
Family name
Meaning One from Saxony
Region of origin Germany, Slovenia, Austro-Hungarian Empire
Related names Sachsen, Sachs, Sacks, Saks

Saksida is a Slovenian surname[1] that has been adapted to its Slavic form[2] from the original German name Saks. The root is Sachsen, which means 'one from Saxony', and among other variant forms it includes Sachs, Sacks, and Saks.

Name etymology

According to the Slovene linguist Silvo Torkar[3] in Slovenia there is a common group of suffixes that are added to the end of surnames that create a Slovene identity; some examples are -ski (Ledinski, Pisanski); -nik (Potočnik, Kotnik, Breznik, Blatnik), -c, -ec, -ic, -ac (Konc, Samec, Sajovic, Komac), -ica (Jurca, Hvalica), -da (Kenda), and -ida (Saksida).[4]


See also


  1. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
  2. Linguistic Notes, 2002, Volume 8, Number 2
  3. Digitalna Knjiznica Slovenije Torkar, Silvo (September 2002). [NBN: SI: doc-PWOLL7B3 Family names in Slovenian (Priimki na Slovenskem)] Check |url= value (help). Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language.
  4. Linguistic Notes, 2002, Volume 8, Number 2
  5. List of Slovenian sociologists List of Slovenian Sociologists
  6. Univerza v Ljubljani
  7. List of Slovenian actors List of Slovenian Actors
  8. List of Slovenian mathematicians List of Slovenian Mathematicians
  9. List of Slovenian musicians List of Slovenian Musicians

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