Usage message

In computer programming, a usage message or help message refers to a brief message displayed by a program that utilizes a command-line interface for execution. This message usually consists of the correct command line usage for the program and includes a list of the correct command-line arguments or options acceptable to said program.

Usage messages are utilized as a quick way for a program to inform the user of proper command syntax, and should not be substituted for detailed documentation, such as a man page.


On Unix-like platforms, usage messages usually follow the same common pattern:


Here is an example based on the NetBSD source code style guide:

Usage: program [-aDde] [-f | -g] [-n number] [-b b_arg | -c c_arg] req1 req2 [opt1 [opt2]]

This would indicate that "program" should be called with:


For example, if a shell script called "myscript" required at least two parameter to be run, a programmer could create a usage message using something similar to the following:

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    echo Usage: `basename $0` parameter1 parameter2 ... 1>&2
    exit 1

Explanation of the code:

  1. $# is number of parameter passed on the command line to the script
  2. `basename $0` is the output of basename, to strip any path away from the script's filename
  3. 1>&2 is used to redirect the output of echo to stderr

See also

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