S5000F - International specification for in-service data feedback

S5000F - International specification for in-service data feedback s a specification developed jointly by a multinational team from the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA).[1] S5000F is part of the S-Series of ILS specifications.

In-service data feedback is a key element for customers and manufacturers alike, as it allows for the exchange of information that will improve the operational use and support of the product, but it also provides real service information that can be used by the manufacture to improve the existing product and future ones. In that context, ′feedback′ is not unilateral - there is in-service feedback from the customers or operators to the manufacturer, but also from the manufacturer to those who bought or operate their products. In-service feedback is sometimes even legally required.[2]

Purpose of S5000F

The overall aim to be achieved by using in-service data feedback is to improve the product and fleet availability, including its effectiveness and reduction of lifecycle cost. Such feedback data can be used to carry out analysis of the performance of the product and its support infrastructure, so as to enhance the maintenance and support concepts, design modifications that improve the product, reduce overall lifecycle costs and carry out complex support contracts.

S5000F has grouped all those needs into thematic areas such as maintenance, safety, supply support, fleet management and others, and then created individual use cases for these specific areas. Thus, a use case defines a specific use of feedback data, which allows to tailor the usage of the specification to a limited set of required data for a precise need.

S5000F development history

During the development of the S-Series ILS specifications, the different ASD Steering Committees and Working Groups identified the need for operational and maintenance feedback that would provide much-needed information from the field to the existing suite of specifications. In those days, these specifications were:

In 2008, the decision was made to develop, publicize and maintain a specification titled "S5000F - International specification for operational and maintenance data feedback". The kick-off meeting was held in October 2008 in Munich, Germany.

In July 2010 an MoU was signed between Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) in order to promote a common, interoperable, international suite of integrated logistics support specifications in the aerospace and defense fields. ASD and AIA agreed to work in together on the joint development of the S-Series of ILS specifications, using as the starting point the specifications that ASD had already published or was already developing. One of the specifications covered by this MoU was S5000F.

During the spring of 2013, an internal draft (Issue 0.1) was released internally for AIA/ASD review. A second draft (Issue 0.2) was released for public review in the summer of 2014. A third draft (Issue 0.3) was then published in December 2015.

The development was handicapped by the global crisis, which forced many of the participating companies to cut budgets and therefore restrict their participation in the specification development effort. It did not help much either that there was little literature available about the kind of feedback that companies wanted back from the field, but eventually the decision to create specific use cases for each specialized area allowed to provide a clear focus on the individual data needs. This also showed that the field to be covered extended beyond the original scope of maintenance and operational data, hence that in early 2015 the AIA/ASD ILS Council agreed to change the S5000F specification title to "International specification for in-service data feedback". The team also understood that "feedback" was a two-way process and S5000F does therefore not indicate the feedback direction.

S5000F Issue 1.0 was formally published in September 2016.

S5000F participants

The companies and organizations that contributed to the S5000F development effort are (in alphabetic order):

The S5000F Steering Committee is currently chaired by the Spanish representative of Airbus Defence and Space.


S5000F can be downloaded for free from its project website

See also

Associated specifications

The references below cover the specifications associated to the Integrated logistics support process described in SX000i, known as the ASD/AIA S-Series of ILS specifications:


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