никого обижать, потому что я нормально к этому отношусь, просто не разбираюсь - мы немного заржавевшие и старомодные, признаю. Зачем я всё это говорю? Я не обижусь, если вы найдете этому персонажу свое собственное определение, и вы можете называть его он/она/оно - как хотите, и все равно вы будете правы)


(Honestly saying, I'm so far from understanding the binary and non-binary nuances, and I know people are highly sensitive about this. I'm not going to offend anyone, because I'm okay with this theme, I just don't know anything about the subject - we are a little rusty and old-fashioned, I admit it. Why am I saying all this? I won't be offended if you'll find your own definition of this character and you can call them she/he/them/it, whatever you like and you will be right anyway).


The Projection Room (+ vending machines concept)

Tue Nov 5 21:17:27 2019



Закончила с лайном! Это было довольно тяжело, особенно все эти маленькие детали на полу - мне захотелось нарисовать попкорн и банки из-под газировки, чтобы получилось ощущение заброшенного кинотеатра. Конечно, здесь еще много работы - например, стены, потому что пока они выглядят довольно пустыми.
Мы полностью изменили концепцию этой комнаты и добавили эти классные торговые автоматы. Они были сдизайнены Линс; она попросила меня добавить их сюда и сказала "Бей их, круши - делай с ними что хочешь", вот я и. Автоматы - моя любимая часть этого фона, и я лично больше всего горжусь рисунками на их нижней части.
Концепт торговых автоматов вы увидите, если промотаете ниже.


I done with the linework! Well, it was a piece of work, especially all that small details on the floor - I drew popcorn and soda cans to add a feeling of some abandoned cinema. There is still a lot of work to do, like wall details, because it looks rather empty.
We changed the whole conception of this room and added those nifty vending machines! It was designed by Lins, she just told me to add it there and said "Punch it, crush it - do whatever you want", so I did. Those machines are my favorite part here, and I personally proud with those drawings on its bottom part.
Here is the concept of the vending machines:


Сначала мы думали сделать их черно-белыми, как и всё вокруг, но потом мы решили, что это будет слишком... обычно для этого места, да ещё и слишком скучно. Так что автоматы будут красными - это как если бы вы отключили все каналы, кроме красного.
И вы правильно догадались - вы должны будете использовать эти жетоны, чтобы заставить автомат работать.


First we thought it will be black and what as al things there, but then we decided it would be too... usual for this place, yet too boring. So it will be red - it's like you turned off all color channels except of red.
And you guessed right - you should use these tokens to make it work.

An extra closeup, just for you xP


Tokens [WIP]

Wed Oct 30 22:01:01 2019

L: Six token designs we made for the quest we mentioned in the previous post. For all who are not video-lovers!


Tokens designing process

Wed Oct 30 17:31:00 2019



Grimm and me are working on the quest for the second chapter, that will appear in the Act I. After two or even three night hours we spent, thinking about it, we came up with the idea of tokens, that will be used to solve one of a stage of the quest. I don’t know, will we use all these designs or just a few of them, but anyway, here is the result!


Мы с Гримм работали над квестом второй главы, который появится в первом акте. После двух или трёх часов активного генерения, мы пришли к одной идее с жетонами, которые будут полезны на одном из этапов квеста. Не знаю, используем ли мы все дизайны или только некоторые из них, но - вот результат!


Roui sprites [WIP]

Sat Nov 2 22:00:00 2019



Прошло немало времени с тех пор, как я работала над спрайтами Руи для второй главы. И это к лучшему, потому что перерыв помог мне взглянуть на старые скетчи под другим углом и сделать их лучше.
У Руи будет 4 позы и некоторое количество эмоций (как обычно, зависит от сценария).


It's been a while since I worked on Roui's sprites for the 2nd chapter. And that's for good, because it helped me to look on the old sketches from another angle and make it better.
There will be 4 base poses and random quantity of emotions (depends on the script as always).


A door

Fri Nov 1 17:01:00 2019



Here it comes materials for the 2nd chapter!
This is a close-up on a door of the small bulding near the Shining Coin. For some reason I do love to draw random wooden textures and metal gizmos, and when I have to work on close-ups of different parts of location, I'm always trying to make it look interesting.
Here is a sketch of that building I mentioned before.


Вот и материалы для второй главы!
Это клоуз-ап двери небольшого зданьица рядом с Сияющей Монеткой. По какой-то причине мне очень нравиться рисовать рандомные деревянные текстуры и металлические штуковины, и когда мне нужно проработать клоуз-апы разных частей локации, я всегда стараюсь сделать так, чтобы они выглядели интересно, и глазу было за что зацепиться.
Ниже скетч того здания, которое я упомянула выше.


The Crown of Leaves website WIP [RUS]

Fri Oct 25 16:06:24 2019

For non-Russian patrons first:

L: I'm sorry guys, but until Wix will not make their blog module multilingual, we can't English translate for the site :C Anyway, step by step we'll translate everything, but Mindscape articles!

And now for Russians.

А теперь для русских.

Втихаря опубликовали сайт с разной информацией по игре, включая статьи из Фантазиона. Мы избежали всех дополнений, которые открываются по мере узнавания персонажа или в зависимости от рутов, иначе все статьи пришлось бы отмечать как спойлеры. Зато вместо этого добавили в конец статьи немного дополнительной информации вроде Дней рождений (разумеется, с шанлайскими названиями месяцев), рост, вес, хобби, связи. Кстати, если у вас появятся какие-то идеи, что еще можно было бы отразить в таких примечаниях - мы с радостью рассмотрим ваши предложения!

Еще можете заглянуть в раздел FAQ, там мы ответили на самые распространенные вопросы. Обратите внимание, он посвящен не сеттингу, а игре в целом и нашей команде, и если вы еще захотите что-то спросить у нас, мы дополним список.

Что мы планируем делать с сайтом? Будем дублировать статьи из игры (по мере выхода новых глав, что значит - никакой спойлерной информации!) и писать новые, чтобы раскрывать сеттинг с тех сторон, с которыми вы уже более-менее знакомы. Также можете предложить, какими статьями дополнить Фантазион. Но - внимание - писать про всю Шан-Ла мы не станем, так как Фантазион первым делом отражает знания Руи.

Чуть позже с денег Патреона купим домен для сайта, чтобы он выглядел приличнее.

Сайт пока не индексируется поисковыми системами, так что добавляйте его в закладки~


Here comes a crocodile!

Sat Oct 26 05:00:01 2019



This time we used a grim-grom's idea and drew Waffles dressed as crocodile. Now she is terrorizing the Hill Camp!
Sketch, linework > Lins
Coloring, the platform, background > Grimm
Final render > Lins


На этот раз мы задействовали идею grim-grom'а и нарисовали Вафлю, переодетую в крокодила. Теперь она терроризирует Холмовой стан!
Скетч, лайн > Линс
Покраска, платформа, фон > Гримм
Финальный рендер > Линс


Femi and Lazy t-pose

Mon Oct 28 17:31:00 2019

L: These two were the last, yeeey!


Dipper and Mabel

Fri Oct 25 17:30:59 2019



Это была идея Elkane'a! Мы также выбрали еще одну тему из комментов под этим постом, но какую именно - секрет.

Я повела себя как плохая девочка, и нарисовала Руи в роли Мэйбл, потому что Сербан был очень убедительным в своём желании одеться как Диппер. И я не смогла этому воспротивиться, хахах


Скетч, лайн > Линс
Покраска, платформа > Гримм
Финальный рендер > Линс


That was Elkane's idea! We also picked another one from comments under this post, but which one exactly - is a secret.

I was a bad girl and drew Roui as Mabel, because Serban was very convincing in his desire to be dressed as Dipper. And I couldn't resist haha


Sketch, linework > Lins
Coloring, the platform > Grimm
Final render > Lins


Grullo t-poses

Thu Oct 24 17:30:59 2019



I don't know many people encountered Grullo in the game (especially our new patrons; hello!), so I marked it as spoiler. You may see a content below!
P.S.: I realised that Grullo's color scheme, especially on his young version, reminds me of TFTBL Rhys' colors (with a small hue difference). Why not, let it be a reference, because we love Rhys :D


Не знаю, как много людей встретили Грулло в игре (особенно это касается наших новых патронов; привет!), так что я отметила пост как спойлер. Сам контент вы можете увидеть ниже.
P.S.: Я осознала, что цветовая схема Грулло, особенно на молодом, напомнила мне цвета Риза из TFTBL (с небольшой разницей в оттенке). Почему нет, пускай это будет отсылкой, потому что мы любим Риза :D


Bo and Flynn

Tue Oct 22 17:00:08 2019



Наконец-то я сделала куклу для суалокин! Она не очень информативная, но я сфокусировалась на крыльях и цвете тела, чтобы сделать для себя подходящий референс.
Мы готовимся запустить сайт "Фантазион", где я собираюсь использовать все игровые иллюстрации для статей. Также там появится маленький раздел с дополнительной информацией обо всех персонажах, и мы используем в нём все т-позы, нарисованные раньше (включая этих двух макаронин). Точно не знаю, когда мы сделаем английскую версию сайта, т.к. мы делаем его на Wix и используем для статей блог-модуль, который не поддерживает (пока) мультиязычность, но будьте уверены - мы предоставим всю информацию здесь, на Патреоне, пока Викс не даст нам то, что нам нужно :D


Finally, I made a doll for sualokin! It's not very informative, but I focused on the wings and body colors to make an appropriate reference for myself.
We're preparing to launch our own website "Mindscape", so I'm going to use all in-game illustrations for articles. Also there will be a small section with additional info about all characters, and all that t-poses I drew earlier (including these two noodles) will be used there. I don't know when exactly we'll make an English version of the website, because we're building it on Wix and using blog module for articles which is not supporting multilanguage, but be sure - we'll provide all info here, on Patreon, until Wix will give us what we desire :D



Fri Oct 18 22:35:28 2019



Steam updated the library design and forced me to make a new illustration, because the old one didn't fit. I was enraged, because I founded it less than hour before the time of release. Anyway, I had no choice and speedpaint this banner.
It came out not as bad as I thought, and we even decided to change all previous "The Storyteller" image with the new one. Okay, one more finished artwork in a folder :D
P.S.: HQ file in attachment!


Стим обновил дизайн библиотеки и вынудил меня сделать новую иллюстрацию, потому что старая не подходила по размерам. Я была в ярости, потому что обнаружила это меньше чем за час до релиза. В любом случае, у меня не было выбора, так что я быстро нарисовала этот баннер.
Вышел он даже не так плохо, как я ожидала, и мы даже решили заменить им старый "The Storyteller" (Руи со спичкой). Окей, еще одним законченным артом больше :D
P.S.: Большая версия файла в прикрепленке!


Light in the water [tCoL public release]

Fri Oct 18 21:02:24 2019



Мы рады сообщить, что ремастер Короны из листьев, наконец опубликован! Спасибо нашим бета-тестерам за их тяжелую работу в багхантинге - вы великолепны! (не забудьте проверить раздел "Благодарности" - там вы увидите свои ники!)



We are happy to inform you that remaster of the Crown of Leaves is now live! Thanks to our beta-testers for their hard work on bughunting, you are great! (don't forget to check the "Special Thanks" section - you will see your nicknames there!)



Light in the water

Fri Oct 18 15:02:16 2019

L: This is a promo-art to the remastered version of the Crown of Leaves, that will be released today! And you, melalo, have an access to this post and also you are able to download this artwork in HQ.

light_in_the_water_small.png light_in_the_water_HQ.png


Mon Oct 14 15:44:06 2019

Talk about things. Tell us what was your favourite part of the DLC? Did you like Grullo or maybe you liked Candy more?

We will be glad to hear your thoughts! Don't be afraid of spoilers, this is Patreon and we can't avoid them anyway xP

Давайте поболтаем про DLC. Вам понравился Грулло или, может быть, больше приглянулась Конфетка? Мы будем рады послушать ваши мысли на этот счет! И не бойтесь наспойлерить другим, в конце концов избежать спойлеров в рамках этого Патреона очень сложно. xP

Changing the date of release

Sun Oct 13 10:36:23 2019

L: Heya, guys,

We have to change the date of the Big Update, because we got a lot of bug reports (last days before release are always the same, aren't they?).

Approximately it will happen in the end of the next week, or, if we fix all bugs earlier, on October 16.

Stay tuned!


Thu Oct 10 15:20:47 2019



Ну что ж, ребята, мы на финишной прямой!

Мы планируем релиз ремастера 13-го октября, и мы все еще дико нуждаемся в вашей помощи. Все иллюстрации для Фантазиона готовы, статьи написаны, баги исправлены. И всё же мы должны провести ЕЩЁ. ОДИН. ТЕСТ. Тест - это крайне важная и требующая ответственности штука, так что вы нужны нам, чтобы мы смогли предоставить ремастер блестящим и отполированным нашим фанам на Стиме. Хотфиксы - худший вид фиксов, так что мы хотим попытаться избежать их и сделать "Корону из листьев" настолько идеальной, насколько это возможно.

Для тех, кто УЖЕ присоединился к тесту:

Для тех, кто ХОЧЕТ присоединиться к тесту:

Если всё в билде окей - пожалуйста, скажите, что всё окей, не молчите! Молчание смущает. Киньте нам ЛС здесь, на Патреоне, или черкните коммент под этим постом или напишите нам (Гримм или мне) в Дискорде - как вам удобнее!



Well, guys, we at the finish line!

We are planning to release the remaster in October 13 and we still badly need your help. All illustrations for Mindscape are done, all articles written, all bugs fixed. And still we have to make THE LAST. ONE. BETA TEST. It's higly important and responsible thing, so we need you to provide the shiny and polished remaster to our fans on Steam. Hotfixes is the worst kind of fixes, so we wanna try to avoid it and make "The Crown of Leaves" ideal as we can.

For all who ALREADY joined the test:

For all who WANT to join the test:

If everything in the build okay - please, tell us it's okay, don't be silent! Silence is confusing. Drop a PM message here on Patreon or write a comment under this post or reach us (Grimm or me) in Discord - anything you want!


Old posts

Thu Oct 10 12:29:24 2019


L: Мы с Гримм зарегистрировались на Патреоне в Феврале 2015. У ресурса был абсолютно другой дизайн, крайне неудобный для пользователей: здесь даже не было тегов и фильтра. И у нас была другая система (довольно тупая) пледжей.

Мы также были дико продуктивными, и это определенно НЕ позитивная часть истории xD Потому что теперь мы имеем на Патреоне тонны старых скетчей и концептов, которые каким-то образом были сжаты ресурсом до омерзительно маленьких размеров (проблемы с сервером?). Огромная часть этих постов не имеет никаких тегов, снабжены устаревшей информацией или вообще недоступны для зрителя, потому что мы изменили систему доступа к ним.

Так что мы глубоко извиняемся! Просто поверьте мне - там все равно не на что смотреть xD Новый контент гораздо лучше, чем старый.


L: Grimm and me joined Patreon in February of 2015. This source had absolutely different design, quite uncomfortable for users: there were no tags nor filters. We also had an old system (and a pretty dumb one) of pledges.

And we were extremely productive back at those days, but this is definitely NOT a positive part of the story xD Because now we have tons of old sketches and concepts, that were posted here and somehow squeezed by Patreon itself to a terribly small size (server issues, I suppose?). A huge part of these posts is untagged, has outdated descriptions or even closed just because we changed our tiers.

I tried to fix it, to clean all useless content and to reupload it in a better quality, but I just realised it could take forever.

So I deeply apologize for it guys! Just believe me - there is nothing to look at xD New content is the way better than old.

Mindscape Illustrations [part 4]

Thu Oct 10 14:27:40 2019

Part 1 ►
Part 2 ►
Part 3 ►
Part 4

L: The last set of mindscape pics.

We wanted to make illustrations for "Legends" section looks like different domestic stuff, to emphasize folklore context.

Latorian emblem is too romantised here, but it's made only to support the whole style of the Mindscape.

mindscape_part_4_eng.png mindscape_legend_karkadann_eng.png mindscape_latori_rus.png mindscape_latori_eng.png mindscape_legend_moon_eng.png mindscape_legend_karkadann_rus.png mindscape_legend_moon_rus.png mindscape_part_4_rus.png

Mindscape Illustrations [part 3]

Thu Oct 10 05:30:01 2019

Part 1 ►
Part 2 ►
Part 3
Part 4 ►

L: So many years passed, but I still love that Mereoak heart I drew for Jeweler Guide's card. So I gave it a new life (:

Don't forget to check attachments!

mindscape_part_3_eng.png mindscape_familybeads_eng.png mindscape_antiquity_eng.png mindscape_antiquity_rus.png mindscape_familybeads_rus.png mindscape_mereoak_eng.png mindscape_mereoak_rus.png mindscape_part_3_rus.png

Mindscape illustrations [part 2]

Tue Oct 8 07:30:01 2019

Part 1 ►
Part 2
Part 3 ►
Part 4 ►

L: Enjoy! ♥

All files + rus versions in attachments.

mindscape_part_2_eng.png mindscape_bellrings_eng.png mindscape_bellrings_rus.png mindscape_the_flat_eng.png mindscape_the_flat_rus.png mindscape_part_2_rus.png mindscape_tsourai_eng.png mindscape_tsourai_rus.png

Halloween art: we're open for your requests!

Fri Oct 4 17:42:46 2019

So guys, Halloween will be coming soon, maybe you want to see some Halloween-realted art with Roui and other characters from tCoL?

If you have any ideas for the art - go ahead! Share them in the comments <3

Mindscape illustrations

Fri Oct 4 17:09:31 2019

Part 1
Part 2 ►
Part 3 ►
Part 4 ►

L: Grimm and me are polishing the remaster, adding new illustrations. You will see them soon anyway, but we can't help but share it here. You can find bigger files below, also you may download all this files (including Russian version) in attachments!

Also, testers most likely noticed that we edited or re-writed some articles and added more lore and actual info. We really had to do that, because any ill-concieved concepts could be a pain in the ass in the future, when will continue to write the script. And - hooray for glashtins! - because DLC Immortal Horses finally happened, so we got no chance now to change anything in their story, only to add something new.

mindscape_1_eng.png mindscape_1_rus.png mindscape_glashtin_2_eng.png mindscape_sualokin_2_eng.png mindscape_sualokin_2_rus.png mindscape_glashtin_2_rus.png

Beta 1.17 update

Thu Oct 3 14:13:59 2019

We updated the Build to 1.17, must be working just fine now.

We need 10 Patrons from The Jeweler tier...

Wed Oct 2 10:00:16 2019

...To add them to our Beta test team. Why? The closer we are to the Steam release the more people we need to test the new builds.
This is the rule of beta-testing - the longer you test the game, the more bugs you miss. People get tired, they can't stay focused forever and it's not their fault. We know it from our own experience, because we always test the builds ourselves before we post them - and yet look how many bugs you guys keep finding anyway!
So we decided to take more people in to finish what we started and to make it perfect~

If you want to join - leave a comment below. We will contact you with more information.
And if you are one of The Melalo tier but never joined the test - you still can do it! We are waiting for you in comments, people <3

Нам нужны десять добровольцев для бета-теста. Почему?
Это правило бета-тестирования - чем дольше вы играете, тем больше упускаете багов. Люди устают, они не могут сосредоточиться на деталях и в этом нет их вины. Нам это знакомо по собственному опыту, мы всегда проверяем билды, прежде чем опубликовать их тут, и все же посмотрите, как много ошибок в них остается!
Так что мы решили взять еще несколько тестеров и добиться максимального результата.

Если вы хотите стать одним из них - оставьте комментарий под постом. А если вы подписаны на The Melalo, но до сих пор так и не поучаствовали в тесте - тем более пишите! Ждем ваших комментариев, ребята <3

The bedroom and the basement

Thu Oct 3 05:31:00 2019

L: Sketches of another two backgrounds for the 2nd chapter. I had so much fun working on the basement background, because I like to create chaos in small rooms. Bedroom and a high FOV we used there was harder to draw, but we couldn’t make another angle, or mostly important points of the room would be hidden. Probably there will be a couple of close-ups.

I‘m curious what do you think about this place?

P.S.: Separated and non-filtered flies in attachments!

3D589FBB-B754-4463-98D9-A94A22744811.png C1EF2D23-07FC-44D0-87A2-1B53FBFD4E6A.png 3B583E03-33D2-4250-A81B-06847AC7E00C.png

tCoL 1.15 is ready for Beta Testing!

Tue Oct 1 19:04:00 2019

We fixed all the bugs and the 1.15 is ready for the test. Thanks for your help! You have no idea how much it means for us, guys.


Don't forget to update your beta to 1.14!

Sun Sep 29 17:20:24 2019

For those who already was a beta tester: In case the Steam won't let you just uninstall the game and install it again > switch to the beta mode > done!


Just to clear things up a bit

Sun Sep 29 16:26:44 2019


Нам часто задают этот вопрос, поэтому мы решили, что будет лучше упомянуть об этом здесь > весь арт в "Короне из листьев" нарисован Линс и Гримм (ака Лингримм).

Натали помогает нам с сюжетными идеями, и замечательный перевод с русского на английский тоже 100% её заслуга.

Уважьте нас и загляните в игровые титры - мы сделали этот раздел специально для людей, которые интересуются, кто и чем занимается в команде. Там вы найдете более подробную информацию.



We were asked about it many times and I think it will be good to mention it here as well > All the art you see in the Crown of Leaves is made by Lins and Grimm (aka Lingrimm).

Natalie is helping us with the plot ideas, and the English translation is 100% made by her.

Please be respectful and look into the game credits, we did it specially for people who really interested who is doing what in our team. You will find more specific information there.

Thank you.

tCoL 1.14 is ready for Beta Testing!

Sun Sep 29 12:29:58 2019

Hello guys! We fixed all the bugs you found, so the new version of the game is already waiting for you on Steam!


If you are already one of the Beta-testers you need no additional codes or links, just update your build on Steam to 1.14 and you should be all set. But if you're new and want to join the fun, leave a comment below and we'll contact you via Patron PM with Steam beta code and Trello links :)


Мы снова принимаем заявки на участие в бета-тесте! Оставьте комментарий, и мы свяжемся с вами через ЛС Патреона, чтобы отправить вам Стимовский бета-код и ссылку на Трелло. Учтите, что если вы УЖЕ были в команде тестеров, вам новые коды не нужны. Просто обновите свою версию Короны до 1.14 и можете играть :)


Junyver t-pose

Sun Oct 20 17:30:01 2019

L: Oh, I forgot about this one! I drew it as a reference, when I worked on Juny's sprites.

She has big hips. So sad I can't show it on this t-pose doll, it's too small xD


Maroosh reference [WIP, But Almost Done]

Thu Oct 17 17:30:59 2019

L: Technically this reference is finished, but I can't write a normal descirption :Y

Anyway, I'm happy with their horns, coatings and ears (especially ears!), because there had to be something to make them different from other sahash. By the way, long floppy ears and standart ears works too, but it can be a sign of "non-pure blood". And still, it's okay.



Tue Oct 15 17:30:59 2019

L: More leatters~


Junyver sprites sketches

Sun Oct 6 17:30:59 2019

L: That's weird, but I have hard times with Junyver concept. I'm not sure about her muzzle, and the only perspective I feel confident is the full-face. Her poses should looks friendly and flirty, and still I'm not sure if I like these sketches. Maybe the second one will be the best option.

The moral is: draw character sprites specially for the character's lines. Only then you will be happy.


Leatters sketches

Sat Oct 5 17:30:59 2019

L: They will nom you.

Warm up and vivid colors test.


When Silence will disappear

Thu Oct 3 17:31:00 2019

L: "Silence" is an important element of the Flat. The deeper in the flat, the darker shadows becomes, because there is no sounds to disturb the ink.

The 2nd chapter will tell more about it (:


"I'm here"

Tue Oct 1 17:12:20 2019

L: I worked on key frames for the Junyver's cutscene and - even if I don't like this particular shot because Juny looks not like Juny - I think this one is better than other.

See other two sketches below:


Maroosh and a bit more

Sat Sep 28 22:23:23 2019

L: Grimm and me were concepting Maroosh and tried to make them recognizible, working on their silhouette. These sketches are still far, though lady in the left bottom corner is pretty close to the current design.

Also there is a piece of roumenrou and a piece of Nourian unicorns. Narwhals, I guess xD


We are back

Thu Sep 26 10:06:57 2019

Girls are back in town! It was a nice trip, but the work is waiting.

Lins is already busy fixing bugs. Thanks for you help, beta testers, you did a lot of work, we appreciate it.


Off we go!

Wed Sep 18 06:13:50 2019

Okay guys, we are off to out small vacation. We won't be able to respond from there (most likely) and will be back in Moscow and to Patreon on 24th of September.

Take care!

Update your Steam build to alpha 1.13 !

Tue Sep 17 18:02:54 2019

And... updated. Fresh bugs were fixed again. Update your Steam build to alpha 1.13 please! Thank you guys!

A little note

Tue Sep 17 17:05:17 2019


To our Beta Testers. Please don't forget to add the screenshots and a short description to the bug reports on Trello. Without them it will be pretty hard for us to trace it back.The bugs in the code can only appear in a specific line in a dialogue or scene, for this very reason we need to know (and see!) where, how and when it happened.


Ребят, не забывайте прикреплять скриншоты и короткие описания к своим багрепортам на Трелло. Без них нам будет крайне трудно отслеживать баги.Конкретные баги в коде могут быть привязаны к определенной фразе из диалога, или сцене, или объекту. По этой причине нам очень важно знать (и видеть!) где, как и когда именно происходит ошибка.

Beta test 1.2 is coming!

Tue Sep 17 13:32:57 2019

L: Stay bloodthirsty (c) (:


You may join to beta-test again! Leave a comment below and we'll contact you via Patron PM with Steam beta code and Trello links.

ENG: So, beta build was updated on Steam and you may proceed to test the Crown's remaster and find new bugs. Starting from tomorrow, we are going to the small vacation for a week and won't be able to fix the game, so I tried to go trough the most critical reports and make all routes playable (I HOPE). I left a few translation reports for the future and also I didn't fix hotspots.

Мы снова принимаем заявки на участие в бета-тесте! Оставьте комментарий, и мы свяжемся с вами через ЛС Патреона, чтобы отправить вам Стимовский бета-код и ссылку на Трелло.

RUS: Итак, бета-билд был обновлён на Стиме, так что вы можете продолжить тестировать Корону и искать новые баги. Начиная с завтрашнего дня, мы отправляемся на небольшой отдых на неделю и не сможем заниматься правками, так что я попыталась пофиксить все критические ошибки и сделать все руты стабильными (Я НАДЕЮСЬ). Оставила несколько репортов о переводах на будущее. И пока не приступала к правкам хотспотов.

Raakel sprite [WIP]

Tue Sep 17 17:30:01 2019

L: The last cameo I had to draw! I was playing around with Raakel's poses, trying to make it a little bit special and distinct from other characters, so I came up with this one. I thought "What if she holds a bunsh of tasty things and muching something?" and it made me to go further and draw a whole sequence of uncontrollably gobbling snacks.

Raakel belongs to Yuroboros!

Here is the original reference


Status: fixing the bugs

Sun Sep 15 12:02:17 2019

Thank you Team Beta for your help! It was only the beginning but you did a huge work already finding those annoying insects, guys.

We are busy fixing the bugs right now. Stay tuned!

Beta test - Update

Sat Sep 14 16:24:06 2019


So, for now we won't take any more testers - simply because we need to fix the most annoying bugs from the current list (and a few more if the team Beta will find them today). Don't worry, it won't take long, so every person will get their chance to be a part of the Beta test! <3


Итак, пока мы больше не будем принимать новых тестеров в команду - просто потому, что нам придется для начала исправить уже найденные ими баги (и еще парочку новых, если кто-нибудь обнаружит их за сегодняшний день). Но не переживайте, много времени это не займет и каждый Патрон получит возможность стать частью Бета теста! <3

Beta test is now live!

Sat Sep 14 10:03:48 2019


If you want to be a part of it, please, leave a comment below and we will contact you with the Steam beta and Trello links!

Мы открываем бета-тест! Если вы хотите поучаствовать в нем, напишите комментарий под этим постом. Мы свяжемся с вами лично и отправим вам ссылки для доступа к Стиму и Трелло.

Anoosh pre-render [GIF]

Sun Sep 15 17:30:01 2019

L: Anoosh is close to be done! I'll add some render, and Anoosh will be ready to offer you some high-class service.

This is just 5 of many variations I could make with three sets of eyes, ears and mouth. There will be more in the future.


The future plan

Thu Sep 12 21:28:03 2019

So, we getting closer and closer to the Patreon Beta Test ($8 tier), guys, and it's time to explain how it will work in practice!

We made a Trello board for you. There are only two categories: Grammatical Errors & Typos and Glitches & Bugs. If you come across a bug, you simply post a screenshot of it together with a description (and correction - in case of the typos/grammatical errors).

The description is a small note about the bug that explains where/when/how you got it, so we can find it and fix it.

We'll give you the link when we're ready to open the Beta.

Tsourai (article illustration, WIP)

Tue Sep 10 14:14:36 2019

L: This illustration demonstrates the most remarkable tsourai of Shang-La: Danga, Lasius, Grahn and Sualokin (from left to right). I decided to make it low-saturated, with accent orange.


The Flat (article illustration)

Sun Sep 8 17:00:11 2019

G: I drew a small illustration for the Mindscape article, just need to finish it up now. I want to add the corals drawings on the paper and the calm sea view on the photo.

You can see the belltree here, it's a common Flat plant - the feathers are its leaves and the bells are similar to berries.


Anoosh [WIP]

Sun Sep 8 14:01:37 2019

L: I’m always challenging myself, drawing things in different softs. Though Clip Studio Paint is not really hard and pretty close to Photoshop and Sai at the same time, which is a comfortable mix for me.

Anoosh got an eye animation already.


Beta-test is coming

Sat Sep 7 17:08:02 2019



Всем привет!

Итак, мы готовы сообщить вам, что приближается бета-тест ремастера "Короны из листьев"! Пока мы ждём нашего кодера, так как он работает над сторонним проектом, после которого сразу переключится на наш и завершит работу с переносом данных во вторую главу.

Некоторые до сих пор задаются вопросом, почему мы занялись ремастером, а не продолжаем делать 2-ую главу. Ну, надо заметить, что работа над второй главой и так не стоит - всё это время мы активно продумывали сюжет и писали сценарий - как мы говорили ранее, первый акт уже готов, а многие фоны нарисованы или почти нарисованы. А ремастер игре был необходим - напоминаем, мы начинали делать "Корону", совсем не зная движка, и наделали много глупостей, которые затем сами за собой начали постепенно исправлять.

Мы поменяли:
- Разрешение игры, теперь оно 1920х1080
- Перерисовали некоторые фоны
- И некоторые спрайты
- Исправили кое-какие диалоги
- Изменили Инвентарь
- Добавили Журнал заданий
- И многое другое.

Нам также пришлось переписать пару статей в Фантазионе. Мир не стоит на месте и продолжает развиваться - это же правило касается и миров вымышленных. Фундаментальных изменений в "Короне" нет, и в основном они коснулись легенды про Каркаданна и глаштинов. Повлиял на них небольшой DLC, который мы добавили в игру - он будет бесплатным. Вы встретитесь с новыми персонажами, узнаете их историю и, возможно, вас вовлекут в происходящее... либо же вы останетесь в стороне. Всё зависит от ваших решений.

Теперь небольшая ложка дегтя. Из-за массивных изменений в структуре игры ваши сейвы, которые вы сделали в предыдущей версии игры (r1.+) работать не будут, и игру придётся пройти заново. Нам очень жаль это сообщать, но это было неизбежно. Мы включили возможность быстро пропустить диалоги, даже те, которые вы еще не читали, поэтому вы сможете быстро закончить руты, которые уже однажды прошли.

С другой стороны, мы добавили в "Корону" много нового, и мы надеемся, что это поощрит вас пройти другие руты и сгладит впечатление от неприятной новости.

Спасибо вам огромное за вашу поддержку, ваши добрые слова, вашу любовь к нашему арту, миру, за ваше терпение и понимание. Вы для нас - самый большой стимул доводить игру до совершенства.


Hello everyone!

We are ready to announce that the beta-test of The Crown of Leaves remaster is coming soon! We are waiting for our coder now, who is working on a side-project. After he finish, he'll immedeately get back to us and start transfering data from the 1st episode to the 2nd.
Some people are still asking - why did we decide to remaster the game and stop working on the 2nd chapter? The point is - we never stopped - all this time we were making up the plot and writing the script. As we told earlier, Act I is done and many of the backgrounds are finished or nearly done. Remaster was necessary - we started to make The Crown having zero experience with the engine, remember? And we made a lot of stupid mistakes, so we had a lot of work to do to fix them.

The changes are:
- The resolution of the game, it's 1920x1080 now
- Redrew some of the backgrounds
- Redrew some of the sprites
- Edited some dialogues
- Upgraded the Inventory
- Added the Quest Journal
- And more

We also had to rewrite some articles for the Mindscape. Our world does not stand still and keeps changing - this rule always works for the fictional worlds. There is no fundamental changes in The Crown, it's mostly related to the legends about Karkadann and Glashtins. Our small DLC affected it. You will meet new characters, hear their story and probably they will involve you in it... or you can stay away. It depends on your decisions.

Now some bad news. Because of the massive changes in the structure of the game, you will loose all your save-files made in the 1st version of it (r1.+) and there is no other way to play it again. We are very sorry to say that, but it was inevitable. We turned on a function of skipping unread dialogues, so finishing routes you finished once won't take long.

On the other side, there is a lot of new features in the Crown, so we hope it will encourage you to try other routes and smooth your negative emotions.

Thank you very much for your support, your kind words, your love to our art, to our world, thank you for your patience and understanding. You are our incentive to make the game perfect.

Illustrations for the Mindscape

Thu Sep 5 14:16:10 2019

L: Hell yeah



Mon Sep 2 11:17:42 2019

A gift we drew for LiLaiRa featuring her sahash character <3


Speaking with silence (WIP)

Mon Sep 2 11:11:37 2019

G: I wanted to draw something featuring Flynn and here we go.



Sat Aug 31 17:32:38 2019

L: I have to apologize for rare updates (busy with finishing remaster), so here is something from the working on the second chapter. Drawing Anoosh sprite!



Thu Aug 22 22:13:50 2019

G: I have no idea how much time has passed since I drew my last art with this guy. He is one of my oldest characters who survived during the old times. He has a reach history of evolution, tho 😆 Drawn as a monster in 2010, he became a sahash in 2013 and now I'm giving him a fresh redesign, inspired by the work that Lins is doing right now on the Maroosh species (she will post it here later when it's done).

Ceily is a scientist, sort of, he studies the Curses Phenomenon and have a nice small museum to keep the ''potentially cursed'' items there.


Candy is appearing

Wed Aug 21 09:35:44 2019

L: There is no audio track here in the video, because it goes separately in the game code. Well, all that hard work with layers was done for these 8 seconds only! Even less, because I should clip the static end.



Thu Aug 22 09:00:01 2019

L: Two short scenes for the short cutscene in the game.

I'm not gonna share the full video, because I want to save something for your in-game experience. :>


Cutscene layering

Sun Aug 18 17:01:00 2019

L: Just showing layering of the cutscene. Candy is tough!


Steam reviews wanted! :D

Fri Aug 16 13:34:28 2019

Hello there, guys! If you haven't left your reviews on our Steam page but going to do so we'd really appreciate it. Steam is a challenging place for an indie teams, and having an objective reviews there is a huge help both for us and for our potential players.

Thank you ⭐🖤

Candy [WIP 3]

Sat Aug 17 05:00:01 2019

L: Starting render before to compose it as a cutscene in After Effect.


Candy [WIP 2]

Fri Aug 16 05:00:01 2019

L: This fringe just killed me.


Sahash adopt - special Patreon price! - SOLD

Thu Aug 15 12:40:41 2019

Okay, this is a dallinga girl from Ayelahai, she’s super stylish and knows how to kick someone’s ass xP

$60 (PP fees not included) is a price for our Patrons only! Leave a comment if you have any questions or want to give this lady a good home!


Sold to SpellFox!


Serban on the lake

Sun Aug 11 08:44:32 2019

L: It seems Serban is looking for something...



Mon Aug 12 17:01:00 2019

L: So, here she is, "the guardian of the lake". All tsourai wears clothes and glashtins are not exception, even if they have to live in the water.

Search for any additional materials with Candy by tag "Baby Doll", because it's her old name xD


The King

Sat Aug 10 01:09:35 2019

L: Sketches for the short cutscene. It was fun to mess up with the background!

Yeah, this is Karkadann 🦄


The wolves...

Sun Aug 11 08:12:08 2019

...are not real.
These creatures can change their appearance, affecting the minds of mortals. This is what Roui or any other sahash (or human) will see looking at these guys. But their real 'face' is a secret. For now.

png (d)

The Master Of Claw Crane

Thu Aug 8 20:44:32 2019

L: It was Grimm’s idea and I sketched it.

Do you want us to finish it? (:


New Items

Mon Aug 5 17:31:00 2019

L: Grimm, mold.FF and me are working on the pazzle of the 2nd chapter and we already got pretty interesting idea for it. As always, I can't tell you more and you will check the mechanic only in the future alpha-/beta-testing. So these rings... they are important.

theatre.png rings.png

Close up on details

Fri Aug 2 09:17:13 2019

L: I’m in the middle of working on the Act I of the 2nd chapter. I’ll add book titles later, just need to jump in a Photoshop with it. Also this board is not actually a board and I’m going to make some extra nifty effects, just need to learn some After Effect lessons first to make them b e a u t i f u l.

Also, backgrounds without editor render:


Delroy (cloth concept)

Tue Jul 30 13:59:16 2019

G: Just tried to find the right concept for him, but I will be doing more sketches in the future.



Mon Jul 29 19:03:06 2019



У одного из членов нашей команды случилось горе - несколько дней назад у Натали умер папа, и мы были заняты похоронами. Мы продолжим работать над "Короной из листьев" и комишками , но наша активность в соцсетях будет определенно ниже, чем раньше. Просим отнестись к этому с пониманием. Спасибо вам.


One of members of our team, Natalie, is suffering the loss of her father. It happened a few days ago, and we were busy with funerals. We'll proceed to work on "The Crown of Leaves" and commissions, but our activity in community will be a bit low. Please, be understanding. Thank you.

ART #RAFFLE! Win a sahash character!

Fri Jul 26 19:17:49 2019

We want to find a good and loving home for our sahash character, Arling! << use the link to see more details.

Under the sparks

Tue Jul 30 17:00:02 2019

L: This location and this particular character finally got their musical theme! I really enjoy how the sounding of the music and it perfectly fits the dialogue with Grullo. It's just amazing.

This music was composed by our musician _Blacksmith_. He did so much for our game and, first of all, he made it real.

The Depth, 4 locations demo

Sun Jul 28 17:00:02 2019

L: Compiling a statement of work for our musician _Blacksmith_, I recorded a short video. Actually I'm done with the Depth (it's a name of the whole black'n'white location), but some of Depth's places really needs more details, that's why I avoided to show them there.

Horse ad

Wed Jul 24 17:01:00 2019

L: Grimm designed a nice horse ad poster for the background of Grullo's hideout. I just added a text.

Text on the poster:

Strong ☾ Sturdy
The Belkret Hill


Mon Jul 22 16:31:00 2019



This is Roui's 17th birthday! At the end of the summer, he is going to attend the Institute of Arts in Nouri, but for now it's time to enjoy the blackberry cake and other delicious maman's dishes. It is still far from the day of departure, and Emeral is just as inspired as her son, but she has already begun to miss him in advance.

But Churi did not look too interested in the celebration and in his own son in general. About half an hour ago, Brilla blurted out something about a wonderful - unlike her homeland - Ayelahai medicine, and Churi wound up, entered into a long, tedious discussion, trying to find out why his sister-in-law started to believe in a leech poultice and decoction of poisonous peacock hearts.

It is still far from the day of departure, and he is not even thinking about the divorce, which will inevitably happen, but he has already begun to realize that the quarrelsome, corrosive family of his wife irritates him more and more.

The father-in-law, perhaps, was the only adequate sahash in this realm of the kingdom, and just silently smoked roll-ups while listening to Biggi Beemes. Yes, it's still far from the day of departure, and he does not know that he's seeing his grandson for the last time. That is, the last time he hears his voice - the old man’s eyes were already too weak.

But Roui himself was already imagining a student life in the dormitories, new acquaintances and wise teachers. And everything in his life was only starting to begin.


Вот и наступил 17-ый День рождения Руи! В конце лета он отправится в Институт Культур в Ноури, а пока самое время наслаждаться ежевичным тортом и прочими вкусностями, которые приготовила маман. До дня отъезда еще далеко, и она воодушевлена не меньше сына, но уже начала заранее по нему скучать.

Зато Чури не выглядел слишком уж заинтересованным в празднике и в сыне вообще. Около получаса назад Брилла ляпнула что-то про чудесную - не в пример ее родине - медицину Айелахая, и Чури завелся, вступил в долгую, нудную дискуссию, пытаясь выяснить у свояченицы, а с чего вдруг она уверовала в припарки из пиявок и отвар на ядовитых павлинковых сердцах.

До дня отъезда еще далеко, и он пока даже не думает про развод, который неизбежно случится, но уже начал осознавать, что склочная, въедливая семья его женушки раздражает его все больше и больше.

Тесть, пожалуй, был единственным адекватным сахаш в этом бабьем царстве, и просто молча курил самокрутки, слушая Бигги Бимеса. До дня отъезда еще далеко, и он пока не знает, что в последний раз видит внука. То есть, в последний раз слышит его голос - глаза у старика были уже совсем слабыми.

Зато сам Руи уже воображал себе студенческую жизнь в общежитии, новые знакомства и мудрых учителей. И все у него только начиналось.


Shang-La faces

Fri Jul 26 17:01:00 2019

L: Grimm and me decided to make small references on sahash of different countries. Thank you Grimm for nifty frames and her new boi Delroy :D

Dallinga | Kodo
Matree | Parba
Phurra | Maroosh


Sat Jul 20 18:16:41 2019

Grimm: Lins asked me and Nat to create a kodo and a maroosh characters. I created this guy, I have no name for him yet (bleh) so I’m into searching right now.

We exploring Kodo nation more, they are connected with the wild tigers back in their Forest and can play with them like if they were a regular cats.


L: I found a name for him, and he is Delroy now 6:

Scheme of dialogue with Grullo

Thu Jul 18 19:55:01 2019

L: I'm working on the dialogue with Grullo, the final dialogue of DLC. Just sharing process :D

This dialogue has three endings (one of them is absolutely linear) and some minor variations inside for variety in relationship.

Veve [part 1]

Tue Jul 16 17:01:00 2019


We caught a flu, so it was an excuse for me to draw things for the Mindscape. I was not satisfied with the previous, simplified style of the veve and (I believe that fever makes me almost brilliant) drew a plank and use it as a base, changing some minor symbolic details. Nothing brilliant after all, but I really do like how it looks now.

Мы сильно заболели, и я использовала это как оправдание, чтобы ненадолго оставить код в покое и порисовать для Фантазиона. Мне не очень нравился предыдущий, слишком простой стиль веве, так что я (искренне верю, что жар заставляет мой мозг работать) нарисовала дощечку и использовала ее как базу, меняя небольшие символические детали. Ничего гениального в этом нет, конечно, но так мне гораздо больше нравится.

I avoided any descriptions, because you saw them in the game. Below you will find separated images of the veve with names~

Я избежала каких-либо описаний, так как вы видели некоторые из них в игре. Ниже вы найдете отдельные листы с веве вместе с их именами~

veve_the_calm_wave.png veve_the_deceased_moon.png veve_main.png veve_the_star_rain.png veve_the_spring_horse.png

Dancing Bird

Sun Jul 14 17:00:05 2019

Grimm: Okay, it was a joke about some nerdo-dancing, but I was too excited and I drew a few sketches with dancing mr.Bird! xD

I used stock photos from Google as my refs for this, you can find them below (+ one extra sketch xD)/

Roui's birthday (WIP)

Fri Jul 12 14:52:04 2019

Grimm: It was my turn to work on this art, I did the sketchy bg~
I hope we'll have a chance to finish it soon, I really love this scene. Roui is so cute here.

Mr Bird (sketches)

Fri Jul 12 10:36:36 2019

Our mysterious guy and his box cutter knife. What are you planning to do with it, Mr Bird?

You've got a telegram!

Fri Jul 12 08:41:29 2019


L: Subscribe us on Telegram! There you will find news about the game, lore info and also released sketches and concepts from the official Patreon.



L: Подписывайтесь на нас на Телеграмме! Там вы найдете новости об игре, информацию по лору, а также некоторые скетчи и концепты с Патреона.


New Items

Thu Jul 11 21:00:34 2019

L: I'm thinking it's too audacious to call it "DLC", but it's still downloadable content. Even if it's small.

There are bunch of different items you need to accomplish the quest and see Grullo (and get a gift to see Grullo's friend in the future).

Sahash are an OPEN species now for all fans!

Wed Jul 10 17:39:51 2019

L: Hello again, guys!Do you want a sahash character? You may create one (or two, or even more), because this species are now open!

We got a big fandom ( more or less ) since the Crown of Leaves has been released, so we decided to support our fans and let them create their own sahash babies! There are few simple rules:

- Creating sahash characters for commercial benefits is not allowed. If you want to get rid of your sahash character, just present them to someone else.

- Do not mix sahash with any other species.

- You allowed to draw adult content, but do not post it on public resources, please, we doesn't approve it for our personal reasons.

- Don't forget to credit us as creators!

Official Sahash Reference

(I have to warn you, that part about a nose spot on the Official referense contradicts to the tips-list below, so you should trust tips-list)

And there is a simple and useful tips of drawing sahash head!

sahash.jpg 1492033126.lingrimm_sahash_eng2.jpg coating_eng.jpg The%20Dallinga%20sahash%20nation%20%28rus%29.png The%20Dallinga%20sahash%20nation%20%28eng%29.png

Discord channel

Tue Jul 9 09:43:50 2019

L: Maybe you remember our old Discord channel that was shut down, because of lacking of time. We really had no opportunity to administrate it, because there are really three of us and we all working on the Crown, trying to bring forward the date of the next release.

But our majestic patron Elkane created a fan Discord channel for you, so you can join there if you want! Elkane, thank you very much for your enthusiasm!

Link to join:

Thank you!

Mon Jul 8 12:23:50 2019

Thank you for all your support, comments and amazing fanart ❤️ You helped the Crown Of Leaves to come to light and still helping us to work on the 2nd chapter!

Projector Inigo-LTIVA 200

Thu Jul 11 10:00:00 2019

L: Some of the electronic stuff for the Crown I build in SketchUp, especially when I need it in a few projections. I’m not much a 3D-modeler, so it’s pretty simple models, more like boxes with some angles.

I stroked some important and probably spoiler-ish notes.

Roui’s tape recorder

Tue Jul 9 10:00:00 2019

L: It’s a small treasure chest, full of someone‘s thoughts, and Roui lose it... never having it.

Mr Bird

Mon Jul 8 09:19:50 2019

L: It’s been a while since I drew humans, so I‘m trying to draw mr Bird between writing the script. His hair is my favorite part.


Sun Jul 7 15:15:54 2019

L: Poor little Ives, a mechanical mouse scared him to... boiling. His brother just wanted to prank him, so he bought this clockwork toy.

Flampots and Ives belongs to Grimm. And the sketch was drawn by Grimm too~

There is some trivia about this character and the fampots in general.

The Crown of Leaves [Redesign and New Features]

Sun Jul 7 13:02:52 2019


Working in a video editor is more like struggling for us, especially when we want to share some process of the game developing :D We're always trying to make it good-looking and it takes a billions of hours. But anyway, here we are! This is a short demonstration of the remastered game.

Odette With Knives

Thu Jul 4 21:00:00 2019

L: Odette in my favorite colors. This lady will cut you without a knife, but still she has a couple of them.

A Lamp

Wed Jul 3 16:00:03 2019

L: We are proceeding to work on the quest and the backgrounds parts of the 2nd chapter. Do you remember a projector from the previous sketch? This one is a concept by Grimm. We are not going to make it too realistic, so it has that cool device on it‘s back side. Looks like a sassy lamp.

tCoL, ch2_bg2

Tue Jul 2 16:20:48 2019

L: This background has no name yet, but has a code name instead. It will be used in the 2nd chapter.


Mon Jul 1 22:16:56 2019

L: Just shared a small simple practice.

New Dallinga Sahash

Sat Jun 29 18:09:53 2019

L: Dallinga loves birds, so why they wouldn’t be like birds themselves? Now they are subtle, elegant and partially covered with soft feathers. It’s just a base idea how do I see them right now, but that‘s all what I’m ready to show up. Who knows, maybe we’ll reveal more lore in our future projects! But the Crown is first.

The armor of the Golden Birds was concepted by Trancy Mick and Kiki-Uma.


Л: Даллинга любят птиц, так почему бы им самим не быть похожими на оных? Теперь они субтильные, элегантные, и частично покрыты нежными перьями. Пока это просто базовая идея, какими я вижу их на нынешний момент, но это все, что я готова показать. Кто знает, может, мы раскроем их больше в наших будущих проектах! Но Корона пока в приоритете, так что мы сначала доделаем ее.

Концепт доспехов нам помогли найти Трэнси Мик и Кики-Ума.

DE6F1ACF-80D5-479D-AE10-48733CE6C6BB.png 0757DC7A-634D-434F-B800-133B7AEFA806.png

The Secret of the Moon

Thu Jun 27 09:58:24 2019

It is a collab we made some time ago, featuring this dark creature again. We were thinking about his role in Padmire story and decided to make him an Important Person there - a mayor, sort of xD

Background animation: Kameya [timelapse]

Fri Jun 21 22:05:46 2019

L: It was in my head for weeks, but today I decided to draw it. I perfectly imagined how she moves and the whole sequence took not so much time as I thought. I’m not planning to animate all characters in locations, but some of them really need it.

I called this girl Kameya. It actually should be “Cameo” in English, but I wanted to transliterate it for more “Latori”-ish effect.

We are on fire

Thu Jun 20 10:41:58 2019

L: Well, guys... the building where we’re living is on fire. It started from the roof and spread to the left, to our side. We are okay and we saved all our tools, but I still don’t know will be our place okay or not.

We at Natalie’s place now and still waiting any news from people who left there to keep their eyes and ears open.

So we have to stop the work on commissions and the Crown and to think what we’ll do next.

Sketches for the 2nd chapter

Wed Jun 19 21:52:44 2019

L: They looks pretty random right now, but I just catch basic ideas for the key frames. I'm really happy to tell you with absolute confidence that I finished the script for the Act I of the 2nd chapter (Act II is in progress). There will be a lot of interaction between Roui and mr Bird and I already got an idea for both routes, positive/neutral and negative.

I'll be happy to see some questions or your ideas or just your reaction, because - you know, it's pretty masochistic feeling - when you know everything and you could answer but you have to keep it shut. :D

Additional Intercation Interface [WIP]

Sun Jun 16 17:57:26 2019



We are improving and implementing a new feature into the game, it calls AII. When you start an additional dialogue with a character, you can choose from two menu now - "Talk" and "Show".

"Show" menu is a re-made feature of the Inventory. In the old version you had to pick an item choosing from dozens of others and try to show it to a character. Now all items that could get interested them presented in the one grid, so you can choose it and instantly show it.

Using an item through the "Hand' function in the Inventory still exists and it's using for interaction.

I'll hope mold.FF and me will finish the AII tomorrow, so I could make a demonstration video.


Мы работаем над одной новой штучкой для игры, которую мы между собой называем замечательной аббревиатурой ИДОВЗАП (интерфейс дополнительного взаимодействия с персонажем (также его зовут "Володя")). Теперь, когда вы начинаете дополнительный диалог с персонажем, вы можете выбрать из двух меню - "Говорить" и "Показать".

"Показать" - это переделанная функция Инвентаря. В старой версии вам нужно было выбрать предмет из кучи других и попытаться показать его персонажу, чтобы услышать его мнение. Теперь все предметы, которые могут заинтересовать персонажей, находятся в одной сетке, так что вы можете выбрать любой и немедленно его использовать.

Применение предметов через функцию "Руки" в Инвентаре все так же остается. Она будет использоваться для взаимодействия.

Надеюсь, mold.FF и я закончим Володю ИДОВЗАП завтра, ведь тогда я смогу продемонстрировать функционал в видео.

The Cats

Wed Jun 12 15:32:20 2019

L: I’m still working on this new (okay, not so new) clan of tsourai. They also wear masks, and I’ll post it later.

mr. Blue Sky [DONE]

Sun Jun 9 22:25:03 2019

L: Just finished summer Roui (: He’s going to travel!

We found this shirt in Polo :D

Angry grahn

Thu Jun 6 18:47:28 2019

L: I found it in our archive and wanted to finish it, but just slapped some filter and I like how it looks now xD

Angry, spiky feral grahn.

Mr. Blue Sky

Tue Jun 4 18:31:29 2019

L: We are on vacation right now, walking under the palm trees and the sun, so I decided to get Roui on vacation too (:

(listening Electrical Light Orchestra)


Mon Jun 3 19:21:32 2019

L: I worked on the concept of one tsourai clan, messing with old-old-old Grimm’s character, Secret. She created him in 2009 or even earlier, and I just changed his muzzle a bit. Instead of making tsourai clan, based on Secret, I just ended up with this sketch.

Sualokin Roui

Sat Jun 1 22:49:40 2019

L: I just wanted to experiment with Roui >__> I'll finish it!

Important news!

Fri May 31 10:56:09 2019


Hello everyone!

It is time for some news. Many of you regularly ask what we are working on now, and when will the second chapter come out. Just as before, we won't name any specific dates - as our experience has already shown, naming dates that are too early doesn't affect the speed of our work, and only exhausts the team and drives us into stress. Of course, we aren't going to make the second chapter for another three years: the work now is going way faster because we learned a lot from making chapter one, but that's all we can say at this moment. Question: what takes so long? The answer is simple: the Story. It develops and changes, requires repeated brainstorming, thinking over characters, branches, concepts. We try not to miss a single detail, so that the story remains logical. Did we promise you that the characters and the world will respond to your actions in the game? We did - and this is how it's going to be :>

Scenario to the second chapter is in progress, the first act is already finished. At the same time, we are working on all the mechanics available in the Crown, and even added something interesting. First, we moved from the old version of the game engine to the new one (which required various internal improvements, because at the early stages, due to our inexperience, we accidentally made everything very complicated). Secondly, we changed the resolution of the game from 1280x720 to 1920x1080. Thirdly, we reworked inventory and simplified craft mechanics. Fourthly, we listened to your feedback and made the Task Log, so it's much easier now to navigate Roui’s everyday life. And this is only a small part of what we have already done - you will see the rest by yourself and quite soon: we plan to release the remaster this summer.


Всем привет!

Настало время поделиться новостями. Многие из вас регулярно спрашивают, над чем мы сейчас работаем, и где же вторая глава. Так же, как и раньше, называть конкретных сроков мы не будем - как уже показала практика, на ускорение релиза это никак не влияет, а только выматывает команду и вгоняет ее в стресс. Конечно, мы не будем делать главу ещё три года, наоборот - теперь работа пойдет быстрее, но это пока всё, что мы можем сказать. Вопрос: что же требует так много времени? Ответ самый что ни на есть простой: история. Она развивается и меняется, требует неоднократных мозговых штурмов, продумывания персонажей, веток, концептов. Мы стараемся не упустить ни одной детали, чтобы повествование оставалось логичным. Мы обещали вам, что окружающие персонажи и мир будут реагировать на ваши действия? Обещали - и так и будет. :>

Сценарий ко второй главе в процессе, первый акт уже готов. Параллельно мы дорабатываем все имеющиеся в "Короне" механики, и даже добавили кое-что интересное. Во-первых, мы перебрались со старой версии движка игры на новый (что потребовало разнообразных внутренних доработок, ведь на ранних этапах мы, в силу своей неопытности, успели наломать дров и усложнить себе процесс). Во-вторых, мы изменили разрешение игры с 1280х720 на 1920х1080. В-третьих, мы переработали инвентарь и упростили механику крафта. В-четвертых, мы, прислушавшись к вашему мнению, сделали Журнал заданий, так что ориентироваться в буднях Руи станет намного проще. И это только малая часть того, что мы успели сделать - все остальное вы увидите сами и довольно скоро: выпуск ремастера мы запланировали на лето.

Junyver sprites sketches

Fri May 31 02:46:13 2019

L: My girl

The Dark Garden

Thu May 30 19:05:32 2019

Grimm: Idk, just wanted to draw something hot as an exception xD You can find the NSFW versions in the attachments.
For those who are new here and never saw this guy before - it's our fan version of Maxwell from DontStarve! game, drawn as one of our species - the Rapoda.You can find SFW art with them here:

002.jpg 001.JPG

Anoosh concept

Wed May 29 12:16:21 2019

L: We discussed Anoosh with his owner, Akira008, and I got some ideas about his look. A bunch of posts before I posted a sketchdump with Elbalyamians, where I mentioned (did I? I don’t actually remember xD) about various skin diseases, which are consequences of radioactive elements in El-Balyama. I want to keep all details in secret, because it would be better if Anoosh will tell you all you want to know by himself :>

Soft Brilla

Tue May 28 10:09:24 2019

L: Yesterday we had a brainstorm session, thinking about the 2nd chapter. After that, I sketched this weirdly nice Brilla :D It’s a sketch for her new sprite.

Juny's new haircut

Sun May 26 20:29:57 2019

L: I'm afraid I have to change ALL Juny's sprites, and it's not about the new haircut lol xD Not only this. We worked on her story and relationships with other characters and we found something... new. Probably it will help us to breathe life in her.

P.S.: Don't look at the right headshot, it's too bad xD

Sunny afternoon

Tue May 21 16:59:10 2019

L: Helped Grimm to render rapoda!Whilson :D

A con artist

Sun May 19 17:36:15 2019

L: Yeeees, I finally get to this character too! His name is Anoosh and he belongs to our patron Akira008.

Anoosh is a con artist, specializing on fake marriages; obvously he left his homeland to escape the law. It's just the first sketch of him (based on the original reference by Akira008 themself), but I'm going to work on him more.

Junyver outfit concept

Sat May 18 12:49:08 2019

L: Juny‘s personality is getting clear for me more and more, and she needs a new outfit. I kept proportions and colors, just fooling around with style and details.


Fri May 17 16:56:20 2019

She is ready to be one of the main characters in chapter two!

...And yes, she is a commercial traveler. But no, it's not her basic outfit. xD Anyway, she is so fun to draw.

The Deceased Moon [Line Process]

Thu May 16 19:49:36 2019

L: I started to draw in Procreate, but I hate its selection and coloring Tools (EXHAUSTING).

But I really enjoy doing linework!

The Deceased Moon

Thu May 16 19:35:26 2019

L: We concepted the ghosts a long time ago, but I realized I never drew them before!

Such elegant hornless gents and ladies.

Some of the files were reuploaded

Thu May 16 15:59:49 2019

...In better quality. These two, to be specific:

We have no idea why Patreon app resized them but now it's fixed. Enjoy the details!

Sleepy mood <3 (DST rapodas, WIP)

Thu May 16 13:10:04 2019

G: Doing this as a practise on my Ipad, I think Procreate is a great alternative for PS and SAI, but I still more into working in both. It's way easier for me to do the linework on Ipad and to color in SAI to get the best results.

Marestail sketches

Sat May 11 15:38:38 2019

L: I was tired and made some quick doodles, don’t even expecting I will finish them someday. But Grimm just take it under control and color them by herself :D


Mon May 6 19:42:18 2019

L: Can’t help drawing monster veglamb 👀

Veglamb monster

Fri May 3 10:07:41 2019

L: 🌚


Fri May 3 09:50:54 2019

G: Strudel again!


Thu May 2 18:52:18 2019

L: Oh yes, we’re gonna add this fella to the second chapter. I should get used to him.

Toony Emeral [DONE]

Mon Apr 29 16:00:54 2019

L: Oh boy, I did it

Emeral linework process

Sat Apr 27 07:18:13 2019

L: Trying to work, using a new tool and a new program, so drawing of this simple piece took too much time, but I’m happy with the line!

This toony Emeral will be used for a stickerpack.

Toony Emeral (finished linework)

Thu Apr 25 17:07:11 2019

L: The more I’m drawing on iPad, the more excited I am. IT’S SO HANDY! You can grab it in any minute and just continue the work on any drawing you want. I needed it whole my life.

So, Emeral is almost done. Do you want me to post a video process?


Tue Apr 23 20:42:21 2019

L: Just funny toony Emeral (searching for Roui’s pockets to steal some money).

A cat

Tue Apr 23 13:30:07 2019

L: We got an iPad and an Apple Pencil (quite uncomfortable thing, but I got used to it). I’m so happy with traditional-like tools, so I can draw more often than usual! And my hand is not tired as usual.

Now about this sketch. It’s a lady that is probably related to Juniver 😏

Electric worms

Thu Apr 18 16:11:48 2019

Just to show you how the eleworms looks like. This is the one and only source of the electric energy on Shang-La, humans and sahash using them to get the power for the small towns and for the big cities too. You can see them in the Crown of Leaves even, especially in one particular quest!

Roui ( sketchbook )

Wed Apr 17 11:13:36 2019

The last one from the series!

tCoL sketchbooks

Wed Apr 17 10:40:47 2019

It's already sold in RU and we can't sell it worldwide right now, sadly, but we still wanted to share these.

Lazy and stuff

Sat Apr 13 00:35:45 2019

L: Working on quests of the 2nd chapter, I got some idea about Lazy. She is electrician after all and working with all that old-fashioned domestic appliances, so it's likely she has an outfit for working. I like the bottom right sketch (it was drawn today), but Lazy there has to be more feminine.
Also, Juniver and her sleep mask.

Report on the work we've done, 2nd part

Thu Apr 11 11:53:39 2019



Woo, that was a busy month!

Maybe some of you knows that we made a print-run of 200 copies of The Crown of Leaves themed sketchbooks. Unfortunately, we can sell it only for our Russian audience, because it's too hard to send it worldwide for now (so little time!), but we'll do in the future. One bad thing in this event - we hired a person who should manage all this sketchbook stuff and they let us down, so we spent a lot of time, managing it by ourselves. Anyway, we got back to the work!

Now about the Crown. I finished with the script of the Immortal Horses, but it still needs some branches. And congratulate me - I almost did a remaster! We'll polish it a bit and record a video with demonstration of how the Journal and the new Inventory works.

What about 2nd chapter? I almost finished with act I! And probably - probably! - I'll even show you a draft build before summer.

I'm sorry for the lack of graphic content - we just concentrated on a text part.

We are grateful for your support and loyalty! ♥ Thank you!


Ух, это был сложный месяц.

Может, некоторые из вас знают, что мы отпечатали тираж в 200 скетчбуков по теме Короны. К сожалению, мы можем продавать их пока только для русской аудитории, поскольку для нас это слишком время- и энергозатратно (а времени очень мало!), но в будущем ситуация изменится. Одна плохая штука во всех этих событиях - человек, которого мы специально наняли для этих целей, нас подвел, поэтому нам пришлось заниматься почти всем самостоятельно. Что тоже отняло много нашего времени. В любом случае, мы вернулись к работе!

Теперь насчет Короны. Я закончила сценарий для DLC, но он все еще нуждается в развилках. А также поздравьте меня - я почти закончила с ремастером! Его нужно еще чуть-чуть отполировать, и я запишу видео, в котором продемонстрирую, как работают Журнал и Инвентарь.

Что насчет 2-ой главы? Акт 1 уже почти закончен! И возможно - возможно - я покажу вам черновой билд, прежде чем настанет лето.

Я приношу свои извинения за недостаток графического контента - мы просто сконцентрированы на текстовой части работы.

Мы очень благодарны вам за поддержку и преданность! ♥ Спасибо вам!

The Birthday, coloring process

Fri Apr 5 07:30:59 2019

L: Okay, we are working on this piece extremely slowly, and I'm glad to demonstrate how we colored it. It still needs the background, but render time is so close now!

The Grullo's sprite rendering and animation process

Tue Apr 2 07:30:00 2019

L: Probably it will be the most horrible thing I ever said, but Grullo is a tough cookie xD I really thought I'll fail the render, because he has so much details to do (and mouth sequence... ugh, that's the worst). But I really enjoy the result!

The Food Wagon coloring process

Sat Mar 30 13:48:14 2019

L: I'm finally upload this one! I made this video specially for Natalie De Corsair - she is filling lines with colors and she was needed in some tips we're using in the process. Of course, the Patreon version is speeded up (:

Bart reference (WIP)

Sat Mar 30 08:55:47 2019

Trying to finish this one.

Back in the city!

Sat Mar 30 08:43:20 2019

We're back to Moscow so we'll have the stable Internet connection finally. Means we will post the video soon!

Sketching for the Mindscape

Thu Mar 28 21:54:50 2019

L: Everytime and everywhere I'm doodling some rough ideas for the game. This time I'm finding a concept for the Mindscape illustrations, because they got no uniform style. And there is still no any article about the eleworms!
Tomorrow night we are coming back to the city! It means the stable Internet, finally!

Churi and Milosh

Wed Mar 27 17:32:01 2019

L: I have no stable internet right now - I tried to upload some video, but it died, so video will come a bit later.
Posting these fellas instead. They are Roui's relatives, Churi (his father) and Milosh, Roui's uncle, also Brilla's husband.


Sun Mar 24 23:20:18 2019

L: Heeey, guys!

A few days without any updates, but don't be sad about it - I'm compiling new fresh videos of coloring/drawing/animating process of "The Crown of Leaves" things! We were busy with the script, that's why it was so quiet here.

And more news! Grimm's mom, Maria, was a professional editor and now she is editing my writings and even help me with some ideas, if I'm getting stuck with it. Her notes and critic helps me to improve my skills and I'm incredibly happy to work with her! Also it makes the whole work much faster (:

Stay with us!

Big Hi - step by step

Sun Mar 24 11:03:54 2019

Just showing the progress for those who loves step by step examples :)


Color proofing

Tue Mar 19 11:28:42 2019

You may remember an old post announcing the Crown of Leaves official sketchbooks, and here are the color proofing! We're still searching for the best option for each cover, but it won't take long. We hope to get these printed on the nearest week.

Photo made by our not-so-new member of The Broken Horn Team - Victoria Sorokina aka Magpie! Special thanks for her communication with typography!

ink!Roui sprite [Animation]

Wed Mar 20 07:30:01 2019

L: I want to work on tail's sequence and some additional effects. It's so fun to work in this style!

Candy sprite finished [Animation]

Tue Mar 19 07:31:00 2019

L: Sassy tsourai horse of the lake.

Candy's sprite is the craziest one. I don't even know why. She is not so difficult to draw nor to animate, but her muzzle markings was a pure mindfuck for Natalie and me. Anyway, I'm really happy with the resault - she looks exactly as I imagined her.

I still have to figure out what should I do with her water cigarette.

Grullo sprite finished [Animation]

Mon Mar 18 07:30:00 2019

L: I love this old man.

Roui's sprites 2/6

Sun Mar 17 07:30:00 2019

L: The right sprite is waiting for coloring.

The best thing here is the finished sequence of blinking and speaking. I'll post gifs later :>

K's side sprites 2/6

Sat Mar 16 07:30:00 2019

L: First two base sprites of K.

I don't even know what actually I could tell about it, somehow avoding spoilers xD You are free to make your own conclusions.

"What are you looking at?"

Thu Mar 14 18:59:01 2019

L: Wow, who is that? :>

The Sualokin

Wed Mar 13 23:42:03 2019

L: Planchettes, gardening sheers, cotton, leaves, rotten pumpkin...

Flynn in a nutshell.

This is the last one (probably) illustration in this seria (:

Report on the work we've done, 1 part

Wed Mar 13 20:58:54 2019



Hello everyone!

I wanna share some info with you. We were remastering the Crown of Leaves - improved sprites and backgrounds, changed the game resolution (it's Full HD now!) and right now we're working on DLC.

The list of things we done:

Things we have to finish before to announce the release in public:

We love you and appreciate your support! Thank you very much, guys ♥

Stay tuned! There will be more content and news in the future.


Всем привет!

Хочу поделиться с вами кое-какой информацией. Мы занимались ремастером "Короны из листьев" - проработали спрайты и фоны, изменили разрешение игры (теперь это Full HD!) и прямо сейчас мы работаем над DLC.

Список сделанных нами дел:

Что ещё нам нужно сделать, прежде чем анонсировать релиз публично:

Мы любим вас и ценим вашу поддержку, ребята! Спасибо вам большое ♥

Оставайтесь с нами! Скоро здесь будет еще больше контента и новостей.

Don't mess with me!

Tue Mar 12 16:29:35 2019

Really, Roui, don't mess with Flynn.


Tue Mar 12 15:31:56 2019

L: Goblins goblins goblins everywhere.

Actually it's a sketchdump of bird-like creatures, because there are also:

- Random... Spanish crow?

- The Mad Rook

- Triple head jackdow.

And the rest of these are goblins.

Scanned from my sketchbook.


Mon Mar 11 20:25:32 2019

G: Weeeeell, yeah... I am not so sure I can say anything about this one yet, because this concept is in developing, but it's something related to the Crown's chapter two. Gloomy.

Sualokin [WIP]

Mon Mar 11 12:10:43 2019

L: I drew this awhile ago, but still got no time to finish it.

Lakedemon (looks too grumpy here) and his clan.


Sun Mar 10 21:04:27 2019

L: Okay, a minute of lore. This is Abarma (former 'Abada', and now forget her old name), a tsourai from the glashtin clan. She was a scarriest rival of Jah-Nin from the grahn clan, but lost the battle and left the South of Shang-La. Abarma and some other glashtins used mortal's dreams (as grahn do) to travel around the world and spread "her curse" as she called it - she was skinning her servants to give their skins to mortals. Glashtin skins was making mortals stronger, but turning them into monsters. Why would Abarma do that? Well, she was insane - that's how all tsourai talks, but no one knows the real reason. Now Abarma lives somewhere near Franjee. Btw, she was called "a spring horse" and followers of her cult represented her as nice, gentlestallion with flowers in her mane. Yeah, she got some flowers, but they made of meat. This meat looks deceptively edible - actually tsourai meat consistency looks different.

L: Окей, минутка лора.
Это Абарма (бывшая "Абада", а теперь забудьте ее старое имя), цурай из клана глаштин. Она была ужаснейшим соперником Джа-Нин из клана гран, но проиграла битву с ней и покинула юг Шан-Ла. Абарма вместе с другими глаштин использовали сны смертных, путешествуя по миру (точно так же, как это делали гран) и распространяя "свое проклятие" - как они это называли. Абарма свежевала своих подданных и отдавала их шкуры смертным. Шкура делала их сильнее, но превращала их в монстров. Зачем Абарма так поступала? Ну, она была безумна - во всяком случае, так говорили цурай, но никто не знает настоящей причины.
Теперь Абарма живет где-то рядом с Франджи.
Кстати, ее так же называли "весенней лошадью", и последователи ее культа представляли ее как прелестную, нежную кобылицу с цветами в гриве. Да, у нее есть цветы, но они сделаны из мяса. К слову, мясо это обманчиво съедобное на вид - на самом деле у цурай плоть совсем иной консистенции.

abarma_night_version.png abarma_day_version.png

Candy sprites [WIP]

Sun Mar 10 11:56:39 2019

L: Her name was Babydoll, but we decided to change it to something more harmonious. While brainstorming, it was difficult for me to pronounce it (in Russian) xD It sounds like "Kookolka", TOO MUCH "K" FOR ME HERE. So from now on we're calling her Candy.

Раньше ее звали Куколка, но мы решили поменять имя на что-нибудь более благозвучное - во время мозговых штурмов мне оказалось чересчур сложно произносить "Куколка" вслух (из-за обилия "К"). Так что теперь она "Конфетка".

We changed her first design too, trying to distance it from the obvious associations with cowgirls. Grimm worked on her clothes and made a poncho instead of checkered shirt. You can see her mini-reference here.

Мы также изменили ее первый дизайн, пытаясь дистанцироваться от очевидных ассоциаций с коугерл. Гримм поработала над ее одеждой и сделала пончо вместо клетчатой рубашки. Мини-референс Конфетки находится здесь (доступно для Ювелиров и патронов выше уровнем).

I made a new linework and Natalie filled it with colors. I have to add a sequence of blinking for the 2nd sprite + render it to call the whole work finished.

Я сделала новый лайн, и Натали залила его цветом. Теперь мне осталось доделать секвенцию для моргания у второго спрайта и рендер - и Куколка готова.

Я приношу извинения всем нашим русским патронам за то, что не все посты перевожу на русский. Некоторые из них настолько короткие и малоинформативные, что я не вижу в этом смысла (плюс мой английский довольно топорный и простой). Но длинные посты обязательно будут переводится.

Flynn [colored]

Sat Mar 9 22:15:12 2019

We decided to color a few traditional sketches of Flynn in SAI.


Sat Mar 9 00:57:21 2019

L: Today Grimm, Natalie and me have discussed some extremely important concepts for "The Crown of Leaves". I got itchy to draw this 👀

Do you like the new Patreon design?

Fri Mar 8 10:29:52 2019

We just saw it and it seems to be very different from the old one. Not sure if we like it or not :I

Sketches (commissions)

Wed Mar 6 16:45:38 2019

G: It's a bunch of the commission sketches we made for Praexon (the dragon owner) and Dizir, our Patron and the owner of the sahash character. Still in progress!

Flynn [WIP]

Tue Mar 5 13:14:04 2019

G: I did the lines for the items here. I think Flynn's portrait will be my favourite of this seria when it's done.

Grullo sprite 1/3

Sat Mar 2 19:45:09 2019

L: Natalie and I have almost finished the first Grullo's sprite.


The Room

Fri Mar 1 23:34:49 2019

L: We almost finished this location (it contains at least three additional conditions), listening to the good (and not that good too) rock music on the radio.

If you look closer at those wallpapers, you will see tiny cartoon roosters :> I'll post some kind of the concept list later.

The outlaws

Tue Feb 26 20:56:04 2019

G: Slowly finishing this one <3

Babydoll mini-reference

Thu Feb 28 19:30:01 2019

L: I'm working on the sprite of Babydoll from the clan of Glashtins, so I made this small ref of her colors. That pink thing on the top is a water cigarette and that thing in the bottom is her spure-like braceletes.

Probably you remember an old version of Babydoll. I redesigned her, because she was absolutely out of the Crown's style.

The Adventurer

Wed Feb 27 21:00:00 2019

L: It was cool to collaborate this portrait with Grimm - she worked on all these tiny items on the background. Grimm wanted to show Serban as an adventurer, who is always ready to survive in the wilderness (and in the Flat of course) and has the full survival kit with him.

Serban [WIP]

Mon Feb 25 14:18:35 2019

G: Half done now!


Mon Feb 25 12:53:51 2019

G: Someone on Russian site stole my character (Black Pilgrim) and claim him to be their own and even took a few art trades with other artists using my OC for it, so I drew this. xD

Proceeding the seria... [WIP]

Sun Feb 24 17:51:22 2019

L: We wanna make a seria of symbolic illustrations of the Crown's characters (: We'll see, if there will be more!

A calf

Fri Feb 22 17:43:30 2019

"I'm a seamstress, not a butcher."

L: What a story hides in Brilla's past? I would like to hear your thoughts!



Brilla was asked to kill a calf of sujidaro to make a dinner.

"You are young, but not a child anymore", - her father said.

Brilla took a knife and catched a calf. She wanted to find a lonely place... where no one will see her, freeing the animal. Brilla hid the calf in a neighbor's herd, and her father got mad when he found out about it.

Бриллу попросили забить теленка суджидаро на ужин.
"- Ты молода, но ты больше не ребенок", - сказал ей отец.
Брилла взяла нож и поймала теленка. Она хотела найти уединенное место... где никто не увидит, как она отпускает животное. Брилла спрятала теленка в стаде у своего соседа, и ее отец жутко разозлился, когда узнал об этом.

Hideaway [FINISHED]

Thu Feb 21 18:01:01 2019

L: Grullo, his home and his horses.

The hunter

Wed Feb 20 10:00:11 2019

Just a cozy scene we drew together for our own. It's Ziggy and Ike at Hedwig's place in Oasis (and she gave them the room and the linens xD) having fun xP

Rendered Karkadann [WIP]

Tue Feb 19 22:55:30 2019

L: This was the moment, when Lins realised:

her low self-esteem at an all-time high right now.

I'm really proud of this small piece of the background xD It's not the end though, but Karkadann was the main figure in the whole composition. I also recorded a video of rendering this, will post it later.

I also learned how to draw bulbs.

Inside the well - picking colors [WIP]

Tue Feb 19 19:09:11 2019

L: I'm getting to rendering this background. I was not sure about colors and changed at least three versions, before to get to this point.

The well [finished]

Sun Feb 17 14:33:50 2019

L: Yeeee, I did it.

The inscription on the road sign - "Gego ✖ (short for "Gegongado") Suji!" - "Beware of Suji!".

Be my Valentine!

Thu Feb 14 20:52:38 2019

L: ?

Personal stuff (WIPs mostly)

Wed Feb 13 12:37:51 2019

G: Yeah, we have almost no time for this sort of stuff, but we still hope to finish these sketches in the future. Some of them are fanart on We Happy Few and Borderlands/HP/WHF crossovers, and some are just personal.

Brilla Sprite [Rendering Process]

Fri Feb 15 19:30:01 2019

L: Process of rendering Brilla's sprite. Also adding a sequence of blinking and talking.

Emeral and Brilla, remastered sprites

Tue Feb 12 19:35:28 2019

L: Hello!

I'm glad to show you remastered sprites of Roui's mom and aunt :> I fixed their proportions, style, added new emotions. I'll post the gifs later.

These sprites will appear in the remaster of tCoL.

Inside the Well [WIP]

Sun Feb 10 21:45:56 2019

Just look at this peculiar place.

The Food Wagon

Fri Feb 8 19:30:59 2019

L: It's finally done!

Karkadann (studying)

Wed Feb 6 17:04:37 2019

G: I want to study horses so I will do a few sketches of magical horses from the Crown.

Grullo sprites and refs

Wed Feb 6 15:25:01 2019

L: Getting back to the human anatomy is a bit difficult to me, but I'm trying so hard xD I should practice first before drawing those two last poses.


Lunar night

Mon Feb 4 22:18:39 2019

L: Collab with Grimm :> A small illustration for the news about Lunar New Year.

Also, you can buy our game with a %35 discount on Steam! ►



Sat Feb 2 21:34:02 2019

Bo and his fav bones %)

The Well - [WIP]

Sat Feb 2 01:27:28 2019

Almost done!

Birthday party [WIP]

Mon Jan 28 07:30:01 2019

L: No killings.

(I can't believe I've finally finished the linework. It took months!1)

The Food Wagon [WIP]

Sat Jan 26 07:30:59 2019

L: More colorzzz.

Was decided to add some leaves on the left and carved goblin sculpture on the right. Looks too abstract for now xD

The Well [WIP]

Thu Jan 24 19:09:28 2019

G: Time to make a linework!

The Karkadann Idol

Tue Jan 29 07:30:59 2019

L: Working on the concept of the sculpture of Karkadann :Y

Inside the Well

Sun Jan 27 07:30:00 2019

G: Wow, well, yeah, this is the new location we are creating for the Chapter 1, and I think this place is speaking for itself. Any ideas who can live here? :D Maybe you saw the guy/girl in the previous posts on Patreon!

The Food Wagon [wip]

Fri Jan 25 07:30:01 2019

L: I had to re-line it and re-color for some reason... Now it will take a time to render it :D

The well

Tue Jan 22 15:59:55 2019

G: I made a sketch for the new location connected with the Food Wagon. Yay!

The Food Wagon [wip]

Mon Jan 21 15:54:55 2019

L: Grimm made a huge work on the lines of the background, I made the linework of the wagon itself and Natalie fill it with colors. SHE SPENT HELLA LOT OF TIME, DOING IT, OF COURSE LOOK AT THOSE DETAILS

Now it's time for the render.

Well fock with that!

Sun Jan 20 22:26:12 2019

G: Finally finished xD

The Crown of Leaves sketchbook - mockup

Thu Jan 17 09:34:07 2019

We are working on the Crown of Leaves sketchbooks design with our friend (and now the new team member who will be responsible for the merchandise and the official tCoL artbook) Soroka. She made a mockup first, and now we are waiting for the printed version to see if it lives up to our expectations. We will post the actual photos once it's done.

Yep, say hi to Antiquity!

Sahash, part 1 [head and muzzle]

Tue Jan 15 20:07:22 2019

L: Hello!

Do you want a sahash character? You may create one (or two, or even more), because this species is now open! For patrons only (for now).

We got more or less big fandom since the Crown of Leaves has been released, so we decided to support our fans and let them create their own sahash babies! There are few simple rules:

- Creating sahash characters for commercial benefits is not allowed. If you want to get rid of your sahash character, just present them to someone else.

- Do not mix sahash with any other species.

- You allowed to draw adult content, but do not post it on public resources, please, we doesn't approve it.

- Don't forget to credit us as creators!

Official Sahash Reference

(I have to warn you, that part about a nose spot on the Official referense contradicts to the tips-list below, so you should trust tips-list)

And there is a simple and useful tips of drawing sahash head!


Discord will be shuted down

Tue Jan 15 02:32:03 2019

Hello, everyone!

We are here to share the news with you, because we decided to shut down our Discord server. Why? It would be cool if we could hang out with you there, but we just have no time for it because we are working on the Crown. There is no even a free minute to administrate the server! We are sorry so much, but we really hope for your understanding.

Server will be shuted down in the 18 January, Friday.

Some sketches for promos, also news [SPOILERS]

Tue Jan 15 01:54:59 2019

L: Howdy, guys!

Last days our team discussing the plot of the 1st Act of the 2nd chapter. We generated a bunch of ideas, that have been cleaned and approved for the script, and I'm almost ready to write a script! (Actually, I already did the first draft, but it needs to be revised).

You can see some skecthes for the promos below, that probably contains spoilers... Though I would call it hints to the next chapter.







We made a small poll in our Russian community and asked people to share their thoughts about Tigla-Dera, Flynn and that mysterious guy in the final intro. The most popular theory is "Roui saw himself as a human in the parallel realm", but I want to say secretely... this theory is all wrong.

Mr K and Roui will meet each other in the 2nd chapter. They both are hunted by beasts, they both have some special abilities and they both have something in common, but mr K and Roui are completely different persons.

Mr K and his cat.

Step by step

Mon Jan 14 11:09:11 2019

For those who were interested :D

This art is a commission we made for Akeashar! The character belongs to them.

Foodwagon - WIP

Sat Jan 12 18:52:52 2019

G: Now it's my turn to work on this bg so I'm doing my best. I always wanted this place to give a feeling of the shady little garden to the player, so I added a big old tree and a lot of plants hanging from its branches.

Character sheet

Fri Jan 11 23:29:24 2019

L: Can't find an appropriate head and face shape for him, so I'm just trying different variants for him.

My favorite headshot is where he is blushing. C:

First concepts of the intro

Sun Jan 6 21:10:30 2019

L: It's one of latest versions of the game intro (that story told by Roui) with stupid notes.

The remastered foodwagon [WIP]

Sun Jan 6 17:23:27 2019

L: Hello, guys!

Now I'm working on remastering of the foodwagon. Grimm has to add coffee machine and bakery, then Natalie will fill the linework with colors.

I started from model, that I made in SketchUp and it helped me to not fail with the perspective :>

Also a bartender has changed a bit and became a chubby lady.

The Crown of Leaves - OST

Fri Jan 4 18:52:46 2019

Hello, folks!

We are glad to announce the soon release of The Crown of Leaves OST on Steam! But for you it's available right here, right now and absolutely for free. Enjoy!


P.S.: Some of the game soundtracks are not available for downloading nor buying, because we have no appropriate rights for commercial distribution.

The remastered Greenhouse

Thu Jan 3 21:20:25 2019

L: I finally got a whole evening to finish this piece. The new Greenhouse has fixed perspective, it's easier to tweak for different situations in the game and, of course, it's HD. Probably, now Vander is even happier, living here :D

Maybe I'll add more details before to put it in the game.

Mr Bird sketches

Tue Jan 1 19:39:57 2019

L: Some doodles of mr Bird. I like the left one, very close to what did I want to get.

The new character concept

Wed Dec 26 22:39:37 2018

L: Working on a small (really, really small) free DLC for the first chapter. It's related to collection items in your inventory, such as toy horses.

This funny fella's name is Grullo and he is a fiercful fan of horses. There are more expressions of him below.

L: Мы работаем над маленьким (очень, очень маленьким) бесплатным DLC для первой главы. Оно связано с коллекционными предметами - такими, как игрушечные лошадки.
Этого веселого чела зовут Грулло, и он яростный фанат лошадей. Ниже вы можете посмотреть на его эмоции.

He is the only known human parba in the Hill Camp. A mystery guy, who is always coming and going into the uknown. Grullo looks pretty friendly, but if you had even a word with him, you'll understand he is completely insane. Maybe it's better to stay away from him?..

Он единственный известный человек-парба в Холмовом стане. Мистический дед, который постоянно приходит из ниоткуда и уходит в никуда. Грулло выглядит довольно дружелюбным, но стоит переброситься с ним парой слов, и ты понимаешь, что он полностью съехавший. Может, лучше держаться от него подальше?..

Updated Inventory design

Mon Dec 24 16:21:05 2018

L: Hello everyone!

I brought you some mockups of the new inventory design. Our coder, mold.FF, found the way to implement small but important feature - it's a drag-n-drop crafting, and it forced me to change the items grid for it. I spent a lot of time trying to make the design more accurate and close to the other screens. Seeing my design agony, Grimm decided to support me in this quest. We changed thousands of textures until we found this neat texture of paperboard. It took its place instantly!

L: Всем привет!
Я принесла вам несколько мокапов обновлённого дизайна инвентаря. Наш кодер, mold.FF, нашёл способ реализовать небольшую, но важную штуку - крафт с помощью драг-энд-дроп, что автоматически заставило меня изменить сетку предметов. Я потратила много времени, пытаясь сделать дизайн аккуратным и в стиле других меню. Видя мои дизайнерские муки, Гримм решила поддержать меня в этом квесте. Мы сменили тысячи вариантов, прежде чем нашли эту классную текстуру картона. Она мгновенно заняла своё место!

Demonstrating of drag-n-drop crafting.

Демонстрация драг-энд-дроп крафта.

Also you will be able to Take or Use an item by simply clicking it with right mouse button.

Также вы можете Взять или Использовать предмет, просто кликнув по нему правой кнопкой мыши.

Left click calls the item description.

Левый клик всё так же вызывает описание.

And, finally, the updated filter! We decided to hilghlight the chosen type of items, not hiding the other items - you may like to experiment with crafting, so who we are to stop you from mixing shovel and cookies? :>

Ну и, наконец, фильтр! Мы решили подсветить предметы выбранного типа, не скрывая другие - может, вы захотите поэкспериментировать с крафтом, да и кто мы такие, чтобы запрещать вам смешивать лопату и печенье? :>

The next article will be about the Journal design.

Stay with us!

Следующая статья будет про дизайн Журнала.
Оставайтесь с нами!

Remaster news!

Sat Dec 22 17:33:18 2018


L: We are working on the remastering of The Crown of Leaves. Why now? Below is a small explanation!
When we started with the Crown of Leaves, I was a noob in any kind of code. We didn't even knew what visual novels are! We just wanted to tell a story about our world, but comic was a bit complicated way to do this. When we found info and articles about the visual novels (and RenPy as well), we thought something like "Wow, this looks pretty simple! Maybe we could try to create something". There were a few features we wanted to keep in our game, not trying to make it simpler or more difficult:

Also it was the first time when we started a project together with Natalie De Corsair. We decided to test our possibilities in collaboration - Natalie wanted to help us with the plot and quests.
So, I started to learn RenPy. When I realised that some features like the inventory and the Mindscape are too complicated for me, we hired a programmer. The first one was not professional and all his work was just scrapped. The second one was better, but we had to scrap the most of his work as well. The only thing we kept was the parallax, and our new coder mold.FF polished it to the perfection. And yes, mold.FF is the only coder in our team now, he is amazing, he made a translation module, the Mindscape, the inventory and other modules, and also helped us with the basic mechanic ideas.
And here is the moment of truth... We worked on the old version of RenPy! When PyTom released the new version of this engine, I was too tired and exhausted to learn the updated code, so we just decided to finish our game as is. Really, guys, otherwise we would NEVER finish it.
Okay, the game is finally released and I decided to take a look on the updated RenPy. It was easier than I expected and it works much faster than the old one.

Also we want to add a quest journal.
I'm already working on the remaster, so you will have a chance to check some of the new features very soon!
When the remaster will be finished? After the New Year, I guess. I'm not sharing this info anywhere but here, and can't tell even the approximate date of this update.
Stay with us!


L: Мы работаем над ремастером Короны из листьев. Почему сейчас? Ниже небольшое объяснение.
Когда мы начали работать над Короной, я была полным нубом в коде. И мы даже не знали, что такое визуальные новеллы! Мы всего лишь хотели рассказать историю о своем мире, и комикс оказался для нас несколько сложным способом это сделать. Когда мы нашли инфу и статьи о визуальных новеллах (и, конечно же, о движке RenPy), мы подумали "Ух ты, выглядит довольно просто! Может, попробуем что-нибудь сделать". Вот список особенностей, которые мы хотели сохранить в игре, не делая её проще или сложнее:
- Очки отношений
- Разные руты
- Капелька пойнт-н-кликовой механики.
К слову, мы впервые начинали проект, работая с Натали Де Корсар. Мы решили проверить наши возможности в совместной работе - Натали хотела помочь нам с сюжетом и квестами.
Итак, я начала изучать RenPy. Когда я осознала, что некоторые штуки, вроде инвентаря и Фантазиона, я сделать не в состоянии, мы наняли кодера. Первый не был профессионалом, и в итоге проделанная им работа нам просто не понадобилась. Второй был лучше, но нам также пришлось отказаться от большей части того, что он сделал. Единственное, что осталось от его работы - параллакс, который был усовершенствован нашим новым кодером, mold.FF. Да, mold.FF - это третий и самый потрясающий кодер, влившийся в нашу команду. Он сделал удобные модули перевода, Фантазиона, инвентаря и другое, а также периодически помогает нам с идеями по механике.
Вот мы и подошли к моменту истины... Всё это время мы работали на старом версии RenPy! Когда PyTom релизнул новую версию своего движка, я слишком устала и вымоталась, чтобы разбираться в обновлённом коде, так что мы просто решили закончить игру как есть. Серьезно, ребята, иначе бы мы НИКОГДА её не закончили.
Итак, игра выпущена, и я решила взглянуть на тот самый обновленный код. Он оказался проще, чем я ожидала, да еще и работает намного быстрее, чем старый.

Что изменится в ремастере Короны?
- Разрешение (старое: 1280х720; новое: 1920х1080)
- Механика инвентаря
- Спрайты Изумры и Бриллы, потому что они были нарисованы для меньшего разрешения (когда-то игра вообще была 800х600, да). Также у них появятся новые эмоции.
- Оранжерея и - ВОЗМОЖНО - Жральный вагончик

Также мы решили добавить журнал квестов.
Я уже начала работать над ремастером, так что уже очень скоро вы сможете заценить обновления!
Когда ремастер будет закончен? Думаю, уже после Нового года. Я делюсь этими новостями только здесь и больше нигде, и не могу назвать даже приблизительную дату обновления.
Оставайтесь с нами!

The secret stuff

Sun Dec 23 00:00:00 2018

L: Not so secret anymore :D

These icons we used for Steam achievments. Probably we'll make some stickers later~

The New Year Arch

Thu Dec 20 23:34:27 2018

L: Grimm and me spent the whole night, trying to figure out how Shanglanians celebrates their New Year.

It's the biggest and meaningful holiday in this world, just like in ours. Everybody wants to leave all the negative and problems in their past and to meet the bright and promising future. Shanglanians are making their own New Year Arch, assembling it from different materials. For example, Nourian people are using forging with sea-themed decoration, their archs are huge and solemn. Of course, they give a pompous ball for celebrating!

The most regular variant is two dead branches, tied with ropes and ribbons and a bell on it. These branches are painted with dark and light colors (black and white are unnecessary), decorated with paper stars or paper birds, that are actually the gift boxes. When the time comes, all celebrating people are going through this arch and open their gift boxes, that mostly contains various sweets and tiny trinkets.

In Latori, all archs that were made by parba are using for the giant bonfire after celebration of the New Year.

Probably this idea is a bit trivial, but we wanted to keep the spirit of our real winter holiday :>


L: Мы с Гримм провели целую ночь, ломая голову над Шанлайским Новым Годом.

Это крупнейший и значимый праздник в мире Шан-Ла, прямо как у нас. Все хотят оставить весь негатив и проблемы в прошлом и встретить яркое, многообещающее будущее. Шанлайцы собирают Арки из различных материалов. Например, в Ноури используется ковка с декорациями на морскую тематику; их арки огромные и торжественные. Конечно же, ноурийцы дают пышные балы в честь праздника!

Наиболее распространённый вариант арки - две мёртвые ветки, соединенные между собой верёвками и лентой с бубенчиком. Ветки выкрашены в темный и светлый цвета (необязательно в чёрный и белый) и украшены бумажными звёздами или птицами - это подарочные коробки. Когда приходит время, все празднующие проходят сквозь арку и открывают подарки, им предназначенные. В основном это сладости или милые безделушки.

В Латори все арки, оставшиеся после празднования Нового Года, принято сжигать в огромном костре.

Возможно, вся идея Шанлайского Нового Года выглядит довольно банальной, но мы хотели сохранить дух настоящего зимнего праздника :>


Attack! [SPOILER, WIP]

Mon Dec 17 00:00:00 2018










L: Okay, I'm really afraid to say something spoiler-ish. I'll try to avoid it, but it's not that easy and probably there will be some spoiler things anyway.

It's Roui and mr. Bird are fighting with the Snakelock. I'm not sure, is there even a small reason to make a fighting system only for this episode, because the whole game is "come and find, craft and talk", but we'll see soon.

Mr. Bird name is starting from "K". So he is mr. K for now.


Sun Dec 16 00:00:04 2018

L: Working on Roui's poses. Just wanted to find his typical gestures, probably will draw more soon :>

Rise and shine!

Mon Dec 10 23:25:12 2018

Grimm: Mwahah! I dunno why I drew this even, I just love the idea of Roui the psycho. The outfit inspired by the Shining.

Mr. Bird concept

Mon Dec 10 21:23:11 2018

L: I changed the shape of his head and added more sadness in his face features. Obviously I have to fix his old sprites, because they are a bit off.

Love this guy.

Video process: Waffles sprite

Mon Dec 10 21:19:26 2018

L: Found a few records of drawing process of Waffles~

Nice to see you!

Sun Dec 9 22:00:44 2018

Hey guys, we glad to see all of our new Patrons here! Welcome.
We'll post the fresh materials tomorrow - a video process and a few colorful things we made for the Crown's steam page.

The secret room

Tue Dec 4 18:56:37 2018

L: Officially we are still on domestic vacation (and doing nothing), but actually we started to work on the next chapter xD I just wanted to revamp our workflow and started from the script and the first idea we recently got. There is no need to tell about all those internal revamp, we focus on the sketch instead.

You probably remember this bg. It was drawn a long time ago, but was not needed yet. Grimm and me expanded it and decided to add a few more important details. There also some Russian notes (I crossed out spoiler-contained things).

So, now it's a start location. Though it always can change soon.


L: Официально мы все ещё на домашнем отдыхе (и ничего не делаем), но на самом деле мы начали работать над следующей главой xD Я просто хотела поменять наш стиль работы, начав со сценария и первой идеи, которая у нас появилась совсем недавно. Нет нужды рассказывать обо всех внутренних изменениях, давайте сфокусируемся на скетче.

Возможно, вы помните этот фон. Нарисован он давно, но до сих пор так и не понадобился. Мы с Гримм расширили его и добавили несколько важных деталей. Также тут есть несколько заметок, но я вычеркнула всё спойлеросодержащее.

Итак, теперь это стартовая локация. Хотя всё может поменяться.



Mon Dec 3 21:21:11 2018

U know xD

The Greenhouse [WIP]

Sat Dec 1 19:21:05 2018

L: There is no end of polishing! Vander's greenhouse is our victim now, because we can't stand that completely destroyed perspective. Luckily, we borrowed some parts from previous version.

The moral is: if you do something, DO IT QUICKLY. Before it's getting old.

Your ideas for Steam Achievments WANTED!

Fri Nov 30 22:56:05 2018

Hey guys! We are ready to get Steam Achievments working, but we need your creativity and help :D If you have any ideas, no matter how crazy or funny they are, post them in comments here! The best of them will be official on Steam ^^


Tue Nov 27 00:18:42 2018

OH MY FREAKING GOSH.... I mean. Ahem.

Hello everyone!

Finally, The Crown of Leaves has successfully went through the way from Greenlight to release! Now you can fully experience Roui's story and get to know him better, meet new characters, and also dive into the world of Shang-La and the riddles of the Hill Camp. Explore the environment, meet the hillcampers, collect items and fill up the Mindscape!

We have tried to release several plot routes, and each of them affect the gameplay, but the real consequences of your choices are waiting for you in the next chapter. One of the main routes takes from 1 hour or more of playing time, the second - 3 hours or more. We highly recommend to go through both of the routes to get the full impression and experience the story from all sides.

Alas, we couldn't put everything that we had planned in the first chapter. However, we already have sketches for the next one, and we're going to make everything come to life - and there will be more of the quest part. It is still difficult to say when the second chapter will be released, because first we need to rest, get ourselves together and gather the energy to keep working.

This is our first game. There are only four people on our team, and game dev is a hobby for us, but we have found tremendous support among everyone. Thank you so much for being together for three years! Your advice and moral support helped our project to develop and become better. Special thanks to those who financed us on Patreon, as well as to the direct participants of the development who helped in creating the non-player characters - Vander and Alek (as well as others who will appear later in the game).

Without all of you, Crown would never come to light!


The end of Tigla-Dera [SPOILER WARNING]

Mon Nov 26 00:17:29 2018

L: I marked this cutscene as spoiler, because some people who didn't test the game could be a bit... surprised (even if they saw WIPs and stuff). Probably some of you still want to keep it secret for yourselves, until the game release :>

Anyway, the end of this video is exclusive, we didn't post any sketches earlier.








This cutscene is concluding the end of 1st chapter. There was supposed to be a few lines of text, but I get rid of them, because it could spoil the atmosphere.

(Right now Grimm is trying to convince me to put this text in the game, but GOSH, if only I had all time of the world! Only a MIRACLE can help me here)

Lines from Roui at the beginning of the cutscene:


And one line, coming from both Roui and mr Human at the end:


The Crown

Mon Nov 26 00:03:24 2018

L: We used this art for a cutscene. I'm curious, how much people find it while testing the game?

The banquet

Sun Nov 25 23:50:40 2018

L: I rendered characters for the final scene on the Tsourai party (Grimm helped me to fill the line with colors - it was a piece of work, yep) and it looks nifty inside the game :>

All these characters (except for Flynn and Bo on the background) belongs to our Patrons. We would like to know the names of some these characters, since some of them bears nicknames of their owners!

PS: Download attached evening version of this scene with higher resolution!


The last edits

Sun Nov 25 17:00:12 2018

G: We are doing the last bug hunt right now, and Lazy here is just because I love this moment in the game xD

4 days!

Sat Nov 24 09:58:14 2018

27 is almost here. Can't really believe that :D

We have good news for you - the game has been accepted by the Steam shop already (a few days ago), so we are busy with the Steam Trading Cards right now.

What's up, Crown?

Sat Nov 17 11:43:05 2018

Hello, guys! We are not dead, just busy fixing all the bugs reported by our ALPHA testers. They found a lot of stuff, from typos to crushes, and most of them are fixed by now. We will be trying our hard to make the Steam version as stable as possible ^^

Thanks for you help, guys <3 You're awesome.

"You look so pretty!"

Thu Nov 15 02:04:22 2018

L: We watched "Superjail!" a week ago and I can't help, but drew this xD Because Warden's obsession with Alice is exactly like Ing's obsession with Flynn. And he loves purple.

P.S.: Flynn, shut up. I remember I drew a sketch where you were asking for boobs. Enjoy your boobs now.


Thu Nov 15 02:00:01 2018

L: I scratched some doodles from my sketch folder. I don't know why I like these guys so much, but I was not completely satisfied with their design. Now I finally figured out how should their half-bird half-human skull work.

P.S.: bw sketches are from the final game cutscene.


Sat Nov 10 14:38:51 2018

Do you know, what does it mean? (:

Get ready for alpha-test! [only for 3rd lvl patrons!]

Sat Nov 10 14:12:47 2018

L: We still have to finish a lot of small things in the game, but... get ready to alpha-test of the Crown of Leaves!

(Нам всё еще нужно закончить множество мелких штук в игре, но всё же... приготовьтесь к альфа-тесту Короны из листьев!)

We need a few people, who really wants to spend a time of their life on testing our game, catch all bugs and just enjoy (or... not?) the story of Roui, the Hill camp and its inhabitants.

Нам нужно несколько человек, готовых потратить время своей жизни на тестирование нашей игры, отловить баги и насладиться (или... нет?) историей Руи, Холмового стана и его обитателей.

It's pretty hard for us to calculate an approximate time of gameplay, because we know all dialogues, Mindscape articles, spots of interest and quests like the back of our hands. For us, testing takes about 2,5 hours (and 5 minute for me, haha).

Нам сложно подсчитать приблизительное время геймплея, потому что мы знаем все диалоги, статьи Фантазиона, точки интереса и квесты как свои пять пальцев. У нас тестирование занимает где-то 2,5 часа (и 5 минут у меня, хаха).

One of the plot route is very short and another one is pretty long. If you want to see the story from different sides, you need to get through both routes and see what will happen. The end of the chapter is the same in all routes, but all your decisions will affect events of 2nd chapter.

Один из сюжетных рутов очень короткий, а другой довольно длинный. Если вы хотите узнать историю с разных сторон, вам нужно пройти оба рута и посмотреть, что произойдёт. Конец главы одинаковый для обоих рутов, но все ваши действия повлияют на вторую главу.

We also should warn you, that alpha build:

1) Can be a bit unstable;

2) Has a few untranslated lines;

3) Has one or two unfinished locations;

4) Need some text tags (it can be a reason why Roui's side icon can disappear in some scenes);

5) And something else.

Мы должны предупредить вас, что альфа-билд:
1) Может быть нестабильным;
2) Тут про перевод, что для русских патронов неактуально;
3) Имеет одну или две незаконченных локаций;
4) Нуждается в текстовых тегах (это причина, по которой сайдовая иконка Руи может пропадать в некоторых сценах).
5) И что-то ещё.

All people, who want to join the alpha build should contact me in Discord! I'll make a survey form for you.

Start: 12 of November (Monday)

The end: 16 of November (Friday)

IF YOU HAVE NO FREE TIME FOR THIS TEST - IT'S OK! JUST SKIP THIS POST. We really count on our testers and we will be waiting for a detailed feedback to fix all things in the game before release! Your participation will help us to build the stable Steam version of the game.


Thu Nov 8 21:48:56 2018

L: Continue to work on the final cutscene.

Here is a brand-new goblin, that I (re)concepted a couple of days ago!

Floating [WIP]

Fri Nov 2 21:08:33 2018

L: Working on the final part of... the final cutscene xD It will be done in style of the intro, but without red accent color.

Roui seems a bit unhappy with all this bloody situation, because he is dead. I know, all scenes of this seria looks pretty much confusing, and I can't wait when you will dive into the deep of this weird story.

Tsourai [WIP] - night version

Thu Nov 1 19:20:58 2018

It's almost done, just need to add the colors to the characters here.

Cameo characters

Thu Nov 1 19:17:43 2018

L: Hello everyone!

I have to notice, that some cameo characters can't find their places in the 1st chapter of the game. Working on the plot I realised that we got a huge disbalance between main storyline and side-quests - there are two many of them, and game is not so big as it may look. Most likely, we'll show them as background characters for now.

There will be more space for them in the 2nd chapter. Such characters as Fel, Kudret, Alain, Raekel and Anoosh will appear there in their roles we discussed with their owners. When the 1st chapter will be released, we'll finish the rest sprites immediately.

Happy Halloween!

Tue Oct 30 23:21:20 2018

L: I decided to make our own contribution to Halloween content :D Grimm gave me a neat idea of Roui as Harry Potter and Serban as his owl Hedwig xD Probably there is a dialogue like this:

Roui: Trick or treat... or I kill my owl *OOC intensifies*

Serban: That's why I wanted to be a Voldemort, not a freaking pet!

Someone behind the door: Roui, you did a mistake. You should be cosplaying J. K. Rowling.

In The Woods

Sat Oct 27 13:37:25 2018

L: The night and the evening versions of the same art I made for the last (and very important) scenes of the first Chapter. I wanted it to look like a poster that's why it has an unusual, vertical format.
I loved to work on the trees here especially... and on the little thing covered with this nice fancy cloth. ;)


Sat Oct 27 13:18:49 2018

L: Now this scene have a night render!

Serban emotions map

Fri Oct 19 09:36:14 2018

L: Serban has not much emotions... but he has 5 poses, so that's enough for one character.

The Brilliant Collection Of The Art

Thu Oct 18 22:45:47 2018

L: I found it in tCoL folder xD Some bugs and other awesome stuff.

Photo [animated]

Sun Oct 21 07:31:00 2018

L: Bo is trying to convince Flynn to look at the camera. And he succeed! It's a miracle.

(I still have to add shades)

Photo [WIP]

Sat Oct 20 07:30:01 2018

L: I have to add some delicate shades, before to claim this art finished. I'll post animated version a bit later.

Bo: Look, Flynn, here we are! And you have this grumpy face again. Was it too hard to smile, huh?

It's not hard for Flynn to smile, but he never loved cameras. Probably it reminds him something... But it seems Bo just glad to take a picture with his best friend, even if he's acting like an ass.


I tried to finish it a long, a long time ago. Today was an awesome day, we got for a walk with friends (Natalie and Lime), so our stress, fatigue and all that crap just... gone. I'm so happy today! And I got a lot of power to get this art finally done.

You're in Love with a Psycho

Thu Oct 18 20:54:42 2018

G: Okay, this is just a small toony we drew for fun today, listening to Kasabian xD This is Flynn and Ing, they actually were a couple <> years ago, but broke up in the end. They had very complicated relationships since then... but it's always nice and fun to draw them together xD

Flynn emotions map

Thu Oct 18 10:04:17 2018

L: Composing scenes in the game, I need something like a cheet sheet to use an appropriate emotion for each line of dialogue. This is a clear version of Flynn's emotions map (draft version looks messy, and each panel have its own name).

Flynn is the second character (after Roui), whos emotions map is that huge.

And quick question: would you like to see more character emotions map in the future?


Waffles sprites [WIP]

Wed Oct 17 10:25:22 2018

L: This sprite will be temporarily inputed into the game and I'll fix it after or during the alpha-testing, because I still have a lot of things to do.

The left one is not animated (I'm not done with a talking sequence yet).

Reference commission for Dekaccho

Sat Oct 13 23:49:45 2018

L: Grimm asked me to post it here, so I did. You can check the linework and shading process here:

The boatshed [rendering process]

Fri Oct 19 07:31:00 2018

L: The most epic video of background rendering I ever recorded. I added some details right after I closed OBS, but it's not very important here.

Linework and shading [commission for Dekaccho]

Fri Oct 12 14:21:15 2018

L: Baw, I lost a HUGE part of this drawing process, but I was happy to find a video with portrait linework and coloring. Here is also a small of shading process - it's a reference sheet, so we tried to make shades delicate.

The boatshed

Fri Oct 12 13:32:23 2018

L: Yey, the Alek's boatshed! It was nearly done by Grimm, so I just had to add some render... But I put it on a waiting list, because everything what I tried to do, was shitty-looking.

And yesterday I finally made it. Added new colors, more light and shadows, remake a linework of the left tree and add more vilun reeds on the right.

Do you know what is the coolest part of this background? It's the last bg we had to finish and it's done. The alpha-testing is close, babes!

Abandoned manor, front door

Fri Oct 12 13:27:32 2018

L: The front door of abandoned manor is finally drawn! I broke my brains, trying to pick an appropriate color palette, and I finished with my favorite mix of orange and blue-green.

The mystical symbol (we call it veve, like in voodoo religion) on this door is important for the plot and for one particular character.

Tsourai [WIP 2]

Mon Oct 8 21:18:46 2018

L: Finished linework of Alexander, Lime, Wren, Oniroy and random grahn girl. Flynn and Bo are colored with their base palette and ready for rendering, but I'm afraid I should wait with coloring of the rest characters, because it can take too much time. Probably our beta-tester will see them as-is.

I always get tired quickly with drawing fullbody characters, especially if it's many-figured composition, but drawing these guys was surprisingly easy!

Femi's place [update]

Mon Oct 8 21:12:48 2018

L: We were not satisfied with this background, because we saw A LOT of mistakes and unfinished parts. We didn't wanted to redraw this, because - gosh, it's just a minor bg - buuut I decided to add something, while I was replacing Femi's crossbow to bow and adding more arrows.

Find ten differences now xD

Tsourai [WIP]

Sat Oct 6 16:40:35 2018

L: I added NPC in the banquet scene. A lot of familiar faces here!

Flynn is waiting

Sat Oct 6 15:54:40 2018

L: Mmmm

Flynn, new emotions

Sat Oct 6 15:51:32 2018

L: I started to work on Flynn, made new faces and stuff.


Waffles sprites

Tue Oct 2 21:25:23 2018

L: I had to draw Waffles for dialogues, because Roui should talk to her during the quest.

The cutest part of this sprite (beside Waffles herself) is the wooden crocodile. It's her favorite toy... and her favorite word.

Neat screenshots~

Sat Sep 29 22:14:38 2018

L: Just want to share something interesting! The day of closed alpha testing is approaching and we want to intrigue you :>

There is Femi on the screenshot above and Alek (Alekronov's cameo) on the screenshot above. They seems a bit confused by Roui...

A few more references!

Wed Sep 26 17:26:39 2018

L: I'm proceeding with t-pose refs for the Crown's characters.

The boatshed

Tue Sep 25 17:36:30 2018

L: Yes, this background was tough. I spent all day, drawing this QvQ

Now I have to eat something


Faddey the Sualokin

Sun Sep 23 12:26:28 2018

The last one, belongs to Dizir! Oh and you can watch the linework video process of this art here:

Yvette the Sualokin

Sun Sep 23 12:25:44 2018

Belongs to Sareii aka Wren :)

Alize the Sualokin

Sun Sep 23 12:24:52 2018

We made 3 sualokin characters exclusively for our patrons. This girl belongs to Oniroy, other two to Dizir and Sareii. We will share their refs here as long as this species of tsourai are connected to the game world, so why not :)

Linework: video process

Sun Sep 23 12:13:41 2018

We made a new video for you! The linework this time.

Abandoned manor, second floor bg

Thu Sep 20 09:34:20 2018


Previous version:

It was poorly detailed, so I fliped out and add more textures and render.

The dining room - redraw (WIP)

Tue Sep 18 15:55:26 2018

G: We redrew this bg because we wanted to change the angle a bit, to make it more realistic, and to make this whole bg more easy to render.


Tue Sep 18 15:47:16 2018

G: I'm working on the final additional animations for the Crown. this smol birb is one of them.

The Room

Tue Sep 18 10:56:23 2018

L: _Blacksmith_ made a new music for the game! Sad and a bit scary theme of the abandoned manor.

Abandoned manor, 2nd floor (Animation test)

Tue Sep 18 10:49:33 2018

L: We finished one of the last backgrounds and now testing a small animation.

Probably I'll add more details here, such as webs in corners, but it's later.

Bad boy's toys (WIP)

Thu Sep 13 20:28:28 2018

G: It's our sualokin OC, Ing, who is a bery bad boi and.... and we can't say more about his story or his role in the Shang-La plot xD Sorry!

Anyway, Ing is collecting stuffed toys, all of them are based on the real people/tsourai he met. Here you can see Yin, the Twins and Alexis (in her Lasius form). Intrigue!

Next reference

Mon Sep 10 10:09:35 2018

L: I want to make another reference of Crown's character (like Emeral's), but I'm not sure, who will be first.
Help me!

Going home

Sun Sep 9 23:14:29 2018

G: Dunno what to add here xD Lansu is drunk. Pilgrim is helping.
It was inspired by the photo with lions I found in Google.

Working on quick references

Tue Sep 11 10:34:59 2018

L: Okay, I started with both xD

Emeral reference

Sun Sep 9 16:34:30 2018

L: I never thought I would do it, but I did. I got a task to draw Emeral from the back view, and I realised that I have no idea how her outfit is designed! It's a problem of all old sprites in the game (Serban and Brilla as well), but I'm going to fix it. My idea with dummies was nice, but absolutely useless and not informative, though it helped me to understand Juny's clothes.

So, let's get back to Emeral. I removed all unnecessary details such as pattern on pockets and keep the whole color sceme on cool shades (opposite to her warm coating). And wow, you can see Emeral without her headscarf!

P.S.: Thanks Sareii for the help with translation of the reference text <3

patreon_emeral_reference_ENG.png patreon_emeral_reference_RUS.png

Black Pilgrim: playful

Fri Sep 7 18:53:25 2018

G: I did it, another one art from this seria! Yay! He is not sleeping on this one, but anyway, I'm glad I can draw one of our most fav characters again. Lansu will be next, I swear xD

Here is the Pilgrim playing with blue monarches. I think he really likes to play with butterflies when he has a good mood.

It can be hard to draw your own old characters, that's what I can say from my last experience, but it also helps to improve their design.

The boathouse - WIP III

Wed Sep 5 14:57:51 2018


A large amount of the details is making this scene really hard to draw. But without them the background looks empty, so I better spend some extra time on this.

Roui head concept

Wed Sep 5 00:10:22 2018

L: We bought a Rick And Morty artbook and I inspired by detailed work on characters. Really, I had no idea that even simple characters needs so much clarification and conception! It's so much important for animation, yeah...

So, inspired by all of this, I did this small list of Roui's head details. Most of the time his head is all you can see in the game, so it was the reason I did so much mistakes at the beginning - I added too much details (stripes, curles, EARRINGS), so it ruined the whole appearance. I removed extra curles and worked more on his colors and coating scheme aaand I reached my goal, I guess.

Lil' Roui as a bonus. (It will be a really really really bad joke, but our team always called young Roui "Roui-before-dick", and adult one - "Roui-after-dick". It's just a meme).

The boathouse - WIP II

Tue Sep 4 11:31:40 2018

G: Still working. We never draw bgs so fast xD

The boathouse - WIP

Sun Sep 2 19:31:31 2018


The boat station - work in progress

Sun Sep 2 13:44:17 2018

G: Working on the two last bg's from the game, feels good to know this is almost done!

A small reminder

Sun Sep 2 10:57:28 2018

G: I don't remember if we talked about it here or not, but all the The Mystics will get their copy of the Crown Of Leaves game for free, when it will be released on Steam.

Just letting you know ;)

Teeth and stuff

Sun Sep 2 01:17:24 2018

L: Some teeth, matree and weird three-headed bird.

Hey, importaint information about Patreon and payments!

Sat Sep 1 23:14:04 2018

Hello, guys! Just a minute of your time:

Patreon moving their banks to UK, so your pledges may be declined because of that. Don't worry, you just need to update your payment information to avoid it, just like it shown in this official Patreon tutorial:

Fresh news!

Sat Sep 1 21:28:33 2018

Read it on our official Steam page:

The boathouse

Thu Aug 30 18:21:26 2018



Okay. There we have two LAST backgrounds. LAST, I SWEAR.

These are for Alek and his weird installation... or not his?

More finished items

Thu Aug 30 18:12:58 2018

L: Old sweater, dead cat and whistle. Wow, such useful things!

Also, we changed poison to strawberry syrup.

Abandoned manor, living room

Thu Aug 30 18:02:35 2018

L: There is a lot of keys to the plot, but I'm sure there is no any spoilers.

Thanks Grimm for all this scrupulouse work on the linework. All those frames and books, couch and stairs... just wow. I'm really impressed! xD I just did the render here, a childish herbarium and also veve.

I don't even know how it should turn out, but I'm really satisfied with the result.

-1 background of our to-do list.

Artificial languages in tCOL

Mon Aug 27 12:02:46 2018

What do you think about artificial languages? Would you like to see it in the Crown of Leaves?
We are not linguists and can't make it with all grammar and rules, but some characters could use different words of artificial language in their speech.
For now, there are the old-parba language, used by everyone except Roui, and the speech of sacred names (used by tsourai). Both had their own filler words. For example, parba uses their own equivalent of "You know?" - "Val-vale?", and tsourai use "Stomre" that means "Well, ...". Also, both languages have swear words, so it's the way to use it as a censorship.

The question is - should we use it or not? And please, share your opinion in comments!

The game news

Mon Aug 27 11:32:34 2018

L: We finished all texts and almost all art of the first chapter. It still needs a translate, but Natalie and Lime are working on it! Probably we'll cut some additional dialogues with fan-characters to make the work process faster, so we'll add it a bit later (it's finished as well, but the most of them still untranslated, and I won't give Nat and Lime too much work). Stay tuned!


Sun Aug 26 19:14:37 2018

L: I found an old sketch in my note and Grimm asked me to finish it. Marestail seems so angry here! What could piss him off?

Sualokin - the Handsome Edition (2)

Sun Aug 26 13:44:01 2018

G: Speaking of this xD Here we go.

Sualokin - the Handsome Edition

Sun Aug 26 13:24:43 2018

G: I found this old sketch Lins did a few months ago, I thought - wow this look just like Holo!Jack so I finished it xD

Watch him sleeping

Fri Aug 24 21:44:44 2018

G: I want to draw a seria of sleeping Black Pilgrim and Lansu, just because I really love to see these guys in cat-like poses xD

The Dark Room (WIP)

Thu Aug 23 20:02:28 2018

Can't say more!

Nourian sketches

Sat Aug 25 07:30:59 2018

L: Okay, I think everybody wants to look at canonical Laslo and Mermey, am I right? Laslo is a dentist, as you already know, and Mermey is a Nourian aristocrat, Roui's patron and suffragette.

(it's not Laslo sprites, don't even think about it)


Walking with Lazy [gif]

Wed Aug 22 22:24:17 2018

L: We thought about scene with Lazy when she and Roui are walking in the forest and chatting. It has no dynamic with usual sprites - they were just sticking to the background and doing nothing. So we found a simple solution with a seamplessly moving background and tiny animation of Lazy's hair and ear... and it saved us.

She also has a few additional emotions to react on Roui's words.

The Party - DONE [gifs]

Wed Aug 22 22:16:50 2018

4 gifs of this cutscene below.





L: I don't even know what to add xD Gifs spokes for themselves. And mr. Stabby is here to ruin the party.

Roui's room close-ups

Sun Aug 19 18:35:32 2018

Finished now! You can have a closer look on the points of interest now and to work on the bracelet even!

El-balyamian Giant Bugs - vol. 1

Sun Aug 19 18:23:55 2018

Here we go! People from Discord asked us to draw this and we did.


ENG.jpeg RUS.jpeg

Sualokin (concept)

Wed Aug 15 17:32:20 2018

This art is showing the anatomy/proportions/the form of the wings of Sualokin in general, so we are using this guy as our ref for this tsourai 'species'.

Shang-La channel

Tue Aug 14 17:17:07 2018

Don't foget we have a nice and cosy chatroom in Discord, where you can ask us question about Shang-La, Crown and other lore-related stuff.

Here is the link to it:

The party 4 [WIPs]

Sun Aug 12 12:42:48 2018








L: Sorry, guys, I'm suck at descriptions today xD This art is already finished and I'm exhausted.

The party 4

Sun Aug 12 12:38:50 2018








L: The last finished art of the cutscene. It's night rendering time!

The Party arts [WIPs]

Fri Aug 10 00:36:23 2018








L: Actually these arts are done already, but shhhh

Party arts [SPOILERS]

Fri Aug 10 00:26:10 2018








L: Oufff, it hurts. Sorry, Roui, but I'm not sure you can survive. The moral is: fuck that shorty farmer-sociopath. Btw, Alexis, Kanoharu and Iskaa cameos here!

One more art of this episode left, and I'll start over again, rendering it for the night version.

HQ versions in attachments.

party_2_patreon.png party_3_patreon.png


Wed Aug 8 18:28:32 2018

L: Preparing sceneries for cutscene! Confused Roui is getting Flynn's hug.

Matree concepts

Sun Aug 5 21:12:49 2018

L: Last days we were thinking about matree alot. As you already know, Grimm love the Ancient Egypt, so we used it as a base for El-Balyama, but we had no idea how to make it more authentic. We tried to blend it with Moderne or Art-Nouveau, though it doesn't make any sense (stylisticly it's just a tautology).

Surprisingly, but we were inspired by the Dark Tower world and Mad Max's setting (because we're reading the last book from DT cycle and playing Mad Max at the same time).

So we added something, that Grimm calls "luxury trash culture".

El-Balyama is rich, enlightened country, but matree are exposed to desease more than any other sahash. They suffers from eczema and eye deseases (using poisonous paint complicate the situation), have a lot of dental problems, most of them are infertile, so they use phurra women or men to breed (yes, hating them). Elbalyamian architecture, also prose and poetry are legendary perfect, but their applied arts, despite of using precious metals, looks solemnly and sick at the same time.

But there are beatiful and healthy matree too, and people thinks that they are Nomes favorites. Like Kinlek or Neith, Scarecrow's character.


We have to work on this concept more, but I'm so glad that we found the right way finally.


Sat Aug 4 21:15:00 2018

Here we go with the very real unicorn!

Okay, being serious, this is an actual concept of the Karkadann. The real one. We all know Roui is sceptical about so called 'mythical creatues' of Latori, so he doesn't believe in Karkaddan or Glashtin, but it doesn't change the fact these guys... exist.

And there is a big chance Roui will meet them. Seems he will be surprised...


Wed Aug 1 14:56:22 2018

Just a fullbody of him to show the pattern on his tail and his colors <3 We really love this guy.

More art and lore articles - coming soon in August

Wed Aug 1 01:06:14 2018

G: The August is near and we will be staying in Moscow for this month, that means we can work on the project and post more. ;)
I will be also translating some articles to explain the lore, thanks to those Patrons who were asking us different questions and sending us requests!

We will be also working on the Shang-La related commissions - the custom sahash and sualokin characters - and these are the good news! This means our Shang-La family will grow even bigger soon. <3

The Silent Street

Tue Jul 31 23:27:55 2018

We are working on the commission art for Someone, can't tell you anything about it or about the customer yet (oops), but we have a very nice finished background for this piece!

Wanna share it. It was an abstract request to make a cyberpunk cityscape, and we made this, and we love the result veeeery much.We decided to draw the sunny day instead of a night city, just because we don't want to draw another 'it was a dark rainy night' piece, it will be boring to do so.

Well fock with it! [done]

Wed Jul 25 22:57:34 2018

Heh Heh HehehehEheheh.

Well fock with it!

Mon Jul 23 19:58:18 2018

G: I thought there is not enough Flynn in my life so I drew this xD It will be a colored thing, I will finish it, I promise.

Flynn is in his usual mood.

Free sketch for Zephyr

Mon Jul 23 17:58:44 2018

G: Let's continue the free-sketch session for our Patrons! This one is for Zephyr.

Flynn sketches

Sat Jul 21 15:49:25 2018

L: Ignore those notes on sketches, they are not very informative. I'm thinking about new sprites for Flynn. First of all, I need to find a pose for him, which is the most difficult part for me. He is a farmer, and I draw him as a fancy man - it's WRONG. Yes, his outfit definitely looks fancy, but it's because of the event he visited. xD Okay, will see.

Smol but smort

Thu Jul 19 18:46:51 2018

G: A free sketch for Milo! I drew his OC as a young girl. Why not.

Lins said she is probably reading the Book of Nourian Law xD Smol nerd.

Shanglanian misconceptions

Fri Jul 20 01:30:01 2018

L: Sketches by Grimm.

We decided, that Shanglanian people didn't see much of tsourai (except of Elbalyamian Nomes, but they are silent). Mortals are always coming around the Flatstream, seeking for tsourai and answers on their questions, and tsourai always carefully avoided them.


First time when Latorian people met sualokin, they were surprised, so it had resulted to misconceptions in trying to draw them.

"It's a hybrid of bird and snake, with a long neck and muzzle, and there was a pair of horns on their head".

So people were sure that sualokin looks like herons with scales or something like that. Years after this absurd image was complemented by bat-like leaf at the tip of their nose, but still nobody knows how exactly sualokin look like.


This new info is also make us to fix some texts in the game's Mindscape, but, luckily, not much.

The Doppelgängers

Thu Jul 19 18:00:07 2018

G: This is the Twin Peaks related art I made for us and Natalie, it will be a header for our page on Russian analogue of Facebook, Vkontakte.
I love how this looks already, evil Gilchrist, Staaf and Heather are cool :D

Free sketch of your sahash OC

Wed Jul 18 08:46:37 2018

G: Hey guys! I want to draw one of your sahash characters in toony style (as I mentioned in Discord some time ago), give me the refs of your OCs in comments and I will randomly choose one of them.Not sure if the sketch will be colored or not, we'll see.

Roui was attacked! [Video process]

Tue Jul 17 10:30:56 2018

L: I thought I lost my records of this process, but then I suddenly found an almost-done-project and video sources as well. Gosh, I was so happy!

This process contains a linework and coloring. Render is not included, because I made in Photoshop and OBS didn't want to catch PS screen for some reason. I killed about hour to deal with it, but then I just gave up with these idea.

Anyway, I'm still proud of this work. I don't know, why, I just love it.

(Maybe it's because of Grimm - she detalised my first sketch ♥)


Mon Jul 16 13:58:10 2018

Never posted it here, huh? It was an illustration we drew for Caervec and the story of his sahash character, Yin and his tsourai friends, the Twins. The text below (c) him.


It had been so long since it all began. They'd put leagues behind them, over mountains, through hot badlands, under starry skies and by lakes that glittered like the sun itself. So long since they'd seen home. The trip to Nouri hadn't been so kind, nor as fruitful as Aizkorri and Yin had hoped it would be; they were no safer there than they had been in Ayelahai. In fact, it just seemed worse for having so little resources there to themselves. A chance meeting and a little luck, some dire warnings, cryptic advice and a terrifying chase and flight had thrown them headlong to Latori, a land where the dead have learned to dance. Or so they say. Of course, Yin had been very skeptical of the instructions to 'attend a funeral and beseech the dead for the answer' -what good would talking to a corpse do? And how would one even try to ask to interlope in a stranger's funerary celebration? And yet those twins in his keeping had seemed very convinced indeed. At their insistence, and with a strange sort of ease, the deed had been done. A wild and delirious night in the marches of the Latorian outback, one that Yin would scarcely forget despite fervently wishing to, brought about that answer from the night-living dead. A meeting was to be arranged.
In the days that followed, Sania and Samir argued and anguished over the possibilities of this entreaty from a being of such regard. And likewise, the four of them pondered just what kind of offering they could even begin to make to afford any sort of help. An empty plea was nothing. It could yield only refusal. It was soon clear they had only one thing that might interest their would-be benefactor. The vial, and that strange liquid within it. At the suggestion, the twins had hesitated, Yin thought he'd even seen a hint of fear in Samir's eyes at the very suggestion of surrendering it; perhaps the one thing that had been responsible for saving their skins thusfar. Sania's breath had hitched at the idea but she warmed to it slowly. Perhaps some demonstration of it might win some sort of approval before the deal was struck so that it would not be offered wholesale for no return? It had taken three days to convince her brother that it was to be done -if only because there was no other way. Not a day too soon, as that night a messenger arrived -her curiosity had been piqued she had agreed to the meeting.
He'd left Aizkorri in town, the revelry of the previous week's funerary festivities alone made him doubt the safety of this plan and to risk any more than what had to be was not something he could allow. They'd met their guide at the edge of the woods, a stocky, portly-seeming man well-covered in his robes and hood drawn up under a tightly-woven straw hat. They hadn't made it but perhaps a few hundred yards into the woodlands before he revealed himself, drawing back the hood that they might become more familiar. Of course it was a lasius! Those mysterious and beguiling tsourai of fossa-and-gorgon persuasion. With vodou tradition and a penchant for racous behavior, Yin had heard a tale or two of their ilk in the past, and indeed they had been mentioned by their baffling counterpart in Nouri. But to see them was surely a most auspicious occasion, was it not? Or perhaps it would have been were it not for Yin's -albeit ostensible- good fortune to be in near-constant contact with tsourai these days.
Somewhere along the way, he lost track of time. They'd been walking for what felt like hours -or did it feel like minutes? It was difficult to say. The sun never moved from the peak of dusk, casting a haunting red pall over the misty swamplands. What was this strange feeling of...lost-ness? Yin wasn't quite sure if he had gone anywhere nor for how long, but the trees were moving, the path beat on, but time seemed to look the other way. All the while, Sania and Samir kept close at his side as their guide led them along, as if for once they were there to protect him. The lasius that led them was by no means a silent figure, prattling on about the court, the festivities -for apparently it was he whom they had spoken to in that crazed night, though Yin could not recall any such creature present- and even the trees around them. Anything and everything was fair game. But at last it seemed they must have drawn near because he silenced his laughter and assumed a more reverent tone as the swamps gave way to a clearing. And in it, the trio were met with a sight of sights.
A court was already in session, a gathered crowd of delegates, though small, stood under a ragged cloth pavilion, streamers bedecked the clearing where they were incongruously tied to tree and wooden pole and even an occasional colossal pillar of bone, the lattermost of which gave the sahash pause at the sight of them. At the center of it all, amidst a ferocious display of trophies carved and arranged of bone and skull, a curious throne was enshrined in a canopy of tusks wrapped in dried sinew and tanned hides. A veil of ribs cascaded from the height to form a menacing facade before the rattan papasan nested with downy olive cushion below. The thronw was not empty. Lounging within, legs akimbo, with an air of boredom, a lasius loomed. But she was no ordinary kind, and it was plain for Yin to see. She seemed immense from here, so much larger than the others gathered near her -or was that a trick of the light? Perhaps the throne was designed to give such illusions. She was winged, as well, but in the pinkish-red fire of the perpetually-setting sun, he could see one of her wings swaddled in bandages, splints holding what may have been shattered bone. Did tsourai heal as well as mortals, he wondered? Surely they did. Her gown was more elegant than her peers', a smooth, clean cloth with balanced adornments. Her face was concealed by that veil of bones. This had to be her: Leeheyma, Queen of the Lasius. And yet, at the sight of her, Yin became keenly aware of a raising of hair on his neck as the twins shifted their footing, slipping more pointedly behind him, close to his back, each grabbing at his arms as if looking for comfort.
At their arrival, their guide bid them wait at the edge of the clearing as the gathered onlookers chattered among themselves in not-so-whispered tones. Over this hubbub, Yin could barely hear the lasius delegate as he introduced them, announcing them in a parody of courtly fashion, that could only be called a crude facsimile of such pomp. Without so much as a word, he saw the queen's arm rise and dismissively gesture to the liason and he turned to look back at the trio. Somehow, Yin was beginning to feel as if they'd made a mistake. Ushered forward, that lasius abandoned them now, leaving them standing only a scant few yards away from that enthroned figure as he moved to melt away into the crowd that watched them and now gradually hushed. Even so close, her eyes were hidden away from them, though the set of her jaw told Yin that it was best not to tarry about it. The three of them exchanged glances and almost in unison dropped to their knees slowly in reverence. Best to treat royalty as it is, Yin supposed.
He heard her speak then, if only for the sake of formal address. Her voice was rich, husky, and heavy with an accent he could scarcely begin to place. "I hope you have not come to waste my time nor bore me." Came the rolling demand. "Come then, Yin, is it? You have a look about you that I do not like. But considering the rarity of your company, I will grant you this audience." He could feel the twins tensing around him. He'd been with them so long, it was as if he could share in their feelings now. ...Was that right? He couldn't recall having so keen a sense of it before. Bizarre. His mouth was dry as he tried to speak, while Sania and Samir remained stone silent. How as he supposed to even try to address her? He couldn't delay in this moment.
"Great Queen," he began, "we are here because we are being hunted by something we are unable to escape. We beseech you for aid." As he spoke, he slowly rose to a single knee, hand reaching to the small leather case at his side to fetch from it their one great treasure. That magenta vial that had, for all he could tell, saved their lives time and again. As he withdrew it, the air seemed to become tense, as if the wind had frozen around them. The twins stared at it, the congregation fell deathly silent, intrigued perhaps. That was what Yin hoped for, at least. But as he looked down at the bottle in his hands, he was taken aback. It was different. Perhaps again the light was playing tricks on him, but even this close, it couldn't be otherwise: the vial was black, a golden glow where magenta once was. Perhaps he might have expected it, this thing was beyond him anyway. But he knew what was contained within was of a power that could surely interest even one so lofty as his current company. Suppressing a sense of shock at the change, he pulled from it the stop and held it before himself. "We do not come empty-handed." Not one twitch came from the queen's figure nor face, what he could see of it. But what had he been hoping for? A demonstration was needed.
Shifting his grasp on the vial, he tilted the tube and pronated his free hand, cupping his palm under the glass rim as he prepared himself. Just a few drops would suffice to show. "Should you wish it, we offer this." He heard Samir's feet scuffling in the grass and a sharp inhalation from both of the cats as he slowly tipped the golden-glowing vessel. What met his eyes was not what he expected. The liquid he poured was neither the familiar pinkish hue, nor the anticipated gold, but instead jet black. Ink. It felt strange on his fur, on the skin beneath, entrancing even. He closed his eyes, an Ayelahain sign of respect in his offering. Sania turned to unabashedly address her brother, the sound of shock in her voice. "Did he tell you this was the plan!?" She already knew the answer. Samir shook his head, brow furrowed in deep concern. What was the idea of this? "It's dangerous." A look of confusion and lost direction crossed Sania's features. "He shouldn't touch it!" She hissed. "It's too late..." Came her brother's reply. They didn't stop him: he'd caught them both by surprise and done it.
All the while, the Queen of the Lasius looked on, unflinching, eyes locked on the pooled ink and the stranger who held it. Until...
Art and original world/designs, Lasius characters © Lingrimm
Yin and the Twins, story/text © Caervec

Good food in good company [WIP]

Mon Jul 16 09:34:09 2018

G: A small collab with Natalie I am working on right now. I still think I will change a lot of details here, but I'm satisfied with the whole idea and Roui's pose ;)

The map of Latori

Sat Jul 14 19:02:17 2018

L: This map was done almost a month ago, but we don't have an English version for it. And when the translation was done, we had no time to post it! Sorry for being such an ass.

Grimm and me discussed the Latorian camps and the distance between them. It was much easier to show it graphically, so we made a map shortly after our discussion. Also we added some usefull Latorian info, that probably will be used in Mindscape inside the game.


Русская версия карты в прикрепленке.

latori_map_description_eng.png latori_map_description_rus.png

Sketchdump 2

Sat Jul 14 17:17:40 2018

L: The new sketchbook stuff is coming! The most of it was drawn awhile ago, but I compiled it just today. I don't know why, but I focused on Ayelahai, their cult of archers (that I invented recently, lol) and tail wrapping.

Also, Serban.


Fri Jul 13 06:32:46 2018

A good news, guys, we are almost home now - we will fly back to Moscow tomorrow - means we can work on the game art and other game related stuff soon. Thanks for your patience and support! :)


Fri Jul 6 20:12:30 2018

L: Compile of warming-up sahash sketches, mostly dallinga. I like the guy on the second sketch and probably I would make him a character, if I find a place for him in Asomatous story.


The Prince adopt - exclusive for our Patrons

Thu Jun 21 18:37:57 2018

Heyo! We planned to post this guy on FA at first, but we decided to post them for our Patrons only.
Comment if you interesed. ^^

Scheduled content

Thu Jun 21 13:06:04 2018

L: We are going on vacation soon and back before 14 July, so I scheduled a bunch of materials for you, just to keep in touch. Probably in July we'll post traditional sketches mostly, because we leave our working places and can't take tablets with us.

Marestail in the wood

Mon Jul 2 19:31:00 2018

L: Trying location-depending render on sprites. I want the whole picture looking harmonic and colorful, so I just can't leave Marestail as blue as they are.

Wild Marestail blocked the way

Sun Jul 1 19:31:00 2018

L: I worked on the script a lot and I found a perfect place for Marestail finally.

...What a tall sahash. I think Mare is much taller than Roui's, despite of Roui is tall too.

'I don't like photographs.' [WIP]

Fri Jun 29 13:00:00 2018

L: Flynn is grumpy as always, but Bo doesn't mind to smile on the camera.

Flynn is like "Damn, Bo, why are you always so exciting when this glass eye staring at you? Are you sick?"

Bo "No, I just love to pose."

A sketch for the cutscene-art.

Glassbox [WIP]

Wed Jun 27 19:30:59 2018

L: Another one close-up of glassbox with eleworms in the Hill camp. I wanted to add more details in future and change shape of the faucet as well. We'll need it in one of two routes... that are inside of another route.

Wall in Roui's room [WIP]

Sat Jun 23 19:31:00 2018

L: I think you should pay more attention to things on the right wall, to get a possibility to see all details there. Much better to make close-up, than slapping a plenty of little diamond-shape hotspots.

Abandoned manor, new locations [WIP]

Mon Jun 25 19:51:49 2018

L: It would be weird to leave this house just with the only one kitchen. , so it's expanded now! Dark room (probably bedroom) and second floor.

Roui's working table close-up [WIP]

Tue Jun 19 20:55:51 2018

L: We made like a 80% of work on the 1st chapter of the game and found that we missed something important. There will be a few close-ups of some background's parts in different locations.

This is Roui's table with a commission for Black Baron. You could interact with this bracelet, but not much, just to show some Roui's thoughts and so on.

Finished items

Thu Jun 21 07:31:00 2018

L: This is a working kit of an assassin.

I drew all of it in one day. I swear. I had a huge inspiration, so I spent my day, drawing all this stuff (and rendering old items).


Tue Jun 19 07:30:01 2018








L: Poor, poor Roui. Nobody can't save him.

This is the last frame of the Party cutscene. I already have an idea, how to render it in After Effect, so the final cutscene will be impressive, I promise.

The Crown Of Leaves Mug - available!

Wed Jun 13 12:24:19 2018

Heyo, guys! You can say thank you to Lime who tested this mug and did this video for us (THANKS BRO), so here we go! The mug is available on Redbubble, here is the link to it:

: Choose the 'Standart' mug style, the 'Tall' design is not ready yet.

Thanks and hope you will enjoy the mug!

Something bad happens [WIP 2]

Mon Jun 18 07:30:00 2018







L: I want to improve my drawing emotions skills so bad, and these sceneries are good chance to do it. When I did a linework of Roui's face first time, he was like "Oh my gosh, I spilled a jam on my shirtm so awkward". Btw, sahash are not sweating with their skin, so I use this move only for emphasis.

And it's funny how big Alexis is. Lasius' proportions close to sahash's, but Alexis is really, really big.

Something bad happens [WIP]

Sun Jun 17 07:30:59 2018








L: Girls are trying to help Roui, but they don't know, how. When you are dying, immortals creatures are utterly useless here.

Sugar was actually a horseradish [WIP]

Fri Jun 15 08:19:44 2018



L: It seems Roui was right, not trusting Flynn.

Don't piss off a sualokin, right?

Give me some sugar [WIP]

Thu Jun 14 08:35:51 2018

L: Okay, now I focused on another cutscene arts, which were waiting for their turn.

Roui really, REALLY doesn't like any hugs, his personal space is just IN PAIN, when someone touches. With permission on not - it doesn't matter. Especially someone like Flynn.

Roui's dart

Tue Jun 12 16:14:49 2018

L: It was weird to start from character, then background, but it's the first time I've mistaken so hard. Anyway, a half-work is done and I'll finish the cutscene for the second route in the game soon.

Roui's dart

Mon Jun 11 23:09:16 2018

L: Started to work on a long-termed cutscene art for the game. I lost my first sketch somewhere, but I'm not upset about that, because these are definitely better.

Struggle with Sualokin [DONE]

Thu Jun 7 07:29:59 2018

The art and description are below!






L: Okay, I'm very proud of this piece. The animation goes next, check this out. You will like it.


Struggle with Sualokin [ANIMATION]

Thu Jun 7 07:30:59 2018

The gif and description are below!






L: It was... easier than I thought. I just worked and worked and worked and then... suddenly, it was done xD Probably my thoughts was all about that driving exams and I just lost sense of time, lol.

Anyway, it's done and even rendered in After Effect. One simple frame for the game cutscene.

Struggle with Sualokin [WIP]

Tue Jun 5 07:30:01 2018

The art and description are below!






L: The last one WIP for 1 lvl patrons. Buuuuut I record A HUGE video progress of this, so you will see more.

And yes, Flynn is sualokin, who knew. It's the smallest spoiler about this scene xD

Thank you! And tCoL conference reminder.

Sat Jun 2 22:06:11 2018

We just have to say, that you are all awesome, guys.

Your money help us to rent our own place, where we can work. We pay to our coder and pay for the music. The Crown was created because of our desire to tell about our world and because of your willing to help to reach our goal. We never felt such a HUGE support before. You kind words, your comments, your participation in the Crown of Leaves project are valuable to us - we appreciate it so much. Thank you.


Tomorrow there will be a Discord conference dedicated to The Crown of Leaves (ENG + РУС).

It's not the voice chat, because our thoughts more clear in text. The whole day we'll be there, talking about the game's plot, characters, their relationship, game setting and so on.

Please, pay attention that we won't discuss the techincal and marketing answers (like when the exact date of release, how much it costs, etc). We'll talk specifically about The Crown's setting.

We'll start in the begin of the day, so if you are busy, it's okay - you can participate at any time.

All patrons are invited!

Roui by Jeyeff

Sat Jun 2 19:07:16 2018

It's done! And it's amazing piece of work, just LOVE it. You can find and watch the artist there, give him some love.

Roui 3D -almost finished

Sat Jun 2 04:19:16 2018

Fox is almost done with this model! And it's looks amazing. :O

New cards

Fri Jun 1 20:56:28 2018

...Means new choices in the game!
And this Russian sample text is just 100% meaningless. xD

Struggle with Sualokin

Fri Jun 1 17:17:23 2018

The sketch and description are below!






L: Lineworking is extremely exhausting. This CG will be layered and moved, so I have to keep an eye on it and try do not merge layers.



Thu May 31 21:28:01 2018

G: I joined Lins in the tsourai lineup work and drew a Caspian. This guy is not random, this is Gaze and you probably saw him before.

I will proseed with the female Caspian and some Flampots.

Roui's scarf concept

Thu May 31 19:27:02 2018

L: Someone asked me about Roui's scarf, because they wanted to make it themselves. Who am I to say no?

Monster concept

Sat Jun 2 22:00:01 2018

L: Working on the monsters concept.They could have different shapes and sizes, made of skin, feathers and pieces of fabric. Their blood is also black as tsourai's, but they are not related to them. Monsters are completely separated creatures, mindless, very dangerous for immortals.


Thu May 31 16:03:29 2018

He is like: FECK YEAH.

Mr Bird

Wed May 30 14:28:28 2018

L: And again, this character with his temporary fake name. Just trying some stylisation on him, but suddenly found new face features. Big eyes, ears and top of the head, small mandible and chin. He covered with clothes layers, so his subtle body seems sturdy (not here, really).

Natalie do love this character so much, I even know why xD Anyway, Grimm and me both like him too. I'm curious, what emotions will it bring up for you?

Lazy's theme

Tue May 29 23:05:31 2018

L: Music, somposed by _Blacksmith_ ~

The first name of this music was "Lonely Blues", and it fits Lazy so well. She is good-hearted girl, willing to sacrifice herself for a childhood friend, even he is acting like a jerk to her. However, she afflicted by her own vices, drinks and smokes a lot (and who is not in the Hillcamp?), maybe she is even trying to destroy herself, but she is too lazy and too tired to make something, she is neither to stop nor to see it through.

Once Roui said that Lazy is just like his mom, and Lazy laughed at him. She doesn't squander her own money at least, has a good job and a perfect man near her.

Smoke and the Madman

Tue May 29 22:42:51 2018

L: Aaand done.

Smoke and Madman

Tue May 29 21:21:00 2018

L: Another one sneak peek of the promo art I'm working on right now.

The best way to draw art without any spoilers - using some remarkable images from the game, mixing it with something that is related to character.


And I didn't drew Lazy much, it's time to fix it.

(Also, I'm recording the video process of drawing this)

Roui sprites [Wet]

Fri Jun 1 07:00:01 2018

L: I believe all packs of Roui's emotions and condition are done now.

I Love Guests

Mon May 28 21:20:12 2018

We finished this new piece for Caervec, it is a collaborative idea - featuring Ing, our Sualokin character, and Yin, Caervec's sahash. This art is not a canon line of the Yin's story (which is good for Yin!), it was just a 'what if' kind of thing. But Caervec wrote a dark, spooky text for it anyway... and you can find it below!

PS: Another art with this characters here.


This is some part of Douhai. It has to be. Like a nightmare I can't wake up from...
Worse came to worst, it seems. I don't know how, but that thing found us. It was indescribable what came of us after that. They're gone, they're all gone, I'm certain of it. Dead before we could think, and for some reason I can't understand, I'm still here. Still alive. Why? Spirited away to some strange and irredeemable place, a place I can't help but feel should not exist. The boughs of a tree, leaves surrounding everything, the winding bare branches like roads that lead...nowhere? "Your clothes won't do at all, so tacky and in such poor taste." I'm given some attire that seem reminiscent of Latorian fashion. At first I hesitate, but he doesn't let that last. By the end of the day I was wearing his preferred colors. Was it a day? I can no longer tell. I have come to learn his name: "Ing". He tells me he's been waiting a long time to have a friend such as me over for a visit. Since then, I feel as if I have been among the walking dead. There is no reason to this place, I am left wandering around when he isn't immediately 'attending' me, and I am terrified of what I see here. There does not seem to be any natural entrance or exit, only endless circles of branches that twist together. No ladder. No stairwell. Nothing. I can barely find the edges of the paths and when I look down I see nothing but mist. There is little concept of time here, but if my body is to be trusted -and I am not so certain it is anymore- I have fallen asleep perhaps a little more than a half-a-dozen times since I was brought here. I know not how long, but this is all I have to go on.
Every so often -I dare not say night, for the sun neither shines nor sets here- he seats me here at this table, forcing me to eat whatever this...awful stuff is. The first time I refused him. And I was amazed he let me go about my way -to nowhere, of course. The next time he was not so lenient. There were threats of an unwholesome sort, leveled against me, and I was starving by then, so I conceded. And the first few meals made me feel sick to my very core, a kind of illness no one should feel. Something is wrong. I can't eat any more. I should never have eaten any. I made a mistake. Where am I? And when I began to refuse, the lacerations began. The next time I turned away the 'food' he nearly crushed my ribcage. I fought him, but what can I do? Going for the eyes did nothing but crack those eerie lenses, those leering eyeglasses. I wish I could have done more. I remember his claws sinking into my palms as he wrestled me back to the much pain, more than it should have been. "Don't be so rude," he says to me. "I do all this work cooking you a fine dinner and you don't eat a bite of it? You make a terrible house guest." A house guest. I feel more like a pet, some mangey animal dragged in for amusement. He offers me a drink, served in traditional Ayelahain carafes -he seems to have a sense for my country's fashions, for nearly all the food is similarly served, and I am deeply disturbed by his knowledge and forethought on this- and, dubiously, I take a draught of it. I haven't had water for some time, and I feel parched. But what I taste is no such refreshment. Something tacky, almost tar-like. Thick. Coppery. Blood. There's no doubt. But it's darker than any blood I've ever seen. Cloying, it takes everything in my power not to vomit as I shove the thing back into his hands. I can't take any more of this! Why am I not dead?
"Such disrespect, I won't tolerate it, drink and eat, understand?" I swat the blood-soaked hands that hold the still-writhing morsel towards me and he seems to have a crack in his patience, much to my dismay. That tail of his is much stronger than it appears -which is formidable in it's own right, I may add- and it nearly wrenches my arm from its socket as he removes the offending limb from his path. "It won't do at all. I insist you try it. Besides, you're ruining your clothes with all this blood, tsk, tsk." Something feels worse since the drink. Like my insides are bleeding, twisted up, and torn apart. Then I see it, my own blood. The old blood on his hands is red, vibrant, it's normal. But what's dripping from my own hands is wrong. Very wrong. It's not the crimson it should be, but black with only a tinge of the scarlet that it was not long ago, seeping like some kind of ink. What is this? This has to be Douhai. A nightmare. Please, let me wake up.

Wet Roui [WIP]

Mon May 28 18:16:12 2018

L: Proceeding to work with sprites of wet Roui and trying do not make his ears too smol.

Roui, this hairstyle just is not your, change it please.

Roui sprites [Dressed]

Sun May 27 14:41:38 2018

L: Ooooh, I'm done with a HUGE part of the Crown's art. Roui need this clothes just for one scene, but I had to redraw almost ALL sprites. Since player made Roui to change his outfit, they can walk everywhere in the game, checking hitpoints and talking with characters, before proceed with a plot. So all these emotions may need in future (except of 3-4 of them).

Also I fixed a few muzzles.

The next goal is finishing sprites of wet Roui, that is also tedious. Though his wet hair is much easier to draw than this wild haircut.


Lazy, additional expressions

Fri May 25 18:15:09 2018

L: Two emotions for Lazy were too little. I drew new eyes, new mouth and new ears, plus animated earrings, and now she looks alive.

Grue [WIP]

Fri May 25 15:24:13 2018

L: Whoops, forgot to post the file here. I made a sketchy light and environment - probably I'll finish it soon (:

It's our old character Gruewerith. She had an old sualokin design, but we decided to leave it as well, changed her muzzle only.

Here is one more image of Grue:

Lasius and Taba

Fri May 25 15:18:56 2018

L: Okay, now Taba are finished too!


Warm up

Fri May 25 10:32:47 2018

L: Warm up with a random toony taba xD Grimm likes him a lot, so maybe I'll make him a character.

Roui's evolution

Thu May 24 13:32:04 2018

L: Oh yes, I know you will like it :>


Roui bust updates

Thu May 24 08:33:21 2018

JeyeffFox is still working on the hair and the silhouette, Roui's curls is a tricky thing to do! We love the effort the artist put in their work here.

Roui and Brilla cutscene test [MID SPOILERS]

Sun May 27 07:01:00 2018


L: I can't say there is a lot of essential dialogues, but anyway. Text in Russian, so it's still readable for our Russian patrons. (:

I finished this long-suffering cutscene, made an animation of Brilla's speech and blinking. Roui is not the main character of this episode, so I decided to keep my time and don't animate him much.

P.S.: I forgot to say, that this cutscene... is not done yet xD I still have to add a few frames and edits dialogues.

Brilla resents Roui

Tue May 22 22:52:20 2018

L: Finished the last two pieces of this cutscene. I avoided any additional render, because it will be processed in After Effect, so this scenes looks pretty simple.

tCoL test

Tue May 22 11:53:52 2018

L: We made a decision do not post builds anymore. It's not a secret that many of Patreon materials are spreading by some patrons in public, and we can't prevent that, but spreading drawings it's not a big deal as spreading builds. We are close to the final of the first chapter, so we can't risk. We'll open a private alpha test instead of the builds, when it will be done, and we'll definitely use Steam for this purpose! We do hope for your understanding.

Anyway, we'll proceed to share our tCoL progress in a different way - by videos. We try to avoid any spoilers, showing you new stuff and features in the game interface and props only (and minor texts too, but it's Russian only, that automatically makes the Crown spoilers-free for our non-Russian patrons. Но не беспокойтесь, русские патроны - вы тоже сможете избежать спойлеров, и при этом ухватить парочку новых строк от Руи.)

The game has improved since the last demo and here is the list of changes.


To-Do for the music list: Fixing levels of dB of each sound and music. Some of them are too loud or too quiet.



- Actually I forgot what changes we did. The main feature are new pointer - hand-symbol for pickable hitpoints and eye-symbol for... err, watchable points.

- And our coder mold.FF made some fixes too, helped to organise our work.

The progress

Tue May 22 11:51:51 2018

Thanks to MysticalBlueFox for giving us so many updates on this ^^ Their work is really impressive. They fixed the face shape to make it 'more Roui'-ish. Works good!

The Crown of Leaves mug

Tue May 22 11:31:31 2018

Still not available, but it will be on RedBubble one day!

Drawing Process: commission for ChawChawWolf

Wed May 30 19:00:01 2018

L: Shading and render progress!


Mon May 21 12:01:04 2018

Soon! It's a 3D model of Roui's head made byJeyeffFox. Can't wait for it to be finished.

Roui WIP - by MysticalBlueFox

Sun May 20 20:12:29 2018

We got a chance to work with an amazing 3D artist, MysticalBlueFox on a 3D bust of Roui. It was a long time since we were trying to get smth like this (and failed), but this time we are very happy with the result.
MysticalBlueFox has not finished this model yet, but we will share the final result as soon as we get it! :D

Lasius and taba

Tue May 22 07:00:01 2018

L: Work is still in progress! I even added some taba.

We never thought about those tsourai and drew them so little. Anyway, Grimm and me keep fixing it!

All tsourai were in Padmire, before some of them travelled to the Surface - read Shang-La. Lasius were one of those travellers, but taba stays there, in Padmire. Anyway, both of them had a strong bond, working and fighting together against the Padmire monsters.

I marked it as "Crown of Leaves", because we probably will see them in the future story. It's not a promise, just an idea, that maybe will never happen.

Lasius boy

Sat May 19 17:44:38 2018

G: and a small Lasius headshot, just trying the colors and the snakes types.

Lasius concept

Sat May 19 17:19:28 2018

L: Work in progress!

Lasius and dangas sketches

Sat May 19 14:35:55 2018

L: I finished and complemented this sketchdump with a few lasius-themed doodles.

1. Danga's head. Wanted to show tsourai's Pearl inside the head and also tsourai's meat - it's porous and squishy.

2. Leeheyma's combat helmet. She doesn't use it since the Great Hunger. The Great Hunger is the War, during which tsourai devoured each other to consume power and become stronger.

3. Leeheyma's guardian. They are not living creatures, something like zombie-puppets.

4. Leeheyma fights with random danga. Their clan was opposite to lasius, and despite the Great Hunger is over and dangas survived, Leeheyma still want to eat them.

5. Just angry Leeheyma.

6. A small redesign (and I hope it's final version) of Leeheyma. I had to mark her as number 1 and start the list from her, but I messed up with sketches compiling. Anyway - she is the OLDEST character I ever had. She was a goddess-of-war-or-something and she was a fox, until I made her a fossa. I even found the first sketch that was dated with 10.07.2010:


Then I redesigned her once (03.15.2014):

Redesigned her twice (04.04.2015):

And now I finally got what I wanted, just changed some clothes details and colors.

Now she is the Queen of lasius, fossa-and-snake-like creatures; their clan is related to death and funeral traditions. Leeheyma sustained injures to her wings in the Great Hunger and can't recover because of reasons. Don't ask her about it, she will be mad at you.

P.S.: Actually I just realised that Leeheyma ALWAYS was a fossa. Because I inspired Aztek sculpture, drawing her head, and originally it was not a fox. Yep.

7. The tsourai Pearl and blood.


Drawing Process: Comission For Sareii

Wed May 23 19:31:00 2018

L: I lost a video part with coloring, bah v__v

So here is the linework and rendering process only.

Drawing Process: Comission For ChawChawWolf

Sat May 19 12:28:02 2018

L: Got a free time to compile a small video of sketching, lining and coloring of halfbody commission~

Haunted by Nightmares

Sat May 19 12:18:55 2018

Finished this art suddenly.


Lasius concept

Tue May 15 10:18:58 2018

L: We have to draw Lasius for commission, but I realised that their color is too blurred for now. We discussed them with Grimm, and we both decided to use a Mexican x African mix for inspiration. P. S.: We out of our workplaces, so I have to use pen and notebook for sketching. Pen is pretty messy, my hand completely stained.

The Crown of Leaves Mug

Sat May 12 15:30:04 2018

Still working on its design! We love it already, I guess we should check out the Redbubble options.


Thu May 10 19:13:02 2018

L: Practicing at racurses and muzzles. How long I did not drew Emeral and Serban!

Latorian animals, birds and food

Mon May 7 22:40:35 2018

L: I can't type anything, so Grimm will help me )))))000)

G: Okay, so we are working on the Latorian environment, to show some unique details in the Crown, creating recipes for the food and drinks, also new species of the local animals and birds because why not.

L: I would like to make a small description for each of these, but I'm afraid I'm not so English today. I hope Natalie will help us to translate a couple of the info posts, after she (and Grimm as well) finish to translate dialogues for the Crown.



Fri May 4 12:01:49 2018

G: And speaking of the series, here goes Junyver! I just love her xD And she is just a big fan of the Mad Rook.
I think we posted this art as an unfinished WIP back in... I don't know, 2017 maybe? Now it's finished and it's looking good.
Antiquity will he the next one!

Air Guitar (WIP)

Fri May 4 11:49:36 2018

G: Technically it's a WIP but it's almost done, it only needs some polish to be finished. This art is a part of a very small seria of stickers, I think we can do some merch with it in the future.


You know Roui loves rock music! He imagines himself a rock star playing his best solo on the big stage. Poor boy, he is just a local jeweler now... And according to Brilla he is a professional loser, too xD

Brilla emotions pack for the cutscene

Fri Apr 27 23:03:39 2018

L: No comments, no spoilers

Roui emotions pack for the cutscene

Fri Apr 27 22:56:12 2018

L: Done with wet Roui, lol


Fri Apr 27 22:40:57 2018

It's retard meme time!

Lucid Dreams

Fri Apr 27 22:09:49 2018

L: I thought I will finish it, but no xD

As I said in Lense, Antiquity is making cover on FF's Lucid Dreams (or actually any other FF's songs, because I loaded my player with all their albums and listened to it all day).

Brilla progress

Fri Apr 27 11:27:03 2018

L: Worked on Brilla for the cutscene. I'll rec eye/mouth animation progress in the next video~

Staring at Brilla

Fri Apr 27 11:06:04 2018

L: No, it's not another one side sprite for Roui, it's a frame of the small cutscene. Can you believe, I drew the same at 4 AM and even colored it, but it was totally fncked up (you can check an attachment lol, I add a drop of magic there). I was frustrated and went to bed, but today I made a second attempt.

Probably I'll draw Roui below shoulders to send him a little back. He looks at Brilla, so he should be small and miserable in this cutscene xD

P.S.: Today I'll post a video progress with Brilla (:Yes, Vander (Ony), it's for you.


New cursors

Thu Apr 26 13:55:58 2018

L: Tiny updates of GUI - added hand_pointer for items you can take and eye-pointer for items you can inspect.


Thu Apr 26 10:16:23 2018

L: We'll use Lense for mid-spoiler materials or game streaming. Don't miss is! If you want to discuss some of this Lense posting, just use a creator/community page~

Forbidden path - WIP

Wed Apr 25 21:30:30 2018

G: I know, it's my curse to say 'It's the last bg we need to make for this chapter of the Crown!' every time and to be wrong about it xD But I hope THIS time it's really the last bg we need to finish. I will add a lot of small details like birch leaves and mushrooms + more light.

I love this strange and creepy 'totem' and the dead cat. <3

Sora Edelweiss

Thu Apr 19 16:15:35 2018

G: We just NEED to post it here too! We drew this, me and Lins, for our friend, Zephyr. Some Wild West aesthetic ehehe.

The greenhouse, after the veglamb

Thu Apr 19 00:40:29 2018

L: Made a new version of the greenhouse and the new fullbody for Vander. It seems he is happy that veglamb is gone.

Drawing process: commission for Sai-Mercael

Wed Apr 18 14:48:39 2018

L: Hello everyone! Here is the video, as promised :D

It's pretty short, cuz I just rendered a portrait, but I'll rec a scenery process next time.

Eleworms testing

Tue Apr 17 10:54:08 2018

L: A sneak peak of what I'm working on last days! Just finished with the quest structure, now I have to primp it. Background details changes in depends on game events - you took a bottle, you put eleworms in aquarium, all that.

...I can't believe it took so much time.

Bath time

Mon Apr 16 19:30:39 2018

It's Ceryl and his little pet, the ratroach Emma! He want to bathe her, he even got a right shampoo, but she is a bit scared.Don't worry Emma, it won't be that bad!

Video process?

Sun Apr 15 11:48:34 2018

L: People love video with art progress and stuff, but I'm not sure, would you like to see this content here. Managing this things up is taking time, plus we always should remember to run OBS to record a drawing process itself. But if you would like to watch some video process from time to time (let's say, 1-2 times in a month), we are ready to make it for you.

We would record any stuff we draw - commissions, Crown's stuff, no matter what. So just say, what do you think about it.

P.S.: And if you choose "Yes", please let us know in comments, how long these videos should be (in minutes). Approx lenght, of course.

P.S.: All patrons will get an access to this feature.

The Hill camp

Sat Apr 14 18:11:02 2018



The Hill camp video process

Sat Apr 14 20:04:35 2018

L: Howdy! Wanna some video?

Finally I pulled myself together and made a video process of drawing the new Hill camp. I also added a small game test in the start, so enjoy~

Brilla's vardo

Thu Apr 12 20:28:02 2018

L: New detalised Brilla's vardo~

Grimm did a HUGE work with background and now I started to detalise all wagons in this panoram. Thanks Natalie for help, she filled the line with colors and saved our time <3

Brilla OOC

Thu Apr 12 16:37:26 2018

L: WIP of illustration to an episode in the game that you haven't seen yet~


Mon Apr 9 21:26:20 2018

L: I'm curious, what emotions does he make you feel?


Mon Apr 9 21:23:27 2018

L: I have my own art-check-list, just like Grimm, and I collected some drawings to finish these at my freetime.

So I glad to finish Marestail in this mystical appearance. I assume his snakehair is a reference to Lasius.


Mon Apr 9 17:31:47 2018

G: Drew him when I got a few moments of rest.
Want to make some Ziggy/Ike stickers.


Mon Apr 9 13:27:26 2018

G: We have created Trello boards for the unfinished works of ours. This one is mine, Lins's has a lot of interesting and cool unfinished art too, maybe she will share it in the next post (?).


Pack of items

Sun Apr 8 16:00:16 2018

L: Just WIPs, still need to finish these. Any ideas, what to do with this items?

And yes, I redesigned Vander's amulet.

Background and items

Sun Apr 8 09:58:42 2018

L: Okay, some progress~

Draw items for quests I worken on.

For owners of Cameo characters

Sat Apr 7 15:04:47 2018

L: Working on the script, I realised that additional quests are giving by fan-characters would complicate the storyline (and freeze the whole work). So I made a decision to make some branched dialogues instead with possible to get an unique item with special effects.

Dialogues with characters will tell about setting, characters themselves, etc. I'll try to make it interesting and informative, so don't be upset by that!

Junyver clothes

Sat Apr 7 13:07:57 2018

L: Juny's clothes has an Ayelahaian origin and Juny herself loves to smoke only cigarettes of Ayelahaian chrysanthemum. But the whole life she hasn't left her home in the Sky Approach of Latori, so it's incomprehensible, where she find all these goods.

The outfit on the left side is a costume for holidays, and Juny made it by her own hands. I used a shape of carousel/sweater coat for base inspiration.


I'm not sure if I'll do such references for other characters. Probably for Serban, because I designed a weird clothes for him and I still can't get how to deal with it.


Oh really

Fri Apr 6 11:42:12 2018

We opened FA today and found this :D YES! It's like the fate itself asking us to draw another one demon-costume for Roui!

Guess who

Thu Apr 5 22:39:21 2018

G: Yes, I did it xD Thanks to Peterdankledge !
But I love the other refs you sent us, guys, and maybe I'll do more of this evil Roui in different outfits in the future.


Thu Apr 5 21:15:39 2018

I mean, the background! It's alive!

Antiquity VS Modernity

Tue Apr 3 22:53:17 2018

L: I'm sure everyone would love to see their epic battle :>

Modernity is something like a bad copy of Marilyn Monroe and Antiquity at the same time.

Grimm call Antiquity "ostrich", because of her long legs xD

These sketched were inspired by Alek's idea about battle between these two.

Alexis Teaches Cooking

Tue Apr 3 20:31:24 2018

Finally, it's done! Commission for Oniroy, Alek and Yin aka Caervec ^^

$666 is for the art with Devil Roui! (request time)

Tue Apr 3 13:48:16 2018

We got $666 now, lol xD We need an art with Roui dressed like a Devil!
Give us a costume (any ref will be okay, even if it's smth from the anime or a stupid Halloween costume :D) in the comments and we will choose one and draw Roui in it!

Background - the main view - WIP

Mon Apr 2 17:47:54 2018

G: I'm glad to say I'm working with this one right now, AGAIN, and this time it looks way better. We will be posting more WIPs soon.

Alexis Teaches Cooking (WIP)

Mon Apr 2 17:40:45 2018

Hehehe. Okay, we are almost finished our commissions queue, as we promised, and here is the most tasty part of it!
Commission for Alek, Oniroy and Yin ^^ Alexis is the best cook, but it seems Vander is being distructed by her... well... ORBS.
XD And Saniya is more interested in eating food, not making it.

We will be more than happy to be back to you, Patreon materials and Discord chat.

The lovely gardener

Thu Mar 29 22:37:47 2018

We drew this for Peter and we need to post it here too!

Step by Step

Tue Mar 27 17:26:21 2018

And a step by step just to show you the process.

We are finishing the actual commission queue right now and the 'Crown' script, after that we will be back to the Crown of Leaves related art. Soon.

I can smell your fear!

Tue Mar 27 17:14:36 2018

Commission for Caervec! Yin and the twings belongs to him, Ing (on the left) belongs to us, he is an evil Sualokin and yes, he can smell the fear.


Wed Mar 21 16:40:27 2018

L: Sorry for keeping you in the dark. We are working on dialogue part in the game, that's why there is so little art updates. I need to finish a few episodes before to fill it with cutscenes and sprites. I'm sure, the next month will be owerhelmed with art content, so stay with us! ❤️ I figured out a simple way to show events in the game with a parallax of sceneries, combining it with Roui's thoughts. I'll show you my progress soon! (Grimm's art. Ike is chilling, but we are not)

Corporate jokes

Sun Mar 11 19:08:10 2018

L: Russian jokes.

Только что сделала более-менее чистую версию диалога с Кюдретом и Фаэллин на русском, захотела это отметить, но забыла, что у нас не было чек-листа, и тут же исправила оплошность.

По мотивам наших локальных мемесов.

Wilson the Rapoda

Sun Mar 11 18:11:42 2018

G: A quick sketch of Wilson, my Rapoda based on DST! character of the same name. I wanted to draw him standing on two legs like anthro, because all Rapodas can stand like this but there is only a few drawings showing it in our galleries.


Come here

Sun Mar 11 15:40:47 2018

L: Okay, the end of work on the party episode confirmed.

I hided interface and text, because Flynn say something very spoiler-ish.

Oh my!

Sun Mar 11 14:15:36 2018

I feel like something really bad happened here.


Sun Mar 11 12:53:16 2018

L: Mare deserved his own portrait. I changed role of this character, made him more important in our story, so you can see, how powerful he is now.

Party hard

Sat Mar 10 17:27:33 2018

L: It's done!


Party hard - art progress

Fri Mar 9 20:36:03 2018

Hey hey heeeey! Look at this!

Even if we are not online in our Discord channel (YET) we still thinking about you, guys.

<3 <3


Fri Mar 9 10:38:20 2018

"Однажды кто-то сказал мне, что небо - это полотно, а звезды на нём вышиты рукой цурай."

L: I'm sure, we'll meet Quistra in TCoL.


Latorian clothes (part 2)

Mon Mar 5 21:06:09 2018

L: Yey, it's done.

The Red Baroness Mervary (Yes, she is the Black Baron's sister!). She can wear anything under her dress and coat. Boater hat (national hat for parba) decorated with poppy flowers and rooster feathers. Tips of her tails are colored with black paint.

And you already know about melalo. I already referred to them here.

The last one is carnifex or mrysotia (bulg. "abomination"). It's a female profession only. Mrysotia banish other parba from camps, desecrating them with charcoal and drawing veve of the Dead Moon on their vardo.


A stage - WIP

Mon Mar 5 18:04:29 2018

Lined and almost finished.

Flynn the Sualokin

Mon Mar 5 14:26:21 2018

G: We drew Flynn as a Sualokin and hey, he is so rude xD
He is all like "I will hurt you, seriously", even if he looks so stylish and cute.Expectation Vs. Reality xD

He likes to work in the garden. Daww.


Mon Mar 5 13:25:07 2018

G: I mean, this is a sketch for the new CG! The whole scene (3+ CGs) is sketched now, we only need to finish it.
Yes, this is Roui xD


Wed Feb 28 19:21:16 2018

L: Maybe I'll work with the night version a little more.



Wed Feb 28 19:16:47 2018

L: Animation in progress~

The Room [WIP]

Tue Feb 27 20:23:21 2018

L: And it's not the end yet


The room [WIP]

Tue Feb 27 17:48:45 2018

L: Textures are done. IT'S RENDER TIME!


Shang-La FAQ was updated

Tue Feb 27 16:06:35 2018 < Here!


Q: Is there any sahash character in Shang-La that is in a relationship with a human? Are there any sahash/sahash or sahash/human gay couples?

A: Yes, there is, and yes, there are, but homosexual and interspecies relationships are not very common in Shang-La.


If you have more questions you can ask it in comments, we are always glad to answer!

The room

Tue Feb 27 15:51:33 2018

L: Yey, textures! Natalie helped us with flat colors, so I can proceed finally. I started from wallpapers, made some sloppy pattern with pumpkins and then ripped it off lol

Also, here is a crazy FOV. Otherwise, you wouldn't see the whole room.

A stage

Sun Feb 25 00:47:19 2018

L: Sketching new new backgrounds for new scenes.

Bo progress

Sun Feb 25 00:45:15 2018

L: Wow, Bo has more than one sprite xD I already forgot about this! I made a sequense for talking animation and I did it much easier and faster, than for the full-face, but I still have to finish it. His tail and fabrics are pretty tricky.

New outfits

Fri Feb 23 21:03:39 2018

L: More parba clothes. Some melalo and the Red Baroness Mervary. Grimm and me designed outfit for executioner and she will be the last in a row. Next outfits goes for male parba - I hope I got enough inspire and power to draw them too. There will be regular marquee outfit, melalo outfit, outfit of a camp resident and baron clothes. Will see~

Latorian clothes

Thu Feb 22 23:46:52 2018

L: Got a couple of hours to draw something not-Crown-related (it's a lie). Actually, it's a clothes design practice, because my designings skills got ugly a little.

Marquee is the same as a big city in Latori, and marquee people just are citizens. Parba doesn't know what the word "village" means, because they are living in camps and moving on vardo, wagons on wheels. If they plant themselves in one place, they are taking wheels off, but the camp is still the camp, though it looks like a village.

Melalo are kinda witches or mystics. Can't tell more, just say that I based on two-headed raven beast from the gypsy mythology.

Married woman wears headress of leather and fabric (widows, like Brilla, doesn't). This lady probably looks too sinister with this knife, but actually she was in the middle of cooking xD

(I used unsaturated colors for these clothes, but actually parba loves bright palette)



Thu Feb 22 02:02:07 2018



(actually it's started with sketches for Crown's CG, but I broke here)

What is it

Tue Feb 20 03:45:51 2018

L: I don't know guys, you tell me *whistle*

Yes, it's redraw of the Hill Camp. I realised that I have no place for Brilla, Serban and Emeral, that are living in that vardo too, and what the hell Roui occupied the whole room, but Brilla - owner of this friggin house! - doesn't have her own?

My work here is lining and render. Grimm and Natalie will help me with flat colors.

Night version

Mon Feb 19 23:31:45 2018

L: Still needs some render magic. I'm not done yet.

Femi and Waffle

Mon Feb 19 23:26:05 2018

L: Waffle is a Femi's kid nickname, because I don't know how to name her.

This background is done, actually, but I have to add a little animation of blinking and something else.

We were so much busy with commissions last days, so I had no opportunity to draw something for Crown, just a little bit. I was writing script, mostly.

Also, we asked our composer _Blacksmith_ to loop our OST! It's definitely a good news (:

TCoL concepting

Mon Feb 12 18:00:00 2018

L: As you noticed, horses are important part of the Crown's plot. I can't tell more, but you will meet Cotton Colt in the game (though it's a secret character).

The abandoned house - new BG

Sun Feb 11 20:21:57 2018

G: Yeah, we re-drew this, because of many reasons! xD Now this room looks super-mysterious. We will draw a few bg animations to add the right feeling to it, and some plants/moss too, so the player will see how old (and strange) this room actually is.

I spent all day doing lines for this scene, I think I will fill it with colors tomorrow. Too tired right now. =-=

Femi and her kid

Fri Feb 9 14:34:49 2018

L: I can't believe, it's done.

Alexis - step by step (WIP)

Thu Feb 8 16:48:16 2018

It's a s-b-s of the art we are doing for Alexis right now. The sunny sergal lady <3 She is ready for the summer!

The day theme by Craig Barnes [OST]

Wed Feb 7 18:46:18 2018

We were lucky enough to work with an extremely talented composer from NY, Craig Barnes! He created a main theme for Miracle Merchant, a very cool and unusual 2D card game made by TiNYTOUCHTALES studio. He used the 'Crown' main theme as a reference and created a background music for the Hill Camp and other locations in the daytime.

Check this music out, guys, it's full of magic.
Craig's official website is here:

A true friend

Wed Feb 7 18:30:28 2018

G: This is the Shang-la themed commission for Oniroy so I want to post it here as well. Thank you again for letting me draw this two cuties of yours~

Party hard - WIP

Wed Feb 7 18:13:14 2018


Here you can see our dear Patrons and their OCs drawn as Tsourai! The picture is so big we still working on it, but the half of the lines are finished and we are happy with the result already!From left to right: Oniroy, kaNo, Caervec, Zephyr. And the Lasius lady on the very right is Alexis.

<3 <3

Oni and his afro. The best.

The new bg - WIP

Wed Feb 7 18:09:25 2018

Here we go! It's almost done, we just need to add a few details and to work on the shadows/light here.

New items

Wed Jan 31 19:49:43 2018

G: Yeah, new items for the game!

The new bg

Mon Jan 29 01:14:38 2018

L: Made a new sketch for another background, a gate to Drobeski's house. Here is Femi, reading an empty newspaper, her nameless kid with an abstract croco-log toy on wheels, and their doggo that supposed to be a dachshund (I'm bad at dachshund, ok). Grimm will make a linework and color it, then I'll finish it with render, late day and night.

Forest - day - full pack

Sat Jan 27 18:32:41 2018


Night forest - full pack

Sat Jan 27 18:29:41 2018

Here we go! Finished and ready to be added to the game.

Something we need to finish

Thu Jan 25 02:18:23 2018

L: Almost a month we worked on scenes in the Blue Forest and we still have to finish some sprites, CG, a couple of bg. We worked on it literally everyday, but even at this rate we won't finish the game to March. I bet we'll move the date of release once again. Also, I redraw some details in the Flynn's sprites and decided to add one more.

The Blue Forest BG and CG

Thu Jan 25 02:13:21 2018

L: I can't finish the small cutscene with wolves, because I never satisfied with it and always add more new cutscenes to fill an empty space. So, wolves are coming, wolves are running away. And of course, these glorious collaborated backgrounds. I can't keep my eyes of it, honestly.


Wed Jan 24 16:41:07 2018

L: Grimm and me just finished a set of backgrounds for the Blue Forest. We will post images for high lvl patrons later, but here is a small spoiler.

The banquet

Sun Jan 21 22:45:50 2018

L: This scene took almost a week (or the whole week) of my life.

Daypart depends of shovel/axe root, character depends of relationships.


Sun Jan 21 17:46:17 2018

G: I drew this little gift for Caervec.

Шалевуа the Lasius

Sun Jan 21 17:45:09 2018

G: I'm working on the Party art and on the characters tsouranization xP

I turned Шалевуа's character into Lasius!

Bo eating

Sat Jan 20 01:22:37 2018

I was not sure about making this animation, I just discussed it with Grimm and then - boom, I drew a bunch of frames.
And I like it. It's not ideal, but I like it.

The banquet animation example

Thu Jan 18 21:34:56 2018

For the night version of it.

The banquet (step by step)

Thu Jan 18 21:18:53 2018

G: Look, Lins did the colors! Oh my, this is awesome <3

The big party

Thu Jan 18 20:54:52 2018

The party for our Patrons and for us. And for Roui, of course... The tsourai party.


S1 Shinykeeper Wren
S2 kaNo
S3 Zephyr
S4 alexdiren
S5 milo the antiquity fan

G1 Caervec
G2 Oniroy

L1 Шалевуа
L2 Limelon
L3 Ceryl the Pretty
L4 Алексис

Juny clothes progress

Wed Jan 17 01:42:03 2018

L: I need references for my character, but I have no time to draw it. I lose a moment on the drawing naked figure stage (anatomy, shmanatomy), and that's why I never finish reference sketches. Well, I found a good solution with these mannequins, and Grimm offered me a nice idea of collaboration: she will draw a figure of a character in underwear among these dolls, while I'm working on clothes. Conclusion: Junyver's outfit is complicated as hell.


Tue Jan 16 21:44:23 2018

G: Hahaha xDD

Ahem, okay, it's a CGs I drew for the forest scene in the 'Crown of Leaves'. Roui is doing... things...

Bad guys

Tue Jan 16 21:42:38 2018

G: I drew this for Lins and our friends - Шалевуа, Oniroy and Scarecrow!

They did some weird errrrr roleplay in the Discord chat xD So this is an illustration to it.

Babydoll sprite

Tue Jan 16 21:03:49 2018


Sat Jan 13 22:39:29 2018

L: Patreon is trying to make me tell a story, but I can't tell a story.

Roui will tell you a story instead of me.

The Banquet (WIP)

Sat Jan 13 21:53:15 2018

No spoilers!

Stranger Places - 1/3 (WIP)

Sat Jan 13 20:55:24 2018

G: I need to finish this as soon as possible. I'll try my best to get the right feeling to this evening scene, I really love working with Lin's lines when it comes to collaborative backgrounds.

The shadow master

Sat Jan 13 14:39:54 2018

G: We played the updated DST! and I was inspired for some of our DST-Rapodas art > Lins gave me a theme > I drew this.
I know exactly what color palette sould be used for this art, but I have no idea when I'll get a chance to finish it. Maybe later.


You can find NSFW version in the additional files.



Fri Jan 12 17:34:32 2018

L: I broke my head, trying to figure out how to draw sualokin's talking animation. Long jaws are long.

New Roui's sprites

Thu Jan 11 12:20:16 2018

L: I didn't redraw all of them! But most of them. I just noticed it's not I D E A L at my taste (This all started because I wanted to draw sharp-dressed Roui and I failed, because his horns... his ears... it was all displaced).

I'll add a few more sprites later, but for current work is enough.

Characters in backgrounds

Thu Jan 11 12:15:41 2018

L: Wow, it was a long task and I did it in one day.

So here is Lazy, Alex and Brilla. And you can have an additional dialogue with all of them.

The woods - FINISHED

Mon Jan 8 12:00:46 2018

G: Oh my! Finally, it's done! I'm so happy, you have no idea xD


The woods 2 (WIP)

Sat Jan 6 20:13:37 2018

It will be finished tomorrow (I hope so xD). Too much work here.

The woods (WIP)

Fri Jan 5 19:15:50 2018

Hey, Roui... I h-have a bad feeling about this place...

More blue forest

Thu Jan 4 22:19:42 2018

L: Three new locations for TCoL, before the cutscene with wolves.

Lazy smokes

Thu Jan 4 00:33:29 2018

L: I didn't animate blinking on the second sprite yet, but Lazy is nearly done.

Now I test her in the game.

The blue forest

Tue Jan 2 23:34:40 2018

L: Well, it's time to finish these CG. Probably I'll compile them for a cutscene.

Grimm and Natalie helped me with linework, so I found enough power to finally done with it.

Lazy's smoking

Tue Jan 2 16:27:51 2018

L: We bought a few FX effects by RTFX to save my time. Maybe I'll put something more appropriate later.

Lazy's sprite gif

Tue Jan 2 15:14:08 2018

L: First sprite is done. The second one is done too actually, but I have to polish it and add a smoke animation.

Lazy sprite, WIP2

Tue Jan 2 12:10:11 2018

L: Almost done

Lazy WIP

Mon Jan 1 22:51:38 2018

L: Linework~

Dark Hills

Mon Jan 1 21:08:04 2018

L: I sketched it a long time ago. I make this snake rainbow and forgot about it.

Natalie drew a commission for Lime with her OC Heather and also snake, which I made rainbow too.

A few days ago I sketched a gift for Natalie on her BD with Heather and there also was a snake too. A white snake. That I wanted to make rainbow.

I don't know where this rainbow snake obsession came from, but after it I did read about voodoo loa and remembered about Damballah. So this snake is kinda Damballah too.

Well, I finished this promo with Junyver... and a rainbow snake.

The Crown of Leaves DEMO

Sun Dec 31 02:14:49 2017



Tsourai constellations

Sat Dec 30 22:10:54 2017

L: It's an illustration of Constellation's entry in the game. There is no point to explain, what is it, so you will see it in TCoL x)

Lime and Heather (WIP)

Sat Dec 30 12:38:08 2017

G: I'm working on this piece and all of our team loves this basic colors xD So gothic.

I hope to finish this art soon.

Limelon of matree

Sat Dec 30 00:59:19 2017

L: I had an idea on a top of my head, and Natalie gave me a reason to draw him finally. It's kinda gift to Lime x)

I didn't waste any minute while concepting this outfit, because it's just poped up. I think his colors of fur presents him as a native of Central El-Balyama (because there is a lot of green).

And oh - who lost this brown feather that he picked up?..

Items testing

Thu Dec 28 19:41:19 2017

L: Probably inventory looks too complicated, but our game engine doesn't allow us to make it easier... Maybe we'll find the way, but for now it look like this. Anyway, I'm very proud of our programmer's work, he did a great job. You will see an English version of these lines in the demo. I'm afraid, translators' work will be hard as hell...

Our composer's Patreon

Tue Dec 26 10:56:35 2017

L: Hello, guys!

Do you remember the awesome OST of the "Crown of Leaves"? So, our composer - _Blacksmith_ - needs your support here, on Patreon. Help him to create! His page is here►►►

If you can't support him for some reason, please, make a retweet or post on FA, it will be much appreciated!

TCoL Demo build,

Sat Dec 16 19:21:47 2017


L: Check our new Demo! It's completely updated. We added text sounds, but if it's too uncomfortable for you, you can turn it off in the preferences.

We still have to polish the whole build, but we'll do it after the New Year.

The forest scene - WIP2

Fri Dec 15 22:19:11 2017

And another one!

The forest scene - WIP

Fri Dec 15 22:12:20 2017

G: Drawing this together with Natalie!

Axe root cutscene

Thu Dec 14 21:58:16 2017

L: I'm about to finish the demo :D

This huge cutscene is finally done, so we have to work on two-three dialogues and translation as well. I rushed to announce the date of the demo Patreon release, but we will try to release it before we'll get the vacation.

I hope this cutscene is not too awkward. It's not even an animation, it's just a small movie CG or something.

Anyway, I hope you like it, guys~

Patreon: 'We messed up' (c)

Wed Dec 13 21:44:13 2017
Good news, guys! No, seriously, we are super happy to hear that. But we decided to set pledges as they are, because it will be easy for all of you.

Thank you again for the support. You were so nice to us, ppl <3

And for the future plans - we still want to move to the Kickstarter Drip when it will be released.

Axe root, scene 8

Tue Dec 12 02:03:39 2017

L: Not the last one, but the last for today.

Axe root, scene 5-6-7

Tue Dec 12 02:02:52 2017

L: Aaaan we missed two or three scenes, because they are not done yet.

Axe root, scene 2

Tue Dec 12 02:01:22 2017

L: Roui's got a huge nose here. Just noticed.

Axe root, scene 1

Tue Dec 12 02:00:13 2017

L: Ready for gif dump?

I worked on scenes for the cutscene all night, lol xD

Drowning by _Blacksmith_

Tue Dec 12 01:51:18 2017

L: Got the new music from this awesome composer!

To the lake

Mon Dec 11 03:04:28 2017

L: We don't sleep.


The cliff progress video

Sun Dec 10 22:08:56 2017

L: Well okay, I have an OBS, I have a powerful laptop, so no glitches, no freezes, just a quick progress video for you.

The cliff

Sun Dec 10 21:31:17 2017

L: And I finished it. Almost. I need to make those gulls too.


Pink Roui

Sun Dec 10 21:29:28 2017

L: For some reason, it's an actual meme for our Discord chat, lol

The Lake - WIP

Sat Dec 9 23:00:30 2017

G: Not finished yet, but I can say we are close to it.

What next?

Sat Dec 9 15:24:24 2017

G: Personally, I don't believe Patreon will fix anything in their so called 'New System'. Patreon team set the changes, and they seems to be... kinda proud of it, even if all of us - the Patrons and the Creators - suffer from it. I already see a lot of good artists giving up on their projects, I see people being depressed, frustrated, angry. So the question is - what's next? Should we stay here and adapt to the terrible conditions they gave us?
We don't think so.
But there are some options that gives us hope. I did a small research and I think we need to survive just a few months from this moment (in case if everything goes as we planned), because the main candidate to replace Patreon is Kickstarter Drip. And they promised to open Drip up to more artists in the early 2018. This site seems to be the great solution for both us and you, our supporters! All we need is just to wait a bit.

You can read about Kickstarter Drip here:
And here:


The Bee Steak

Fri Dec 8 23:14:42 2017

L: I would love to make a seria of shanglanian food, if I'll get more time and power, hahaha

We decided to lower the pledges

Fri Dec 8 21:29:41 2017

It may be unfair to us, as to the Creators, but at least it will be fair to you.
We don't want you to pay extras to Patreon for nothing. It's very unhealthy, this new Patreon payment system is horrible. So it's the only solution we can come to right now.

We will lower the pledges to save your money, guys.


Patreon changed funding system!

Fri Dec 8 19:43:26 2017

We got too deep into the work on the 'Crown' so we were slow like two slowpokes. Are there some changes that were made by patron admins, we were asking? Yes, there are, as we can see after Googling it.

We lost 6 patrons already and I'm sure there will be more. And it really puts our game project's future at risk.
If you have any ideas/solutions and suggestions - feel free to talk about it here in the comments or in our Discord.

Here is the link:

The lake - WIP

Fri Dec 8 18:57:19 2017

G: I didn't like the previous one, so I redrew this. It will be animated in Adobe After Effects.

Super cool cutscene is coming!

Caervec, The Twins > step by step

Fri Dec 8 16:21:03 2017

A simple and short steb-by-step thingie.

The Twins (Bright version)

Fri Dec 8 15:58:44 2017


The Twins (Dark version)

Fri Dec 8 15:58:02 2017

It's a portrait we made for Caervec ^^


The Lake - #2

Thu Dec 7 20:01:52 2017

G: I want to finish the whole scene in a few days if I find some time between commissions.
This one was simple.

The Lake scene - background is finished

Thu Dec 7 16:20:53 2017

Yay. We need to finish Roui now and add some animations to this scenery.

The Lake scene (for the new Demo)

Thu Dec 7 14:41:07 2017

Working on the last pictures for the Lake scene! Still not sure how much time it'll take but we want to finish the new Demo by the end of this month.


Wed Dec 6 20:08:57 2017

L: Drew Mermey a while ago. For her hat I based on headdresses of XVIII century and it works for all Nourian hats too. Also, it's a test post.

Flat colors

Mon Dec 4 02:23:56 2017



Mon Dec 4 01:06:18 2017

L: I'll make her move. Yes. I can do it.

Visionaire studio - thoughts and plans

Sat Dec 2 16:20:17 2017

Hello, guys! Sorry for being silent the last 3 days, we were busy with some commission/real life stuff.
Anyway, we have an interesting news for you!

We learned a lot since we finished our epic task and get the Greenlit on Steam. A lot of people came to play our demo, most of them was happy with everything we do, but a few told us that our game engine (Ren'Py) is (sadly) far from ideal. We must agree with them. Even if it's hard to accept, no matter how much we try we still can't do the impossible. Ren'Py was created for simple games that we can call the classy visual novels with primitive gameplay. In these games the player reads the text > looks on the sprites > reads more text > repeat > the end of the story.

We, on the other hand, were searching for the hybrid of old-good-text RPG and point'n'click adventure. That means a lot of additional functions that we forced to work even on our poor engine, but it's still not enough and costs us a lot of time, money and tears, plus causes some bugs that can't be fixed normally.

You probably know where I'm going with this. We were trying to find the way out of the situation for a long time now, searching for alternatives, and it seems like we did it finally (no promises thought)!
The name of the engine we like is Visionaire studio.

>>> <<

It's a great solution for point-n-click projects. Deponia is just the one example from the long list of others. VS has everything we need - the easy way to set the scenes, to add animations and inventory, the normal and smooth parallax scrolling effect, etc, etc. But it's not that easy to take everything we have and move it to the new engine. So we are working on it right now!
We found a good people with skills who can provide some help with it, ordered a few script commissions and will post the updates here too. Stay tuned. ^3^

No! Don't do that!

Thu Nov 30 22:57:29 2017

Finished ^^

The Market (WIP)

Mon Nov 27 17:51:51 2017

Working on this piece for Caervec. The main idea is - all characters going to the city market in Ayelahai. They found a store with some chemical/mysterious potions (or maybe it's not potions but just a dish soap xD) and Samir decided to try it and drink one or two P:
I guess he is just joking and making fun of Yin, but Yin doesn't know it x3

The Witch and Femi

Wed Nov 22 22:00:51 2017

L: Yes, I redrawed sprite for the Witch. The previous one was too inflexible and if I would try to animate it, I couldn't. Also, I added a chicken!

And yes, Femi, Drobeseki's wife. I wanted to add her a little goat or little sujidaro, but then I thought - why not a child? Someone of sahash should have a child, right? So Femi got one xD

Roui's room

Wed Nov 22 19:30:25 2017

L: Yesssss. I hope you will love it, guys!

(I did a few neat close-ups, but as I see, I messed up with averters on the wall, but nevermind on that)

Also, there is two thingies in attachments. It shows posters on the right wall.

constellation.png wood.png

Serban is not an angel

Tue Nov 21 01:53:56 2017

L: I was thinking about "spoiled children" lately. Not only spoiled actually, but I wanted to find Serban's nature and decided that the kids of his ages always wanted to show how cool and mature they are, speaking bad language. Serban is not the exception.

Roui's room, WIP 10212900

Mon Nov 20 23:41:42 2017

L: Sketchy light. Всё, щас сдохну.

Roui's room, WIP 100500

Sun Nov 19 23:28:59 2017

L: Doing things O:

I'm done for today.

Roui room, WIP

Sun Nov 19 22:50:48 2017

L: Colors is still shitty, but I just prepared it for different dayparts. It will be easy to change day light to night and vice versa.

Roui's room WIP

Sun Nov 19 20:37:43 2017

L: Almost done with details.

Lazy sprites

Fri Nov 17 21:25:31 2017

L: One of the not-so-minor tCoL characters, Lazy. I imagined heroine chick style for her and it fits her well.

Warning, minor spoiler below!

Lazy was born and lives in the Hill camp and she was a friend of Roui in the past. Life has not been kind to her, so she grew up very early, but she is in good hands in the end - Rasko became her boyfriend.

Probably, she is the first and the last person, who is nice to Roui, except of his maman, of course.


The Crown of Leaves

Fri Nov 17 17:17:11 2017

L: I helped Grimm to finish her drawing with cartoon-ish Roui. "Helped" means "I expanded the canvas, added Mad Rook here and creepy ink monster there and also I reconcepted Crown's logo".

Well, I just love to collaborate with Grimm x3

Boa [WIP]

Thu Nov 16 23:04:05 2017

L: Finally, the first Sualokin sprite for the Crown (: How to place a long creature on the screen? The answer is: somehow.


Eat me (WIP)

Wed Nov 15 20:31:18 2017

Natalie did the lines here :D Yay!

The woods (WIP)

Wed Nov 15 20:15:17 2017

Still working on it! It's not even 50% finished but I feel good about the whole progress.

Flynn done

Tue Nov 14 00:04:57 2017

L: He is shy and he wants to hug you.

Flynn sprites WIP

Mon Nov 13 21:04:38 2017

L: Second and the last Flynn's sprite. He is a nice guy, I promise.

Flynn sprite

Mon Nov 13 15:52:24 2017

L: The base is finished! I didn't even knew, what colors to pick for his clothes, so the final variant was a big surprise for me.


Mon Nov 13 12:49:40 2017

G: She is lovely.

Bulletin board

Fri Nov 10 22:13:59 2017

L: Dark version of the familiar thing. It will appear near the end of the chapter.

Roui's room [WIP]

Thu Nov 9 23:12:32 2017

L: We are crazy.

Almost all of these things will be separated from the backgrounds - it will be easy to change it in accordance with a situation, a scene or a daypart.

You will see familiar items here, of course (:

Dining room - fully updated

Wed Nov 8 23:31:37 2017

L: The most cluttered vardo in the Hill camp. But a huge vardo though.


The True Monster [finished]

Wed Nov 8 23:26:04 2017

L: Rawr.

We both think he looks like a birdy bug or something.

The True Monster - concept art

Wed Nov 8 15:32:55 2017

This is a Monster from the first chapter of the 'Crown' and we really happy with his design.

Poor Roui. You'll meet some creepy shit soon.

Roui figurine progress

Wed Nov 8 14:28:51 2017

Thanks to captaincadaver for the updates! It's really interesting to watch her working.

BW forest - WIP

Mon Nov 6 19:00:43 2017

This is VERY hard to draw D: But I'll finish it, I swear!

Sleepy bird

Mon Nov 6 16:42:37 2017

Just sketching some cute stuff!

It's never enough

Mon Nov 6 15:16:50 2017

Right? :D

Jokes aside, quality is everything and we can't use some of the old things in the new builds.

Otta Nome

Mon Nov 6 13:01:51 2017

L: I found a WIP, dust off the fluff and finish it. Otta is a Tsourai of the same name Elbalyamian Nome, a protector of this land.

Collaboration with Grimm.

Watch out

Sun Nov 5 13:16:15 2017

L: We commissioned Trancy Mick and Kiki Uma for the armory design for Ayelahaian sahash. They made a lovely concept and I drew it :>

The Witch (redesigned)

Sat Nov 4 14:43:48 2017

L: I rushed with sprite for the Witch, because I was not quite satisfied with her. I didn't even knew what I want exactly, but I had a picture in my mind though.

Grimm gave me an advice to base on shanglanian goblin's design, and it inspired me.

Anyway, I redesigned her and I'm happy as hell.

Roui - figurine WIP - by Cadavercrafts

Sat Nov 4 09:56:16 2017

We got the chance to commission Cadavercrafts, and now she is working on Roui's figurine! ^^ It will be a chibi one, it will use one of our own arts as a reference.
So excited!

Roui's room update [WIP]

Sat Nov 4 03:26:42 2017

L: Yes. YES. We decided to remake this location too. I worked on the new scene, and then I realised - this bg's quality is completely screwed. I wanted to change a space a little - like, add a mess, that I described in the scene, but it's just impossible!

It was the first background we drew and it has smaller resolution, than game has now. I changed it zillion times, but we was not satisfied anyway.

Well, The Day is came, and remake of Roui's room happend. I swear, it will be much better than previous one.

Oh stop!

Fri Nov 3 00:03:29 2017

G: I'm glad to draw more cartoon style Roui (still inspired by Gravity and Rick and Morty movies), so here we go again! Roui and some of the Padmirian monsters.

Brand new sahash legs

Thu Nov 2 16:18:46 2017

L: So yes, we'll update sahash reference soon :>

Ears and horns

Tue Oct 31 21:47:52 2017

L: I had a little time to draw something for myself, and small idea poped up in my head. I drew a small reference, showing the difference between Sahash nations' ears positions.

And I redesigned Sahash's legs, so... beware.

Strudel sticker

Mon Oct 30 20:10:59 2017

Is now available on Redbubble! You can also buy another one with Roui and Bill Cipher, if you want.

We did it mostly for our own fun, but well, why not to share with you too?


Sun Oct 29 22:35:46 2017

L: Grimm concepted the new beast for Latorian lands, concepting ash tray at the same time. Roui disapprove the design.

Helloween - Strudel

Sun Oct 29 16:13:10 2017

A small piece for Helloween!

The spirit of the Halloween

Fri Oct 27 19:05:55 2017

G: An exclusive design that I made especially for FA P: I haven't posted it yet.

I love Halloween and I wanted to create something special and interesting for this holiday!

Shang-La and Padmire settings explanation

Fri Oct 27 10:32:49 2017

L: One of our customer asked us about Tsourai, the Surface, Padmire, the Flatstream and the Stream terms. We tried to make more or less detailed explanation, avoiding spoilers though.

People who played in our demo, probably read about it in the Mindscape. We'll add more illustrations there later.

Constellation [WIP]

Wed Oct 25 20:35:19 2017

L: Linework is finished.

Grimm and Natalie promised me to finish it *^*

Glashtin [WIP]

Wed Oct 25 20:24:28 2017

"- Call me... Baby Doll."

L: Glashtin's sprites was improved a little.

Kodo sahash adoptable [WIP]

Wed Oct 25 20:21:47 2017

L: I made a commission on kodo sahash and got an intention to make more of them after that.

Messing around with colors and clothes.

Dining room

Sun Oct 22 16:09:29 2017



Random tCoL WIPs

Sat Oct 21 16:28:42 2017

L: New sketches for Ingrid's and Flynn's sprites.

Also, I did the night version of the bulletin board. You can offer some "shanglanian" style ideas for advertisements and bulletins, if you want (:

Fat, go away

Sat Oct 21 16:23:47 2017

Nice try, Saria!

Glashtin - character finding (sprite WIP)

Sat Oct 21 15:49:53 2017

Oh yeah! This girl will play a small role in the 'Crown'.


Yes, glashtins ARE real.


Thu Oct 19 15:33:13 2017

So angry.

She is ambidexter by the way :O

Brontir and Sarissa

Thu Oct 19 14:32:52 2017

Old pictures from 2012+ (and one sketch from today xP)

Hold you

Thu Oct 19 13:53:37 2017


Dentist business

Tue Oct 17 22:19:58 2017

L: Just wanted to make a few sketches from Roui's youngest years. And here's his friends, Mermey and Laslo.

Our progress

Tue Oct 17 16:35:06 2017

L: Well, I have to admit that we are nearly close to the end of tCoL. The whole script is almost finished, and now I'm working on plot's branches. There is just one-and-only ending, but you can reach it in a few different (possibly three) ways.

After this I'll begin to construct additional quests with involved fan-characters (dialogues, dialogues...) and puzzles. Puzzles, fnck yeah. I'm still not sure, how much puzzle is our game, but we'll add a few brain-teasers in the plot, that will be mostly cipher-based.

What's next? To finish backgrounds, sprites, CG arts + bg and character's animation, add music and sounds... There is not much to finish, but I don't think we can do it before this December. And even before the end of December. Will see (:

Anyway, guys, stay tuned!

The dining room [improving] - WIP

Mon Oct 16 19:10:41 2017

G: Gosh, yes!

I know it's not a good idea to re-draw your old art, especially when you have a night version of it ALREADY finished, so it means you should re-draw it twice. But we decided that this background needs to be improved, because it feels a bit unfinished in its original format.

We do like this version better. What about you?

Wrong dimension

Sun Oct 15 21:52:59 2017

G: Sorry, guys, i know I should stop doing it xD


Sun Oct 15 21:04:44 2017

In a sad mode.


Fri Oct 13 16:01:20 2017

L: It's his name now :D Well, he is not so good about picking names.

Hi Roui

Fri Oct 13 15:10:03 2017

- Are you hungry?
- GOD NO I'M NOT! Let me... Let me fix this...

Spooky picnic

Fri Oct 13 10:44:26 2017

This is cruel! xD It's our Veglamb character who will be a possible companion in the next chapters of the 'Crown'. Yes, he IS a Veglamb but he doesn't like his own kind and wants to be a sahash. He is a weirdo and can be described as a "suicidal maniac" with a strange sense of humor.
(He also can't get rid of the bad habit of offering others to eat his meat, lol)

This picture was drawn for fun, we just love to scary Roui xD It will contain a soft gore (including fruit juice, not the real blood).

It will be okay

Fri Oct 13 06:19:42 2017

Bronty and Sarissa again <3

Sarissa and Brontir

Wed Oct 11 21:19:11 2017

Some girls grew up too fast!

Contest prize for Sareii [WIP]

Sun Oct 8 22:36:29 2017

L: Sareii got the 1st place in the September contest, but we are still working on the piece x) Just got a nice idea. Wren is a fake oracle. Or maybe she is not so fake, huh?

Maroosh adopts [WIP]

Sun Oct 8 21:38:27 2017

L: Elegant Nourian girls in progress~


Sun Oct 8 19:44:42 2017
Here we go. This is a link to the auction, just in case you want to take a part in.

Almost done!

Sun Oct 8 16:18:38 2017

Just look at them. So sweet.

mr Bird 2

Thu Oct 5 19:21:29 2017

L: The last one~


mr Bird

Thu Oct 5 19:19:14 2017

L: I looked through the whole Patreon, but I didn't find it. Did I post it earlier?

This is... "mr Bird". It's not his name nor nickname, but we have to hide his name. That's important.


Angry Marestail

Thu Oct 5 19:18:11 2017

L: My favorite Mare's sprite.



Thu Oct 5 19:17:20 2017

L: More Marestail~


The Oldman

Thu Oct 5 19:16:07 2017

L: Wow, who is that?


The Witch

Thu Oct 5 19:14:38 2017

L: Actors will be not so movable as another characters, but I'll add more details later.

This is the Witch, and I like her design. Can't tell more xD


The Mad Rook

Thu Oct 5 19:13:02 2017

L: How about a bunch of gifs?


The Mad Rook and the Witch

Thu Oct 5 18:33:39 2017

L: We had to cut a scene that drags and change it into another one, that is more dynamic and interesting. It made me to draw more sprites, but I believe, I'm close to the end.

Thumbs up!

Thu Oct 5 14:23:44 2017



Back to activity.

Sun Oct 1 14:56:30 2017

This September was a hell for us, and yet we are alive! And returned to our normal pace of work on the project and other stuff even.

Thank you, everyone, for your support this month. It was a hard life period and you helped us to survive it, actually ,____,

Thumb up! - WIP

Sun Oct 1 14:50:52 2017

Roui in a good mood, finally xP

Alex emotions

Sun Oct 1 13:33:18 2017

L: "Help me to fix my special bi-noculars!"

Forbidden path

Sun Oct 1 08:45:02 2017

Done! Maybe I'll add more details later, but for now I'm satisfied.


Sun Oct 1 06:43:54 2017

G: It's time to start working on the last bunch of BGs for the 'Crown'. I don't know how much time it will take to finish all of them, but I guess I can do that by the end of October :O Oh, I'm so excited!

Jadu puppets

Sat Sep 30 21:15:07 2017

L: I had an intention to finish my April sketch with these cuties, because Grimm and me revamped a part of Padmirian creatures (and their names, because there was too much of them).

All Puppets are omni-purpose dolls, that are creating by Tsourai in Padmire only. For example, mr. Jadu and his wife designed Home Servants types - Majordomo (at the left) and Guardians (at the right). Creators can change parts of their dolls - like hindlegs - for different purposes, making hooves or human-like legs, etc, but keeping their hallmarks.

Besides of Jadu family, there are a few more dollmakers, like Oswald Gase (Luter Blackwood is his work) or Melanie's clan (they are sewing Glovolwes).

If you have any question - just ask us in comments!



Sat Sep 30 19:49:39 2017

M - Mysterious!

WIP - bg

Sat Sep 30 19:44:47 2017

Lined and filled with random colors. And now we need to finish the rest of the picture xP


Thu Sep 28 19:07:44 2017

L: A drop of madness


Alex, finished

Thu Sep 28 18:47:10 2017

L: GrossePhillippe's cameo character (:

It's funny, but I really like his Latorian sahash design! One of my favorite. And I am extremly happy to finish this sprite.


Wed Sep 27 20:42:16 2017

L: yessss


Wed Sep 27 12:39:16 2017 a sahash! We decided to draw him as a Matrie. Really suits the character.

Fun fact:
High-born Matrie can color their fur sometimes, using special paints. They are extracting it from the saliva of special insects, and yeah, it sounds unpleasant xD

The Gypsy Traveller

Tue Sep 26 21:37:54 2017

L: I'm happy to say that Ingrid was succesfully beaten, and I won! xD

Sooo, our dear Gypsy travellers will get an official Crown's badge soon.


- Check my new article here...

Tue Sep 26 19:27:17 2017

Of course Heather isn't Roui's mother. But we and Natalie are - metaphorically. Our boi just wants to be sure!

Characters © lingrimmnataliedecorsair

This lovely art was drawn by Natalie and Heather belongs to her. And we just wanted to share this art with you ^^


Tue Sep 26 12:57:53 2017

Thank you very much, Mystics! You are the best!

The Crown of Leaves, alpha_build (for The Adventurers $4)

Tue Sep 26 12:51:58 2017

Hi guys! We asked $10lvl Patrons are they ready to give you, guys, the opportunity to play the demo too. And they think its a good idea so here we go! It's been more than a month since we published alpha_build and we are already working on the new materials, but it would be helpful for us to know your opinion about the plot, the characters and the whole picture that we presented in alpha_build So please, don't be shy and share!

►►► But first, read the post, please ◄◄◄

Finally, we can present you a new build with new scenes! This turned out to be much more complicated than we thought at first, and took much more time (we thought we would finish on August 15th). You will find here:
- Continuation of axe and shovel roots
- Scenes with Alex, Serban, Brilla and Juniver
- New Mindscape
- New HUD

You won’t find here:
- New inventory, because it needs a little upgrade
- Some items may not be added to inventory. This is fine. We will fix this in the next versions of the build.

NOTE: This is NOT WORKING ON MISTAKES. Report the bugs that crash the game only. This build is not the final version, and it has a lot of flaws, connected with both the technical and the graphic part. This build was made to show you the new scenes and dialogues (<3). We hope that further acquaintance with the world of "Crown" will be pleasurable to you!

Download link

A question to the Mystics! ($10 patrons)

Mon Sep 25 08:13:29 2017

It's been more than a month since we published alpha_build and we are already working on the new materials, actually. But it would be helpful for us to know both your opinion and the opinion of our other patrons about the plot, the characters and the whole picture that we presented in alpha_build Therefore, we would like to ask: are you ready to give The Adventurers ($4 patrons) the opportunity to play the demo too? If so, we will make the demo available to them (as a gift from you - to them), but if not we will consider your opinion!

Thank you! Just let us know what you think in comments~


Sat Sep 23 19:02:53 2017

Working on the background.

Gloomy YCH Coming Soon!

Sat Sep 23 13:32:41 2017

It will be a very interesting collaborative art with nataliedecorsair ;)

We can show you this sketch, as long as you are our Patrons, but keep it in secret, guys <3

Fanboy [patron request]

Sun Sep 17 17:13:24 2017

L: Well yes, when Roui were younger, he met Antiquity in the flesh <3 She and future Roui looks similiar, aren't they? Yes, because Roui inspired by her style a lot.

Lansu and Saria WIP

Sun Sep 17 10:49:19 2017

Shang-La/Nowhere crossover :)

We did it!

Sun Sep 17 10:37:06 2017


Request an art with Roui!

Sat Sep 16 12:12:26 2017

You can give us a theme and we will choose one or two requests and draw it ^^

Hold You Tight

Sat Sep 16 11:40:15 2017

G: You can find 18+ version in additional files! P:

It's a Maltrazur/Bartholomew picture and I have no idea why I drew this, being honest. This two are not a couple in canon, but they are 100% opposites in everything, even in their color schemes and appearance. Both of them are evil, and will be connected to some Padmirian stories.



Sat Sep 16 11:39:07 2017

Picture for Vogel ^^

Beauty salons are very common and popular in El-Balyama.


Tue Sep 12 22:27:47 2017

L: Yey, we finished it! The most difficult part was Mad Rooks' placement, I don't know why.

Roui is almost in the Dream Kingdom (chequered floor is Grahn's symbol and attribute, so it's kinda link to Grahn, yes), but when you took a nap under the tree with a giant board with IИNSOMNIA title, don't hold your breath! The Good Mad Rook says: "Let's find a better place for the rest, boy", and the Bad Mad Rook answers: "These pillows are soft and very sleep-able, aren't they?"



Tue Sep 12 21:33:13 2017

L: I don't want you boring, guys~ So here, get some sketches.

Beylerian part is my favorite.



Mon Sep 11 09:47:34 2017

We did it! I mean, we moved to our new home and now we are ready to work on the project and personal art again.

This is our [hyperion issued] work space, we still need to unpack our boxes with posters, figures, art collection and other stuff, but we love this place already. Lins colored the wall with her very own hands, by the way, she is so cool! xD


Sun Sep 3 20:42:03 2017

L: When I started this pic, there was a summer and we had only pair of doves. When I proceeded, we got the new friend - a pigeon's nestling. I called him Pooch > Poochock > Пучок. English and Russian versions of his name fits him well (: He is the best bird ever and acts himself like a dog. So, today I finished this pic. Summer is gone and Pooch almost grew up.

The short dscription of this - Odette and her birds.



Wed Aug 30 13:10:47 2017

L: Grimm and me are moving right now, so we need more time to get back to work on the Crown. Anyway, guys, don't worry! I believe this month will be very productive.

The Crown of Leaves, alpha_build

Fri Aug 25 11:54:14 2017

Hi guys!
►►► First, read the post, please ◄◄◄

Finally, we can present you a new build with new scenes! This turned out to be much more complicated than we thought at first, and took much more time (we thought we would finish on August 15th).

You will find here:
- Continuation of axe and shovel roots
- Scenes with Alex, Serban, Brilla and Juniver
- New Mindscape
- New HUD

You won’t find here:
- New inventory, because it needs a little upgrade
- Some items may not be added to inventory. This is fine. We will fix this in the next versions of the build.

This is NOT WORKING ON MISTAKES. Report the bugs that crash the game only. This build is not the final version, and it has a lot of flaws, connected with both the technical and the graphic part. This build was made to show you the new scenes and dialogues.

We hope that further acquaintance with the world of "Crown" will be pleasurable to you!

Download link

The secret room

Thu Aug 24 22:04:27 2017



Thu Aug 24 18:31:44 2017

And here goes the Deer! This place is special.

The Secret Room WIP

Thu Aug 24 18:00:34 2017

G: Doing my job! This is one of my fav backgrounds in the game.

New inventory

Sat Aug 19 20:23:31 2017

It's not a mockup anymore (:

New Mindscape

Sat Aug 19 20:22:03 2017

We did it! Still have to fix details, but it's finished.

The Home Queen

Wed Aug 16 02:00:50 2017

Snails are part of the Beylerian cuisine... but Margreth seems to be unsure about her new dinner.

Vogelverschrikker WIP

Tue Aug 15 17:15:15 2017

Commission for Vogelverschrikker featuring his sahash lady, Margrith!

Insomnia WIP

Mon Aug 14 23:37:58 2017

Almost done! The only thing that left is to add the birds and some neat details/background.

Hershey's family

Sat Aug 12 10:24:50 2017


the Mystery Place

Sat Aug 12 00:09:45 2017

New track for a special place that you will see in the end of the first game chapter.

Written by Flaviocortizo.


Fri Aug 11 18:47:07 2017

L: We finished commission for Limelawn !

Dark house

Fri Aug 11 17:22:16 2017

It's a simple back that we made for Lime's commission. It will be almost 80% blurred in the end (sadly), but we decided to save this stage separately.

Lime and Roui progress

Thu Aug 10 19:46:55 2017

Working on it! They are still too funny xD

Pirate Tea Rapoda - adopt

Thu Aug 10 11:24:40 2017

Comment if you want to grab her!

July GilStaaf sketchdump

Wed Aug 9 21:03:11 2017

L: It was month of Gilchrist and Staaf :D



Mon Aug 7 20:11:00 2017

Long time no see!

Insomnia WIP

Mon Aug 7 19:13:14 2017

A small picture with Roui and his enemy, insomnia. P: Yes, he can't sleep normally without his meds. Poor baby.

GUI update (mockup)

Mon Aug 7 17:35:04 2017

L: The new inventory - the new Mindscape. We found a concrete style for the whole tCoL design finally, so it must be updated.

I didn't even use any grid earlier! That's a shame.

We'll update new designs right after the new inventory system will be finished.

A barrier

Sun Aug 6 19:55:48 2017

L: Thing that warn travellers about Flatstream lands. It have different looks in different countries, but in Latori it looks exactly like this.


Two sketches on the right ar ejust experiment with shapes, nevermind.


Sat Aug 5 21:37:40 2017

G: It's a sketch for Lime (aka Limelawn) that I did lately xD It will be finished in our classy style, but I feel like I need to share it with you on this stage.

Look at this two. Just look at them.


Fri Aug 4 20:49:35 2017

L: Spontaneous collab with Grimm :>

Her Morgan and my Odette.

Hershey's family

Fri Aug 4 20:46:57 2017

L: Because Hershey's was a theme for them (:

Rapodas for Oniroy~

The Gypsy traveller WIP

Fri Aug 4 18:33:27 2017

L: Found a minute to fill this line with colors.


Thu Jul 27 17:49:14 2017

L: We just worked in RealtimeBoard on the tCoL script branches and it looks SO CONFUSING. I tried to explain my ideas to Grimm, so I made a bunch of new lines to show it, and it look like a ball of yarn now.

Orange panels is for the day locations, pink - for the evening, violet for the night. Also, if you will look closely, there are yellow stickers for the shovel root and green for the axe root.

Oh boy.


Sualokin and stuff

Thu Jul 27 14:29:34 2017



Serban WIP

Wed Jul 26 10:22:24 2017

G: Almost forgot about this one, but we still want to finish it oneday.

Witch sisters

Wed Jul 26 10:11:56 2017

L: Now I drew Grimm and Natalie's Heather Greenmire as sualokin just for fun :> I tried to mix color of Natalie's setting with our Latori, and it was successfull.

Full and better quality versions in attachments!

heather.jpg grimm.jpg

tCOL OST - Night time

Tue Jul 25 17:46:29 2017

Thanks to _Blacksmith_ again, he created this beautiful melody for the night locations in the "Crown". There are 3 different variations of this theme. Enjoy!

tCOL%20-%20the%20Night-17.8-270.mp3 (d)

Redbubble maybe

Tue Jul 25 09:08:44 2017

Just playing around with the idea.


Mon Jul 24 22:27:38 2017

G: I want to create sualokin OC for myself too, but still not 100% sure if this is her final design or not.

Walking in Byala

Mon Jul 24 21:45:15 2017

L: Drew Odette in the one of my random Bulgarian photo.


Mon Jul 24 20:36:20 2017

L: I just found this dress on eBay and I want it as hell. At least, I'm a girl.


Mon Jul 24 18:28:32 2017

G: Just a chibi that I drew for fun.

Lady Shrike

Mon Jul 24 11:19:21 2017

L: Continue to concept sualokin Odette :> Mix of scarlet kingsnake + shrike was Natalie's idea~


Fri Jul 21 22:34:42 2017

L: Just drew a Sualokin -sona for myself. Sweet sassy girl~

Roui and Bill

Fri Jul 21 18:58:46 2017


Juny's tail

Thu Jul 20 21:15:44 2017

L: The new Juny's tail is finally done~

The new inventory mock-up

Thu Jul 20 20:51:19 2017

L: Mold.FF and we are working on the new tCoL inventory.

New functions ("take in hand" and "interact") made me to design another version of inventory and expand it. Also mold.FF found an another way to realise the crafting. The last one column shows the sorting function.

What do you think?


Tue Jul 18 18:50:03 2017


Tail animation progress

Tue Jul 18 18:34:15 2017

L: Juny's tail.

Check-list for the build

Tue Jul 18 10:57:24 2017

L: I still have to work on the brunching of dialogues and finishing/fixing some sprites (Junyver and Alex). Despite of that, it's almost done.

Sorry for bad layouting xD

Key hunter

Mon Jul 17 21:44:51 2017

L: I was in a mood to draw some Nowherian stuff x) So I created a Rouan traveller, who is also the Key hunter, and draw her with Grimm's new Rapoda, Tooth Fairy.

Rouan's hair is magical .

Tooth fairy

Mon Jul 17 20:21:23 2017

G: My new Rapoda, based on blueberries, yogurt and ... human teeth. I have no idea about her story and/or personality yet, but I will think about it on my free time.

New items

Mon Jul 17 14:11:36 2017


The old character

Mon Jul 17 07:13:35 2017

L: Wow, it's an old character and an old art. I already see what I could fix here, but I won't.

I'll tel a story. This is Durmoll, the extra-weird character, who were a cannibal sahash. He is kinda cool and elegant, but I see a lot of traits of other characters, what makes him not so unique. Also, I know and love just the only one cannibal fictional character (that's Hannibal, hello), so I just gave up on creating of characters of this type.

But I redesigned Flynn and mixed his design him with Durmoll's.

Junyver promo

Thu Jul 13 16:43:25 2017

L: The new sketch of promo art with Juny~

#2 veglamb

Thu Jul 13 08:58:45 2017

L: Detailed sketches from yesterday.

Every time I think "Omg no, I'll never finish that" and every time I do.

Also, do you see a reference here? C: I made a link to "The Endless Circle of Wolves", if you remember that small novel. Yes, "Crown" and "Circle" are related to each other.

Black Lodge

Thu Jul 13 08:35:43 2017

L: Okay, I decided to make two versions: normal Roui and Roui's Doppelganger.

HQ art in attachments.

Roui%20Twin%20Peaks01.jpg Roui%20Twin%20Peaks02.jpg

Black lodge [WIP]

Thu Jul 13 06:04:26 2017

L: Grimm got an idea to draw Roui in Twin Peaks's Black Lodge. We don't want to draw something related to the classic scene (but it's awesome though), so we just moved the focus to the corridor.

Sketch by Grimm. I'm working on the finishing right now. Drapes are very, very "tough cookie" xD

#2 veglamb scene, 1st panel

Wed Jul 12 10:04:07 2017

L: Does it look familiar?..

I'll make a few plugs for the new build. Still have to think about colors, but I already know what to do with lighting.


Mon Jul 10 21:27:30 2017


#2 veglamb scene

Mon Jul 10 20:45:08 2017

L: I don't want you think that we are just loafing around, so here are sketches of future veglamb scene of the shovel root.

If Patreon posted it in low-quality, just download the attachment!


Count your minutes

Mon Jul 10 20:41:19 2017

"Why do you count those numbers again? I'm bored."
"It's business, my friend, be patient... And you'll have your reward."
"Oh, I hope it will be very special then."

Another one commission for our Patron, Ahst, featuring Ceryl and Rahl!

Sahash © lingrimm


Mon Jul 10 19:38:50 2017

Special collaborative commission with nataliedecorsair for our Patron, oniroy!

No one is allowed to touch smol but angr & little sahash nerd, especially when they're trying to cook dinner >:)


Sun Jul 9 15:21:23 2017

L: A big, chiken-like Latorian animal.

Quick sketch between swimming and drawing commissions~

The night version of the Hill Camp [UPDATED]

Fri Jun 30 19:24:21 2017

L: Guuuys, look.

I started to work on the full version of the game and the first, that I have to do, is night versions of locations. Yeah, yeah, we already had them, but I made up my mind and remade it in a new way.

P.S.: Oh my, what is the pink light in that window? Is that a room of some pretty girl?..

Roui, you must do something with your lantern, really.


The goddess of peace

Fri Jun 30 12:27:25 2017

L: Just finished!

The King's fork

Wed Jun 28 21:34:43 2017

L: Remake of the one old art with Lakedemon. I think the rest of info about this picture will be a spoiler too.

Full version of the art in attachment!


'Your horns are remarkable!'

Wed Jun 28 12:03:52 2017

'Can I take a shot?'

Contest reward for Polina Rutskaya!

The Broken Horn official website is now live!

Wed Jun 28 10:53:09 2017

You may participate to our small community there~


If you want and, of course, have a free time, you can help us to run a forum! Do you want to be a moderator? Just ask us!

Game forum:

Japan Chrysanthemums

Wed Jun 28 10:36:36 2017

G: For Мира Клаймориус~


Wed Jun 28 10:17:53 2017

L: Random drawing of random sualokin, that I called "Wendigo" for some reason. Of course, he can't be Wendigo, because Shang-La world is not related with Algonquin, but maybe I'll use this fella in the story.

Veglamb illustration

Wed Jun 28 10:16:09 2017

L: Roui's drawing for Mindscape~

And yes, those notes are not senseless.

Hey, Mystics~

Tue Jun 27 20:04:03 2017

We talk about you, $10 patrons!

We have 5 keys, that will allow you to upload the new (0.7.2.) Crown's demo on Steam. The first 5 patrons, who will ask in comments, will get the Steam Key immediately!


No keys left, sorry! ~

The Gypsy traveller

Tue Jun 27 19:59:17 2017

L: Progress~

Cemetery: Characters

Sun Jun 25 16:21:57 2017

This is a popular place xD You'll find high resolution files in attachment (bg without people and with them).

cemetery_poople.jpg cemetery_bg.jpg

Warm fur

Sun Jun 25 15:42:38 2017

G: Simple scenery with our DST rapodas that I did for me and Lins.

Cemetery finished

Fri Jun 23 23:01:00 2017

L: All done! I can't believe it. Today was a kinda "weekend" for us, and I was like "Grimm, maybe I'll finish cemetery bg quickly? Just for couple of hours, m?" COUPLE OF HOURS, AHA

Cemetery progress

Fri Jun 23 14:29:21 2017

Almost done. It takes A LOT of work to finish this background, but it worth the time.


Wed Jun 21 17:30:51 2017

So much BONES!

Working on the Steam version

Tue Jun 20 08:32:49 2017

Hopefully we'll have the free-to-play public demo on Steam very soon! is a good place to post it too, but we want to get our Steam page working.

Rapodas commission - design finding

Sun Jun 18 13:25:07 2017

G: I was working on this for a while but forgot to post anything... again, so I'm doing it now.

I love this kind of color schemes, very delicate, reminds me about old circus so I used this theme as my main inspiration.

What is your fav character on this list? :)

The Crown of Leaves 0.7.0 [REUPLOAD]

Fri Jun 16 17:37:00 2017



Here is the release of the long-awaited demo 0.7.0. RUzura Interactive left the team, but now we have a new and experienced lead programmer, mold. XX. He reworked the code, added new modules and improved the game in general.

Also, as promised, we completely changed the puzzle screen, parallax and inventory. All of these changes were done by the DragoonHP.


We publish this demo for ALL our patrons, including the first level.

Why? We want to receive a detailed, accurate, active feedback from all of you. We want to 'kill' all possible bugs, including translation errors. You can share this demo with your friends, if you want to - ask them to conduct a beta test! But please DO NOT PUBLISH it on other resources. We understand that “this will be an excellent advertisement for Lingrimms Patreon and the Crown of Leaves,” but for now you do not need to do this, otherwise it will be more hindrance than help. The purpose of this test is not an advertising, but debugging and polishing the current version of the game. Moreover, the public version will be available soon after the test - as soon as all possible errors are eliminated.

- New translation system. You may think that this is not so important, but technically it is much simpler than the standard Ren'Py system. This will help our translators and localizers to easily add new languages

to the game!
- Technically the new inventory and Mindscape;
- Crafting system. Now you can combine items by switching to the Item Creation screen. There are only two recipes in the demo. But there are much, much more items to collect!
- Redraw some background details, added background animation.
- Added the ability to view the bulletin board;
- Added and updated some of the dialogues;
- The system of relations with Serban and Vander has been slightly improved. Serban may not want to talk to you now, and Vander will not just be so offended by you.
- Don't forget about the additional dialogues. If you are friends with the character, you can learn something new about them. Do not forget to look at Mindscape too!
- Some characters can leave locations that will give you the opportunity to look around more closely.
- New puzzle screen and the puzzle itself! We made it easier and more “in-setting”.
- New music in the first scene with Vander!

Things we want to change in the public release of the demo:
- Some of the menu sounds
- Improve the mechanics of the transition between different locations


Всем привет!
Вот и релиз долгожданной демо 0.7.0. RUzura Interactive покинул команду, но зато теперь у нас есть новый и опытный ведущий программист, mold.XX. Он переработал код, добавил новые модули и улучшил работу игры.
Также, как и было обещано, мы полностью изменили экран загадки, параллакс и инвентарь. Все это было сделано программистом DragoonHP.


Мы публикуем эту демо-версию для ВСЕХ наших патронов, включая первый уровень. Почему? Мы хотим получить от всех вас подробный, точный, активный фидбек. Мы хотим устранить все ошибки перевода и все возможные баги. Вы можете поделиться этой демо-версией с вашими друзьями, если хотите - попросите их провести бета-тест! Но пожалуйста, НЕ ПУБЛИКУЙТЕ ее на других ресурсах. Мы понимаем, что "это будет отличной рекламой патреона Лингриммов и Короны из Листьев", но пока этого делать не нужно, иначе вы окажете нам медвежью услугу. Цель этого теста - не реклама, а дебаггинг и полировка текущей версии. Тем более, публичная версия будет доступна вскоре после теста - сразу, как только все возможные ошибки будут устранены.

- Новая система перевода. Вы можете подумать, что это не так уж и важно, однако в техническом плане она гораздо проще нежели стандартная система Ren'Py. Это поможет переводчикам и локализаторам без труда добавить новые языки в игру!
- Технически новые инвентарь и Фантазион;
- Система крафта. Теперь вы можете комбинировать предметы, переключаясь на экран создания предметов. На данный момент в игре есть только два рецепта. Зато предметов гораздо, гораздо больше!
- Расширена панорама озера.
- Перерисованы некоторые детали фонов, добавлена фоновая анимация.
- Добавлена возможность осмотреть доску объявлений;
- Добавлены и исправлены некоторые диалоги;
- Слегка усовершенствована система отношений с Сербаном и Вандером. Теперь Сербан может не захотеть с вами разговаривать, а Вандер не будет просто так на вас обижаться.
- Обратите внимание на дополнительные диалоги. Если вы с персонажем находитесь в хороших отношениях, вы можете узнать о нем что-нибудь новое. Не забывайте почаще заглядывать в Фантазион!
- Некоторые персонажи могут покидать локации и давать вам возможность осмотреться внимательнее.
- Новые экран паззла и сам паззл! Мы сделали загадку проще и более "сеттинговой".
- Новая музыка в первой сцене с Вандером!

Что мы хотим изменить к публичному выпуску демо:
- Некоторые звуки меню
- Усовершенствовать технику перемещений по локациям

Demo will be reuploaded!

Fri Jun 16 14:26:55 2017

We found a few translation bugs, so we decided to fix them first. The demo will be reuploaded asap.

Mouse - small BG animation

Mon Jun 12 18:17:32 2017

You'll see it in the game, of course, but I wanted to share it here too ^^You'll find this little creature in the updated dining room location.

Updated Demo coming soon!

Mon Jun 12 18:11:04 2017

Are you ready for the completely updated Demo? You better be! Because we are making the last magic passes over the demo right now.

Now listen. We will need your help as our beta-testers to find and kill all the bugs and errors that can be hiding somewhere in the code. So please, be careful and inspective, and prepare your tracking devices...

Stay tuned!

Shang-La FAQ

Mon Jun 12 10:13:43 2017

We got a few interesting questions on Tumblr, so we decided to make a special rubric here! If you want to ask something about sahash, Shang-La world and something else, just write a comment or drop a message in PM!


Q: Hello Lingrimm, what do the sahash think of obese/fat humans?

A: “I suppose, this guy is a dominant figure… But why other humans don’t obey him? This is a riddle of generations.“


Q: What does Roui think of Humans? Has Roui meet/seen humans before?

A: Practically every sahash meet humans more than once, and Roui is no exception. He is indifferent to them and even got a few human pals when he lived in Nouri.


Q: Do sahash have strong eyesight or would they need glasses to see clearly?

A: Urban sahash have the same eyesight as humans, but they can see in the semi-darkness. Nouri is the country of hunting cult, and sahash, living here, have acute eyesight and subtile senses.

But no one is protected from a visual deterioration, so even sahash could wear glasses.

Flynn reconcept

Sat Jun 10 22:39:45 2017

(UPD - changed the character's name)

L: The old design is boring and says nothing about the character. Also, it even didn't fit for the setting! So I completely revamped Flynn and hope he will be remarkable and intriguing character.

I adhered to "creepy village sectarian" x "scarecrow" concept, that popped up in my head when I started to draw. Yes, his hair tucked in a collar.

P.S.: My hand hurts so much. It' not a carpal tunnel syndrome, but it still unpleasant, so drawing is a challenge for me now. I even can't draw commissions! Anyway, Flynn helped me to overcome the art barrier, so I will back to the work soon.


Sat Jun 10 12:05:39 2017


Goddes of Peace

Sat Jun 10 11:55:02 2017

L: Kinda reference sheet on Arch-Cora, the goddess of Grahn. She is not the queen of the tribe - she left her tribe in the ages of War and got married on the mortal sahash soldier to protect Ayelahai. Her manipulation with Shang and La made humans harmless, but it brings a lot of troubles instead...

The new puzzle

Fri Jun 9 20:11:47 2017

L: The old version of puzzle is lame and we completely remade it. There is nothing difficult in the solving, but it perfectly fits the setting and situation. Here is a few stages of 'proecting' puzzle. It's easy task. The most complicated part was writing in Mad Rook's style, but I reached the good result. Is this a... spoiler? I dont know. As I said, the solving is simple. Next puzzles and ciphers will be much harder.

The Cemetery - WIP

Mon Jun 5 18:41:10 2017

G: I'm working on the Cemetery and it's hard xD This is just a piece of this panorama, but the whole linework is done already and it makes me happy.

I was searching for the main concept of sahash cemeteries for a long time - the ordinary gravestones looked too boring for a fantasy setting... So I chose an old Pre-Islamic tradition of using wooden posts and the skulls of goats (they are thought to fight off evil spirits, and help the soul of the deceased to ensure a safe passage to heaven) as my inspiration. I guess it's kinda symbolic for sahash. I love it.


Sun Jun 4 14:40:52 2017

In one of her stylish outfits!

Dragonfly animation

Fri Jun 2 13:37:39 2017

This cute little dragonfly is one of the animated creatures that will be living in the Lake location. We also drew a gull and a small fly!

Interesting Facts: the Lake

Wed May 31 16:41:38 2017

There is something interesting for you! Check out this link: for the big sized file.

Mr. Choco Mint

Wed May 31 13:19:52 2017

Finally finished ^^

Remake of the veglamb CG

Wed May 31 11:02:12 2017

L: Still the same, but I was not satisfied with the first version. Some render fixed a situation.

Report on the new demo development

Wed May 31 09:56:50 2017

Report on the new demo development:

Added one new CG art in the scene between the lake and the greenhouse. Finished the animaned background of the lake (it's panoramic now) and the bulletin board.

Edited the parallax, it's looks good & smooth finally, and it's easier to take objects now. There are more items, plus crafting is now possible.

Added the sound of the text while characters are speaking (Phoenix Wright and Undertale players will understand).
Added new ciphers screen with new mechanics of working, no errors found. The dialogue system became clearer, you can distingush new, old and used speech lines now.


All that remain is to edit articles and the code. We keep on working.

The brand new parallax

Tue May 30 20:49:38 2017

L: Our coder finished the brand new parallax for the game. It's very comfortable smooth and calm now.

Also you can check some updates in this scene. (:

P.S.: Don't look at that GUI, 'cause it's a technical build, not a game itself.

P.P.S.: WHAT THE HELL, when you're trying to post something on Patreon through the mobile browser, YOU BURN IN HELL, because an editor eat your words and letters GODWHY

Rapoda Custom - Step by Step

Mon May 29 19:19:07 2017

This simple step by step piece shows our working process - from first design and idea and to the flat-colored picture. It can be helpful and interesting for you too somehow.

The final result of our work will be posted here asap.


Sketches for the new cutscene

Sun May 28 23:02:53 2017

L: The story about the Mad Rook.

A frog

Sun May 28 12:29:27 2017

L: Don't let her bite you! Or you will die. Probably.

Sarnai adoptable (not for sale)

Sun May 28 07:23:39 2017

L: I enjoyed, drawing this girl. Her name means "Rose", and she is a perfumer.
Also, saying about gambling games, I didn't mean addiction. It's just a hobby - probably, she would like to look at axper races or something.

Was bought by Xae'Shiir!

Rapodas practice

Sat May 27 21:39:58 2017

G: I was working with a person from FA on their new Rapoda character, based on the chocolate/mint/mango and coconut. And my work ended up with a big bunch of various designs that I'm happy to share with you!I focused on the silhouette and color palette, it's the most important things when you start working on the characters. Small details (as well as clothes) will be done later.

Lins love the first one the most, and I love the third one. What's about you guys?

Contest reward

Sat May 27 08:54:04 2017

L: Some time ago we provided the Crown of Leaves Competition in Russian social network. We chose a winner and now we draw this neat diorama for her ~<3 Winner's name is Rutskaya Polina; character on the left belongs to her.

Edna adoptable

Thu May 25 12:26:27 2017

L: Okay, she is special for you, folks x)

If you like her and want to grab, just leave a comment below. After buying I'll send you two HQ versions - with info and without it, if you would like to add something on a personal note.

The price is $75 for patrons, but it will $80 on FA. We'll post her there tomorrow~

Pumpkin pie!

Wed May 24 19:30:39 2017

L: Ingrid loves pumpkins and pie, I told you x3

Sketches for new sahash adoptables

Wed May 24 19:03:30 2017

L: I don't like old bases xD

When I draw these four fellas, me and Grimm got a pair of idea in mind: phurra that are Magpies (aka Adventurers) tames real magpies to stole some baubles or maybe something really valuable.

And we decided that dallinga people obsessed with birds like pheasants, peacocks, etc.

Ingrid WIP

Sun May 21 21:52:08 2017

L: Time for Ingrid's portrait~

Flower of pumpkin, sewing notions aaand... a snake head.

The Mystic

Sun May 21 20:24:23 2017

L: Listening "The Devil and the Huntsman" (Legend of the Sword' OST) I decided to add dark, agressive details to this portrait, like a smolding fabric.

Then, I turn on "Lonely", that is Marestail's theme, and finished the picture in calmly mood.

I just love Junyver. For now, she is my favorite Crown's character. Just finished a game scene of the meeting her, that I had to revamp.

Axe root storyboarding sketches (digital version)

Sun May 21 17:42:28 2017

L: I decided to do it as a video cutscene, so it will be easy to make in AE, as I did with intro. I still have to finish a few details and one more shot (or even two).

Work on shapes

Sat May 20 22:08:24 2017


Juny WIP (almost done)

Sat May 20 20:47:03 2017

L: Chose the dark cold palette and made red an accent color. Juny is a controversial nature, so it perfectly fits~


Sat May 20 19:25:04 2017

G: We decided to create a new type of Flampots based on the toucans! And we named them Tocopots, because it's funny and gives them the right colour.

More Mare's sprites

Sat May 20 18:31:22 2017

L: I still don't know, is it simple to draw him or not? There is no hands on this sprites, but I'll do A BUNCH of animations with hands later.

Abandoned manor - closer look (CG art WIP)

Fri May 19 20:31:17 2017

G: It's a fresh CG art that will be shown in the demo, between the scene with the Lake location and the scene with Vander's Greenhouse.

I felt like something was missing there, so I guess it's a good decision to add a short scene where Roui will be looking at the old house, asking himself who lived in this place before it became abandoned?

I'm going to finish a few things here/to add a few details (like trees and sunlight on the bushes and grass). Lins will draw Roui on the foreground.<3

Pirate of the lake

Fri May 19 18:49:42 2017

L: Ooooh, it's so bad to think about the next chapter before you finished the first, but I just can't stop my mind of thinking about it.

This pirate-like sualokin will appear there, but I don't even know, what's his role exactly, would he be evil or good or neutral character. But I know, he will be pretty important. And maybe related to Ingrid, HA.

Rasko reference

Fri May 19 18:29:39 2017

L: Actually, it's not a ref, but it helps me to draw his sprite.

I marked it as "Minor spoiler", because there are a few things in the picture, that could give you fresh ideas about the character and his nature/his role in the plot.

In the game, you will see Rasko as simple minded, lead-footed country man, who is pretty bad at his work. Actually, yes, he is bad at his work, but it's because of his real intentions and desires.
On this drawing you will see him as impudent person. And maybe... A bit dangerous?



Fri May 19 13:56:23 2017

Hi there! A quick but important question for you - are you feeling okay about spoilers?

It seems like we can't post most of our new works without spoiling you some moments from the plot of the 'Crown'. But the main idea of our Patreon is making you, guys, a part of the story-writing... So... Isn't it natural to show you something that is connected with the next chapters/plot twists of the 'Crown' and its characters?

Well, tell us your word, we are interested in your opinion.

"Lonely" - Marestail's music theme

Mon May 15 21:18:37 2017

We got this beautiful theme from _Blacksmith_, and we love it so much!

It really fits Marestail and his personality/story/role in the Crown's plot.

Animated Ingrid (reupload)

Sat May 13 20:23:34 2017

L: Patreon app posted this gif as a static picture why

So I reupload, but left previous post

Junyver lineart

Sat May 13 17:41:35 2017

L: Changed glasses on ribbon. I need to finish my workday, huh

Blinking and talking Ingrid

Sat May 13 16:57:46 2017

L: I made Ingrid's tongue blue xP And she got a tattoo on her arm.


Fri May 12 19:49:33 2017


Marestail's store

Fri May 12 19:11:01 2017

L: Yeaaaaah

Lakedemon, reference

Fri May 12 15:58:29 2017

L: Finished~ Thanks Grimm for feathers!

The new pause menu

Thu May 11 21:19:58 2017

L: I simply got BORED of the old menu's design, so I made the new one.

???F A N C Y???

Now the whole GUI looks complete.:

Sketches for the "Axe root"

Thu May 11 21:13:07 2017

L: Just look at those crappy sketches! Could you even imagine that it will turn into something detailed? No? Me either xD

P.S.: But Grimm can, unlike me xD

Star sewer

Wed May 10 19:42:05 2017

G: I found an old sketch with Quistra and now I see how strongly she is connected with Crown's plot and theme. Quistra will definitely appear in the story.
Just a little bit, and this piece will be done! It's one of our collabs with Lins.

Gonna cook

Wed May 10 19:28:33 2017

G: It's a WIP for the one neat diorama​ that we draw with Lins <3


Tue May 9 17:04:36 2017

L: I found a new appearance for him. So I draw a reference.
Yeah, the King of Sualokin tribe himself!

Forbidden path

Tue May 9 17:03:02 2017

L: I hope I wrote it right
Sketch for the new background~ I just wanted to show Grimm my idea, but I drew a sketch instead

Sualokin time!

Mon May 8 09:23:53 2017

L: Missed our marker stuff? Here is a bunch of colorful sualokin portraits~
Boa belongs to Grimm (and she drew him). The rest sketches are mine, but it's random charas. Just tried to play around with different shapes, colors and clothes.

Would you like to see some of them as a character? Except of Boa, because he is a character already x)


Thu May 4 19:25:22 2017

Finished! Yay.


Wed May 3 07:13:25 2017

L: We bought three new markers of another firm (Stylefile, we used ProMarkers earlier). It's pretty good! And it has a brush-like point, it's awesome. Saria and her silk hips, haha ? Gift for Grimm.

Item craft

Sun Apr 30 23:15:16 2017



Sat Apr 29 18:12:24 2017

L: Portraits, portraits...

Parba girls

Sat Apr 29 18:02:17 2017

L: It's not concrete characters, just random finding for interesting types, that I could use as NPC in the game. When I was drawing these both, I thought that they are sisters from the Fish Camp (and they are eastern parba, like Brilla or Ingrid).

Which one of them do you like the most?

Rapoda head

Fri Apr 28 21:24:44 2017

L: Sculpted Rapoda's head this night. Tried to make it neat and beautiful, so it's my first time when I colored a model.

A gift for Grimm :3



Fri Apr 28 19:37:07 2017

L: One more Rasko x)

Still have to fix his arm and some details.

Hmm, I don't think so

Fri Apr 28 19:32:04 2017

L: Animated Rasko!


Thu Apr 27 17:26:01 2017


I still have to make eyes and speaking but wheeew it's almost done

Veglamb portrait!

Sun Apr 23 19:15:28 2017

Requested by Grimm, drawn by Lins. With love. To food.

Exotic fruit

Sun Apr 23 18:52:44 2017

G: Am, not sure if you remember the first WIP of this picture or not, but I finished it xP With... my computer mouse. That probably proves that I'm a masochist. Of sort.

Anyway! Enjoy this cute dragon. He also can eat you easily, so no touch, ladies and gentlemen.

Marestail sprites

Sun Apr 23 13:31:47 2017

L: Ok, fully redrawn. Except of his hand.

Serpent crown, WIP

Sun Apr 23 13:26:19 2017

L: Oh my, what a huge work... I'll call myself a genius, if I finish it. The ring of sualokin's tail is done, Roui and Ingrid too (except of Ingrid's hands, oh, I hate to draw hands). The next goal is Serban.

Asomatous sahash ladies

Sun Apr 23 12:31:07 2017

L: Missed my girls, but I can't even waste any time on something that is not "tCoL"-related. I sculpted sahash head in Sculptris and tested it as a blank. Not bad, really x3

Discordia, Idow and Kinlek.

Get sexy

Sat Apr 22 20:22:08 2017

G: Just a not-canon thingie xP Lins did a sketch and almost everything, I did colors and changed the base to the current character.

We are not 100% sure about this concept - the sahash-like Veglamb, I mean. From the first look it may be very funny to create one for the 'Crown' but from the other side it's kinda... creepy? Don''t you think?

It's a food, and Roui killed one of those creatures (literally) so it can be 'too much' for the game itself. Still thinking.

Guess who!

Sat Apr 22 18:52:36 2017


Gaze - chibi reference (WIP)

Sat Apr 22 13:50:04 2017

This is a WIP of my chibi ref on Gaze. A week ago (or so) I created a commission type with the chibi proportions for FA and after a few drawings for others, it inspired me to try it for my own characters and pleasure.

Lins helped me with the angle of Gaze's head. I want to draw something in this style for her chara, Luti. <3


Gaze is such a funny person. Very rough with people around him, he is loosing his temper so easily, and yet he is not an evil person at all.


Wed Apr 19 15:10:31 2017

L: Not much, but a sketchdump x3

Handsome Roui

Mon Apr 17 22:07:04 2017

L: A lot of people call him handsome xD And now we do too. A small reference to our beloved HJ, though they are not even similar.

I tried to show Roui as stylish but a bit nerdy man, who can be dangerous, but still unlucky.

Roui's symbols: gold, rook feathers, yellow poppy and scissors. And constellations, of course.


Mon Apr 17 18:23:26 2017

L: WIP of the small Roui portrait! I wanted to make tier images, and Roui goes as "The Adventurer".

Another promo

Mon Apr 17 11:16:45 2017


Matrie concept

Mon Apr 17 11:06:02 2017

L: Do you remember I told about "bengal-like" colors of matrie's coating? I tried to make something in digital finally.

The snake and the dog (WIP)

Sun Apr 16 14:19:37 2017

G: Our new collab with Lins! I did a quick sketch and Lins did a great job with lines. <3 She always doing magic with my rought drawings. I dunno how.

This is Boa again. And his... dog.

This art is not finished yet, 'cos we are in the city right now and have no Wacom here. But we will finish it soon.

A new character?

Fri Apr 14 22:34:07 2017

L: I sketches her at night, when Grimm read me one VERY_BAD_FANFIC (our usual amusement - just read poor fanfictions out aloud and laugh at them).

I don't know, who is it, but Grimm's idea - she is a tsourai, pretetinding to be like mortal sahash. She even has no name.

(My idea she is a gloomy and fem version of Roui, lol)

How do you think, who is she?

You don't like oranges?

Fri Apr 14 22:27:13 2017

L: Wanted to draw something Padmirian. I'm still searching for the current design of ex-"maravins"; basing on the quilin, I made maravins more like fansy western anthro-dragons. Not really.

Even don't know, will I finish this one or not.

Sahash reference [ENG]

Wed Apr 12 21:31:49 2017

L: Hey, guys.

Check the English version of the sahash ref!

The big version is here:

Roui - WIP

Wed Apr 12 13:45:21 2017


Serban and his clothes

Tue Apr 11 22:39:39 2017

G: I'm not the main cloth designer in our small team, but I still love to do some costume finding from time to time! I can't say what will become a canon, speaking of this list, but I'm sure we will choose something soon.

Yes, the #6 is a Veglamb costume :D

Marestail redesign

Tue Apr 11 16:27:57 2017

L: The Mare's old design is pretty complicated. Too much patterns all over the cape and odd accessories. I tried to reconcept the character to give him a simplest, but more recognizable design.

Also, do you think that Marestail is a man or a woman? Just curious. I have a plan for this character and I will not change his sex anyway, but I'm very interested in our watcher's opinion. Btw, just want to chat about Marestail - it seems a lot of people like this chara.

Test animation

Mon Apr 10 23:23:55 2017

L: What you will see, when you chose a shovel.

Just a small piece, testing animations and stuff.

Hi guys. Latest news!

Mon Apr 10 21:40:15 2017

With YOUR HELP - we hired another professional programmer recently - DragoonHP, who is working on the most complex tasks and mini-games. Why? Since the release of the demo, we decided to bring a full-fledged pont-n-click working system to the game (this genre is called "quest" in Russia, which is not fully correct), so the player will be able to apply objects to other objects, background, characters, and even craft something new from several items in the inventory.
Next - we wanted to add more delightful cut scenes, more character movements, more interactions, more interesting locations and quests that depend on the way you are playing the game. And the different text sound also (following the example of Ace Attorney and Undertale).

(Actually, we have already started.)

So, after summarising the amount of work, we realized that we will not be able to complete everything until May. For this reason, the release of the game is officially postponed for the autumn/early winter of 2017.

PS: Please don't be sad about this, because you will be watching the development process here and, of course, you will play an updated demo version of the game. People who pledged $10 as our Patron also will be able to play our constantly updated builds!

What now?

Mon Apr 10 15:32:51 2017

L: Gif-WIP.

P.S.: We post it for public, because we used it as info-pic on the Russian social networking site :>

The Crown of Leaves OST - Rasko theme

Sat Apr 8 20:44:08 2017

Say hello to our new OST, this time it's for Rasko, Serban's older brother and one and only policeman in the Hill Camp. You can judge of his personality by this music...

:) Thanks to our composer, _Blacksmith_!

Cutscene background

Sat Apr 8 20:26:47 2017

As title said!This bg will be animated to work together with Roui sprite.

It's gonna be ok

Sat Apr 8 17:19:12 2017

Sarissa and Brontir.
I would like to finish it, but I have a lack of draw-powah
Grimm will collaborate with me, yay

Veglamb dump

Sat Apr 8 15:50:23 2017

L: This scene is simple. Really. It's about two minutes in the game, but working on it sooo hard.
And it's still not the end.

Also, veglamb's meat concept. Look like mix between kiwi and strawberry.


Thu Apr 6 21:53:33 2017

L: Wow, I'm dead.

Demonstration of the working progress: lining characters, concepting things (by Grimm) and something for fun (a small diorama, also by Grimm)


Alain's emotions

Thu Apr 6 21:51:01 2017

L: I still have to animate it, but work is almost done.

Serban - sticker progress

Thu Apr 6 15:12:16 2017

Working on it!

Veglamb is dead

Wed Apr 5 18:23:07 2017

L: Got back to work :D


Wed Apr 5 18:12:32 2017

L: She will not appear in the game, but she and Roui were close friends at least, so I designed her.
Nourian parba, aristocrat​, loves science.

Rasko new sprites

Tue Apr 4 01:34:33 2017

L: This guy need to be more emotional, right? We should give him a couple of new expressions, before we'll start to work on the scene with his participation.

I told you.

Sun Apr 2 16:42:29 2017

L: Luti and Gase bought some potato chips

Sketches for the cutscene

Fri Mar 31 17:44:29 2017

L: Will appear right after the last scene of the demo.

Sahash reference RUS

Fri Mar 31 17:33:54 2017

L: I'm glad to present the brand-new sahash reference. I worked on it, like, a few months, because I had no time to finish some parts of them, because of work, of "tCoL", etc.

Today me and Grimm finished the text. Unfortunately, the psd-file with text-layers was suddenly removed, so I can't do the English version right now. I assume it's not long in coming.



Tue Mar 28 01:55:13 2017

Hello, folks!

We updated our tiers today. Please, update your payment information and choose the new tier you like (:

Sualokin woods

Sun Mar 26 21:13:23 2017

G: This is Grueverit! It's a Sualokin character from the second Chapter of the 'Crown' so we can not say much about her right now, but we still can share this art with you ^^

Updating our Patreon page

Sun Mar 26 20:04:23 2017

L: We want to make our tiers cheaper! But now it's not so easy, than earlier - we can't change the price of current tiers, only delete all of this and create new, so we need to prepare you and ourselves either.

Our plan for the new tiers, related to the Crown of Leaves genereally:

1st lvl: $1 and more

The Gypsy traveller

- Doodles, drafts, screenshots, WIPs

- Early access to the new page of Asomatous (we don't work on it for now, but we will be)

2nd lvl: $4 and more

The Adventurer

- Concepts, sprites gif-animations, accurate fullbodies, portraits

- Test videos

- Plus previous reward

3rd lvl: $10 and more

The Mystic

- Behind the scene: access to the test builds of the Crown of Leaves!

- Your ideas for Steam Achievments! We'll implement the most interesting of them

- 10% discount on simple and complex sceneries

- Plus all previous rewards

4th lvl: $70 [CLOSED] (without changing)

The Child of Sualokin

- Your character as sahash in our game!

- Plus all previous rewards

The Crown of Leaves build, 0.6.13

Sun Mar 26 19:42:22 2017

L: So, this is the almost-finished-demo-version! Actually, it is finished, just a little unpolished. We need to fix a few small bugs aaaand we'll upload it in public for free.

Our programer Artem Koluchiy took care for the game's code and helped us to make things that we couldn't do without his participation. We worked a lot, every day and - sometimes - every night, and we are pretty dead hahaha

Also, thanks a lot to Natalie De Corsair and Grimm for translation. And special thanks for our proofreaders team - Ivica Folnovic, Alex Hall, Grosse Phillippe and NoChill AfterPill!

So, go for the demo! It's right here, waiting for you!►►►

Write your notes in comments here or in PM or in my Skype, if you have my contact.

What you will see in this build:

One known bug:

Thank you for the help with translation!

Sun Mar 26 14:32:55 2017

Thank you, guys! *A* Alex Hall, Ivica Folnovic, NoChill AfterPill, GrossePhillippe - you are the BEST! We finished importing English text into the game.

Almost there! Be prepared!

Stickers - sketches

Fri Mar 24 20:09:17 2017

This time it's Serban and Roui! Will be lined and colored.

Bad news come in threes

Tue Mar 21 12:35:44 2017

L: Our composer _Blacksmith_ amaze us once again! This music is contextual, not a theme for location or character.

We asked _Blacksmith_ use a music from "Gotham" series (Penguine's theme hehe) for inspiration :>

February-March stuff

Sat Mar 18 01:19:00 2017

L: All descriptions on this sketchdump :>

Ahh, I didn't draw much, really... Only sprites for tCoL and commissions. So this is all that I found in my folders for the past two months.

I'm really sorry for my English >< From time to time I feel myself so powerful in writing of big texts, so I do it quickly and pretty... err.. clueless? Absurd? Nevermind.

I hope you like sketches!

Voice acting by Beau Stephenson

Fri Mar 17 14:41:37 2017

L: Sharing with process work with Beau (:

It's just a small part of session; in the end of the session, we got 16 minutes of different variants, from simple to emotional. So you may listen it, if you'd like :>

Roui's voice!

Thu Mar 16 20:23:45 2017

L: We just had a fabulous session with Beau S. and he voiced over Roui! IT WAS EXCELLENT.

WIPs of comission for Oniroy

Thu Mar 16 18:14:05 2017

L: Angry Vander!

The Sunflower redesign

Wed Mar 15 21:00:52 2017

Decided to draw him as a new-age Sualocin. ^^

Feathered sualokin done

Wed Mar 15 14:55:40 2017

L: They all have hands actually, but I'm too lazy to draw it x)

Sualokin's type

Wed Mar 15 14:52:55 2017

L: We concepted them finally and merged beatrixes and vimba. So all of them are just "Sualokin", just with different types.

The right one is an example of wild sualokin.

We need proofreaders for an English version

Wed Mar 15 12:41:51 2017

L: Hello, guys! Would you like to help us with English script?

Grimm and Natalie De Corsair have translated all our texts, but they need your help, like, a lot.

Our patron GrossePhillippe offered to create a proofreader's group in the Skype. Natalie is our general translation power, so you may communicate with her through the Skype too.

If we'll got a perfect English script, we'll get a great French and Chinese translations either!

Our ENG intro will be voice acted, thanks to the support of Patreon!

Tue Mar 14 20:56:04 2017

By super amazing Beau Stephenson, who has an impressive experience and skills in voice acting.

Here is his personal site:

And portfolio on

Thank you guys for helping us in the game creation <3 ! You (all of you) are a part of our team and we love you.

The Crown of Leaves official intro

Mon Mar 13 17:12:17 2017

L: Yey! I finished this video, finally.

It took a long time and I'm really satisfied with the result. I had no idea how to work in After Effect, but I did it, ok.

Grimm supported me intensionally, also worked on text part and found me a few overlays and transition.

So I hope you like it ^^

What is it

Sat Mar 11 21:58:51 2017

L: A small spoiler... Making an intro. Rendering takes too much time, ugh

Lake location updated

Sat Mar 11 21:58:07 2017

Now it waaaay bigger! :D Enjoy. You can download the big file, you'll find it below.


Updated Roui's portraits

Fri Mar 10 19:52:49 2017

L: A final set of Roui's sprites. A added a few more!

Yellow boa

Thu Mar 9 21:05:59 2017

We are working on Sualocin general concept right now, creating a few different types for the novel - you'll see it in the full glory soon, but for now I want to post this sketch.

This chara have no name yet. But I love his/hers design!
What do you think, is it more a boy or a girl?

Serban sprites progress

Thu Mar 9 12:43:33 2017

L: The is a simplest character for animation, really.

DST! rapodas - finished

Thu Mar 9 00:39:19 2017

G: Oh, finally! I finished this piece, and I'm very happy with the result. Love how they look together, even if the left fullbody is old like hell.
I wish to draw a full reference for this couple, but I'm still not sure about the composition of it. Maybe I can use this picture as a 'header' of sorts, and to add a few daitails - legs and tails, etc - below.

Marestail's test

Wed Mar 8 18:32:17 2017


Cafe "Goblin"

Fri Mar 3 22:06:14 2017

L: I added Alain, finally! Honestly, I finished it a long time ago and just forgot to post it.

Work on demo goes well~

Test-scene for intro

Fri Mar 3 01:52:54 2017

L: I start to work on intro, and one of my favorite scenes is almost done. I had to watch some AE lessons to make it xD Anyway, it's easier than I thought.

Working on the Menu

Thu Mar 2 15:31:09 2017

We are working as fast, as we can! Out team has no sleep, actually ( xD ), and thanks to our new coders - the demo will be much bigger than we planned. It will include 6 full sceneries in it. We still waiting for the new music tracks, too.

If you like our Patreon materials and 'The crown' - please, feel free to share your opinion here and on the other sites (like on twitter or tumblr), we will be thankful if more people will know about us/will come here to support us and our composer/coders.

Antiquity (sticker)

Thu Mar 2 15:28:19 2017

Still working on this seria, will finish this one as soon as I will get a chance.

Secret room

Thu Mar 2 15:24:29 2017

Will stay the secret until the full game release! But you, guys, will se it earlier than anybody else xP

Arlind the sahash

Thu Mar 2 15:19:44 2017

Uh-huh, a sketch for the future episode of the 'Crown', also first picture, featuring our characer Arlind.

mr Brd sprite

Wed Mar 1 01:04:24 2017

L: The first human sprite is almost done! Need to make an animation set and few poses.

And yes, it's the final concept of mr Brd's appearance

"The Crown of Leaves" has been Greenlit!

Tue Feb 28 22:52:19 2017

Thanks you all, guys, for your support and love. We made it together!

Oh, and don't forget, some of you are in our WIP list so you will have an Early Access to all of our builds, of course ;)

Run - done

Sat Feb 25 21:06:01 2017

L: yay, I finished this art! I can't say nothing about the plot, because it's kinda spoiler, but the first chapter will explain this all. Probably.

New inventory system

Thu Feb 23 22:29:29 2017

We put a little more work into this, so it looks better now. Don't you think?

Need to translate the txt for you, it's funny. Will do so tomorrow.

New sprites of Serban and Sanera

Tue Feb 21 15:49:07 2017

L: Serban becomes more emotional! And We finally sketched Sanera. She will appear in the first chapter x3

The greenhouse theme

Tue Feb 21 01:29:19 2017

Written by _Blacksmith_ aka Vladimir, as always. Enjoy!

Bulletin board and inventory items

Tue Feb 21 01:21:51 2017

Bulletin board and a few items from the inventory, updates from the Crown!

We hired new programmers!

Tue Feb 21 01:12:51 2017

2 of them, being more correct, both talented. This means that we will be able to add more interesting, beautiful and dynamic moments/mini-games in the 'Crown'. Thank you for supporting us here on Patreon!

Run, Roui, run (sketch for promo-art)

Fri Feb 17 15:58:24 2017

L: Oh my, Roui, what have you done...

Item reference: wooden horse

Fri Feb 17 15:53:28 2017

L: You may see this horse in Roui's room. Now you can touch it!

Inventory is not really usable feature in a game - it just help you to see what you got and read a small info about it.

Also, info about non-usable items (collectibles and key items) will be added in Mindscape, so don't forget to check it after you got a new stuff.


I just realised that our logo doesn't contain "The" and it made me dead inside. And it's my fault, so I'm completely ueba.

Item reference: old glasses

Fri Feb 17 15:49:13 2017


Inventory progress!

Thu Feb 16 03:44:50 2017

L: screenshots from the game!

Nevermind the horrible default menu in the right corner, hehe

Item reference: Serban's plushie

Thu Feb 16 03:35:41 2017

L: What a stressfull days! But I still have to work.

I finally added the prototype of inventory in the game and drew the first item (we had some items earlier, but they all are scrapped). You can check the inventory on screenshots in attachments :>

JJJJJ.jpg screenshot0003.png screenshot0002.png

Thank you!

Thu Feb 16 02:37:07 2017

Ivica Folnovic , Oniroy and Xae'shiir

Need your help!

Thu Feb 16 00:21:46 2017

Hey, hi guys! Is anyone here online right now?

We will be thankfull for your short help with a proofreading of the small text, so we can post it here on Patreon profile and also on Steam page ^^' Just need to do it quick but our brains is soooo dead right now =___=

The Crown of Leaves Greenlight!

Mon Feb 13 23:48:56 2017

L: Hello folks!


►►►►Link ◄◄◄◄

Sahash reference in progress

Fri Feb 10 14:55:38 2017

L: It has to be updated, really. So it's in progress right now.

Maybe we'll start to sell some sahash adopts on FA.

Greenhouse, finished

Thu Feb 9 15:56:59 2017

L: Vander loves plants so much... but this thing scared him.

Sualokin heads finished

Thu Feb 9 15:48:13 2017

L: Variations of Sualokin's muzzles. Also we decided to make a "skull" marks on their faces - dark nose and dark eye-pit.

These creatures are pretty big, and I have no idea how to make a sprite for them, really xD

Almost done + small animation

Sun Feb 5 04:27:07 2017

Just for fun.

The greenhouse, COL background - WIP

Sun Feb 5 00:56:16 2017

G: Yes, I know, I know, I told you I finished working on the backgrounds for the first chapter of the Crown, but... I just came up with another one and I can't help myself, so I drew this. Never say never.

It's a mysterious back for Vander, so it's his personal location now. Happy you!

It's unfinished, as you can see, but I will fix that asap.

Vander, WIP

Sat Feb 4 19:39:04 2017

L: A few days ago me and Grimm just realised that the start of the "Crown" is quiet slow. There are a lot of talks about characters themselves and not any "hooks" for the main plot, so we created a scene with a fan-character Vander (that is belongs to Oniroy). We working on it right now. I finished the base Vander's sprite and draw three expressions (they are mixing perfectly between each other), so it's ready for animation. I still need to add layers for talking and blinking, but the main work is done!

Also I'm not sure about tail's waving, it looks pretty... sturdy. At any rate, sahash are trying not to wave it too often, only when they are angry (Junyver's sprite) or... lazy (Serban's and Rasko's sprites).

P.S.: I think I could add a voice to a video, but it sounds so bad and my English is bad either. I have to train myself for weeks to make a voice over for my own videos then xD

New hitzones

Sat Feb 4 00:55:26 2017

L: I think you will like it!

Also, if you wanna hide interface and just look at background, you should to hit "H".

Kudret talking and blinking

Fri Feb 3 00:50:22 2017

L: And Kudret.

Fel talking and blinking

Fri Feb 3 00:29:10 2017

L: Base Fel's animation is finally done!

You will probably see her and Kudret in the next build.

Franjee - red dragon

Wed Feb 1 18:26:41 2017

Another one dragon, oh well.

We love their concept.

New journal for tCoL!

Tue Jan 31 23:58:31 2017

L: Hello!

A couple of days ago we run closed beta-testing of demo-version of "Crown". And now we have too much work! I finished to work on "convolute" and I still have to re-design save screen.

So, about new info-journal! It's still kinda Roui's mind palace, but it calls "Mindscape" (and "Фантазион" in Russian). We didn't like the previous design.

English version of title:

Maybe I'll change one or more details in a Mindscape's GUI, but I'm quite satisfied for now.

Bang Bang team - finished

Sun Jan 29 22:14:27 2017

And here we go.

Bang Bang team

Sun Jan 29 18:06:46 2017

G: And yes, I did it again - I drew Lansu in nowherian style. Silly me. Sorry! xD

It's my desire

Fri Jan 27 00:04:29 2017

L: I dunno why I picked up this title. I'm listening Electric Six's "Danger! High Voltage!" right now xD Ok, nevermind.


Guess who :>

It's my apologizing for everyone, who's watching for "Asomatous" - we'll draw new pages soon, I promise! We even have a script for a few closest pages (for six, at any rate).


Tue Jan 24 20:00:10 2017

L: An illustration for convolute's entry about mereoak.

Exotic Dragon

Tue Jan 24 18:25:07 2017

Just a picture with local Franjee dragon.

Hello, Junyver (finished)

Tue Jan 24 17:22:15 2017

L: I wasn't satisfied of this piece, so I completely redraw it and made separate elements on different layers for parallax effect.

"mr Bird" colors finding

Sun Jan 22 22:40:15 2017

L: Time for new sprite! And yey, first human character in Crown's plot~

The Crown of Leaves video

Sun Jan 22 21:44:02 2017

Check it out on our Tumblr!

Guns and horses

Sun Jan 22 17:36:55 2017

A small i-drew-it-for-fun poster, crossover between two our settings - the Nowhere world and Shang-La. Featuring our sweet couple, Saria and Lansu (Pilgrim feels envy now, like he was left out of the game).

Rasko emotions

Sun Jan 22 17:28:41 2017

Working on the last two emotions for Rasko's sprite x)

Selling paprika, WIP

Sun Jan 22 12:00:19 2017

L: I want to try use a camera-effect for this scene, so every character on this scene have its own layer. Will see.

"Happy Birthday, my darling!"

Fri Jan 20 15:11:00 2017

L: You know, you know, there will be a Roui's birthday soon. No, for real. We decided to create a novel in the end of January, so Roui were "born" somewhere in the start of February.

Here is a classic "gypsy-jewish"-like party all-in-the-family. Roui and his mom in the center; Roui's dad on his left and grandpa on his right. It's the old Roui's home, because now he and Emeral are living in the Brilla's vardo.

Selling paprika

Fri Jan 20 15:07:47 2017

L: Another one sketch for CG-art!

Roui is trying to help. TRYING.

Finished sprites

Fri Jan 20 02:33:53 2017

Yup. Characters belongs to their owners!

Kudret © RK

Fel © Faelin

Kudret and Fel, almost done

Fri Jan 20 02:13:42 2017

L: I finished base sprites of these fellas, they are ready for animation now! Working on first pack of "normal" expressions; done with Fel's blinking and talking.

Perhaps, I will work on "normal" pack for now, and another three (or more, depends of situation) expressions will be added later. Also there will be small additional animation for all of characters - their tails will be waving.

Kealfa official reference

Thu Jan 19 12:35:30 2017

(release from past months)

L: Perhaps, you remember this lady. Grimm created her design so randomly, and it was a vent-art, but we still love it so much.

She is Shang like Schorl and Maltrazur, but not a Chimera, just a visualised one. This option - a visualisation of Shang - is forbidden for regular owners of shangdoms, but creators - Assemblers - can do that. Long story, it's for "Asomatous". I believe that third chapter will be fully dedicated to this theme. Creating the scheme of sort would be good, I think.

So, this lady's name is Kealfa. She is a visualised Shang of Duke the Assembler and she have a lot of Elbalyamian motives in her appearance.

Schorl official reference

Thu Jan 19 12:21:53 2017

(release from past months)

L: Aaah, I love this guy. First of all, I love deers and birds, so I mixed them up to get something elegant. His "wings" is not really wings, it's some kind of a... coat, like Pilgrim's.

Schorl is a Staaf's Shang. Nourian scientists aka alchemists do work hard on "ideal shangdom" for shangless people, trying to mix different souls between each other to create Chimeras. Also, usual Shang doesn't have a physical appearance, but Chimeras do. More importantly, their appearance can depends of different factors, it doesn't have to be based on creator's mind. And Schorl's look pretty close to Elbalyamian Nomes (not only regular Nomes, but Pilgrim either)... still curious, why.

Chimeras, Schorl, Staaf, Shang... all of them are an important part of "Asomatous" plot.

P.S.: Also sorry for typos. I'll re-read my comment later to fix it ^^

When you're trying to sneeze

Thu Jan 19 12:15:29 2017

Roui and his face xD Emotions practice.

Odette sprite

Tue Jan 17 20:50:58 2017

L: We decided do not make a video with FAQ. It's not very interesting, and our voices doesn't fit for it x) It will be a small, very small visual novel, where Odette and Spike will answer all your questions. There will be a few categories of questions like "Projects", "Characters", "Creators", etc.

P.S.: I'm sick right now... And Grimm either. We don't work much all these past days, we even don't draw. So... sorry ^^'

New Roui's sprites

Tue Jan 17 01:00:47 2017

L: Roui needs more expressions, I think.

About the last one [with Rumanian accent]: "Look, let's not waste any time. You want it, I got it."

The mystic - Juny's main theme

Thu Jan 12 21:25:47 2017

Vladimir did it again, he created another one beautiful theme for the novel. This time it's for Juny.

Full of mystery and magic.

Roui cooking

Thu Jan 12 12:08:13 2017

It's a sketch for a fresh CG art. ;)

Good morning, finished

Wed Jan 11 11:10:38 2017

As title said :>

Patreon artbook or project artbook?

Tue Jan 10 22:17:29 2017

Patreon made up a poll function, so we just NEED to test it. It's quite cool, we love polls.


So, would you like to get some Patreon sketchbook with random doodles and illustrations or you prefer something more concrete, like artbook of project (for example: "Asomatous" or "Crown of Leaves" artbook )?

Good morning

Tue Jan 10 22:08:20 2017

L: Linework of new CG art for novel!

It's a first linework on Cintiq. Yes, we got it a pretty long time ago, but we forget a cabel somewhere and we couldn't draw on our precious new tablet xD What a shame.

But now we can.


Tue Jan 10 01:02:37 2017

L: Wow, breasts xD

Serban sprites finished

Mon Jan 9 01:47:20 2017

L: Well, we decided to make Serban one of the possible companions, because people loves him VERY MUCH. Probably TOO MUCH :D

If you will be sweet enough with him, he would be happy to go with you. It's a canon line.

Asomatous: new sketches for next pages

Sun Jan 8 20:12:22 2017

L: I stucked with the right page xD

Portrait photo

Sun Jan 8 19:48:46 2017

L: We started work on video intro in "the Crown of Leaves". As you maybe already imagined, it will be a "photo-story" - simpliest, but quite effective way to show the start of the game.

What do we see first? Young Roui, of course!


Fri Jan 6 19:05:49 2017

L: Concert poster of Antiqity's performance. Will be used in the game :>

Cool Di

Fri Jan 6 18:59:02 2017

L: Sketch from... I dunno, maybe from September. I found it and decided to finish. A lot of details were changed and added, but I kept this pic as a simple scene... Or even a portrait. Discordia is a cool boss, so she must look like a boss, no matter what kind of pic you drawing.

Boy and his beast

Fri Jan 6 16:13:51 2017

L: Staaf and Schorl x3. Staaf is not a boy for sure. I love this style and I love drawing humans in this style. Would be great to use it in Asomatous, but it's TOO. LATE. D:

New Juny's sprites (3/3)

Wed Jan 4 17:28:44 2017

The last one~

New Juny's sprites (2/3)

Wed Jan 4 17:27:58 2017


More Juny's sprites (1/3)

Wed Jan 4 17:25:34 2017


Serban new sprites

Wed Jan 4 16:58:03 2017



Mon Jan 2 19:16:30 2017

G: I just love her xD And she is just a big fan of the Mad Rook.

The Tigers

Mon Jan 2 19:07:18 2017

G: we decided to draw something with the Kodo nation, so it's a picture with their sacred place - a Tiger's garden.

Will be colored soon.

The Grey Princess

Mon Jan 2 18:58:14 2017

G: Oh wow. The title. xD

Okay. I came up with this alternate form of my character, Saria. I really enjoy her usual look with all of those pink and yellow colors, but I also wanted something gloomy to use in the story together with Quistra.

I think we will see this form in the fighting scene, I need to draw this.


Fri Dec 30 17:40:14 2016

L: we bought it, finally!!!!!
One for both of us, but it's just for test. We hope it will help us to make a linework faster ????????????

Characters, sketch for reference

Tue Dec 27 21:39:15 2016

L: Sahash reference needs to be updated... So I did redraw mostly things of it and now I work on the biggest part, anatomy demonstration.

From left to right:

Brontir (phurra), Almach (dallinga), Kyozen, the Ayelahaian Emperor (from parba, probably), Roui (parba), Shoum-Sham aka Maskini, Tatiana (maroosh) and Bollow (phurra-kodo, the same as phurra, but colorful haha)

Sualokin headshots

Sat Dec 24 12:19:11 2016

L: I just realised that I made sualokin's muzzles more like sahash's, so I redesigned them once again. There is no big changes, just details, like nose and forehead. Also I removed feathered hoods from their necks. Yeah, it was beautiful, but I didn't like the final sualokin's silhouette. I added wings on their arms instead.

Whadda ya want chikn

Thu Dec 22 13:14:23 2016

Odette and Duke. She named her pavlinok for her friend, lol. In Russian pavlinok's name sounds like German "Herzog".


Thu Dec 22 11:13:35 2016

L: Grimm joined me for drawing region's diorama ? Vegetables, wagons, horses (unicorns, if to be exact), lizards, magic... A lot of stuff. I'll make a linework. Maybe we will finish it in the next month.

The Storyteller

Tue Dec 20 23:21:23 2016

Illustration for Roui's musical theme ?


Tue Dec 20 21:54:59 2016

CG art for CoL! The moment when Roui and Junyver first met.

Blink blink

Mon Dec 19 18:02:51 2016

Just a small gif.

Who is it

Sun Dec 18 20:29:58 2016

It's Roui! "OH HOLY SPIRITS HELP ME ENTER AN UNIVERSITY, PLEASE" He was young, nervous, superstitious, with crooked teeth and glasses with plain lenses (simply to look smarter). Who knew?..

Ayelahai, country reference

Sun Dec 18 16:00:35 2016

Here is a Russian version in attachment!

Hope this small diorama and info will explain something about Ayelahai.


Latorian tits

Sun Dec 18 14:45:53 2016

When you just want to draw birdies. Yup.

Summer cafe, night

Sat Dec 17 23:10:09 2016

The night version of previous background. Here is still no characters, but we'll add the barista and also Alain, fan-character of Igneous.

It was the last one background of 1st chapter of CoL. Now we should finish all Roui's and Juniver's sprites! I think it will take somewhere about two months.

Summer cafe, day

Sat Dec 17 23:05:46 2016

Yay for the new background!

Kudret and Fel (they both are fan-characters of our Patrons RK and Faelin) included :3 And a small animation too.

CoL, unfinished background - summer cafe

Thu Dec 15 17:55:43 2016

Will be done in two versions - night and day.

The storyteller

Thu Dec 15 00:07:56 2016

The illustration for Roui's musical theme.

Juny new sprites

Thu Dec 15 00:05:12 2016

First two are almost done, I have to add some animation here. The last one is still in progress - I want Juny to move her hand and touch her curls. She is confused and trying to look retarded, because she doesn't know what to answer to you.

The Storyteller - Roui's main theme

Wed Dec 14 14:36:51 2016

Roui's main theme created by Shaikin Vladimir, our composer ^^

Thanks to him! He is awesome.

Girl and bird

Wed Dec 14 14:14:43 2016

Odette and her pavlinok.

Sualokin practice

Wed Dec 14 14:07:19 2016

L: I wanted to draw some sualokin, because I didn't draw them for a long time, but I very love them though. And I love their redesigned version more than the first one, because their silhouette looks better.

Well, I started from Amarant, then Natalie asked me to draw her character and our favorite characters from Borderlands as sualokin.

I'm happy with the result :>

Grimm's main characters

Wed Dec 14 11:20:45 2016

Spike. Saria, Gilchrist and Black Pilgrim.

Too many stripes.

Spike the Cat - Mask

Wed Dec 14 11:19:14 2016

Just a quick concept of his mask. I love the black eyed version better, thx to Lins.

The gum show

Tue Dec 13 15:57:04 2016

Unfinished picture with Saria.

Spike the Cat

Tue Dec 13 15:49:42 2016

G: This is AU version of my character, Spike, in his 'cat' form. His name in this universe is Traveler, and, well, yes - he can travel trough the worlds. I think his mask is a part of the space suit. xP And the Rubik's Cube is a magical... communicator? Probably!


Sun Dec 11 21:24:51 2016

L: This is Antiquity, the most famous person in Shang-La. She is a singer and have an awesome style that blows minds of everyone, because she loves top hats and jackets, and red is her favorite color. Her voice is low and deep, almost sounds like male. Radio stations adore to invite her for reading "radio TV" - a strange thing that Discordia love a lot. Antiq don't use just a regular microphone - her weapon is a MEGAPHONE. So, Roui is her fan and his clothes style mostly based on Antiquity's.

Spike and Odette

Sun Dec 11 21:22:16 2016

L: Our new OC! Odette is mine and Spike is Grimm's. We already like them, but we still use Gilchrist and Staaf anyway. Also, this couple will appear in Asomatous too.

Mereoak concept

Thu Dec 8 02:21:27 2016

A small tree with a wooden heart, that is material for wedding bracelet. Rare, magical tree, that were grown in the garden of Black Baron. A blue substance is an amber.

Ayelahai WIP

Tue Dec 6 15:34:17 2016

L: Coloring took almost the whole day! I can't believe that. I draw commission in the first half of the day and then, when Grimm draw a background for it, I tried to finish this diorama. Still far away from the end.


Mon Dec 5 20:29:50 2016

L: Wow... I draw something that is not related with our projects x) Here is sketches of Nomes, Elbalyamian tsourai. Girl is Uajee and the male one is Bakari. Quistra pretend to be one of Nomes, yeah. Black Pilgrim are King of his tribe. He has bird-ish hindpaws and bird scull under his mask. Nomes created basilisks, and pavlinkas, if you remember them, are one of these creatures.

Pacify her

Mon Dec 5 14:52:53 2016

"Don't be sad, kitten... Why did she said that?"


Asomatous 2, 11-12

Mon Dec 5 12:25:19 2016

Yes!! We finally reached the one of important events in this chapter.


2-11-12%20RUS%20%28posting%29.jpg 2-11-12%20ENG%20%28posting%29.jpg

Killer Queen

Sat Dec 3 12:40:38 2016

Guarantee to blow your mind



Commission for Captyins! We just adore characters like this, okay xD

Why did we post it here? Because you will see the bigger version in attachment and also PSD file with layers.

%D0%9A%D0%9E%D0%A8%D0%9A%D0%90_done_patreon.jpg captyns_patreon_psd.psd (d)


Fri Dec 2 16:09:24 2016

Quistra, the antagonist from "The Endless Circle of Wolves"

Fan-character concept

Fri Dec 2 16:05:07 2016

Reward for patron Sol aka Xae'Shiir! Awesome character

Fan-character concept

Fri Dec 2 16:03:37 2016

Reward for our Patron GrossPhillippe!

The Hill Camp, finished

Fri Dec 2 11:39:58 2016

Yey! Hope you like it~ The right wagon is Brilla's vardo. And Roui's home also.


Thu Dec 1 17:35:03 2016

All content of November were posted here, sooo no more archives. :> Probably.

Ayelahai diorama

Tue Nov 29 11:37:25 2016

L: I work on extended version of sahash reference :> I will update anatomy features and something else, but the most important thing is countries. Country reference is a diorama with national color, some architecture details, flora + fauna and, of course, clothes. Looks difficult, but actually it's pretty simple.

Going to the marquee

Tue Nov 29 11:35:09 2016

CG art for the novel ?

Raise from the dead!

Mon Nov 28 01:40:26 2016

L: "- Do you ever sleep?" "- Err... No?"


Yes, this piece is done!

Also, here are original files in attachments.

IaP_night.jpg IaP_day.jpg

The Hill Camp

Sun Nov 27 19:21:29 2016

Almost done!


Sat Nov 26 12:33:49 2016

The Black Baron, Shayon (Roui's customer), his sister Mervary, the Red Baroness, and his wife Rosa.

Finished frame

Fri Nov 25 13:38:58 2016

L: I colored and renedered one of my favorite frame~ Almost. We'll add frogs in the tank, it was Natalie's idea :>

Asomatous pages WIP

Thu Nov 24 14:11:59 2016

L: I planned to finish it a week ago, but I'm too busy with VN. Anyway, I proceed to work on it. THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP ME.


Thu Nov 24 11:56:34 2016

Work in progress. Sorry, my brain is too small to write long description, but I'll do it later


Thu Nov 24 11:54:48 2016

Just an illustration.

Character finding for Oniroy

Wed Nov 23 11:25:16 2016

More details later

Mr Bird

Mon Nov 21 19:41:34 2016

Actually it's not his name, but I can't say nothing right now. First human character from Crown of Leaves :> Nerdy. P.S. Cat's name is Aspid.

Team work

Mon Nov 21 13:19:12 2016

Working on the project xD

Femi and Drobeski

Mon Nov 21 13:07:39 2016

Just a quick sketch :>

CoL - Rasko's vardo

Fri Nov 18 16:31:08 2016

One more background is done!

This vardo belongs to Rasko, Serban's older brother and a local police officer. You can say that this is a bachelor's house and you will be right - Rasko have no wife, but, well, he is womanizer. So he changes his 'beloved' like a woman changes clothes. Also, he is not a very good cop.

CoL - street cafe sketch

Fri Nov 18 16:23:59 2016

This is one of the last backgrounds from our to-do list. We are going to finish it asap, so the finished version will appear here very soon!

It's a street latorian cafe - there are still a lot of these in the countryside. Tourists from the other countries come to Latory to live in wagons, to eat in cafes like this, so they can 'live like a gypsy' as they believe. But the truth is that the cities is gradually replacing the villages, so most of Latorians live in small apartments and don't lead a nomadic lifestyle.

Main menu theme

Thu Nov 17 13:24:07 2016

Waltz by Shaikin Vladimir, music for the main menu.

Isometric Roui

Wed Nov 16 13:02:13 2016

L: It's a part of the game interface, an icon for a character in the Convolute (aka information journal). It was Grimm's idea, but it takes too much time to draw all of the characters in this style, so we'll give it a try a bit later. Therefore, you will see the simplest version of the Convolute in the first build.

Golden lizard

Tue Nov 15 19:33:25 2016

Nowhere-themed scene, surprisingly. We are very busy with Shang-La work and we have no time for other settings/stories, but I saw my old art (2013)with this creature yesterday and decided to draw something new with her.

:) She loves gold so much. She is a vulchie, but her look changed by some reason, so she is not anthro and has no wings at all.


Tue Nov 15 11:53:28 2016

Roui hates paprika. But his family is engaged in the cultivation of this vegetable, so there is no choice for him sometimes.

Kudret sprite

Mon Nov 14 13:44:27 2016

We with owners of Kudret and Fael decided to involve their characters in the one quest. Me and Grimm think about it right now :>

Character finding for Igneous

Sun Nov 13 18:31:21 2016

We did a sketch of Alain, Igneous's character ? He is a cute guy, wearing comfy sweater, and he is also an alchemist.

Character finding for Faelin

Sun Nov 13 01:47:19 2016

It's happening :>

We started to work on fan-characters cameo for "Crown of Leaves". This is Faellin's original character aka Fael (or Fale :>) Belohvost, she is a scientist from Nouri. More info will come later!

P.S.: YES, she have a tiny axper as an "item" :D

Lake background

Sat Nov 12 22:37:59 2016

Today we finished one more bg! Actually two, because we changed a lot of things in the night version. Grimm made the most of the work, I just rendered it :> And we simply forgot to compile any WIPs, because our laptops freezed as hell. But Grimm saved the linework!

Angry Serban (animated)

Fri Nov 11 20:22:44 2016

I just realised that I forgot to add an animation with him and that file a few posts below was just a jpg (???????????)

So here is a gif.

Profile screen

Fri Nov 11 17:54:23 2016

We finished design of profile screen. Here you can see:

1. HP stat

2. Progress bars ("ciphers found", "locations opened", "gained items")

3. Inventory


Guys, who have an access to demos - be prepared, because you will get a small build in the nearest future!

Sanera new design

Fri Nov 11 17:44:54 2016

We fully redesigned Sanera :> She is more adult and calm girl than we thought earlier and colors of her clothes should be quiet.

And news! Now 1 lvl patrons have an early access to CoL materials, that will be released publicy. That means you will see sketches, screenshots and much more. That's fair enough~

Explanation for 5 lvl patrons!

Wed Nov 9 23:33:14 2016

Here is a small explanation of 5 lvl reward!


Wed Nov 9 22:53:44 2016


Bakers WIP

Wed Nov 9 22:37:31 2016

L: Linework done by Grimm!

Bakers WIP

Wed Nov 9 13:53:51 2016

L: More WIPs :3 So, I finished sketch, and now Grimm will line this up.

Bakers WIP

Wed Nov 9 13:25:43 2016

Working on commissioned rapodas right now ? P.S. I will post more WIPs here, but for higher lvl patrons

Angry Serban

Tue Nov 8 19:38:41 2016

L: Seems we got a bunch of angry sahash there! I did this sprite today. And I definitely deserved a rest...


Tue Nov 8 11:44:32 2016

Just concept of Drobeski's fiance. Her name is Femi.
I read S.King's "Black House". Bear Girl - surprise - inspired me to create a character that I imagined as her (and I think she looks different in origin).
I'm not sure will she appear in the novel, so this is sketch for all patrons :>

Mad Rook final concept

Tue Nov 8 11:40:40 2016


Lox, test "battlescreen"

Mon Nov 7 22:22:49 2016

Actually, it's not a real battle, because Roui is not good at fighting. This is... Kind of a... Puzzle?
This snake is a guardian of the "door". Snakes like this called "loxes". There are a lot of other loxes in the game world and each of them have a unique name.
Their speech is a cipher, that you should unravel first. You type an answer, and if you were wrong, lox will bite you. It's simple.

We will print the English version of "Asomatous" with extra-materials!

Mon Nov 7 21:43:56 2016

Wow! We finally reached the goal of $400 on our Patreon! This means that we can finally work on the printed version of the 1-th chapter of 'Asomatous' in ENGLISH.

The printed version has an obvious advantage over the web-version: first, you can hold it in your arms! xD
The smell of the fresh ink, the bright colors on thicker paper... Yes, it's amazing. But it will be even better with all the additional materials, that can be found only in the printed version: the extra information about Shang-La world, it's culture, creatures and 'Asomatous' characters, plus lots of unposted art!
So, right now we will begin the pre-printing process. We will finish the translation - it's 100% done by this moment, but we still need a proofreading to make it ideal. We will create the layout of the printed comic book and page composition, will work with ENG fonts, etc.
By the time we finish the layout, we will re-organize Patreon rewards - we need to add a new discount system and think up the new tiers - such as free printed comic-book for those who want to get it, or small bonus sketches with Idow or other characters.
The printed version of the comic book will be released in December/January!

Mad Rook

Mon Nov 7 20:24:42 2016

We already concepted Mad Rook earlier, but, being a little unsatisfied with his appearance, we did more variants... And it was too boring. So we get back to previous variant. It's a sketchy sprite for him. Mad Rook is real? Of course he is!

CoL - background - The abandoned place

Sat Nov 5 23:21:08 2016

Well... If you don't want to see yourself totally spoiled, don't even ask about the story that lies behind this place. ;P

Let it stay a mystery for now.

CoL - CG art - Happy Roui

Sat Nov 5 23:14:56 2016

It's a first CG art that player can see in the novel. Here you can see our old friend Roui, he looks so happy doing his job for the rich baron.He does not know yet that soon his life will be ruined.

COL - Angry Junyver

Sat Nov 5 23:12:14 2016

Another one sprite emotion, this time for Juny!

What an angry little cat she is.


Fri Nov 4 12:31:20 2016

Guys, we want to make a small video interview about our projects. Please, help us with this idea ????
Ask us something about Asomatous and Crown of Leaves!

Juny, new sprites

Thu Nov 3 21:55:38 2016

VERY EMOTIONAL When I draw her, I suddenly made her similar to Idow, so I tried to fix it.

Junyver sprite set

Thu Nov 3 14:22:45 2016

Almost finished set of Juny. I'm planning to add more, two or three - angry, annoyed and with glasses.


Wed Nov 2 15:30:03 2016

L: We are always trying to find more comfortable platform to repost public content of Patreon. Google+ is too useless, Facebook is not very handy. So we set our heart on Twitter. Fast and easy to twit. Okay. I debated with oneself.

We doesn't like Twitter though (and any social resources either).

Anyway, here is a link!

Roui reference sheet

Wed Nov 2 15:18:15 2016

Yas, I did layout x3


Wed Nov 2 14:55:55 2016

Archives were sent!

October was a months of Crown's, and we collected a large pack of CoL materials... But 1 lvl is too small. We are very sorry for that and we will fix it in November.

We appreciate your opinion, so you could comment below :3

Wait a second

Tue Nov 1 22:33:41 2016

Patreon have some strange issues with payments, so we should wait a couple of day before that all our patrons will be proceeded. Don't worry about that.

We'll send you Ocrober archive ASAP!

P.S.: Also, quick question - should we drop archives to your PM or we can post it right here? Would it be more comfortable to you?

Working space

Mon Oct 31 12:48:37 2016

Photo of our new temporary working space... We'll move in December ? A lot of feathers there and some Gravity Falls doodles on the wall, if you could see it.

Hey hey hey

Sat Oct 29 09:05:46 2016

Hey, folks! I think we should discuss something. Maybe you will request some video test from CoL? Just tell us, what you would love to see, and we'll rec it. We'll use requested video to create trailers in the future :> And we could put your nicknames there as our supporters.

COL video - main menu and game process

Fri Oct 28 21:52:00 2016

Here we go!

Rapoda sketch

Fri Oct 28 21:00:40 2016

Why not to show something from the previous month?

Roui reference sheet

Thu Oct 27 20:09:25 2016

L: Still in progress! I have to create some beautiful layout here and put some info here. I hate layouting lol


Thu Oct 27 20:03:08 2016

And another one for you. Yes, this game will be fully translated into ENG, but for now it's just a test, so we used RUS version of Roui name here. %)
It's not a fake screen, it was taken from the VN itself. Junyver


Wed Oct 26 16:07:24 2016

G: Small seria that I sketched a day ago, after watching 'Mr.Robot' TV show. I'm sure I'll finishit it oneday, but not sure when exactly. Yes, this was drawn with my half-dead wacom, so it's binary inked xD

This pictures have one theme for all of them, but I can't tell you what the theme it is. I guess it's obvious, thought. xP

Stay with us!

Tue Oct 25 09:21:59 2016

This month we worked on technic side of CoL, so here is not so much art. Anyway, you will see some CG-art, Roui's sprites, gifs, backgrounds... And something else. Also we will try to rec video :>

Roui reference

Sat Oct 22 22:06:33 2016

Heeeey, what do we have here? Almost undressed Roui ? A small spoiler~

Hands up

Fri Oct 21 17:56:39 2016

Now with colors. Yep.His name isGarrys, he is a vulchie from the Nowhere setting, and I have no idea what else to add here.

Latest sketches

Fri Oct 21 13:18:35 2016

G: I need to finish all of them, and I need to do it quick x)

From left to right: TFTBL fanart (Jack and Rhys, lol), western styled Vulchie, Lonely Ghost and Sanera, Lonely Ghost and... well, hands.

Learn to count first!

Fri Oct 21 12:47:37 2016

G: Just a simple sketch of Lin's flampot, he is a bit agressive, I don't know why xD I want to finish it later.

Fire dance

Thu Oct 20 18:00:25 2016

L: I started with another idea, "animal trainer", and finished with "fire dancer". At last, I always draw her with her roumenrou, so she is always animal trainer xD Idow like fire. A lot.

CoL test screen

Mon Oct 17 20:14:34 2016

We must to demonstrate something :>
There is test of Roui's emotion and background that Grimm very proud of.

Roui humanization

Sat Oct 15 08:54:37 2016

L: Hi folks. At night I did draw a small portait of human Roui, just for fun. I based on Hale Appleman, because he is the closest type to Roui's face. And he is handsome. Gothic gypsy, haha

CoL CG, sketch

Fri Oct 14 17:55:20 2016

L: Sketch for CG art inside the visual novel :3 Natalie helped me with start sketch a lot. I did it more detailed and, actually, I'm lining it right now. Roui work on his expensive commission, and all around know about that. He proud of himself.

"Me and my teacher"

Fri Oct 14 13:29:37 2016

This doodle will be finished too.

Pacify her

Fri Oct 14 13:24:33 2016

L: Sketch from previous months, Kinlek and Idow. I got an idea. In October I will finish some old sketches with Idow, including this one and "animal trainer". So it will be month for Idow's sake hahaha

Sanera redesign

Thu Oct 13 15:29:56 2016

So we found that Sanera looks too boring to us. She must be bright and #COOLGIRL, and her first concept is not cool enough. Or is not hot enough. No matter. Trying to find new outfit style and new haircut.

Halloween: Idow the animal trainer

Thu Oct 13 01:37:01 2016

L: A little doodle of Idow's Halloween costume. ? Just a sketch of the base idea~

The "Crown of Leaves" - Roui - CG art

Mon Oct 10 20:19:53 2016

It's a first CG art that you can get, playing the COL.

It's Roui, and he is lying. Yes, he is also sad x)

WIP Asomatous 2-11,12

Sat Oct 8 20:28:57 2016

Here is the next two :>

I hope we'll finish it before month will end.

Asomatous 2-8,9

Sat Oct 8 20:22:09 2016

Okay! We work only with facing pages now. I mean, we doesn't draw separated pages anymore, only two at once.




Sat Oct 8 20:00:13 2016

Roui's cousin. They have a good relationship, but the boy is really annoying. Surprisingly restrained in emotions and it seems like it's difficult to surprise him. Episodic character.


Sat Oct 8 19:55:52 2016

Sister of Emeral. Very gross woman. She raise garden truck for the market, generally sweet pepper.

And she hates Roui soooooo much.

Emeral 2

Sat Oct 8 19:54:33 2016

Confused Emeral :>


Sat Oct 8 19:50:19 2016

She is mother of Roui. She's pretty nice person, even though she smokes gypsy hand-rolled cigarettes and playing cards a lot. Episodic character.

Roui again

Sat Oct 8 19:39:51 2016

Releasing September gif pack!

We fixed his tail :> And that's much better.

This animation will be in profile screen in game and Roui's appearance will reflect his condition.

Idow, Idow

Sat Oct 8 19:36:48 2016

L: Simple September drawing that I did, listening Eluti's ost "Secret in a box".

Thank you!

Sun Oct 2 09:23:39 2016

So here is traditional version of commissional rapoda Pomegranate :> Leave your comments here :> What did you like, what you would love to see in the future, any ideas for improving the patreon content?


Sat Oct 1 22:31:26 2016

Tomorrow we will send you September pack.

This story will come true. We know that.

Fri Sep 30 20:07:24 2016

Now, when "Crown of Leaves" is not just a title or collection of fancy concepts, we decided to release some of project stuff publicy. Just because of your support, patrons. Your interest make us work faster and create quality content. Of course, it take time. A lot. In fact, here is just two of us, no one else - just we and a bunch of script, sprites, code and backgrounds that we should do. When it will be done, we'll get support from musican and composer Eluti, and our friend, also psychologist, Natalie De Corsair - she will carefully detalize our characters.
So, guys. Here is the difference between Patreon content and Publicy content.


Thu Sep 29 19:56:47 2016

Hey guys, stay with us. Because you will get an awesome September pack. We guarantee that.


Sun Sep 25 15:03:23 2016

Grimm draw young and cute Oswald Gase. No doubt, when he grew up, he will never show his teenage photos to anyone.


Thu Sep 22 20:09:00 2016

Miss her?
Idow is always ready to give you a smile.

Crocodile mount

Wed Sep 21 14:18:18 2016

Just an idea, I will draw more detailed concept when I'll get to my laptop and wacom.

Who is there

Tue Sep 20 07:48:32 2016

L: It's Kezee for you... Again :> I glad you like her, guys. She is not an angelic person, as many another lady characters in "Alsomatous".

Yesterday was a crazy day, we with friends were in the sea on a boat... Duuuuh

Kezee doodle

Sun Sep 18 14:56:49 2016

Without wig now :>

And ugly crocodile study, duh

Roui's clothes

Sat Sep 17 11:20:38 2016

Concepting of Roui's fullbody and his clothes. We'll use this animation in a game.

(L: Honestly, I'm not truly satisfied with this animation, but I'll take it as a piece of experience ok)

Roui's expressions

Sat Sep 17 11:18:03 2016

We did draw more side images already, so we can release a few of them.


Sat Sep 17 11:17:21 2016

We decided to release some of the Crown's stuff. Just a little.

Protagonist of our visual novel "Crown of Leaves". He looks like a serious guy, but he is not.

ACM - Kezee, first concept

Sat Sep 17 10:58:22 2016

Releasing sketch concept of her from July.
We definitely surprised ourselves, creating a lot of woman characters there.


Sat Sep 17 10:51:07 2016

Probably you remember the concept of this girl from July archive. Her name is Kezee (ignore name finding on the sketch) and she is a cruel queen from El-Balyama. You will see her in Asomatous, her role is... err, pretty important there.
Thinking about her outfit.

Elbalyamian random stuff

Fri Sep 16 12:01:41 2016

Some face drawings and crocodile practice... Ready for concepting reptile beasts.

Am I a good student?

Fri Sep 16 07:00:21 2016

Releasing August art.

There is still a mystery around these two. Black Pilgrim were teaching Idow when she were young, but then [spoiler] and then [spoiler], so they [spoiler].
Really, we just can't tell ????????????

Inner monsters

Fri Sep 16 06:57:50 2016

We didn't released this art here? :0

L: I love this art so much. Grimm made it as a gift for both of us - here is Staaf and Gilchrist, our -sonas, who successfully avoided all their “monsters”. Grimm tried to draw them in style of “Over the garden wall”.


Thu Sep 15 17:15:33 2016

Some elbalyamian stuff.
Matree sahash have a spots like bengal cats, but they try to make their body more black with antimony.
Elbalyamian clothes is not truly Egyptian, more like 1920 stylisation.
Also matree's natural hair colour is blond, so it's the reason to shave it and make a dark wigs.

Beylerian clothes concept

Wed Sep 14 15:54:13 2016

Do you want some daily sketches, before this month end? We out of our workplaces and wacom tablets etc, but we has a sketchbook! We decided to post some stuff here only for patrons. No matter will it go somewhere public or not, soooo...

We are thinking about Beylerian clothes and decided to add a little steampunk-ish features (not too much, because we are not into steampunk at all). Beylerians loves skirts ???? Not only woman.

Shang-La is not a medieval world, mostly close to XIX century probably, but there is no powder and fireguns either.

Croislax’s house

Wed Sep 7 11:16:33 2016

L: When you came to Croislax’s house, you may pretend for the best service. If you have money, of course.
Croislax is a co-owner of “bagiji house” (brothel). She rules her little love-kingdom with her husband, Shoum-Sham.
And she loves dogs!
Sketch-scene from July, from Patreon materials~

Hiding place

Wed Sep 7 11:13:48 2016

Wooohooo, it's a very special commission for our friend and patron, Ahst and her friend, Rahl!
And here you can see Ceryl again, this guy was also shown in our comic, Asomatous.

He is sahash of phurra nation, a serious guy with a serious blade. But he can be romantic too, you know x) Some info that Ahst gave us herself:
“ We talked about how Ceryl and Rahl would work together, and it made sense that Rahl would be a fabric/textile merchant, and that Ceryl would often work escort duty for him. Somewhere along the way they became secret, occasional lovers as well.”

It's good to draw something from our setting as a commission, very interesting and unusual for us.
Sahash belongs to us, characters belongs to their owners.

Thank you!

Sun Sep 4 16:52:08 2016

Hello, guys!
First of all, thank you very much for your help and support. You are still here, and it's mean a lot for us. This month was full of everyday work, commissions and stuff, but we did some progress on our projects anyway, as well as on the personal art and scenery. :)
That means two things, first - we have new pages of 'Asomatous' to show to you, second - we will upload another one video with 'Crown of leaves' spoilers soon. Just stay touched. ^^

We will be uploading art from the previous art-packs soon too, as well as the samples of things that will come next in September.

Livid goddess

Thu Aug 25 08:41:31 2016

Angry Jah-Nin


Thu Aug 25 08:40:40 2016

Kinlek from June


Thu Aug 25 08:38:53 2016

Kinlek from June.

Lantern fuel

Thu Aug 25 08:35:03 2016

L: mine rapoda-character, mistress Redmaple (her theme is Acer japonicum). She is an adult one, but looks young.
Her sense of life (or she thinks so) - collecting fuel for Rapoda’s lanterns.

Grimm did the sketch, linework and colouring; I shaded and rendered the rest of it.

Asomatous WIP

Tue Aug 16 00:16:42 2016

Working on the new bg for 12 page~

Still need to finish a lot of work here and there. But things are happening FINALLY.

Crown of leaves video sample

Fri Aug 12 00:11:30 2016

It's pretty sketchy, but it shows the 'game' process of our novel, so we want to share it with you. :)

Thank you again for your support! Video file is in the attachment. Just press 'download' to get it work.

You can see two sahash ladies here - left one is Roui's mother and the right one is his aunt.

sample001.mp4 (d)

Stay with us!

Sat Jul 30 13:00:41 2016

We almost collected July art archive and will send it soon. Unfortunately, we have no time to create a PDF-sketchbook, so you will get just a folder with sketches first. PDF - a little later.
Thank you for staying with us!

Going home

Wed Jul 13 09:36:51 2016

Hello, guys! We are not dead, but just a little out of the Net right now. We will be back home to Moscow tomorrow, with lots of new stuff for you, of course.

This summer rocks!


Yes, this is Roui from the "Crown of Leaves", our novel. And Gravity Falls fanart that we did just for fun.

Finally meet

Sun Jul 3 11:19:54 2016

When Pakpao has grown up, she turned into sahash and decided to live outside her tribe, not leaving it “officially”. She haunted in abandoned temples in Ayelahai, thinking thoughts about her Queen and stolen “maverick”. Her friend, grahn-merchant Torella, was with her up to a certain time, but then he had to go.

Here is an illustration of meeting between Pakpao and Quistra. I don’t know really, what they are talking about, but it’s not a friendly chatting.

Pakpao loves pavlinkas, ayelahaian basilisks, that were created by Quistra. She have a special one, her own lovely pet (apart from a bunch of another tamed pavlinkas).

"Asomatous": second poster for comic contest

Sat Jul 2 11:54:12 2016

And another one x3

"Asomatous": first poster for comic contest

Sat Jul 2 11:44:43 2016

We made two posters for the Russian comics contest , named " Author's comics " . It takes place in one of the Russian cities, Samara, but it's too far from Moscow so we can't be there personally, just like you, guys. xD But participation in such of Event is nice thing.


Sat Jul 2 11:16:07 2016

Another scenery from this month that we will post for all Patron levels.

It's a picture that was drawn"accidentally", first it was just two separated sketches - male faces and wolf muzzle practise. But we finished it and gave it alittle back story.

"The Crown of Leaves" - Sanera and her suji

Sat Jul 2 11:10:58 2016

We decided to post this scenery for all of our Patrons.

This is Sanera, on of the characters from our novel, and her pet - sujidaro, named Rono.

Stay with us! Art-packs + visual novel news

Fri Jul 1 15:44:56 2016

Dear friends! We can share our good news with you - from this month not only sketches, WIPs and comic pages of "Asomatous" will be posed here, but also some of the exclusive materials for our second project, a visual novel named "Crown of Leaves".

We started working on this little "game" a few months ago, but have not 100% confidence that this project will be serious. But now we have the first scenario written, the first set of main characters sprites and one finished background to start with. The beta version of the first game scene is already done, as well as the main menu, but it is still in Russian and very sketchy, so it's too early to post it here right now. :)

"Crown of Leaves" is a fantasy story, a bit grim and mysterious, it takes place in Latori, the 'gypsy' country of Shang-La. The main hero of this novel is a young parba man, Rui, and he will be solving the mystery of nagas tsourai, the Sualokin tribe.

All patrons, starting from 2nd level,will have access to our workflow, will see the first concepts of the characters and environments, as well as be able to see how they change during the work on the novel.

All the materials you'll find in the art-pack for your category.


For those, who never heard about visual novels:

"A Visual Novel is genre of video games (I like to think of it as an interactive storytelling medium, as there isn’t really much gameplay), that’s similar to Choose Your Own Adventure books and Adventure games from the 90’s. As the name implies, Visual Novels are text heavy, but they usually have music, voice acting and stills of characters to help you get absorbed into the story. The biggest gameplay aspect of a Visual novel is choices; The player has to decide what the protagonist does in the form of options. The options can lead you to different story plotlines called routes, or they could just lead you to a bad end and you’ll have to try again."



Thu Jun 23 19:30:01 2016

Sketches from Grimm's sketchbook!
We have just a few sceneries this month, but there is a lot of neat sketches and colored fullbodies though ????

Oh no! Maxwell was trapped! • Nowhere + DS fanart

Wed Jun 15 21:00:56 2016

See the full art in attachment ;)


G: I wanted to draw somethingsensual and elegant, yet sexy with myMaxwell rapoda, so I finished with this picture.

I suspect that it would not be so difficult for him to get out of this trap... But maybe this "uncomfortable" position is also rather pleasant in some degree?

You choose.



Wed Jun 15 20:32:15 2016

Scenery from the May art-archive. ^^

The name of this flampot is Ives, and yes, it's our new character, we just couldn't resist the desire to adopt him xD Helives in Padmire, and now you can see how he got into serious trouble and lose his pot.

We wanted to show you the real body shape of flampots. Just like snails, they carry a ceramic "shell", but they don't dependon it too much, so flampots won't die if their pot will be broken by accident.

Their pots are made by hands of adult flampots or other tsourai. Flampots children receive their first pot as a gift fortheir first birthday.

Being not just porcelain, but also magical their kettle quickly grows to a liquid body of its owner, and increases in sizewith the growth of the child. Growth slows down when the child reaches the adulthood, and from this moment the pot will staywith its owner forever - in theory. But there are different situations, life is life. Flampots can lose their kettlessometimes - because of an accident, or animals attack, disease, etc. Losing such an important part of their body can be verypainful, it's always a great sorrow for flampots. But, happily, they still can make a new "shell" for themselves (or asksomeone else to do it for them).

By the way, the body of this creature is really made of some sort of liquid or murky jelly, from chest to thighs. Theseparate bones and organs can be seen through its surface, the liquid itself is hot as boiling water. The blood of flampotsis black.


Special thanks to Natalie for helping us out with this art, she drew us the first sketch


June sketchbook spoilers!

Tue Jun 14 09:53:57 2016

We bought sketchbooks and markers, yey!

2-9 WIP

Thu Jun 9 18:19:09 2016

The next page was started! Still thinking about framing, but we approved this layout between each other

Asomatous 2-8

Wed Jun 8 02:42:09 2016


If you see any mistakes in translation, you can poke us to fix it.


New page was delayed very much, because it is really too complex and detailed. We really has become slower, but - we hope - our works looks more qualitative at all!

So, this all make us to think about new schedule. Or rather about removing any schedule. We will post every new page for our patrons "as it will be done", but for public we'll stop the ongoing to collect pages while month or two. 


Our Google+

Tue Jun 7 12:16:49 2016

Hello, folks!
We created Google+ profile specially for Patreon content. We think about new way of Patreon activity, so you can follow us there.
Please, give us your nickname and your patreon email via notes there, if you want to subscribe on our news, so we can add you to the private google circle.
We'll update it soon!

Page 2-8 WIP

Mon Jun 6 23:19:33 2016


Work on this page is unexpectably hard, a lot of details aaaand human's face, of course.I love to draw human faces, but gosh, it is crazy.


Mon Jun 6 17:57:34 2016

L: Tomorrow is Grimm's birthday :>

I draw our OCs in some hipster-like outfits (nowdays variation of ayelahaian clothes; and yes, there is an easter egg - Bill from Gravity Falls).

Grimm loves rats and want to buy one, but we can't yet. Maybe, someday, and by now I gifted her cute virtual rat.

For real, I gifted to Grimm the Batman comic "Noel" and I want to buy one more gift... that is secret.

One day!

Sun Jun 5 22:34:38 2016

Another page was delayed for one day. Just one!

P.S.: Hope you liked the May archive~ ♥

Stay with us

Sun May 29 22:26:19 2016

The new art-pack is almost there! x3

Asomatous 2-7

Tue May 24 17:09:47 2016


I think we should to compensate your expectation and post this page earlier than we wanted.

So, this is the last page of Kin's dream... Time to wake up.

Idow glad to see her sister and extend a warm welcome to her.

Why so sad, Kinlek?


The next page will be posted 5 June. We'll make a new schedule.

Work space

Sun May 22 13:47:16 2016

Grimm's and mine workplaces x3 There is so much junk around, so we had to take the ironing board and use it as a table xD

You can see some fan-stuff, like Don't starve figurine or passport covers with Gravity Falls prints on it xP Oh, andScott Pilgrim of course!

Asomatous: 2, 6 page

Sun May 22 13:37:23 2016

FINALLY! The next page will be here soon, too.

> A small note: the text at the bottom of the page is written in vildomeade. It's a global language, which brings together all kinds of people and sahash on Shang-La, as well as tsourai too.

Writing of its letters varies toward simplification or complication In different countries, so the words can seem unreadable to the different nations if they will try to read books from other countries.

Though Kinlek knows many languages, she can't understand a single word of the language that is shown on this page.

Ready for the next month artpack <3

Wed May 18 17:32:04 2016

It's only 18th of May.... but we have some tasty art for you already. Wait a little for the end of the month, and you will get it xP

As for now - we want to share spoilers. Everybody loves it.

Progress ~

Wed May 18 13:06:33 2016

We are still alive, yap

The field

Mon May 16 16:08:37 2016

Scenery from the previous art-pack. Here is Urmanchie's little brother, Lafrid, shown as a kid.

He seriously believed that he could catch the paper birds and use them to fly from Padmire to the Surface... Maybe in some magical land, that every kid wants to find? But he nearly died in the end, and his parents were very, very unhappy with their stupid son's behavior.

You have to hunt birds, not ride on them in an attempt to reach a silly dream, you fool! Grow up and become a man, like your brother. If you will not do this, then only Book knows what will happen to you in the future...

Asomatous, 2-6 WIP

Fri May 13 14:08:35 2016

So, we proceeded with pages ^^

This time, Grimm did the sketch. Right now I do the linework.

Red dog

Thu May 12 22:36:40 2016

A small animation drawn as a test. Lins did everything exept coloring and bg xP


Reuploaded the better and longer version of this xD

Flampot sketches

Tue May 10 19:25:28 2016

We just finished to work on our adopts/commissions, and get a few minutes to draw something personal.

This little fellow belongs to us, so we desided to draw him more. And why not to show it to you too?


Tue May 10 12:25:29 2016

L: Once again we must to notice you, that the next page will be delayed a little. I just hope we will not abandon "Asomatous".

We got a crazy month this time, really.

Shang-La • Sualokin's hunt [WIP]

Sat May 7 17:12:24 2016

WIP of the scenery that we wish to finish as soon as we will have our chance.

Alex redesign

Sat May 7 17:06:38 2016

I hope this is a last time weredesign him xD

This character is old like Earth, he was our human-OC first in 2010, but we wanted him to be an anthro after all. We designed the jadu-form for him back in 2012/13, but we wasn't sure about his color palette.

Now it's the final result, I guess.

Nui flying

Sun May 1 23:17:31 2016

Cute little scenery with our character, Nui.

You saw this lady before, here >

March art-dump!

Sat Apr 30 19:05:06 2016

Well, now it's... BIG xD


Wait. There is Lansu too.

Maltrazur official reference

Sat Apr 30 18:42:02 2016

<3 This picture was a part of the March art-pack. And we love how this ref turned out.

We were working on this character for a long time, he changed just a little, if we will look at his very first design, but he is still... He xD

We will talk about his nature later, when the Shang theme will be fully shown in the 'Asomatous' comic story.


Since his name is 'Мальтразур' in Russian, we have no clue how to show it correctly in English. First we thought it would be 'Malztrazoor', but... Well, you know, all that 'zoo' thing doesn't look good xD So we changed the Eng-version of his name, now he is Maltrazur, with 'u'.

Padmirian grahn

Fri Apr 29 09:42:38 2016

Scenery from the previous March art-pack.

Here is a Padmirian grahn with his 'weapon' - the Needle, that he and his kind use to collect and kill/control dreams.

Patreon special: Linework tutorial

Fri Apr 29 09:39:58 2016

Don't forget that you can ask us to create any kind of art-tutorial for you personally, if you are 20$+ Patron.

Stay with us!

Fri Apr 29 09:37:31 2016

The new art-pack is on it's way to you ~ <3

Asomatous 2-5

Thu Apr 28 15:24:57 2016

As promised... we posted this page with a little delay ^^

The next page

Tue Apr 26 08:31:46 2016

Hello, guys! We are here to warn you, that we can't to post 5th page tomorrow - it will be possible tomorrow or aftertomorrow... We are very, very busy - Lins' dad came to us and we show him Moscow during six days already. Tomorrow there is his train to the town, and we'll back to the work.
But we collected some art this month somehow, so you will see a lot of interesting things there in the end of April.
And 1st May is Lins' birthday, lol

Grahn reference

Sat Apr 16 10:08:51 2016

Do you know... the year has passed away, when we posted previous version of this reference. Grahn changed a little, but in a good way, and now we have a lot of lovely grahn characters.

If you want to know something, just ask! :>


Rewards and Goals

Fri Apr 15 16:04:08 2016

We have a few update here, again!

First, we changed the price of patronaging and made it lower. If you want - you can edit your pledge right now!

Second, we will add goals step by step. When we'll reach a current goal, we'll post a poll here to ask you about innovations in our Patreon and then we'll make another one goal.


Thu Apr 14 09:52:29 2016

• Lansu and his father

breastpins • Kahli

Thu Apr 14 09:51:32 2016

Kahli portrait.

Next pack preview

Thu Apr 14 09:49:56 2016

You will see this picture in the full size + wips, and many more x)

Asomatous 2-4

Wed Apr 13 09:29:11 2016

We love dandelions. '

But Kinlek didn't. She have anemotional upheaval that related with this flower and... with Idow too. So she just gotoff into a faint.

2-4.jpg 2-4_rus.jpg

New page spoiler

Mon Apr 11 14:47:08 2016

Just a small part of the page that you will see here very soon in the full glory x)

Nowhere • Onion the Rapoda

Sun Apr 10 14:52:00 2016

Our character, he isOnion as you can see - we will use him on the new Rapoda reference.

Shang-La • Sarissa and her animals

Wed Apr 6 15:37:33 2016


breastpins • Mahleesia

Wed Apr 6 15:30:39 2016

Mahleesia portrait :)

The Endless Circle of Wolves (FULL rar archive)

Tue Apr 5 10:35:11 2016

Full novel! Rus and Eng version in attachments.

tECoW_-_ENG_full.rar (d) tECoW_-_RUS_full.rar (d)

ACM • guys concept

Fri Apr 1 17:15:32 2016

Do you remember them? They are brothers, and it seems like we loved them too much after all xD

Stay with us ;)

Fri Apr 1 12:49:15 2016

The March archieves are on it's way to you!

Shang-La • Sarissa's enara

Thu Mar 31 14:08:02 2016

This cute girl belongs toSarissa, the sahash.

Shang-La • Etker and Nui

Thu Mar 31 14:05:51 2016

The finished version of this picture :)

Asomatous 2: Hunting for Dreams, 3 page [Eng + Rus]

Wed Mar 30 18:41:41 2016

Sorry for delay :>

2-3.jpg 2-3_rus.jpg

Dzishi color schemes

Tue Mar 29 21:38:48 2016

Just a few examples :)

Shang-La, Dzishi

Tue Mar 29 21:28:24 2016

Dzishi is a dog breed, that became quite poplular in Ayelahai.

Used for personal protection or as a territory guards, so you can see a lot of these dogs on the territories of the Ayelahai temples. They are actually much more quiet and calm than other breeds, such as the Birdances, for example, which are very noisy and active.

Shang-La • Padmir • Gargoyle

Sun Mar 27 19:22:49 2016

These small puppet-creatures were made by Grahn, who create them as vessels for the nightmares or good dreams. Thus, Grahn can use dreams for their own purposes.

Shang-La • Todeo

Sun Mar 27 19:17:33 2016 spring centaurus. It's something like a curse,so we can say thatTodeo is a cursed sahash. It's hard being a centaurus, thisstate is close to thelycanthropy.

And again, reward updating for 4th lvl patrons

Wed Mar 23 20:26:55 2016

For :>

+For patrons, who patronaging us more than 3 months:you can ask us for monthly tutorials personally! Just say what are you interested for (how we make shades and light, how we draw anatomy or liquids, or trees, or... anything else), and we will create a tutorial for you.

(that would be more useful than drawing requests... I believe that)


Для :>

+ Для патронов, наблюдающих за нами больше 3-х месяцев: каждый месяц вы можете реквестить у нас персональный туториал! Просто скажите, что конкретно вас интересует (как мы делаем тени и свет, как рисуем анатомию или жидкости, или деревья, или... все, что угодно), и мы сделаем для вас туториал.

The Endless Circle of Wolves (1st part)

Wed Mar 23 20:13:22 2016

ENG and RUS version in attachment, check carefully!

Well, we have to post it here, before you will get the second part soon :> Also, you will find a spoiler of 5th page in the archive! Just linework, though, but we hope you like it.

We would like to hear your thoughts and question about this novel. ♥ Please, right in the comments.

ENG_-_tECoW_-_1st_part.rar (d) RUS_-_-_1-_.rar (d)

The leatter

Wed Mar 16 11:48:26 2016

The leatters are the very special creatures of the Padmire. They were created by the Book itself, the goddess of the Shang-La, that has no personality, but can be taken as mother Nature (kinda).

So, the leatters are her children. They made of pure ink, and can differ from the colors - Red, Black and White. The Red leattersare already extinct, they became the

material for all of the tsourai/mortals long time ago. The Black leatters still alive, they control the Padmire, like wolves control the life of the forest. They kill weak and old tsourai (by saying 'old' we mean 'too boring for life' because tsourai has no time, so they simply cannot grow old for real), they ensure that no one broke the rules and laws of the Book in Padmire. Black leatters are not too smart, they belong to the Book, they are its "hands and eyes". Those leatters who have the mind and consciousness, as well as personality, become White.

White can be very powerful, but they are rare. Book can use them for some special needs, that can be very different and depends on the situation.

Black leatters have horizontal pupils, they look wild and evil. White leatters look calm, they have a long, soft fur, resembling the fur of the polar foxes.

There are no leatters of any kind on the Surface, so mortals (sahash, humans, roumenrou) have no idea about this creatures at all.

Discordia relaxing (Ahst's request)

Wed Mar 16 11:43:50 2016

It was a request from our friend and Patron,Ahst <3

The theme looks so cool for a drawing like that - it shows the best part ofDiscordia's life xD She looooves to be relaxed, alone with the radio or book, or both.

ACM - Arch-Cora Temple

Wed Mar 16 11:35:59 2016

As the title said, it's the Great Temple, the most famous attraction of the Empire, which you can visit in the Sovaum. This place looks like the small town in the heart of the big city - the temple has over 20 buildings on its territory. Most of them intended for pilgrims and priests, there is a small hotel there, so everyone who believes in Arch-Cora and needs the spiritual help can stay there for a night or two.

ACM - Ayelahaian sahash

Wed Mar 16 11:32:52 2016

A colorful scenery, showing the usual street-life in the center of the Sovaum city.

ACM - the Roumenrou

Wed Mar 16 11:31:13 2016

Love this guy.

Asomatous 2: Hunting for Dreams, 2 page [Eng + Rus]

Tue Mar 15 22:38:19 2016

L: Well, I like to draw Kinlek x3 She looks sad, almost every time you saw her, and her other expressions are so rare and so fun to draw.

Grimm draws backgrounds like a boss.

First attachment is an English version, second - is a Russian version.

Also, welcome to the snowy Ayelahai, everyone!

2-2.jpg 2-2.jpg

ACM • carriage concept

Mon Mar 14 14:34:06 2016

Carriage from the first two pages. Seems to be more or less comfortable.

ACM • Kinlek reference

Mon Mar 14 14:31:05 2016

Well, she is cute, is not she? And lordy as hell.


Mon Mar 14 14:04:25 2016


Etker Trent and No-name-lady from the previous picture :) Having a good time together. Romantically.

<3 Ahh!

Both are jadu, but Lady has bird legs on her first concept, so we draw her in the old-style way for this time. Anyhow, we already corrected it for the future and now she is cat-legged, like all the others of her kind.

Shang-la: jadu lady

Mon Mar 14 13:55:35 2016

Cute girl with the cute ears! It's an old picture, and an old OC design that we now using in our stories again. Her story still needs to be build, but she has the strong personality, based on her vintage beauty.

This lady is a jadu, tsourai clan from Padmire.

Something new

Thu Mar 10 14:54:24 2016

News: we'll post ACM (Asomatous comic materials) here, on Patreon, again. Our page looks too boring without any content, so it will be nice to submit some colored sketches here :D

Also we edited our goals. I discussed this theme with Grimm yesterday, and she offered to make more small goals for different novels, because we REALLY like to draw novels. It's a great way to show our worlds without a bunch of texts.

Requests was extremly hard to us xD I even don't know why. A lot of our patrons even doesn't offer their themes, so we will forget about this... Anyway, we want to make something interesting for rewards. Do you have some ideas, guys? Or you doesn't care about rewards at all?

About comic pages schedule

Sun Mar 6 13:48:14 2016

L: Pages will be post here every two weeks. Why? We have not so many time next months, because I'm studing, and we both - me and Grimm - will draw commissions. So we even will not set a goal "page every week" - not right now at any rate. First of all, we'll post first five pages, and then... we will see :>

But this month you will get 2nd part of "tECoW"-novel and concept art of it. We hope it will be ok for March ^^ But do not worry, in March-archive you will see some art too.

P.S.: just for repeating - we closed for requests. That requests that you gave us in previous months will be done soon.

Asomatous 2, Hunting for dreams: 1 page

Sun Mar 6 13:34:51 2016

Sorry for the late submit! Anyway, we hope you saw 1st page in your archive. Another page we will post here - as always - earlier for patrons.

Schedule for Patreon comic-submits:

1. 02.03.16

2. 16.03.16

3. 30.03.16

4. 13.04.16

5. 27.04.16

Stay with us!

Wed Mar 2 13:06:49 2016

Patreon started to process pledges, so we'll send you a February archives soon!

More TECoW spoilers!

Thu Feb 18 08:58:59 2016

Fresh and tasty x)

Valentine's Day

Sun Feb 14 16:15:55 2016

We has no idea about Valentine's Day in Padmire, but we think there is something like that x3 Luti loves suprises.

That's a small holiday picture for our own... and for you, so we post it here for all our patrons!

(it'sfinished piece of the sketch from January pack, I suppose).

"Secret novel" project

Sun Feb 14 11:40:14 2016

Sneak peek for our patrons!

First page of "The Endless Circle of Wolves" (tECoW). In the end of February you will get the full novel in archive, before we'll release it in public.

Asomatous 2: Hunting for dreams

Sun Feb 14 11:32:39 2016

We forgot to post a cover here xD Well, here it is.

It's Kinlek and her slave, Aradia. And grahn, named Ruraka. They will be the main characters of this chapter.

Secret in a box

Sun Feb 7 21:15:26 2016

Not so long ago we took commission from the great and amazing Eluti, and he wrote the official music theme of 'Asomatous' main character, Idow. We are so incredibly happy that we found this musician - or, to be more correct, that he found us. He did so much to show Idow's true nature and personality!

We look forward to work with Eluti until the end of the century and as long as he wants it himself :3


You can also support Eluti's Patreon!



Mystical Idow

like a secret in a box


Traveling Far

We saw the world we traveled through,

Spent 3 years to find our ideal place

Yet here we are

Almost the edge of the world

and yet the attitude has not been changed"

Idows_Theme_Final.mp3 (d)


Sat Feb 6 23:44:03 2016

Hotel 'Discordia'shown in different seasons. This will be a part of the extra materials of the 'Asomatous' printed version.

The arch-corian priest

Sat Feb 6 23:31:27 2016

We said that we will be publishing some of the pictures from the previous months archives here. Doing it right now!

This pictureshows the classical clothes of theArch-Cora'spriests.It's design is very simple and geometrical.Main colors of it are red and black, also golden-yellow, this palette is considered "sacred".

Caerran pack

Sat Feb 6 23:24:34 2016

Another characters of ours, that we draw for Ray and gifted to her. Now they belongs to her too.

Just wanted to share this small pictures with you 'cos it turned out cute x3

Come here

Sat Feb 6 23:22:34 2016

Our characters, Erna and Glenn, drawn as caerran species that belongs to RayEtherna.

Fanart of sort! xD

'Asomatous', now printed

Thu Feb 4 19:18:53 2016

Another one photo.

I know guys you already saw this pictures in your art-archieve ^^Now you can see it 'in action' too, if I can say so.

Asomatous, now printed

Thu Feb 4 19:16:44 2016


It's a master-model of the printed version of our comic,


. We are so happy with it's quality and colors *A*

We still plan to have this comic printed in English too, guys, but we need to translate extra materials first. We have this goal here on Patreon.

List of requests!

Wed Feb 3 15:46:55 2016

Would be better to throw together all requests that you gave and you will give us :> Please, offer your themes in comments!



Kit Lark:Tassa and Vappu celebrating something in Ayelahai(in progress)

GrossePhillippe:macabre with Maltrazoor(in progress)


MerpDerpCeryl: Discordia relaxing (not started)

MaLik:Urmanchi fights with demonic trees(not started)




MerpDerpCeryl: Luti enjoying sweet dessert (not started)

Secret Novel !

Sun Jan 24 14:33:47 2016

We reached the next goal, oh my! *A* This is a great news for us, and for you too (as we hope), guys. <3

So, our plan is simple. In the end of this month, we will find out is there any "pirates" among the new Patrons (unpleasant to talk about this, but art-thieves became normal for Patreon nowadays), and after that we will be able to share our Secret Graphic Novel with you :) Just as promised!

You will like it guys, we will be uploading it page-by-page.

ACM - water pump, WIP

Sun Jan 24 14:27:09 2016

Another WIP for the upcoming extra! Water pump from the first page of 'Asomatous'.

"Asomatous" ACM - the great temple, WIP

Sun Jan 24 14:18:28 2016

It's a WIP for upcoming comic extra. :) The great temple, also known as temple of the Arch-Cora. The finished version will be aviable for all of our Patrons.

Idow and Ruby

Sun Jan 17 11:09:38 2016




- I will eat you, you little... beetle... something!

This art is from the previous month art-pack.


Sun Jan 17 11:01:51 2016

The finished version! Was a part of theprevious monthart-pack.


Sun Jan 17 10:39:35 2016

Picture from the previous month art-pack.

Dungas, creatures of the clan which has been ruled by the King of Ghosts, Bamboo.

This concept is very, very old, I don't know exactly when we created it. Most decent pictures of Dangas that I found is dated "2011" (you can see the old art in the attachment), but I remember that we had more art with them back in 2010.

Anyway! Let's take a look at the new picture.

Left one is male, he is a funny and goofy boy, and right is a female, sly and predatory (her body is made of magical wax).

Dangas created the stars, sun and moon in Padmire, which shine out there from those times and to this day. When Dangas came to the Surface, into the world of mortals, and settled there, they did it again - they created the light and darkness in this world too. Things that they are creating are just the phantoms, in fact, but the longer they are visible, the more people see them and gets used to them, the more real it became.

Dangas clan lives in the phantom bamboo forest on the borderlands between El-Balyama and Beyleria. All sorts of sahash renegades, whether phurra or matree, are living with them as their worshipers; they are so disconnected from the rest of the world that their language has changed a lot, and it is almost impossible to understand them if you are not one of their people.

Also - if anyone remember the two blue dogs of ours (Lingrimms symbol), they now have direct relevance to this concept.


Wilson the Rapoda

Sun Jan 17 10:35:10 2016

A small Don't Starve! fanart, that we did just for fun x) Wilson as one of our species, Rapodas.

The finished version will be waiting for you in art-pack!

January 2016

Thu Jan 14 21:49:52 2016 coming! Examples of our new Patreon arts, but this list is not full, of course x)

Just a few samples.

What will come next

Wed Jan 13 16:25:05 2016

A small preview of the upcoming picture of Urmanchie and his mysterious friend.

You will see the colored version in the end of this month in your art-pack!


Tue Jan 12 18:32:42 2016

Lumberjack aka Urmanchie, again :)

Hope to finish it soon, so you will find this picture in the next art-pack!

"Perfectly roundish onion rings"

Tue Jan 12 18:29:52 2016

Kinda personal xD Gaze the Caspian, Grimm's OC. And his mental pain. xDD

It's about ... when someone say "hey, take this

<>. It works perfectly/fits you perfectly", but in fact this thing does not work at all!


Wed Jan 6 23:16:36 2016


From the previous month art-pack.


Wed Jan 6 23:15:43 2016

Be prepared ©

Pages update

Wed Jan 6 22:28:51 2016

Hello everyone!

We are working on pre-publishing russian version of "Asomatous" and updating some features of pages.So you can see some new panels here (3-4 pages).

If we'll change something else, it will be posted here as well!


Sun Jan 3 14:40:06 2016

We will not be releasing $1-content on Patreon page anymore. From this moment we will be packing it and will send it to all of our $1 Patrons in archives in the end of every month . What conent will be posting here then? Only public released art - not all, but random quantities of it.

Once again - if you are here just to cheat, please, don't do this, you choose the wrong way. Just wait a week or so and you will see some pieces in our FA gallery. Pledging is a supporting, and we are very aprecciate help of standing patrons.

We'll add new features to current pledges. Here some of these:

• Before this moment only $30 patrons may requested sceneries, but now we added similiar options for another patrons too.Now all, who are patronaging us more than 3 month may request things related with our settings - it will help us to increase a quantity of monthly content. Every months you mayrequest one picture with theme you want for some of our characters you do like mostly. You will get it straight after payment status will be changed to "Proceed". We will not draw a porn, but some "playful ero"-themes is allowed.

Type of requests is different for different patrons:

- 4th level patrons () will get a high-detailed scenery.

- 3rd level patrons() will get an accurate fullbody on the white background.

- 2nd levelpatrons() will get a coloured fullbody-sketch.

- 1nd level patrons () will get a coloured headshot.

All our patrons will get a 15% discount on all type of commissions, that is our setting related. No matter what exactly you do want to order: to get a sahash character or a picture with your character of/as one of our species. Of course, this discount works as long as you are our patron and only when payment status changed to "Proceed".

P.S.: All patrons who patronage us more than 3 months can request drawings right in the comments. Or just drop a message in PM here :> Can't wait to start!

Material packs are ready to be sent!

Fri Jan 1 23:14:32 2016

This month has been more productive than we thought :) And that's a good news.

We have a lot of sketches, colored pictures, concepts and WIPs for you. And for the first time we finally added PSD file with step-by-step to the 15$ pack.


Thu Dec 31 12:49:32 2015

L: This guy is not from Shang-La or any of our settings. He is just he, maybe he is my new OC, I'm not sure. He is kinda predatoric deer, like Staaf, but with horns. And he fight against demonic trees.

Oh what

Finished piece will be in $7-$15 archives.

Strange trio

Tue Dec 29 00:10:21 2015

Small scene with Bart + Gase + Luti


I love your neck

Tue Dec 29 00:00:03 2015

A little sketch for you, guys.

Luti and Gase ♥ I'll try to finish it before end of month, but my laptop is repair by now and I draw on super small laptop and can't do this normally :\


Yes, this month was not very productive... But we hope for your understandable. Surgeries, sickness, ya know, it takes a lot of time.


Sun Dec 20 21:44:51 2015

Gase and Luti working together on some dish. Seems to be happy. x3

We will finish it very soon~

Hakuna Matata sketch, ACM

Sun Dec 20 19:02:24 2015

(we rewatched TLK yesterday)

Ruby and Idow are trying some ayelahaian food. Well, Idow is already a big fun of it! But Ruby is not.

Tassa and Vappu, ACM

Sun Dec 20 17:33:47 2015

Girls from "Discordia" hotel :> I hope to draw them in the next chapter, because I like them already.

They are dallinga sisters, born in some far village of Ayelahai. "Discordia" is their home as for many people there - including Teresis.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 21 and 22 pages

Sun Dec 20 00:04:32 2015

It's already 3:14 AM, we need to sleep, but we are so HAPPY!

Idow thought that Teresis is the only person who can understand her and her roumenrou. And it seems like she has a plan in her mind.
And it's...


Can you believe that? It was an awesome season of work for us, and we are ready for the next chapter #2. We need to work with the plot, and stuff, and everything.

But for now... we are going to focus on the extra materials for printed and electronic versions of the chapter #1.


Русская версия в прикрепленке!


Pages WIP

Fri Dec 18 23:39:37 2015

So, 21 page is done (and I am done too, fhew =__=) and 22 is still in progress. Please, wait one more day!

23% Christmas Commission Discounts for our patrons!

Fri Dec 18 23:11:30 2015

We opened our super-cute Christmas hourglass commissions.

The special price is $50 (instead of $65) for one character, $100 (instead of $130) for both, for our Patrons only! You can also ask us to draw your character as Sahash or any other our species in this commission :)

Leave a comment if you want to take a slot, or use messanges.

Idow for comic extra, ACM

Fri Dec 18 11:58:16 2015

Pre-publishing images from "Asomatous"!

Q reference

Fri Dec 18 11:52:41 2015

About two years ago we had an adopt-trade with Jennadelle, and she created this awesome character for us. But we didn't use him so far, I don't know why.

So, now it's a lady and she is grahn, turning into a big bird. She still has no name, but we call her "Q".

We'll release this reference, when it will be finished x3

"Ravengold" characters

Fri Dec 18 11:51:45 2015

Characters from our with Grimm RP "Ravengold" (unfortunately, in Russian only).

Hamster Joel and centaur Axank, Endagahr and his raven Bavoolir, Joneril,

Jadvigo and his ex-wife Brontir, bagiji (courtesan) Croislax and her husband Shoum-Sham, bagiji too.

Parts of anthro-grahn reference

Tue Dec 15 16:10:22 2015


21 page sketch

Mon Dec 14 16:14:15 2015

We promised and we did it :>

You should be waiting for this page and 22 final page in this Sunday!

Shang-la: Staaf and Bart

Mon Dec 14 09:22:12 2015

Gift from Grimm to Lins, our characters Bart (the dragon) and Staaf (the deer).

They looks cute together!

Releasing some of our materials from the November pack :)

Background: cold place

Mon Dec 14 09:20:07 2015

Background for the upcoming scenery with Khali and her grahn.

This is a scenery from the November pack :)

Two of us

Mon Dec 14 09:17:14 2015

Gift from Lins to Grimm <3

Go fishing

Mon Dec 14 09:15:35 2015

Gotye the vimbaandHunger. Fishing time.

It's a small and lovely gift that Grimm draw for Lins some time ago. <3 Also, long tail is looooong!

Red Idow

Sun Dec 13 20:28:35 2015

L: This is a little "HELP US" poster xD Version without typography.

Details is here.


News about the last pages of 1st chapter of "Asomatous". It's still in progress, but I still don't know when I will finish it. So I'll share lineup and sketch instead :> Anyway, it will be done in the end of the next week, and both pages will appear here 19.12, I guess. Don't be upset with it, guys, please <:C

Grimm is almost recovered and she is feeling herself pretty well, that's a good new! And we will work on the new small project together soon.


King of the Borsch

Fri Dec 11 22:05:34 2015

Even is one of us is sick, we can't forget and ignore the birthday of our good friend, MAATY-S! <3

Gase and Diodora

Fri Dec 11 21:56:45 2015

Gase is trying to be cute with Diodora, because she is a restaurant critic... And Gase has his own restaurant, that is not 100% popular. Well, I'm sure you realize what is the main idea here xD

Gase can be such a charming guy when he needs something. Bleh.

Angry Luti

Fri Dec 11 10:34:52 2015

Luti goes mad, I suppose :Y Any grahn can turn into his "wyvern-form", except wild.

I will finish it someday, maybe.

Bad news

Thu Dec 10 19:31:29 2015

Grimm hurt her leg badly and we had to go to the hospital. Doctors stopped the bleeding, did the surgery and sewed up the wound. The surgery was successful, but walking is still very difficult for Grimm and she has to take medicines and painkillers, and sleep a lot.

Fortunately, we finished all of our commissions just in time. We will try to finish comic pages for our patrons too, but if we are not able to do it quickly - forgive us please. This is a stressful situation and we need some time to get back to normal life.

We hope that everything will be fine in the near future.

Thank you very much, guys, for your support.

Stand alone

Thu Dec 10 18:52:20 2015

It was a picture from the archives for $15 Patrons for the previous month. :)

We post it here as an example of what you can see if you will became our Patron.


Queen Sariah, one of our main OC.

Personal art of sort.

Chris Lake - Stand alone

inspired, it's like a main theme for this character.

"Save me", sketch

Thu Dec 10 18:43:08 2015

Sketch for a small illustration of Luti's and Gase's story. Luti saves his partner from some Padmirian monsters.

The Hanged Man, sketch

Tue Dec 8 17:40:07 2015

L: Actually, this thing is already done and included in December archive.

It's kinda vent art. I draw Staaf - my main OC - as a deer, because I wanted to make an association with hunter bag (if my English is bad to translate it right, I'll better say "victim"). Idea based on Tarot card "The Hanged Man", but I don't remember original meaning of it. And I didn't draw crossed legs.

Sword-grass lily [done]

Mon Dec 7 19:27:58 2015

Done with this piece:

As far this thing is a banner for our Facebook group, we are posting it here :)

Sword-grass lily

Mon Dec 7 15:21:22 2015

L: I always wanted to draw Ophrydith and to find her ideal appearance... Finally. She is not usual grahn - three-headed wyverns are calling "hydra", and I don't think I need to explain why x)

Ophry is very old, angry and fat. Her master is Austino, they both pass through the war.

November archives check-in

Sun Dec 6 14:19:05 2015

Hello, folks!

Do you recieved an art-archive? Please, tell us your wishes! Maybe you want more of different kind of art in it? More sketches, more WIPs, more something else?

Luti the Grahn

Sat Dec 5 19:31:55 2015

He is a cute guy.


Sat Dec 5 19:23:46 2015

MasterChefinspired xD We are watching this show when we are working on commissions, and sometimes it inspires us to draw something... like this.

Well, it's our characters Luti (this name came from lutino cockatiel) and Gaze.

Luti is a Grahn, and Gaze is a Caspian. They both lives in Padmire, and they compete with each other. In the restaurant business, and not only in that area.


Sat Dec 5 19:17:49 2015

A small and cute drawing from Grimm to Lins. <3

We love to cook for each other.Nothing can be better in the morning than a cup of latte!

18-20 pages sketches

Fri Dec 4 14:10:24 2015

Maude the sabeth

Fri Dec 4 12:27:09 2015

Funny, but I pick a woman name to him (and I don't know why, maybe I'll change it someday).

Maude is a padmirian priest, who is kinda religious. I said "kinda", because he doesn't looks righteous and smoke cigars. But he can sing hymns pretty well.

Grahn ladies

Fri Dec 4 12:22:24 2015

Grahn are thieves, steeling things from mortal's dreams. Any materials that made of different kind of dreams are using by grahn tailors - they are sewing clothes for another members of their tribe.

Parts of grahn reference.


Fri Dec 4 10:18:51 2015

OMG finally! Patreon did the app! I test it right now.
There is Dangas, tsourai from Bamboo's tribe, left is male and right is female. Woman is a very old concept, we could post that ancient concept later, if you want. They are wise, cunning beasts and looks like they made of wax. But male is pretty friendly.

Small poll [CLOSED]

Wed Dec 2 14:29:51 2015

Thank you very much for your answers! Our goals was updated :>

New level of pledge

Tue Dec 1 13:09:08 2015

Hello, folks!

We are still thinking about rewards, and for now we created new level of pledge, $30. So, what is it?


Access to all stuff for 1st, 2nd and 3rd level


every month you can request full sceneries with one (or two, or more) of

our characters that you like mostly. One patron can request just one

scene monthly, that they will get straight after payment status will

change to "Ok".

You can find some of our characters here:

Or maybe

you prefer Idow, her roumenrou or Teresis? Anyway, you requests will

help us to be more productive!

These sceneries would be like this:

P.S.: Note that we will not draw a porn, but some "playful ero"-themes is allowed :)

Queen of autumn

Tue Dec 1 08:43:05 2015

Autumn gift for our close friendNatalieDeCorsair. We draw her character, Heather, as sahash. :) She is so beautiful <3

Are you hungry?

Tue Dec 1 08:41:05 2015

Yan aka Hunger. One of the first characters of ours that was created in 2008. He is still acting in our setting stories, and we are happy to show a few scenes from his life to you.

Hunger was born in Nouri . He was a strange kid and his childhood was not very happy. His family was cold with him, so this boy was lonely most of the time. When he grew up, he found interest in mysticism, surgery and... Well, card games. One day he met the famous card player, lord Luther, who invited him to play a special game with a strange rules.

His cards were magical , and no one could get out of the card table until the game goes as Luther wants it to. It ended up with tragedy , the cardholder was killed by one of the players (Maltrazoor) and those who played were cursed. Thats how Hunger got his wolf form.

Lins draw this art for Grimm as a gift <3 *love*


Tue Dec 1 08:39:04 2015

L: I draw my very old characters as glovolwes - Lina, Razar and Dei.

Cloth lineup

Tue Dec 1 08:34:01 2015

Our sahash charactersand their favorite outfits - casual, formal and something for the "special occasion". x)


Tue Dec 1 08:22:43 2015

An example of what you can see if you will became our $7 Patron.


Here is Morion in his first design, but now we are not sure about his current form - he will be Sualokin probably.

We'll see what we can do with him in the nearest future and will show the result to you. :)


Tue Dec 1 08:13:26 2015

It was a picture from the archives for $15 Patrons for the previous month. :)

We post it here as an example of what you can see if you will became our Patron.


Avirmad and Shtukes in his true form (he is sabeth, but we are still searching for his current design, so it may be changing in the future).

Shtukes is a member of the secret society in Padmire , something between the private club for the elite and the Mason Order x3 Avirmad is obsessed with secrets, and, well, he finally got his chance to be a part of something very intriguing...

We wanted to create some magical atmosphere here, and I'm pretty sure that we did it just right. I love this piece.

Your mail, sir!

Tue Dec 1 08:10:23 2015

It was a picture from the archives for $15 Patrons for the previous month. :)

We post it here as an example of what you can see if you will became our Patron.


A few words about this scenery:

Here you can see Avirmad the Caspian, and his morning mail. He is a man of 'higher class', aristocrat, who lives in Padmire, the world of tsurai. He is known in the neighborhood as a very strange boy with strange habits, he also has the hot-tempered nature and can be very, very rude. Avirmads house is chock-full of servants (who have become random targets of aggression of their young master and his bad mood) and different rare flowers from the Surface, that he grow for his own fun. But sometimes he can be somehow cute, like on this picture.

As well as other strange creatures (




, for example) Caspians live in Padmire, some sort of the "secret dungeon place of Shang-La". There is no place for mortals in Padmire, but it's a home for different immortal creatures, called tsourai. They are not gods or spirits, but... Well, we will tell you more about them in 'Asomatous', showing this theme in action, so it will be much better than boring text description.

Padmire is a really strange place. Absurdish, funny (in some ways), and scary. You can see some glowing small creatures in the air (the luminous insects), and lots of roots, interlaced with living creatures, technique, and etc. This place has no sky, because it is a real dungeon, but still there is a lot forests, and rivers, and even mountains.

Late September

Tue Dec 1 08:04:36 2015

It was a picture from the archives for $15 Patrons for the previous month. :)

We post it here as an example of what you can see if you will became our Patron.


Art archives for this month is on it's way!

Mon Nov 30 07:07:33 2015

Patreon is stating charging, and we already have an art-archives for you! There is a lot of tasty things in it - scenery, landscapes, special materials, colored pictures, WIPs and more!

Only fresh art for our $7 and $15 Patrons :-)

Lansu blocked the way!

Sun Nov 29 10:34:15 2015

L: I just wanted to make this, ok? XD

I was angry, but now I'm not.

Kinda Undertale fan art, but with mine OC, Lansu. I didn't know anything about his special attack, so I did lances, because lances is accordant with Lansu's name.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 20 page

Sat Nov 28 06:34:54 2015

[Idow noble-like mod-on]


So, 20 page was the last one? False :> We decided to make 21 and 22 pages, final opening. It will take one week more than usual, but we promise, you will like it. So, when? 12.12


Русская страница в прикрепленке!


P.S.: We played in "Undertale" recently, and Papyrus remind us Ruby :DD REALLY. HIS ATTITUDES. Nyeh heh heh



Thu Nov 26 10:53:23 2015

In her bad mood.

Will be finished very soon x)

The Bull

Thu Nov 26 09:24:21 2015


Thu Nov 26 09:22:00 2015

Sketch for the epic scene, that illustrated an episode of ayelahaian history.

So, you can see here a horned horse, that is Abada. And the hanged grahn... that is Jah-Nin.

Ophrydith, ACM

Thu Nov 26 09:18:44 2015

Three-headed grahn that belongs to Austino, the captain of the city guardians. Btw, they both will appear in "Asomatous"! The next chapter will be full of grahn, as we decided already.

As far this sketch is ACM, we'll finish it and will post it here for 1st level patrons too :>

How dare you touch me

Thu Nov 26 09:14:39 2015

Sarissa and Kahli. They are kinda hate each other. I really hope that we'll finish it someday.

Cloudcat is dangerous

Thu Nov 26 09:12:33 2015

...because they are fluffy and make you to love them and be lazy ass, lying on the couch all day.

Nowhere: little basilisk

Thu Nov 26 08:29:53 2015

We very love this concept, but for a long time we tried to find a place for them. Finally, they are living in Nowhere now! And they are kinda intelligent creatures there.
Moony creatures.

Lyamin the sabeth

Wed Nov 25 17:43:47 2015

A colored sketch that will be finished sooner or later :)

Say 'yay' to the hard poses!

Sunflower the Sualokin (2)

Wed Nov 25 15:26:11 2015

Once again! We really love this boy.

He has a kind heart and a cute look.

Sualokin fullbodies

Wed Nov 25 15:18:44 2015

A thing for the upcoming sualokin reference! Wow, can't believe we are almost done with it ,___, Finally.

This guys was originally created by RayEtherna too. As long as they became a part of Shang-La setting, their design was changed by us a little, but anyway.

We love this long snakes. So fuzzy.

From left to right - Sualokin's King, Lahkedemon, Wystemahr and Sunflower.


Wed Nov 25 15:11:43 2015

That's a rought sketches that should be a part of a huge work on Sabeth concept. RayEtherna gifted this creatures to us, and we are very happy to have this guys in our setting.

We are thinking about their mainview. We came up with the idea that Sabeth have a pattern underside of their wings, that is similar to the pattern on the fabric. We also based on the general contours of the hoofs of reindeer when we first draw Sabeth legs design :D Yes, it's a little strange, but it turned out well!

Yeah, it's Reshiram and Zekrom as Sabeth in the right corner xD

Franjian dragons

Sun Nov 22 14:28:25 2015

Belrin, baby belrin and the Star Dragon. From Franjee with love.


Sunflower the Sualokin

Sun Nov 22 14:21:11 2015

Gift to Grimm, I will finish it later.


Okay, I will attach the file below.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 19 page

Sun Nov 22 10:56:00 2015




The next page was supposed to be the last, but we are quite sure that we will add one more.

It will appear here in the next Sunday :> Without delay.

Discordiah, character concept, ACM

Tue Nov 17 14:20:52 2015

Argh, Patreon crashed our files again and again! D:<

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 18 page

Tue Nov 17 13:24:59 2015

Big Boss is coming! And his... Sorry, her name is Discordiah.

She is fat. Any fat sahash - it doesn't matter, what their gender is - are... Weighty.

They hold a senior position often, because their physique works like a charm spell for any other sahash. Other persons feel instinctive respect and desire to obey chubby sahash, and to follow them. Of course, any sahash with any body type can become a leader, but fat guys have charisma and ability to run business faster.

Needless to say that people do not understand the charm of fat sahash. However, Discordia is as rugged as to impress even Teresis. There is a story between them both, and we will lift the veil in the next chapter.

Also there are two custom characters on this page, which belongs to our friends, Tomo and Malik.We drew them here

Kagar and Darak are hotel staff of "Discordia" (the hotel has the same name as its keeper), and they are Teresis' friends as well.


And again, we apologize for the delay!

As you can see, an increase of the number of frames and decrease of time took a toll on quality of pages - to be honest, we are not very happy with the previous one. However, this new page looks much better and we like it, because we got a little more time than usual.

There are only two pages before the end of the first chapter, our friends. We hope that you can forgive us if we will change our schedule a little. Not too much, because we try hard to work fast without loosing the quality. Your support and your patience are two things that helps us from the start and right to this moment... That's inspiring! Thank you so much for that, guys.

This chapter will be finished before the end of November. But thats not the end of this story. There is still so much that need to be said and shown. Can't wait to start working on the next 'Asomatous' chapter!

One not so important new

Wed Nov 11 10:36:50 2015

Hi, folks!

We are here just to say one important thing: the next page will be delayed a little, just for two or three days. That is because we are have no stable internet and can't upload it right now (and page needs some fix as well).

And we decided that in the first chapter will be 20 pages and you will see the end of hotel's story even before December (:

Also, thank you very much for comments! We will answer on it personally as soon as we can. Have a nice weekend!

17 page sketches, ACM

Wed Nov 11 10:35:48 2015

Maravin's ears concept

Wed Nov 11 10:33:57 2015

Maravins are puppets in Padmir :) This concept is a little outdated, but the ear concept is still working for them x)

Pakpao, WIP

Wed Nov 11 10:31:43 2015

Pakpao the grahn. We found the current concept for grahn too, so the main info about them you will see on the reference (when we'll finish it).

I redesigned Pakpao from old character, she was sahash once (:

Some sketches

Wed Nov 11 10:30:16 2015

Vimba sketches and one little danga with a smoke from her mouth.

Parts of Sualokin's reference, WIP

Wed Nov 11 10:26:21 2015

Raesheris aka Ray Etherna presented Sualokin to us, but in fact she is still creator. Anyway, we're working on them.

First sualokin is Lahkedemon (stress on "e"), he is King of his tribe. The next one is an OOOOLD character that was called "Sunfower", but have not real name yet. Grimm ressurected him from nothingness. The last one is Vistemahr.

Vimba sketches

Wed Nov 11 10:18:17 2015

L: I found Vimba's current concept and happy for this. They looks like nagas and have a strong, muscule tail, but they also have a feral body. Their hind paws hidden with little wings. On the first sketch a didn't draw wings just to show vimba's general anatomy.

The vimba on the second sketch is Gotye. He is Favaris' friend, that shown on the last sketch. We'll tell more about them sometime.

Kagar and Darak characters concept, ACM

Wed Nov 11 10:13:17 2015

Two minor characters that belongs to our friends, Tomo and Malik. We'll draw references for them both too later.

They are hotel-worker and both Teresis' friends. I also designed work suit for them.

Ezaras character concept, ACM

Wed Nov 11 10:05:27 2015

Concept of character that will appear in next chapters.

Ceryl reference, ACM

Wed Nov 11 09:17:21 2015

Hello everyone!

If you remember, some time ago we were posted an article, where we thought about custom sahash character in the "Asomatous"-comic. So, you can see the first one, Ceryl, that belongs to Ahst aka Merp Derp Ceryl. This is a test and reward in the same time, because Ahst supports us for a long time already. Thank you, Ahst!

You probably saw him on 17 page. Also he will appear on the next page too.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 17 page (eng+rus)

Sat Nov 7 13:04:23 2015

As promised!

Also, Ceryl belongs to Ahst, and we are very glad to have a chance to include him in this story :-)

Next page - 11.14


Monthly content for $7 and $15 patrons

Sun Nov 1 07:43:03 2015

Hello everyone!

We collected a little bunch of art for October and we'll start to send it to you soon. Thank you very much for your support, but for you, we finished a lot of things that we would never finished. Thank you again!

Please, give us your email for sending art-archives - in comments or in private message - it doesn't matter.


Всем привет!

Мы собрали небольшую кучку арта за Октябрь, и скоро начнем рассылать его вам. Спасибо большое вам за поддержку - мы доделали огромное количество разных штук, которых никогда бы не закончили, если бы не вы. Спасибо вам еще раз!

Пожалуйста, дайте нам ваш е-мейл, чтобы мы смогли послать вам архив - в комменты или в приватные сообщения, не имеет значения.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 16 page

Sat Oct 31 10:28:32 2015

This page is a visual puzzle, so there is no text needed.

The part of it is made of Idow emotions. So, is it a real smoke or it's just an illusion?..


Maybe the next page will appear here a day later than usual - irl stuff, work, etc. We'll try doesn't delay it anyway, so it's just a little warning.

Mouen and her children

Wed Oct 28 13:03:41 2015

Mouen, the "mother" for two orphaned boys - Ceily and Kyozen.

Vimba heads

Sat Oct 24 13:37:15 2015

Concepting variations of vimba. Left one is a male and the right one supposed to be female, but actually it's unisex shapes.

Oldman's coat, ACM

Sat Oct 24 13:34:57 2015

We based on chinese vase's ornament, but it looks like a variant of "aloha shirt" xD Trendy.

Oldman finding, ACM

Sat Oct 24 13:33:01 2015

We had a lot of fun with this grandpa :D And he will never appear again.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 15 page

Sat Oct 24 13:28:50 2015

We'll reupload this page with a fixed translation a little later. :>

Русская версия в прикрепленке.

New pictures dump

Tue Oct 20 12:46:09 2015

Announce for the $7 and $15 Patrons! As we promised, we will send new materials via email for those who supported us in October :)

We have collected a lot of fresh drawings for you guys. You only need to wait until the end of the month!

Shangless - "Soulles" - woman, ACM

Sun Oct 18 14:37:24 2015

She is not a character, but we like to draw faces that looks different. So we worked on shangless woman a little and decided to give her mongolian-japanese face and hard make-up.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 14 page

Fri Oct 16 20:54:06 2015

Meet the next page!

Aaaand some news. We have an excellent, brand-new editor Tagaziel! He help us to translate comic pages and fix the english text as well. Thank you, Tagaziel!

Русская версия для русских подписчиков в прикрепленке :>

14 and 15 pages sketches, ACM

Tue Oct 13 17:10:48 2015



Tue Oct 13 14:13:30 2015

When Lansu was in the grahn's tribe, he was a typical crybaby. It was a funny time for Xuekin, who always chased and harrassed him.

They both are childs here.


Sat Oct 10 21:35:13 2015

Maneki neko for Russian commissioners x3

This type of commission is a 100% artistic freedom, so it was very fun to draw!

We post it here because we are not going to upload it on FA, but want to share this little cuties anyway.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 13 page

Sat Oct 10 10:01:29 2015

As we promised :>

The next page will appear here at 17 October.

К слову, для наших русских подписчиков - русская версия в прикрепленке! (also, for our Russian subsribers - russian version in attachment!)

Nameless grahn from Sariah's tribe

Thu Oct 8 21:15:45 2015

As title said. This guy is happy in Sariah's company, and she think that he is handsome man. All man are handsome at her taste.

I still don't know what is his name. And I don't know about his personality. He adore Sariah and write her quotes in his pocket note.

And I finally found the current anthro-grahn's concept. Grahn are anthro when they are still in tribe, but they are transform into this, becoming free (and mindless).

And one more oldgrahn-concept.

Gift for Natalie de Corsair

Thu Oct 8 06:33:56 2015

Natalieasked us to draw her characterHeather Greenmireas sahash, and we do. C:

She is pretty good as sahash-maroosh, and Nouri's fashion make her an aristocrat lady. Actually she is a witch, living on the swamp, OC of Natalie and one of the main characters in her setting,Erba.

Idow's clothes, ACM

Mon Oct 5 20:36:00 2015

I created a few variant of wearing these squares of clothes :D I could create more, but I tired. It was fun x3

Angel the bird!

Mon Oct 5 09:08:24 2015

Hooray, finally we have made the reference for our bird! It was an adopt that we got from Keldel, but we weren't comfortable with its design, and the character was changing over and over again xD In the end it came our absolutely different, now it's a mix between Atlantic puffin, cat, wolf, and dinosaur, lol.

Angel (it's a Spanish name) lives in the setting of Natalie, Erba. He is a doctor, or rather that is how he proudly calls himself, because have no medical education. This gentleman studied his "craft" in the most questionable and strange pharmacists and herbalists, immersed in non-traditional, mystical and dangerous methods of work. He was working as a 'sea' doctor for several years on a pirate ship, but nowadays he decided to take a break and lives on land. Angel - is a sort of sorcerer, a Voodoo doctor; stole Staaff's horns (Gill and Staaf have an alternative storyline on Erba), believing that there is the magical power in it. He wanted to do the same operation on Heather, the Witch of the Swamp, but she was not easy to catch ... And she killed Angel, cutting off his head. She brought him back to life, using her special ritual, but now they are connected to each other.

Angel is also connected with the character of Lins, Cat-in-boots, which will appear here later.

Angel has an uneasy nature, he is not kind and not cute at all.

Sarissa and her animal, sketch

Sun Oct 4 21:03:46 2015

We didn't draw Sarissa for a long time, and we missed her. We gifted her a puffy girlish enara, and they love each other.

Will be finished, when our commission list will become empty.

Patreon content protection

Sun Oct 4 07:48:22 2015

Thank you very much for participating in the poll!

We will continue to use Patreon system, not a personal blog. But we updated our rules to protect ourselves and your interests, and you can see it below:

1. All content for2nd($7or more) and for 3rd ($15 or more) levels will not appear here anymore - we'll pack an archives and will send it to all our subscribers that has been charged for the month. WE WILL DO IT EVERY MONTH.

2. Any content of 1st level ($1 or more) - comic pages, comic materials and clean, filled with color sketches - will be posting here as usual.

Anyhow, archives for 2nd and 3rd levels will be posted on our website in the passworded direction. How it works - Patreon charged you at the end of the month, and if you didn't decline the pledge, we'll send you the link and password to our website via e-mail or via personal messages here. That's simple. We will try this system out in this month. :>

Thank you very much for understanding! I hope it will be useful for you!

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 12 page

Sat Oct 3 10:18:50 2015


Next page: 10.10 (here); 10.15 (public)

Poll, it's necessary

Fri Oct 2 07:59:37 2015

We started to hate Patreon sometimes for it's glitches and fake subscribers <__< So we created a little poll here.

Please, check it


We are thinking about creating a personal blog with pay access, so that's the question, would it be comfortable for you or not. If you are agreeing with us, we will start working in the direction of personal blog activity. When it will be done, we'll put the link on the main page here, on Patreon, so you will not obligate to pay for the next month. Or if not, and you are more comfortable with the Patreon system, we will stay here and keep going, as we did in the previous month.

Ayelahaian soldiers, concept

Fri Oct 2 07:50:19 2015

Concept of clothes for ayelahaian swordman. Words on sketch:


- metal staves

- metal "claws"

- something like sword, lol


- fabric (on ears)

- something like vulture head (for usual soldiers)

- grahn's head (for captain)

We concepted it for our customer Kittennia, who ordered custom sahash reference. You can see ref in attachment, it will be post on public FA though.



Fri Oct 2 07:47:38 2015

We decided to make anthro version of grahn, that DIDN'T leave Sariah's tribe. So it's just a concept of them for now.

Ayelahaian enemies

Fri Oct 2 07:45:53 2015

They are both grahn, and they just HATE each other!


Fri Oct 2 07:42:17 2015

Jah-Nin's morning. No epic-clothes, no fabric, covering head, no make-up xD

Roumenrou hind feets

Thu Oct 1 09:39:19 2015

A quick concept of roumenrou feet.

Roumenrou anatomy is similar to the cheetah. Hind legs are close to the cheetah legs too, but their fingers are longer.

Shang-la: Vimba

Thu Oct 1 09:23:43 2015

Parba always idolize snakes.There is a sualocin clan in Latori, which has been tightly intertwined with the parbian culture, so it's not surprising that parba chose a new snakelike object of worship, when they emigrate in Nouri.

Nouri is a country of seafarers, dismal mountains with snow on it's tops and giant pines. Parba succumbed to the mood of the cold edge, sharply contrast with their cheerful and colorful way of life at home, in Latori. Local gypsies have changed a lot over the years - they have come a long way to self-improvement, from the winemakers, who harvested so-called "snowball grapes", to the rich farmers. Thanks to nourinian legislation, different softness to parba compared with legislation of other countries, former Gypsies were able to prove themselves. They were able to raise and strengthen the economy, establish a maritime route to El-Balyama. Living in Nouri, parba were helped by vimba.

Vimba are inhabitants of the sea. They are playing among the waves and sitting on the rocks near the coastal cliffs, and no one knows exactly whether they spirits or just another people of Shang-La. In any case, they are impossible to catch, but can be friendly, if you'll find the right way of connection with them. It's better to communicate with male vimba, because female vimba can be rather playful with 'land creatures', and their funny games can be deadly dangerous. They can draw you in salt water or even pick up on their horns.


Thu Oct 1 08:56:37 2015

A chiby version of our 'mermaid' character, Seda the Vimba.

Are you hungry? "Asomatous" new page preview!

Wed Sep 30 15:03:09 2015


Opium cat

Mon Sep 28 16:16:24 2015

Drawn for Natalie, as a small gift. Love to draw strange characters :)

Commission reference for Hioshi, WIPs

Mon Sep 28 08:51:59 2015

It was so exciting to work on such a cool character like Kimi!

Endagahr and Mahleesia

Mon Sep 28 08:50:24 2015

Borther and sister :>

Building of background

Fri Sep 25 10:28:28 2015

We can't rec the video, because OBS SO SLOOOOW. We need to find another alternatives, but for now we just did the gif.

This is example of how we build background with architecture. This one is for 1st panel of 12-page of "Asomatous". First of all, we use Perspective Grid Tool in Adobe Illustrator, but I forgot to past it into gif :V

A lot of lines in the top part of sketch is guide for tables.

Also we attach the file. You can see how we make a pattern for screens, but it's very simple xD


Nowhere: Rufus pinup

Thu Sep 24 21:10:57 2015

Rufus the ark have a nice mood to show his... fish. I draw him in the start of August, before we got to Crimea, but Grimm finished him now and drew a lot of shells around his neck.

Seems Rufus proud of himself... and he have a pretty ruan lover, so he is waiting for him here...


Asomatous, 12 page

Thu Sep 24 21:02:20 2015


Secret roumenrou character, ACM

Tue Sep 22 12:40:01 2015

Yes! Not only male roumenrou in "Asomatous", so you will see this lady someday. I'll don't tell her name or about her personality, but we will draw and concept her more :>

Step-by-step (commission for Ahst)

Tue Sep 22 10:32:23 2015

For those, who love WIPs and Step-by-step things x)

Working on this piece was SO COOL, you have no idea! Love the draaaagons <3

Patreon have some problems with posting... As always <__<

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 11 page

Sat Sep 19 12:30:19 2015

Hello there!

We finished 11 page. And after this piece we'll accept new schedule, hooray! (read below).

Well, Shakur is like father for Idow, and she acknowledge his authority. When they both have somedissidences, Idow will never win, because she knows: Shakur is always right. But she can be some kind of boss for Ruby, because they are really like sister and brother to each other. What about Nyorut? Here is not all that simple. Nyorut thinks that Shakur have a pressure to Idow and he doesn't like it, so he defence sahas-girl from his influence. But he have no idea that they both are happy with each other.



12 page: 10.03 (10.05 FA)

13 page: 10.10 (10.15 FA)

14 page: 10.17 (10.25 FA)

15 page: 10.24 (11.05 FA)

16 page: 10.31 (11.15 FA)

Idow and Pilgrim, ACM

Thu Sep 17 20:16:32 2015

We finished this piece, yey!

Idow and Black Pilgrim, ACM [sketch]

Tue Sep 15 19:05:14 2015

This is a little "Asomatous" spoiler about Idow's past, but not very readable. When she was an young girl, she has a big black gloomy friend, that always been behind her back. She didn't afraid of him and learned from him a lot.

We even don't tell about Black Pilgrim story, because it will be spoiler too. Any old concepts that were related with him and his story was already scrapped, so here a big field to make something new... and we did.

They both explored a lot of dark places and spoke on strange languages. They walked under the moon and stars. But there is not any romantic or phylosophical talks - Pilgrim teached Idow how to recognized different types of grounds.

Nowhere: deer

Sun Sep 13 13:29:07 2015

Art from "StN" too

Nowhere: metsu's fire

Sun Sep 13 13:27:04 2015

And another exclusive art from "StN"

These dogs are not real animals, they are spirits, metsu.

Living in the desert, they can take many different forms, communicating with random travelers or even with usual animals. They look like mirages and can disappear easily. These "mirages" oftenly moving by turning into a pulsating points of light, so they can fly with a high speed and without any gravity.

Nowhere: Dangerous thing

Sun Sep 13 13:24:55 2015

Another exclusive art from "StN"~

The creature that you can see here only as the silhouette, is a scavenger - undead thing, consisting of dead animals, human corpses and forest debris. This monster is constantly growing, emptying the cemeteries and forest burial grounds, and can attack small or - sometimes - even big cities.

It has some semblance of mind, disjointed and chaotic, but there are people In Nowhere, people with a special magical gift that can understand scavengers and speak with them.

There are a lot of white animals in the places inhabited by scavengers. Destructive magic, emanating from scavengers, can be very inviting, but it "sucks" the life and colors out of living creatures, so they became pale and weak.

Nowhere: landscapes

Sun Sep 13 13:20:43 2015

Exclusive art from "Straight to Nowhere"!

Yes, we are back :>

Inevitable patreon's leak

Sat Sep 5 08:02:31 2015

So we have this picture: we see a lot of fake-accounts patron us for $15 and declining their pledges after a month. It could be great to reach our goals, but as you understand, we'll even can't cover our expenditures when the things go to realization of stuff especially. More pages? We can draw more pages if we don't draw a bunch of commissions. But if we don't draw commissions, we have no money for such simple things as a rent, food, etc; the reason why we keep our Patreon is on our main-page. So, as you can see, it's not a story about how we love money, or want to feel cool seeing more than 40 patrons following us, it's a story about how we will survive with this personal art and work.

We thought about more personal rewards for all who paid attention to us, but now we see that we'll do it only for our best-patrons like all who patronises us through a few months, like three or more. Our reliable patrons will get a reward without any approval; what about the others - well, that's completely clear.

Anyway, thank you all who support us and still here.

Nowhere: chimeka

Thu Sep 3 09:06:32 2015

As far Nowhere is a world about magic, here is a lot of different kinds of it.

Chimeka is a name of ruan's magicians that have a power in their hair. Chimeka the strongest the longer their hair is, and they have an enormous hairstyles and even a few servants that helps chimeka to carry this "symbol of power".

Exclusive art from " Straight to Nowhere".

Nowhere: Louise the Vulchi

Thu Sep 3 08:52:42 2015

Dark Heart vulchi have bat-like wings. And I drew her so wrong, she have a more rodent-ish face :<

Louise is a strongest vulchi magician, some people even tells that she is a priest of Medusa the rapoda, queen of Avalanche. She never leaves her tower and speak in a whisper, when some guests comes to her. Louise adore candies, so if you want to meet her, just bring some sweets! And she will tell you all what you want.

Nowhere: Ioska

Thu Sep 3 08:39:41 2015

Forest ark, duche of gang "Coin". Old character that were a sergal (but I like to draw him as sergal too), and not so new sketch - we already changed ark's noses a little.

Nowhere: Cerethes and Racorda

Sat Aug 29 08:35:00 2015

These birds are two religious figures that were created by Nowhere's God, Contour. Contourian acolytes that called Cerethes transform into white birds, and Contourian knights, Racorda, transform into black birds. They are huge, lengthy than humans. Crates are the personification of cold and ice, they rely on their magic power; Racorda are strong warriors, they can't fly, but they use their hands to hold swords and shields.

Ray Ethernahelped us to concept Cerethes, and the final appearance concept was designed by her. Almost the same with Racorda, but vice versa - they belongs to Ray, but we finished their final concept.

A little bonus in attachment, Racorda clothes concept :>


Nowhere: Faisal the Vulchi

Wed Aug 26 18:09:52 2015

Old character that was remade into vulchi. He has a cheetah spots on his hair and even has a cheetah-tail, but he was a human. Now Faisal is a Casserdanian mage :>

Nowhere: Scarecrow

Wed Aug 26 18:02:59 2015

Scarecrows are "dolls" for Nowherian witches - they are using them as their second bodies.

Exclusive art from "Straight to Nowhere". This scarecrow belongs to witch called Ianta, she is from this book.

Nowhere: Apples - WIP

Wed Aug 26 17:56:05 2015

This rapoda was an adopt that we sold on FA, but owner bring her back to us. So we decided to make her character. Her theme is pumpkin-lollipop, she is adult rapoda and she is anthro. Yes. Grimm's idea that all rapodas can make their bodies anthro if they want, but the most of the time they are feral.

Also here is a Pinecone rapoda on background. He climbs on the stair, but Grimm deleted stair from sketch, so he go to the sky :\

When we'll finish this pic, we'll tell more about characters~

Nowhere: Anteros and Sarethna

Sun Aug 23 12:46:36 2015

They both are antagonists of Nowhere's story: Anteros was a mage, that Contour, God of Nowhere, called brother (but they are not). Sarethna is Anteros' black heart, that he loves.

The Wolf

Sat Aug 22 22:00:40 2015

Phurra secondary character from our with Grimm RP (it's in Russian only, and we can't translate it, because it's too big :<). His name is unknow, but everybody calls him "Wolf". He is Adventurer from Magpies-community.

I want so bad that Patreon make tags. I would mark this sketch with RP-title, "The Bird's Language".

Lavi the lover

Sat Aug 22 21:54:34 2015

As we promised, Nowherian art happens ;>

We tried to make our Nowherian species more sexual, and started from vulchi. This is Lavi the vulchi, he is a magician and villain.

Also you can catch some old additional clean-art with him in attachments.There may be something that you didn't see ^^

Lavi_coating.jpg Lavi_gift_to_Grimm.jpg Lavi_first_design.jpg Lavi_gift_to_Grimm_OOC.jpg lavi_r-18.png

Asomatous, 11 page sketch

Sat Aug 22 21:54:47 2015

Lot and lot of roumenrou

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 10 page

Wed Aug 19 09:49:54 2015

We go to sleep now, so we are posting the page earlier (:

We tried to make more panels on the one page, and it took a lot of time, about the week (!!!11). Grimm sketched and colored sepia panels with a little storyline. I say personally, that I adore the map and knife :3

Ruby is the mostly emotional guy from the roumenrou trio, but he will never blame Idow. But Shakur do.


Also, guys! Soon we will go to catch the final bit of summer, and we are waiting for our new trip to Crimea, the south of our wonderful country. We will dissapear for the half of month (from 29 August to 12 September), and we really doubt that we can finish 11 page in the last days. Be sure that we will done with it before 19 September. And after September you will get more comic stuff than earlier, if you remember :>

But if you think that our patreon will be silent during this time, you are mistaken. We have a bunch of Nowherian exclusive art and we gonna share it with you soon. ;> We have our special secret agent, that will upload a lot of sceneries here in our absence.

"Only best wines, only from Latori"

Wed Aug 19 08:52:35 2015

L: Yesterday night I had a hawt mood and draw this :>

Poor man! He lost his pants somewhere, but he brought the nice wine for... Someone.

And yes, Latorian parba make the best wines in Shang-La.


My new sahash character, his name is Saveliy (aka Savvah) Ugryumov. A little background: Saveliy was burn in a noble family, in Noury; he is a maroosh ("deer-antlers"). He is about 27 years old, and despite this age taken a manhood in Noury, Savvah is not married and even doesn't think about family. He invests the science singlit "Silver Word", expecting that it will bring him a return.

Even as Saveliy lavish his sister's money, playing cards and drinking once in a while, he is not a waster. Quite the opposite, he takes control of his health, eats only "healthy foods" and takes a long promenades. He also employs his own doctor from "Silver Word", Maurice.


Asomatous materials: Evril finding

Mon Aug 17 18:35:12 2015

Meet Evril, the character that belongs to Ushka, young artist from Russia. We desided to show this guy in our comic, giving him a small cameo.

This is a good practis for us, and it's very interesting and funny to work with our readers like that, involving them into the story cannon itself. :-)

Well... Evril is a light boy, he was born in Sovaum, the capital of Ayelahai. Normally he has a pretty calm nature, but we gave him different emotions palette on the picture, to show his hidden feelings, and different moments from his daylife.

Duke's things, ACM

Mon Aug 17 17:44:09 2015

Duke has no crossbow now (this pic is old, but here is a lot of stuff that is still important), but have a dagger instead.

He adore brown, blue, orange colors and also stripes. And eat on the run.

Evil evil evil evil Duke, ACM

Mon Aug 17 17:23:21 2015

Meet the new character of Asomatous, Duke (:

Honestly, he is not new - like Teresis. We created them almost in the same time. He is decantier, but this title not even remotely resembling with wine. Decant, also known as Koroon, is a mastery that allows to "decant" properties of any item and use it on living person. For example, if you will decant the main property of feather - lightness - and will use it on yourself, you'll become "light like a feather" for a few minute.

Also you can use this mastery for healing. Koroon-master can decant all useful properties from vulnerary herbs and just heal his patient. You may see the special feather in Duke's hand; pavlinkas, peacock-like phoenixes, eat poison snakes, and their feathers can cure poisoning.

Also Duke is a student of shangdom-master, and he has evil eye to see type of Shang. But it's another story already, and we will tell about later :>

Potion master

Mon Aug 17 17:21:08 2015

Random Padmirian sabeth :3

Anatomy, pose, colors practice.

Beasts of El-Balyama

Mon Aug 17 17:16:43 2015

Tsourai white cobra called Anelace and a namless animal on the right.

Nowhere: Leynee-Lee the Ruan

Mon Aug 17 17:02:45 2015

Character from Nowherian setting. We generate about Nowhere, because we really love it (and this is just one of two our settings, so it's easier to work on it). We scrapped almost all of the charas, so Leynee-Lee is one of the newest.

And we added plumes to the ruans design now (: That's a cute detail.

Nowhere: Arks

Mon Aug 17 15:06:17 2015

We found a good picture with this species, that belongs, as we said already, to the Nowhere world.

Arks have a tiger/bird origin, they can live in the dark forests, creating their roundish houses in the trees, but they also can feel comfortable in the big cities too.They are very tall, and strong, so this makes them good soldiers and even outwardly they look intimidating. Sensitive "whiskers" on their heads helps them to navigate in the wild nature, but also serves to show emotions.

They are one of the four species in the Nowhere - there are people and Ruans, as well as Vulchie. You can say that Arks seems to be "primitive" species, as if they lived in tribes, but this is just the first impression. They have a rich culture, albeit very closed to other creatures.


The Red Lands princess

Sat Aug 15 17:51:51 2015

Annah, the princess of the Arks. I'm not sure if anyone remember this creatures - they belongs to the Nowhere, our second world, the homeland of Ruans and Vulchie, and also Rapodas.

The old art with Arks can be found here:

Yeah, 2012, and now we can't look at our old art without a smile xD This one is newer, and more cannon for this moment.

We will gave you more information about Ark and Nowhere in general oneday.



Sat Aug 15 09:11:16 2015

Guys, it's A BIG SURPRISE. We see 29 patrons here, but a couple of months ago there were just 12 of you. So, we reached the 1st milestone goal - "More pages", and we willbe as good as one's word. Remind, we post 1 page of "Asomatous" per 2 weeks, but for our patrons we'll post 1 page per week. We have a few clauses of new pageposting. Here we go:

In relation of Patreon leak and fake patrons accounts, we'll set about new rules of pageposting only after August/September. Why? We need to verify some of our patrons; and maybe total amount of pledges could be changed. The second reason, we are not free to the end of August/the start of September, because we leave our city for a two weeks. After this, we will be working on commissions. Until this, we will try to make pages as much as possible to release it on the dot in the future.

Of course, we will do public schedule for everybody :> For now, will be waiting for new pages 08.22.2015.

It's OK, friends? :>

Gross the Rapoda

Fri Aug 14 12:10:17 2015

It was an old sketch that we desided to finish. :-)

It's Gross, our human female character, drawn as a Rapoda lady. Looks cute with all of this warm colors!

Passive Agressive

Wed Aug 12 11:16:33 2015

Some symbolic picture, that me and Grimm collaborated lately.

Seems this creature will be tsourai or someone's Shang.

Shakur study, ACM

Wed Aug 12 11:12:45 2015

[ACM - Asomatous comic materials]

Get ready to see a lot of roumenrou on next pages! So we need to study a lot of their heads and anatomyю

Asomatous page 10, sketch

Mon Aug 10 18:21:37 2015

Aaaand Ruby gonna mad!

I hope you like Idow's and Shakur's facesxD

Stripe WIP

Mon Aug 10 18:19:53 2015

Grimm compiled it :) Because she worked on this part.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 9 page

Fri Aug 7 20:59:03 2015

Finally (:

Will be glad to see your comments, tee-hee x3

Also, pay attention to number of Idow's room! And to date of today.

Next page here: 08.22.15

On FA: 08.24.15

Work on comic

Thu Aug 6 10:12:55 2015

Grimm helps me with Idow's pose :D

Black lady, sketch

Wed Aug 5 21:50:35 2015

L: Grimm decided to finish old sketch. Here is a djadu lady and her dead sahash husband.

If you don't see the submission, please download attachment!

jpg (d)

Tsourai and sahash of different countries

Wed Aug 5 21:45:51 2015

Memo. Let's remember tsourai and sahash nations :D

Only Beyleria has no any special tsourai... that's because there live immortals that looks like animals mostly.

The Lake, sketch

Wed Aug 5 21:30:38 2015

Arch-Cora in her sahash-view. She was a great warrior a long time ago...

Bird song, sketch

Wed Aug 5 21:28:00 2015

L: I listened Florence and The Machine - Bird Song, when I draw this scene.

I redesigned Arch-Cora aka Jah-Nin and a little change her story, but I will tell later, when some another scene with her will be finished.

Jah-Neen likes birds very much.

Bird song

Tue Aug 4 12:02:20 2015

L: I listened Florence and The Machine - Bird Song, when I draw this scene.

I redesigned Arch-Cora aka Jah-Nin and a little change her story, but I will tell later, when some another scene with her will be finished.

Jah-Neen likes birds very much.

Sketch for 9 page

Tue Aug 4 11:51:20 2015

Soon x3

Beylerian sketches

Tue Aug 4 11:27:33 2015

About fashion and traditions (:

Tsourai Kings and Queens

Tue Aug 4 11:23:23 2015

Sketch version

Tsourai Kings and Queens, part 1

Sat Aug 1 16:27:50 2015

Series of tsourai portraits. Here is the most famous of tsourai in Shang-La, and we'll make more soon.

God save the King

Fri Jul 31 13:10:19 2015

Here is a fight between two tsourai Kings - between the Brave Wolf and Maltrazoor.Long time ago a lot of tsourai battled between each other to get the tsourai King's crown and make their tribe more powerful.Maltrazoor was a fierce, angry and cunning like devil, and he killed a lot of Kings; the Brave Wolf was one of them. He created shantee creatures (this is jadu, Nomes, etc) and then he was destroyed by another strong King, Bamboo.
So, here is Maltrazoor in his living form. When Kings dies, they come to Padmir, where they can resurrect by some padmirians' help. And they are becoming Beasts, demons. Maltrazoor became Opera demon after his death.Also, Bartholomew is a Beast too, that means that he was a King on a Surface.

Morning mail - [WIP]

Fri Jul 31 13:00:18 2015

Avirmad the Caspian, and his morning mail.He is a man of 'higher class', aristocrat, who lives in Padmire, the world of tsurai. He is known in the neighborhood as a very strange boy with strange habits, he also has the hot-tempered nature and can be very, very rude. Avirmads house is chock-full of servants (who have become random targets of aggression of their young master and his bad mood) and different rare flowers from the Surface, that he grow for his own fun.But sometimes he can be somehow cute, like on this picture.

You better sleep! [WIP]

Fri Jul 31 12:55:01 2015

L: Collab between Grimm and our friend, Rotarr! Here is a lot of her characters - lady Cornflakes the rapoda (yellow one), Sharin (white one), and glovolwe Henry. Other characters are Grimm's.Sharyn tries to lull babies, so he is reading them a bedtime story, but those kids unwilling to listen - they want to play with Sharyn instead, because he's such a huge guy, and it seems like fun to ride on his back! Sharin would like to scare stupid children, but they are not caring. Rapodas and glovolwes are ours.Sharin, Henry and Corn belongs to Ro!

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 8 page

Fri Jul 24 21:37:14 2015


We still in Saint-Petersburg, but tomorrow night we will back to Moscow. We hope you missed us! :3


This page is another experiment with frames, composition and colors. And we plans to do more!

We even know what we will do for extra pages that will be after this chapter.

The next page will appear here 08.08.15. On FA - 08.10.15

Belrean, the Frangian dragons, colored

Thu Jul 16 11:13:09 2015

L: Grimm created this dragon, when we draw with Kiki. I wanted to make them a kind of shanglaian dragons, so they are now <: There is still nothing to say, I need to translate info about them.

Also, you can open a bigger resolution of file now! Thanks Patreon, it's becoming more comfortable.

Belrean, the Frangian dragon, sketch

Thu Jul 16 11:07:32 2015

L: Grimm created this dragon, when we draw with Kiki. I wanted to make them a kind of shanglaian dragons, so they are now <: There is still nothing to say, I need to translate info about them.

Also, you can open a bigger resolution of file now! Thanks Patreon, it's becoming more comfortable.

Lyamin the sabeth

Tue Jul 14 18:58:41 2015

Original form of Lyamin. Ray's concept, sabeth, is in Padmir now, it's one of four folks there.Another three is maravins, jadu and caspians, we'll post more later!We also have a plan to re-make portraits that we did for some our characters. There was a human variant of Lyamin, and she love her human-face more than sabeth. She is a sewer and poetess.

Vild writing

Sun Jul 12 15:38:06 2015

L: I did the lettering for human's writing, "vild". This is an adaptation of the ayelahaian version of sahash writing "vildomead". Vildomead is music-like, and only sahash can read it. When they read any letter, they hear something like a music, not words. All sounds in vildomead have its own color, that means different emotions. Vildomead has not stable alphabet.

For humans were created vild. It's composed of different vildomead letter's and have pronounce. Sahash can use it too, when they correspond with their human friends.

Don't call attention for cyrrilic here. It doesn't mean anything, because I didn't base it one Cyrillic (and on Latin too), so it's just for simplicity.


I work on vild in, and you can see here, what I did already :D When I'll finish, I will post vild-font here for free using!

Asomatous comic material, Tera's face

Sun Jul 12 15:35:18 2015

L: Concepting Teresis' face and her emotions. I can't catch lines, she is always so different!

Elbalyamian priests clothes concept

Sun Jul 12 15:29:17 2015

Elbalyamian priests clothes concept

We did this concept for one elbalyamian scenery, but the sketch was too bad xD And we just finished concepts. Anyway, it's important too! El-Balyama's color based on Egyptian, but not fully. There is a little Mayan's echo too.

Asomatous page will be post 07.12.15

Fri Jul 10 23:33:47 2015

Patrons, friends!
We are sorry to tell that, but we'll post the next page of "Asomatous" not tomorrow, but aftertomorrow. Lins got a sick, and we should to stop for a while. Hope you will understand, guys~

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 7 page

Wed Jul 8 08:53:37 2015


Opps, it seems Teresis will have a big problem here... but Idow have such a cute face! No, Tera, you need to pass this little imp, until her "hellhounds" show their fangs!


I hope you noticed a bark beetle, it's very important symbol here. But we'll not tell what it means, it's "spoiler-dangerous" (© quote by Ray).

We supposed to make an Asomatous-symbolarium, when we'll finish just for two volumes.


Oh, yes, we forgot about dates!

The next page will appear here 07.25.15 (and on FA - 07.27.15)


Bad dreaming [18+]

Tue Jul 7 21:28:53 2015

Warning: this is a gay-porn! Yeeeessss, we have a good mood for this the last time :> Full version in attachment.


Old sketch in a new way. :> A character that stands (or lies) in front of you in such a favorable light, named Yadvigo. Originally he was born in Beyleria (you can say it for sure, looking at his "bullish" brute face and horns). He was the husband of lady Brontir, who was fascinated by his magic. It just so happened that Yadvigo is the only and lonely mage in the whole lands of his country x 3 But not a very successful one, so when he became the cause of death of one of the Royal Knights, he was forced to flee as a matter of urgency. He successfully robbed Brontir blind, and then he left, trying to save his life. But where can the man go, if he is internationally wanted? Yadvigo used his clever brains and decided that the best place to lay low is the bagiji house (the name for brothels on Shang-La).

Well, he was right. In some measure... he was hiding there, successfully fighting off customers with his charm magic (Yadvigo made them think, that they had a lovely time with him, but he was doing nothing except magic, no sex there), but after a few month something in his life went wrong and he started to lose his powers. Of course, there was no dirty scene like this in the cannon story, but this poor guy was very-very close to that x3


Nome Exalis

Tue Jul 7 21:11:35 2015

I wrote about Nomeshere.

I did draw Exalis, and not once. You can find old imageshereandhere.
And I implore you, don't read the info below that pictures X"D It's outdated.

Just as I say here, Exalis is very quiet and cunning person. He is a godfather of mortician in El-Balyama. I redesigned him and still not sure how he should look.

Tattered wings

Tue Jul 7 20:49:37 2015


We finally finished this piece. As I already said, our friend Ray helped us with viarraxia's anatomy, because it's her creature and she knows better how to draw them! x3

Khali used to be an imperial dragoon. Her grahn (his name is Nemesa) is a smart ass, and he doesn't like to live in the city, he wanted to come back to the wild nature. Nemesa convinced Khali (in his own way) to run, but it's not so easy as animal can figure. Anyway, his words were well founded.

Imperial harbourer Ichisya and his own viarraxia, called Gang, chased them. Gang jumps onto the wyvern's back and got fangs into his wings. This maneuver didn't stop two mavericks and they have gone, but Nemesa can't fly anymore. This took a toll on his nature.


High-resolution in attachment!


Tattered wings, WIP

Mon Jul 6 23:14:24 2015

Progress of this:

Asomatous, 7 page background

Sun Jul 5 19:14:02 2015

G: I love working on backgrounds in this novel. It seems to be a real challenge for me, as long as I'm not an accurate person and not an accurate artist either. I remember my old lineworks - and it was messy xD Now I can do it better.

It was interesting to mix different cultures in the designs to give this room and street that typical Ayelahai feeling, that I was needed. Now I wonder how much it will take to color all of it up xD


Sun Jul 5 11:35:13 2015

L: I very love my new character Glaydia (I changed her name a little). She is from Nourian aristocracy, adore to hunt, draw and ride.

She and her brother:

Asomatous, 7 page sketch

Sun Jul 5 11:28:35 2015

We can share the sketch finally :) Honestly, this is the first version of this page, we already changed it a little and expanded the top panel.

I want to make this scene as key. So it's important.

Nome Shai [colored]

Fri Jul 3 19:07:12 2015

We are still working on merging our old world and Shang-La. Happy to notice, it goes well! And we use one of our favorite concept as Nomes of El-Balyama, and this lady is one of them. Her name is Shai, she is the personification of fertility in her lands. Her color, green, tells about this.


Nome Shai

Fri Jul 3 18:56:48 2015

We are still working on merging our old world and Shang-La. Happy to notice, it goes well! And we use one of our favorite concept as Nomes of El-Balyama, and this lady is one of them. Her name is Shai, she is personification of fertility in her lands.

Asomatous materials, hotel

Tue Jun 30 15:01:20 2015

Thoughts about hotel :\

We want to show ayelahaian color on our pages, so we desided to work a little bit on each detail, to get the right atmosphere for the whole picture.

You can see the classic of Ayelahay motives here - wooden ornaments, colorful glass decoration and phoenix symbols. Also the 'map' of the hotel building where Idow and her friends wanna stay. :)

Padmir's forest

Tue Jun 30 11:30:07 2015

Here are feathers, leaves instead. Here are bells, fruits intead.

That's how looks trees in Padmir, Shang-La's underworld.

Queen of phoenixes

Tue Jun 30 11:24:47 2015

Her name is Kealfa, she is a tsourai and creator of all shanglanian phoenixes. She is not evil, but may be cruel... Maybe that's why the big empire like Ayelahai love peacocks.

Lins' Rapoda

Mon Jun 29 13:20:16 2015

G: this is a little and cute creature I draw for Lins, as a small gift. I don't know how she is planning to use this character so far, but I can say a word about this Rapoda design.

It's based on the fig tree and figs itself, with a small addition of physalis and dog-rose. :) He looks like a small Rapoda, but his personality seems to be half-way to the next step of the Rapodas adulthood. He is a kind of a gloomy guy.

Dirty work (R18)

Mon Jun 29 00:39:46 2015

L: Full version + a little stupid sketch in attachments!

My sualokin character, Glenn. Me and Grimm had some text-RP with him and Grimm's character More (stress on -e-), who is a man, a human. We call their pairing Glenamour xD

We draw porno or ero-things not so often, and we hope it will not scare our patrons :3 And we prefer to draw male porn, so... you warned.

(I thinks it's a lube)

glenn2.jpg moreeee.jpg

Tattered wings, colors

Sun Jun 28 20:06:09 2015


Try to make it more dramatic!

Gledia and Ceily

Sun Jun 28 20:01:10 2015

Just a sketch, maybe we'll finish it. They both also have third sibling, sister twin.

Aw, so hard to post it from the phone!

Joneril expressions

Sun Jun 28 19:00:31 2015

Lucky Jon aka Golden Hand! Do you remember him?



Sun Jun 28 16:04:59 2015

We should stop using a world's name in title now, I suppose...

This is icon with Idow is for our Russian twitter.

Shang-La: tattered wings

Sun Jun 28 16:00:26 2015

A little collaboration between us and Ray!

There is Khali and her grahn Nemesa, who lost his wings... because of one angry viarraxia.

Viarraxia belongs to Ray Etherna, and she also draw him here.

Asomatous materials, Idow reference

Sat Jun 27 13:44:38 2015

L: She is a girl with a cute face, right?

I just can say that Idow is from El-Balyama (and I said it already) and she is a half-blood matree. Her tailset is tied like elbalyamian priests do - she is not, though, but she set up herself a priest of Shakur. Why? You will see later. What the scars? You will see later too.

Idow don't like clothes. If she could, she will wear nothing.

We also redesigned her bagpack, what means we'll shange it on another pages someday.

Thank you everyone! ♥


Asomatous 1, Travellers: 6 page

Sat Jun 27 00:31:12 2015

Ooooh we did it :D


Asomatous, 6 page sketch

Mon Jun 22 22:19:36 2015


Asomatous materials, roumenrou's skins

Mon Jun 22 22:15:14 2015

This is also reference for us :\ Color skins of this wonderful roumenrou trio from Asomatous!


Shang-La: English breakfast

Mon Jun 22 21:44:43 2015

L: This is one of my favorite collaboration between Grimm and me! Grimm figured an idea, draw this, lined this... OK, she did the most of the work here xD I just drop some shadows here and rendered it to the final.

Yesterday we mixed two our worlds, Shang-La and Taolee. Now ex-"Taolee" called Padmir, and this is the underworld of immortals. There is no time, and only tsourai lives here.

You can read about Bartholomew here. And Luther is a puppet that was created after his, Luther's, death. So why he is still immortal tsourai in the same time? There, in Padmir, is no death of old age, but another tsourai can murder you, if they want. So Luther was murdered, poor boy, but his father commission a puppet-master to create a puppet of Luther. This is like resurrection.

So, when Luther was revived, father gifted him Bartholomew, as we said in Bart's reference already. Father commanded him to protect son's puppet, and he does.


About "All posts" section.

Wed Jun 17 16:51:54 2015

As patreon guide said, patrons can use this section to post some questions, fanarts, err, everything. So don't be shy! We would very glad to chat with you here C:
Also, we add goals finally. Have no idea, how fast or slow we'll reach it, but anyway.

REF: Bartholomew Blackwood

Wed Jun 17 13:28:44 2015

A little info about one of our favorite characters. His design was particularly based on image of red dragon with the Virgin Mary (unfortunately, we lost the original picture. It was an old Russian icon, created in 15 centuries, I guess). First time, when Grimm draws this character, Bartholomew was moretraditional, and you can help us to find the original, if you saw it in Google (:

The new Bartholomew's design still has a lot of classy details that all of the Russian traditional dragons have - his color is still red, he has feathered wings, only two legs, the typical crown, and the 'arrow' shaped tails. His soft muzzle is opposite to the traditional pictures of Western dragons of middle ages.


Asomatous comic material, Teresis finding

Wed Jun 17 13:07:11 2015

Yes, Teresis always have a big cracknel hairtyle on her head. And the more the better.

Shang-La: new Teresis

Wed Jun 17 12:57:32 2015

Final variant of Teresis' worksuit and her cracknel hairstyle, of course. Drawing this thing, I very inspired by Nesskain's style, that is simply awesome (you can check his gallery on DeviantArt, maybe, I'm not sure where to search for him).


Shang-La: Teresis

Wed Jun 17 12:47:59 2015

Name of this character is Teresis, she was the one of protagonists of our "The Keeper" comic (that was succesfully scrapped). We would tell you about her more with a big pleasure, but we are afraid it will be a big spoiler. Yes, she will be in "Asomatous" comic now c:

Shortcut name of "Teresis" is simply "Tera", we call her that often. Actually name is reading as Tere[z]is, stress on the second "e".


Asomatous comic material, Teresis' things

Wed Jun 17 12:37:28 2015

Some another comic materials, important Tera's things. Child photo, peacock feather-like bodkin, scarf... and another stuff.

Shang-La: cage

Wed Jun 17 12:33:17 2015

This is an old piece from 2014 :> It supossed to be in artbook's extra, but we abandoned that idea.

Name of this character is Teresis, she was the one of protagonists of our "The Keeper" comic (that was succesfully scrapped). We would tell you about her more with a big pleasure, but we are afraid it will be a big spoiler. Yes, she will be in "Asomatous" comic now c:


Mon Jun 15 20:01:16 2015

Female one :)

Enaras are living "clay-pots" with tentacle tail. They are small, like medium dogs, and can be male, female or androgynous. As far enaras have no purtenance, they can bring different liquids inside of their body and save it from spoil.

They are live in Shang-La world and will be in Asomatous comic.

Franjee concepts

Mon Jun 15 19:50:03 2015

A few general concepts with the classical motive of Franjee culture - the wolf (or a dragon, this symbol can be dual) and the keyhole, which can be interpreted as "mystery" and "isolation", because Franjee was historically isolated from the other countries.

The first image at the top is a coin with the Franjee emblem. This is also an emblem of the King's family. The next thing is a lock, made of bronze, and the last one is a golden key.


Asomatous 1, Travellers: 5 page

Sat Jun 13 02:12:06 2015

Trying to take a room :\

The next page will appear here 06.27.15 (on FA - 06.29.15).


We need the rest.


Asomatous, 5 page sketch

Thu Jun 11 23:18:26 2015

L: What is it, what is it? This is the next comic page! I have no idea, when we'll finish it, but you may be sure, you will get it on the dot.

Idow found the hotel finally. She can't read, so she is looking on the pictures. And she is very, very chaotic and immature :D I love to draw her.

Asomatous comic material, clothes

Thu Jun 11 18:36:24 2015

Some ayelahaian clothes concept for aristocrats! Very tall human lady and very short sahash lady. "Elite" dress tailored by silk; quantity of allowing colors is 2. The imperceptible floral or animal patterns.


WIP: RedCreator commission

Wed Jun 10 12:36:46 2015

A little step-by-step-but-not-really thing for you x)
Download file in attachment.


Shang-La: wild Ruraka

Mon Jun 8 19:43:03 2015

L: It's Kinlek's grahn, Ruraka. I draw her a lot, and this is her wild form - no mane, no patterns, no colors.Â

P.S.: Hooray, html! I can make normal links now!Â

Kinlek and Ruraka â–º

Kinlek and Ruraka again â–º

Grahn reference â–º


Taolee - evil duo

Thu Jun 4 13:00:46 2015

Until we back in the city, we'll post something tiny and not related with Shang-La. Here is two villains from Taolee world, Maltrazoor, the music demon, and Bartholomew. Grimm draw them for us as an icons for some social community.

We hope you are don't boring without some of our doodles! We promise, here will be a lot of it soon.

Also thanks very much for your answers on previous post. We will realize this reward ASAP!


Variant for reward

Mon Jun 1 16:02:08 2015

Guys, we have an idea.
What if we will open reward for custom sahash-characters to put them into "Asomatous" comic? It will be about three or four slots for example. Owner will decide, how exactly this character will be connected with protagonists and what the role he will have. We and owner will work on this character together, we will draw a reference and some concept art and will decide, how much pages here will be for custom character.
So, what do you think?
We will place this post on FA too, but a little later.

Shang-La: elbalyamian rou

Mon Jun 1 15:53:39 2015

It's just an old concept that we already redesigned. On Shang-La is two nations of roumenrou, and their appearance depends of their religion. So here is roumenrou from El-Balyama, where they worship to Nomes.

Reward for Daniel Y

Mon Jun 1 09:51:27 2015

As far as Daniel had no reference and even no character, we both decided to create one with keywords, that was given by current owner of this sahash :> His name is Matarr, he is dallinga, living in Beyleria. His coating color is bronze charcoal.

The info was written by the owner, and we edited it a little.

Character Nature:

Calm in most situations, but gets over-enthusiastic towards things he's passionate about. Blunt and daydreams too much.

Character Description: A scientist. Employed by the military to use his knowledge towards strategic uses if possible. Fascinated with birds.

The birds, "cockatiel-phoenixes", fastened upon Matarr.

Shang-La: Austino

Sun May 31 13:58:57 2015

A quick sketch of Austino, one of emperor dragoon. He is eccentric andoutrageous matree-guy, from El-Balyama in other words. When he come to the emperial palace in Ayelahai,all in attendance was surprised, when Arch-Cora choose him as dragoon. Austino wears nothing except long cloak, breechcloth, white gloves and gaiters.

Reward for TeniCola

Thu May 28 17:02:29 2015

Oh, we just noticed that one reward was lost! This one for TeniCola, her nice character Ricki x3


Wed May 27 22:42:07 2015

We finally done this small chiby-things for you, guys. But it's not too late to send us your refs - I mean, for those, who didn't do that yet. Anyway, thank you everyone, for being our inspiration and for your support. It's really importaint for us. We will send the original files via messages here. And for the picture itself - I draw all the characters as sahash here, just for fun. ^^

GrossePhillippe (
Nadja Vahlqvist
( )

Process video - "It was a bad day..." [commission for Kuro]

Wed May 27 22:22:49 2015

Stream commission video!
Ugh, we don't draw anything except commissions and study works... so it's a commission x3 Characters belongs to their owners, and we love them so much.
Also, Grimm almost finished all rewards for 1$!

Shang-La: colored grahndream

Wed May 27 00:13:52 2015

L: It's a baby grahndream, I colored him with copic markers and pencils.

5f30548553b28287aaa54bffbbae12f2.jpg colored_baby-grahndream.jpg

Delibash is fat

Wed May 27 00:12:17 2015

L: It's cause from life xD Ray jumped and break our with Grimm bed lol
Delibash is the vaver, she is from Raekterrna. Character and world belongs to Ray Etherna.


Shang-La: Gilchrist the Dragon

Wed May 27 00:10:29 2015

L: He is actually a human, but we decided to draw him as a dragon from Kiki Uma's setting. Just for fun! But I like this design so much - this dragon have a whiskers, and soft, heart-like nose (will be redrawn later). Another his parts are hard, covered with strong scales. We will place this concept on Shang-La, but in Kiki Uma's world it's the only one dragon like this, and this is Gilchrist. x3


Taolee: glovolwes

Wed May 27 00:06:35 2015

This girl will be a glovolwe adopt. Maybe. I don't know yet x3


Taolee: gothic lolita glovolwe

Wed May 27 00:05:33 2015

L: I sketched her, and Grimm wanted to take her so bad... so I presented it xD
I will finish this sketch someday.


Shang-La: grahndream concept

Wed May 27 00:04:05 2015

Concepting grahndream's heads for this time. They aso actually have a butterfly wings or something like this. I need to think more about it.
Also here is a couple of Maude heads.
Grahndreams is ours.
Caerran (Raekterrna world) belongs to Ray Etherna.

bf119136a35579e0d3a72352c89d9afa.jpg Grahndream_concept_Shang-La_world_and_Maude_the_Caerran_Raekterrna-world.jpg

Shang-La: grahndream concept

Wed May 27 00:01:51 2015

It's a more truly concept of these wyverns. I took one fontain dragon as a base for them.


Shang-La: grahndream concept

Wed May 27 00:00:19 2015

As title said.
It's an old one, I just scanned the sketchbook's pages.

609d1996c17efa1ecbd065f2d2ba7688.jpg Grahndream_concept.jpg


Tue May 26 23:59:18 2015

Here is Maude the Caerran mostly and concept of grahndream.
Caerran belongs to our co-author Ray Etherna, they are animas from world Raekterrna.
Grahndreams from Shang-La world.

1f3f338f14d9a28d4fe9ce1bff58f7ab.jpg Maude_the_Caerran_Raekterrna_and_Grahndream_Shang-La_world.jpg

Shang-La: shanti

Tue May 26 23:57:49 2015

Random shanti, mail-creatures in Noury. If you remember Shtukes - he is a shanti too.

a7a905a6c56a998640577c758e2030df.jpg Random_shanti_Shang-La_world.jpg


Tue May 26 23:55:48 2015

Here is a lot of Kiki Uma's characters! and random Rapoda (Nowhere ◊ world) x3


Shang-La: sahash sketches

Tue May 26 23:48:37 2015

Random. Also design of war outfit :>

51640e15305beba8ce7c623156b0c0a7.jpg Sahash.jpg

Shang-La: Sarissa and Brontir sketches

Tue May 26 23:47:37 2015

Yes, Sarissa loves donuts.

11bc948301c43e8eea8e31280ea3a865.jpg Sarissa_and_Brontir_sketches.jpg

Asomatous: 3 and 4 pages background

Fri May 22 22:11:51 2015

For all, who asked!
Big version in attachment.

5042317eef92bb21a7a40b54b932a743.jpg background.jpg

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 3 and 4 pages

Fri May 22 22:09:10 2015

Sorry for delay, guys!
Idow and her buddies rich Sovaum, the main of ayelahaian city.
Oh, we was work on this so hard! It took a bunch of time, we mixed it between my study works and commission work, and just today we finished it.
We'll take a bigger interval before we'll post next pages. The next one will appear here on 06.13. On FA - 06.15.

Bigger version in attachment!

bbc0693903f914d61e6a6d4e68ade1fb.jpg 3-4_eng2.jpg

New pages WIP: background

Tue May 19 14:38:52 2015

Progress of the new Asomatous pages for you :) It was pretty hard to work on this, but it was also very interesting too - we are trying to catch the city atmosphere, the summer feeling and lights.

Taolee: WIP

Thu May 14 22:20:53 2015

G: Another stage of this drawing process. It seems to be one of the most hard-to-color lines in the last month for me xD

$1 and $7 patrons, give me your characters refs! REWARD UPDATE

Thu May 14 17:08:52 2015

Send us your characters references in comments, and I'll draw icons for all of you! It will be 200x200, and will be also related to our setting. But it's a secret-themed-icons so I woun't tell you what I'm planning to do :)

Shang-La: rage of god

Wed May 13 15:21:24 2015

A little sketch to scene. This is will be illustration to "Dog in the thorn" with two character - Mahleesia and Aroon. That eel-dragon is Netleyn, symbol and god of Noury. He attacked both sahash, when they sneaked through palace of tsar, and tried to turn them into ashes, but Aroon take the shield and covered up himself and Mahleesia.

Process video - Ceryl [reward for Ahst]

Mon May 11 14:16:37 2015

Here we go!
(reupload #1289129912)

Shang-La: Nae

Mon May 11 01:29:28 2015

Reward for WhiteMantis. Original character is here:

Since there is no Geisha on Shang-La, and the role of Hetaira doesn't fit Nae at all, we decided to make her El-Balyamian aristocrat. Members of the aristocracy in El-Balyama have a few interesting traditions. First of all, they cut their horns, to make it very thin and accurate. After that, they put the flat glass disks (which resembles the Sun, that's why it's have red or golden colors) between their horns, to create an emblem of their high blood. Aristocrats also shave their tails and taping it up, so the tip of the tail looks just like a Lotus Flower.

Here you can see Nae as the part of the noble family. She is going to the high day, to the center of the city. Nae is wearing one of her best outfits, to show it to her friends (or, maybe, her secret lover?), but she was approached by playful Bennou phoenix, that hooked beak the hem of her dress. Nae turned around to see who is playing pranks with her (she tought is was some kid from te streets), and saw a noble bird. She smiled - it seems that this beautiful creature should became a good company. What can be better than the gloss of the feathers and the beauty of the lovely noble girl?
- Oh, hello... Would you mind to come with me, stranger? - she asked, - I invited you, if you are not scared.
But the phoenix wasn't scared at all, he came closer, making gentle noises.
- I'm the lucky one, - Nae touched the bird's feathers and gently caressed it, smiling to her own, secret thoughts,- This day can be very special for me. Maybe one of the Nom's godes sent you here, to give me blessing...
It's not often, when the wild birds, typically communicating only with the priests of the temples, are not afraid of other sahash. So all women and men around were surprised, looking at the Nae and her amazing companion.


Shang-La: Ceryl

Mon May 11 01:16:41 2015

Reward for Ahst, original character is here:

Ceryl is an adventurer from Beyleria, hungry for the risky adventures that also bring him money. In other countries, it would be called a mercenary, but in Beyleria adventurers are ancient and high-respected profession. So, Ceryl went into the Woods to get a mythical creature, so called 'Headless Deer' for his customer, but it assumed a trail, and he got lost. Obviously, the witch is in it, so it was a play of some mighty tsourai (the small gods/spirits of Shang-La). There are a lot of things that a tsourai like that could want from a person like Ceryl - maybe it was his blood, or his love, or his sympathy, and maybe the tsourai just wanted to have fun.
Some way or other, smells and sensations in the woods became strange. The birds began to sing loudly and their voices changed. It may be that Ceryl even hit the ground of the II Time Belt. But it is not dangerous for him, if he will make out as quickly as possible to save himself. And if not, who knows, where it can come to ...
I want to admit, that Ceryl is a great character for the role of phurra, because this nation have their own traditional dress, part of which is a long skirt worn by both men and women. It is called 'doka'. A sword that Ceryl holding in his hands is made of black metal, that have a green glisten - it resembles a feathers of magpie, which is considered a symbol of adventurers.



Sat May 9 13:06:38 2015

L: This creatures with long muzzles are from our co-author's setting, Raekterrna (and co-author's name is Ray Etherna, maybe you hear something similiar to world's name x3).
Here is my and Grimm's characters: first and the last one is Grimm's, called Morion, and in the middle is Maude, mine.
Ray's page on FA:
Someday she will be on Patreon too!

Shang-La: leaves

Sat May 9 13:01:26 2015

Leaves of trees in Padmir, underworld of tsourai, looks like a red, orange or violet feathers, and bells is actually fruits. Ends of branches of Padmir's trees is helical, like a fishhook.


Shang-La: anadem

Sat May 9 12:52:03 2015

Roumenrou called Viveka. She is a girl :> Therefore you don't see bloodders here.
Female roumenrou loves to сarry anadem on their nakes. They have hands, so it's very comfortable to put it on.


Shang-La: black moloch

Sat May 9 12:47:52 2015

It's just a tree, but very useful and interesting tree. Body of moloch is enormous, gnarled and ooze with a black thus. That a little saplings, that are growing circle-wise of moloch, it's branches.
You can find this trees only in a pitch lake... if you will survive in such a dangerous place like this. People, that are calling masticer, search for moloch's thus and bring it to chapman. For what - I will explain later, when I show you masticers, chapmen and their chilimbar works. :>


Shang-La: Ayelahaian people

Sat May 9 12:11:00 2015

Extra illustration from The Keeper comic (2013). It's out of sale already, and we will never sale it again (I don't remember, did I said it already or not).
Anyway! This is faces of humans from Ayelahai. You can see a big gradation of it, from north of Empire to south. They are very, very different at all.


Shang-La: laugh

Fri May 8 19:35:03 2015

And he make me laugh too x'D His nostrils is too... big.
Ruby from Asomatous.

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 2 page

Fri May 8 16:23:26 2015

We a little worry about font that we did use here. It is readable? And if you will find some mistakes, feel free to remark on it.
A little note about character: the sahash is Idow, the black-and-white roumenrou is Ruby and striped roumenrou is Nyorut. And of course, dark-grey roumenrou is Shakur.
The next pages 3 and 4 will be broadside, it will appear here 05.22 (on FA - 05.24.)
Hope we'll make it in time! x3



Fri May 8 15:15:31 2015

Oh gosh, page's english translate suddenly scrapped, so it will be a little difficult to recover it x"3 But don't worry, we'll post it today anyway! Just wait a little, please.

Shang-La: Mouen sketches

Tue May 5 15:48:27 2015

First time, when I completely concepted Mouen. She is an old character actually, but I had no feelings to her, just like "Eh, I'll scrap her". Anyway, her story was changed.
She is a house master, was taking care of Ceily and his friend Kyozen, when he wasn't an emperor yet. Also she is a moona - the witch with color power. Mouen's color of fur is not usual for sahash - her coating is tender lilac, as her magic.


Also Mouen's outfits in attachment (I already posted it somewhere, so it's free)


Shang-La: pierce

Tue May 5 15:25:55 2015

"- Look at yourself, Mouen - you are very ugly girl. We will light a stars in your ears, and stars will illumine your face."

Shang-La: pierce [sketch]

Tue May 5 15:24:00 2015

"- Look at yourself, Mouen - you are very ugly girl. We will light a stars in your ears, and stars will illumine your face."

Waiting for the finished piece on FA soon!

Shang-La: grahndream

Mon May 4 22:35:30 2015

You already read about usual Grahn here:

Well, grahndream is not just a usual wyverns. In the Shang-La there is a mystical territories that called Time Belts, where time move on faster than in "normal zone". This is a land of all immortal creatures (tsourai), and humans can't leave that places avoiding growing old.

As for grahn, they are not tsourai anymore, just animals, but they can wander in Time Belts freely. They fall asleep there and see a beautiful dreams. They become a cocoon.
In this condition, sleeping grahn "evolve" into grahndream, magical intelligent creature, that doesn't obey to anybody - tsourai King or Queen and mortals too.

I took my character Lansu as example for grahndream. He was a cocoon, but emperor's hunters find him and bring him to emperor Kyozen, and now Lansu is a failed grahndream. Intelligent, but not perfect. And he will never be. So I draw his possible perfect form just for fun x3

Asomatous: roumenrou's heads study

Mon May 4 22:03:35 2015

They looks like horses, I swear. Horses with cheetah bodies.
In the bottom of the list - color concept for Shakur.

Asomatous: Shakur's head study

Mon May 4 21:58:23 2015

L: A little concept-page of Asomatous' character, Shakur the roumenrou. I did use Sculptis for build the model for drawing.

Asomatous - sketch for 2nd page

Mon May 4 21:49:25 2015

L: A little WIP for comic page. Here is nothing to quiz, honestly, just a couple of lined frames and also doodles. This page was completely done by Grimm, I just rendered it (yeah, we have a finish-version of it already). Fun fact: when I fixed 3 and 4 frames, I was using Grimm as "model" for Idow's poses, because she is really similar to Idow :D

WIP: english breakfast

Mon May 4 16:07:09 2015

It's a WIP of a simple and cute picture with Luther and Barty. We'll upload the PSD file when we'll have a colored version done!

Lovely theatre

Thu Apr 30 23:55:12 2015

G: It's a gift for my Lins on her birthday x3 In fact it's not just a picture, but a print for her ipad cover, so we'll take some actual shots with cover itself, but later.
I tried to catch all the

Shang-La: HB

Thu Apr 30 23:05:51 2015

L: I decided to draw a birthday gift... to myself, lol xD
Nyorut and Idow from Asomatous. I think 1st May is Nyorut's birthday too, hahaha x3

This character are best friends. Even Nyorut is a mute for Idow (because she doesn't understand his "songuage"), they are very like each other.

Water WIP

Tue Apr 28 16:21:13 2015

Honestly, it was a first time, when we learned how to draw water. Reflections, reflections, reflections, light - done.

Shang-La: roumenrou's bloodders

Mon Apr 27 22:32:01 2015

A little rundown about roumenrou's "bubbles" C:
Mr. Nyorut will explain you everything~


Shang-La: Sark

Mon Apr 27 17:53:07 2015

Reward for Toulouse, his character named Sark. We a little changed his designed, because the original character is a shapshifter, so we use his colors in his clothes. I hope it's okay! C: Here is a references:

So, Sark is a south-ayelahaian sahash from dallinga nation. South dallinga have a brown-yellow coating mostly and they loves mix of orange and emerald-green colours in their outfits. Also they adore to colour their horns bright! Sark is a patrician one, wears clothes with a minimum patterns and he afford the luxury of buying expensive foodstuff. And he definitely know what's what in cooking...

It's all just our ideas x3 And we hope you like it, Toulouse!

The next one is Ceryl and Nae :3


Taolee: Shevron

Sun Apr 26 23:12:36 2015

He is such an old character... But he looked absolutely different. Now his species called "kamaroo".
Shevron is a theatre worker, also he is a saroh-hunter.

Shang-La: ask Saria

Sun Apr 26 23:08:51 2015

If you want to ask Saria about something... do not ask Saria. She is too furious to answer.
I suppose, here was a question like "Who is your enemies?"

Asomatous 1, Travellers: 1 page

Fri Apr 24 19:01:14 2015

We'll post here Asomatous pages every Friday, every two weeks - two days earlier than on FA. We didn't expected that it will take so much time!
Aaand we start from Idow and Shakur.
The next page will appear here on 05.08

P.S.: If text is too small for you, you can download page from attachment.



Fri Apr 24 18:23:56 2015

L: Hello, guys!
This month is almost ended (and 1st May is my, Lins', Birthday :3) and we got the logical question: do you have any ideas about patreon rewards, goals, etc? The best reward is what people want to get, and we will not create ideas that will be better than yours.
We absolutely sure that the max pledge will be something about $18 (instead $30), because money profit is not our actual target. So, what do you think?

Shang-La: Ayelahaian lunch

Fri Apr 24 17:28:34 2015

Food in Ayelahai looks so terrible, but it's very, very tasty.


Wed Apr 22 21:47:53 2015

A couple of sketches from February to... I don't remember x) We'll compile a big sketchdump with another sketches that was not placed here.

Worlds: Taolee, Shang-La and Nowhere ♦ Mgeze. And different creatures.

Shang-La: Swift

Mon Apr 20 21:37:32 2015

It's $15 reward for Eolk! The character, Swift, belongs to him. Here is a reference:

(Another guys who pledged this sum - please, give us link on your character in comments!)

Well, Swift is sahash of parba nation, half-blood one. We and Eolk decided that his mother is a blond lady from another part of Shang-La. Parba is the only nation who loves horses and doesn't afraid of them, therefore Swift is sitting on horse's back without a trace of fear. There is also a rat on his hand - it's a little "allusion" on Eolk's original character :>

It was fun to draw someone's character as sahash :O! Also it's a good practice at off-work time. Today we both finished some commissions and now we have a right to draw something else x3 Anyway, all rewards will be finished one by one ASAP.


Coloring WIP

Mon Apr 20 16:21:44 2015

Can't say anything special about this tutorial - it's just a sample of what we are doing with rough sketches in SAI. :) It's a really simple way of coloring, we hope it will inspire some of you, guys, anyway!

Shang-La: Ruraka

Sun Apr 19 23:59:28 2015

A couple of color things with Ruraka, Kinlek's grahn.
Two files is in attacments c:

303cfc7aa69394075dffd7eddc9b9519.jpg b0ff1a935df5c625997394bfaa6a790e.jpg

Shang-La: Kinlek head

Sun Apr 19 23:56:35 2015

Style practice.

Shang-La: Walking Step-by-step

Sun Apr 19 23:52:34 2015

Just want to show you how our drawing-process going!

The drawing itself:

Shang-La: photo

Sun Apr 19 19:34:22 2015

First shot from memory. Kinlek and Ruraka, just after ritual.

Shang-La: Kinlek

Sun Apr 19 19:25:57 2015

Kinlek is one of the characters of Asomatous comic. She is a matree-sahash, that are living in El-Balyama, but she moved in Ayelahai. There was a lot of stuff that made her turn to faith, so she forgot her old religion and accepted the new one - archcorian. Goddess of Ayelahai, Arch-Cora or Lady Jah-Nin, became her mentor. Soon Kinlek hired the personal guard of the emperor, named Grahn-Dragoons. There are five of them and they are mounted on the legendary wyverns Grahn and have the different tasks in the Empire.
Kinlek took Holy orders and became the Minister of culture and cultural heritage, but her main role is to control the archcorian Church. Eradication of heresy, you know. Riding on her own wyvern called Ruraka she flies throughout the Empire, visiting small towns and cities.
That's all for now.

Grahn reference:

Shang-La: Echidna

Thu Apr 16 16:55:14 2015

Echidna is an evil sualocin of King Ing's tribe. Here is no sense to describe them, we'll make the reference one day - that's would be better. So, a few words about the character - Echidna is blind and taciturn, but very cruel and blood-thirsty person. But she is afraid of Ing a lot.

Shang-La: grahn reference

Thu Apr 16 03:58:19 2015

We felt like we need to post something, that related to "Asomatous".
This is a refsheet on Grahn. For those, who doesn't read the info in the ref > Grahn is a shanglanian whyverns and Imperial Guard, dragoons, use them as personal mounts. Whyverns are really wild when you meet them in the woods, and not that easy to catch. It takes ages to tame them... It's nearly impossible, to be correct. So dragoons have a very special, magical ritual to make this process more easy. But this will be shown in comics itself, so there is no need to post this information right now :)

Oh, by the way!
If you remember Lansu, he is a grahn too now, but intelligent, unlike the rest of the whyverns. He has human-like mind and personality. And he is cute. And pretty.

Old pic with Lansu:

You will see this grahn/dragoon characters in the comics:
And probably even more of them.

You will find the big version in attachment!


12 patrons!

Thu Apr 16 00:44:35 2015

Wow, guys, it's unbelievable! Here are 12 of patrons already O: Thank you very-very much, it's a great support and impetus for us! ♥♥ We even take a photo, sorry for shitty quality xD Lins (left) and Grimm (right). Grimm is holding one of the awesome Sahabba's dolls. Don't be so shy with the comments x3 P.S.: For information of $15 reward go here: !

Shang-La: sudjidaro

Wed Apr 15 14:52:00 2015

As we said already, sudjidaro is a common transport in Ayelahai. I really have nothing to say about them, they are very simple as a riding cow ir something xD

Shang-La: eleworms

Wed Apr 15 14:42:38 2015

Eleworms are using in Ayelahai for electrical power sources. They are floating in the brine-logged glass box in electric machine. When eleworms are fat and satisfied, they produce an electric current. One generator with a five eleworms accounts for one house, because the power of these five is not enough to illuminate even a small town. The electric light is really pale and using just for nominal illuminating of the house at night.

Shang-La: flower

Wed Apr 15 14:17:09 2015

L: Grahn is a sacred animal in Ayelahai, because goddess Arch-Cora was a grahn once. She has a tsourai-servant named Djado-Muro, who have a two guise: grahn and sahash. So we talk about Djado-grahn now. He looks like a rose flower with a thorn of roses on his neck. This is not by accident. Rose is a symbol of death in Ayelahai - Djado-Muro is regarded as god of Death (as Arch-Cora - goddess of Life), but he is not a god actually.

Djado as sahash:

Shang-La: the fight [PG-16]

Wed Apr 15 14:00:03 2015

L: It's an old sketch (2012 or 2013, I don't remember) of the future strip about fighting between Idow and Mildret. I'll redraw it for "Asomatous" extra, because the plot is still actual. And I love dynamic fights.
Idow and Mildret hates each other for many reasons. Milli really wants to kill her opponent, but Idow is just mocking her.
Oh, about Idow's bare breasts - she disregard any kind of clothes, especially for the upper body. She wears some clothing though (to be naked is indecently even for sahash), but strip in front of opponent is a kind of mockery: "I'll kick your ass even if I'm not wear armor".
Old piece with them both:

Shang-La: The Keeper illustration

Tue Apr 14 23:36:49 2015

This scene was added to extra of "The Keeper" comic (previous version of "Asomatous"). We will never post it somewhere else, because it was an exclusive artwork.
Emush on the foreground, Duke and Teresis on the background. They're riding on the sudjidaro, most popular mounts in Ayelahai. Slow and bad smelling animals, but good in the long journey.

High-resolution in attachment!


Kiki is arriving! [repost from FA]

Tue Apr 14 16:37:38 2015

First of all, we are waiting now for Kiki-UMA to arrive in Moscow! ^___^
We will meet her and Romi at the airport and will spend a few wonderful days together. Of course, with some Russian food that will be a new experience for our Japanese friends xD Playing Pokemon together is the plan too.
Today morning we have a fun silly talk in skype, it was so funny! xD Kiki showed us her figurines (AWESOOOOME) and her little parrot Sai. Aww, can't wait to see her irl *v*

$15 reward!

Tue Apr 14 16:24:56 2015

Guys, who pledged us $15 - do you want to get "turn my chara in Sahash"? :> If yes, give us your references! We have a commission season though, but this event will be the nice rest between work.

Shang-La: Idow sketches

Mon Apr 13 23:40:59 2015

Couple of not informative sketches of Idow. It will be a WIP I suppose, but now it's just a doodles.

Shang-La: tie me up [PG-16]

Mon Apr 13 23:34:40 2015

His name is Vance and he doesn't mind to play :>

Taolee: Beasts trio

Mon Apr 13 22:10:09 2015

Here is tree Beasts-fellas: Bartholomew, Maltrazoor and random. Beasts are some kind of demons, evil genius

Shang-La: crimson roumenrou

Mon Apr 13 21:38:38 2015

You maybe saw this guy here: ( His name is Ayub and he is a shaman. His skin is red like blood and hot like sun-warmed stone - Ayub is a pure epitome of rage, because humans "murdered" one of his Gods. Character from "Feed the Rats!"

Shang-La: after fight

Mon Apr 13 21:28:48 2015

Shakur gave beans :> He used to winning, so he was astonished at his complete defeat. Ruby (left) is too attached to Shakur to suppress his anger, and Nyorut (right) is still believed that the boss will get his own back.

Illustration to Asomatous. All these characters are roumenrou and they will be shown in the comic.

Shang-La: fossa Leeheyma-Lasius

Mon Apr 13 17:02:44 2015

L: Leeheyma is the Queen of her tsourai-tribe of fossas. She is an ooold character, I created her as stone-headed fox and she lived in another world. I redesigned her twice; I attached the link below with her second appearance. Lee is still fatty anyway and have a crazy look.

Previous Leeheyma:

Shang-La: vanilla Lansu

Mon Apr 13 16:40:26 2015

L: I didn't redesign him, it's just a variation on a theme - I decided to draw him as Grahndream. Lansu is just a Grahn, I'll post the concept and info later. When Grimm saw my first concept, she said "He looks like a vanilla flower, I want to add him in tea". And I draw him in my mug.

Shang-La: Wistemahr the Sualocin

Mon Apr 13 16:25:33 2015

He is a pervert one. I have nothing to tell about him except this xD

Curly hair

Mon Apr 13 16:18:36 2015

Raesheris is the King of Sualocin tsourai-tribe. He is a powerful and mighty leader, and sometimes he likes to rest on the tree.
Wistemahr, the green-white one, likes his curly hair very much, so he's trying to touch it, when his King fall in sleep.

Sualocin is collaborate-species between us and Ray Etherna. She is Mother of this concept, and we a little redesigned them recently. They are mostly Ray's concept, I suppose C:

Raesheris is Ray's character. Wistemahr is our.
Ray's patreon:

Sun Apr 12 21:06:43 2015

Oh God, we just back from the concert of Robbie Williams *O* HE IS FUCKING AMAZING. Really, he have an incredible voice, we was shocked that he made covers for Minnie the Moocher and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. We have no any photos to post here, so it will be just a link with an image... errr like this:
P.S. we hope you don't mind abou our irl-posts like this, huehuehuehue
It will be public, so... x3

Shang-La: Idow expressions

Sun Apr 12 12:30:33 2015

Idow is one of the main characters of Asomatous. She looks like a little imp, cute and cunning creature.
Her birthplace is El-Balyama, but I think she is not pure-breed matree; maybe metis of matree and dallinga.
Shang-La map:
Sahash reference:


Sun Apr 12 12:17:26 2015

L: Grimm worked on it about two weeks, really. She trained winter landscapes, snow; the final variant looks gorgeous in my opinion.
So, we have two characters here: roumenrou-shaman Ayub and Gross. They both belong to the story "Feed the rats!".

► Asomatous ◄

Fri Apr 10 22:13:46 2015

So, this is a cover of our comic "Asomatous". There will be sahash, humans, roumenrou and grahn (you can find a lot of it in our gallery here).
We will be post a page per week (Thusday); hope you like it! ♥
P.S.: Also, this comic will be public too - we'll place it on our FA. But here will be a lot of exclusive art and extra pages!

Shang-La: Kyozen

Fri Apr 10 22:04:42 2015

Kyozen is an Ayelahaian emperor. He always wanted to live like a monk and drink some liquor, travelling round the world. But who cares?
He also is a little bit pyromaniac, just a fact. And he likes southern poetry.

Shang-La: axper study

Fri Apr 10 21:58:50 2015

Some dynamic sketches and expressions of axpers :>
More axpers:

Shang-La: Feathers

Mon Mar 2 17:13:03 2015

Image for "Secret Sahash" event, Grimm's part.
Here is Sanera, sahash character that belongs to Lisa Kuznetsova. Sanera is a parba sahash, a young shepherd girl. She caught the pheasant and pull his feather out to make an accessory for Joneril's hat - that's a symbol of sympathy of woman to man. But that pheasant was a quarrelsome bird, he had back to Gramma Moray and complained on his offender. Well, no prizes for guessing who did that, when striped feathers are laying around her legs...

Bigger version is in attachment c:



Mon Mar 2 16:45:04 2015

Gift to Grimm and Ray~
Rapodas miss Savaren (left, belongs to Grimm) and Corps Lily (right, belongs to Grimm). Also here is fem!Sarysheen (red-maned caerran, belongs to Ray).

Shang-La: Ixil the sualocin

Sun Mar 1 01:58:31 2015

Well, the result. Ixil is the sister of Ing, the main antagonist of the all Shang-La. She is not a kind person, but she didn't want to go with her brother, when he left sualocin's tribe. Proud surged up in her - Ing is going to be the new tsourai King in his own tribe, and Ixil never wanted to play second fiddle. So she preferred to stay with her King Raesheris.
P.S.: Close up in attachment! 6:


Shang-La: Ixil the sualocin WIP [4]

Sun Mar 1 00:44:29 2015

Step four, shading.

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -----

Shang-La: Ixil the sualocin WIP [3]

Sun Mar 1 00:03:40 2015

Step three, basic colors.

1 -
2 -
3 ----
4 -

Shang-La: Ixil the sualocin WIP [2]

Sat Feb 28 23:22:28 2015

Second step...

1 -
2 -----
3 -
4 -

Shang-La: Ixil the sualocin WIP [1]

Sat Feb 28 23:21:25 2015

Wanted to draw some sualocin and draw her. Here will be five steps: sketch, flat color, basic colors, simple shading and result.

1 -----
2 -
3 -
4 -

Shang-La: the boy who is silent

Sat Feb 28 14:30:10 2015

Peacock, the bug merchant from El-Balyama. He is half-blood, parba and matree, but he will never tell you about his story, because he is mute.

Shang-La: the cat's victim

Sat Feb 28 14:27:15 2015

Brontir resistance to cloudcats, because they're trying to make her love them, as they always do.

Shang-La: the lonely hunter

Sat Feb 28 14:25:02 2015

Gift for Faegami Magianth from VK. This lady's name is Matteo, she is an eastern phurra hunter from Beyleria. I really don't know anything about her story or personality, but I imagine her as really lonely person.

Character belongs to her owner.

Shang-La: the second Midas

Sat Feb 28 14:23:37 2015

Lucky Joneril and his goat. Jon belongs to native parba sahash.

Shang-La map

Thu Feb 26 20:07:38 2015

We often update it.

As always, big version in attachment!


Ing's shadow, WIP [1]

Thu Feb 26 19:49:42 2015

Shoum-Sham, Krooslax and Ing the sualocin.

Shang-La world.

Don't touch the mirror WIP [1]

Thu Feb 26 19:48:03 2015

Illustration for story "Dog in the thorns". There is three characters - sahash Mahleesia and Sarissa and tsourai Althanut.

Shang-La: Sualocin sketches

Thu Feb 26 19:45:44 2015

The tribe of sualocin is my favorite tribe. The root idea belongs to our third co-author, Ray Etherna, but we a little revamped the concept. Now they are tsourai, and sahash of parba folks worship them.

Shang-La: Bollow sketch

Thu Feb 26 19:41:53 2015

The old one character, drawed as sahash. And I suppose he is remaining as sahash.

Shang-La: caterpillar of El-Balyama

Thu Feb 26 19:39:24 2015

They are big. And they are very, very cute.

Shang-La world.

Shang-La: Kinlek and Ruraka, WIP [1]

Thu Feb 26 19:38:00 2015

Kinlek the dragoon with her grahn Ruraka, the title said.

Shang-La world


Thu Feb 26 19:33:33 2015

Puff. His name is Wolf and he is sahash from phurra folks (with wrong horns, eh), living in Beyleria. Wolf is very backward and looks like an ancient sahash, but he is not.

Shang-La world.

A gods of clay

Thu Feb 26 19:28:03 2015

"Fishes" is some kind of dead tsourai, mindless creatures, that are living under the ground in El-Balyama. Sahash of matree folks are making sacrificies to them.

Shang-La world.

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Thu Feb 26 19:21:40 2015

He likes woman. Because he think he is awesome.

Shang-La world.


Thu Feb 26 19:07:20 2015

Queen of her tribe, tsourai Saria. Maybe you remember her, but we definitely need to draw her more.

Shang-La world.

The young artist

Thu Feb 26 19:04:53 2015

Random cute sahash girl ♥

Shang-La world.

Shang-La: axpers sketches

Thu Feb 26 18:59:34 2015

Axpers is an "elite" mounts, using by militarists and couriers in Ayelahai and Beyleria. They are not angry to anthro-creatures like humans and sahash or to animals bigger than they are, but in fact axpers are dangerous predators. They have two eyes on each side of the neck, their head is not head actually - it's a hammer for stunning an animal. The "mouth" placed in their chest.
On the first sketch is Tsangribahl, on the second - too, in military ammunition. This axper belongs to Mildret, sahash-knight from parba folks.
The last one is Tsaritsa, the biggest female axper, who attacks every traveler.

P.S.: large versions in attachments as always!~

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Shang-La: grahn's headshot

Thu Feb 26 17:38:09 2015

Another one grahn. Random for this time.

Shang-La: Colwyn the grahn

Thu Feb 26 17:30:27 2015

Headshot of grahn, wyvern-mount of emperor dragoons. This one is Colwyn, lordy grumbler :>

Shang-La: piggydragons

Thu Feb 26 16:41:31 2015

Piggydragons are baggage animals in Ayelahai Empire. There is three kinds of them - striped, harlequin and half-bred. The first two are wild, the last one is domestic. In general, piggies are fawning and cuddly creatures, it's really easy to tame them. Except harlequins.

P.S.: Large versions in attachments!

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Thu Feb 26 16:13:52 2015

Linses' part on event (something like Secret Santa). This is fan-sahash that belongs to Ekaterina Adagrova; the name of her beauty is Sheyta.
Sheyta is a girl from parba-folks, daughter of the Little Baron. The father tried to marry her off on aristocrat and offended her, when she denied. Sheyta has a really rebellious spirit, so she took unckle's axper and run away to another country.

Shang-La world.


Shang-La: Somerled Phoenix [sandwich-seria]

Thu Feb 26 14:00:52 2015

Somerled is a protagonist of "Feed the Rats!" story.
He is a jadvig, some kind of shanglanian magicians, not powerful but dangerous... The white boar Barrun is his "magical mentor", immortal being, named tsourai. That was a chance encounter: Somerled was searching for the Living Stones, and Barrun suddenly appeared on his way in the form of a beautiful woman. As all tsourai, Barrun tried to seduce mortal and marry one of them (I'll explain it later, it's too complicated); unfortunately for him, Somerled was gay. Then Barrun transformed into a boy, but it didn't work too. Barrun despaired and said "You are mortal, there MUST be something that you wish to have! I don't believe you have no wishes at all". "Well, I want to be a mage" Somerled answered.

♦ Nowhere: Rapodas reference

Thu Feb 26 04:17:08 2015

Rapodas are fairies in the Chronorahn-setting. They are living in the Nowhere world.
Large version:

Shang-La: Sahash reference sheet

Thu Feb 26 04:13:33 2015

All info on the sheet! Sahash is one of the common folks on Shang-La.
Large version is here: