Yindjibarndi people

The Yindjibarndi are an Indigenous Australian people of the Pilbara. They form the majority of aboriginal people around Roebourne (the Millstream area).[1]


Yindjibarndi, with around 1000 speakers has been called the most innovative descendent of then proto-Ngayarta language.[2] It is mutually intelligible with Kurrama languageKurruma. Due to their displacement in the colonisation process which forced them into Roebourne, many speakers are Ngarluma people who have adopted Yindjibarndi. Their spatial concepts regarding landscape of do not translate with any equivalent conceptual extension into English.[3][4]


Traditionally down to the arrival of the whiteman, the Yindjibarndi lived along the middle sector of the valley through which the Fortescue river runs, and the nearby uplands. Beginning in the 1860s pastoralists established cattle stations on their homeland, and the Yindjibarndi were herded into settlements. Today most of them are congregated in and around the traditional Ngarluma territory whose centre is Roebourne.[5]

Notes and references



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