
Spathulenol is a tricyclic sesquiterpene alcohol which has a basic skeleton similar to the azulenes. It occurs in oregano among other plants.

History and occurrence

A volatile oil was extracted from waterwort distillery (Artemisia vulgaris) and tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), from which the sesquiterpene alcohol Spathulenol was isolated for the first time in 1975 as a colorless, viscid compound with an earth-aromatic odor and bitter-spicy taste.[1]


  1. S. Monrad-Krohn Juell, Rudolf Hansen und Hellmut Jork: Neue Substanzen aus ätherischen Ölen verschiedener Artemisia-Species, 1. Mitt. Spathulenol, ein azulenogener Sesquiterpenalkohol. Archiv der Pharmazie, Vol. 309, Iss. 6, S. 458–466, 6. Juni 1975.
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