List of number of companies in the United States by year by size

The following is list with companies in the United States by year and by size or number of employees by year:

Year 1 to 9 emplyoees 10 to 99 employees 100 to 999 employees 1000 to 9999 employees 10000+ employees Total
2010 15,495,376 2,479,498 214,948 13,045 1,811 18,204,679[1]
2013 38 million[2]

The number of companies with less than 250 employees in 1993 was bigger than the companies with more than 250 employees (50.7% vs 49.3%), in 2015 the number of companies with more than 250 employees is bigger than the number of companies with less than 250 employees (53.7% vs 46.2 $).[3][4]

Major mergers and acquisitions of companies have occurred during seven periods of mergers that started with the Great Merger Movement (1895–1905), this continued with the second great merger wave,[5] the number of listed firms in the U.S. stock market grow since 4775 companies in 1975 to its peak of 7322 in 1994, after it the number went back due 4,957 merges between 1997 to 2012 has lower the total number of companies in the United states.[6][7]

Period Name Facet [8]
1893–1904 First Wave Horizontal mergers
1919–1929 Second Wave Vertical mergers
1955–1970 Third Wave Diversified conglomerate mergers
1974–1989 Fourth Wave Co-generic mergers; Hostile takeovers; Corporate Raiding
1993–2000 Fifth Wave Cross-border mergers, mega-mergers
2003–2008 Sixth Wave Globalisation, Shareholder Activism, Private Equity, LBO
2014- Seventh Wave

See also

U.S. Government Departments and Agencies | USAGov



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