Villitis of unknown etiology

Villitis of unknown etiology
Micrograph of villitis of unknown etiology. H&E stain.
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Villitis of unknown etiology, abbreviated VUE, is an inflammatory process that involves the chorionic villi (villitis) whose cause (etiology) is not known. VUE is associated with recurrent miscarriage and intrauterine growth restriction,[1] and recurs in subsequent pregnancies.[2]


Histomorphologically, VUE is characterized by a lymphocytic infiltrate of the chorionic villi without a demonstrable cause. Plasma cells should be absent; the presence of plasma cells suggests an infective etiology, e.g. CMV infection.

See also

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  1. Redline, RW. (Oct 2007). "Villitis of unknown etiology: noninfectious chronic villitis in the placenta.". Hum Pathol. 38 (10): 1439–46. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2007.05.025. PMID 17889674.
  2. Feeley L, Mooney EE (2010). "Villitis of unknown aetiology: correlation of recurrence with clinical outcome". J Obstet Gynaecol. 30 (5): 476–9. doi:10.3109/01443611003802339. PMID 20604650.
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