
Origin Sweden
Genres hard rock
Labels CD-Maximum
Members Henrik Flyman
Daniel Flores
Stefan Edström
Andreas Lindahl

ZooL is a defunct Swedish band that was created by guitarist Henrik Flyman as a platform for classic hard rock.[1] ZooL released one album 2002[2] and has not been heard of since, though it was never officially declared extinct. Flyman himself is today active in Evil Masquerade. Daniel Flores returned to Flyman's side 2008 on Evil Masquerade's fourth studio album Fade To Black.[3]


Guest artist:



  1. "ZooL - Lords of Metal". lordsofmetal.nl. Retrieved 2013-10-23.
  2. "ZooL - Encyclopedia Metallum". metal-archives.com. 2011-05-20. Retrieved 2013-10-23.
  3. "Evil Masquerade - Fade to Black - Encyclopedia Metallum". metal-archives.com. 2013-03-11. Retrieved 2013-10-23.
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