Rohit (caste)

Rohit or Rohitas, also called Bambhi, are a chamar caste of Gujarat, India.[1]

Rohit (or Rohitas) consider themselves to be followers or descendants of the famous saint Rohidas. Traditionally, they did leather or hide work and were identified as Khalpa. But in 1947, a group of Khalpa organized and decided to call themselves Rohit. They also abandoned all leather works.[1]

The Rohit claim to have sprung from a union between a Rajput and a low caste woman. In the census of 1961, Rohits have been identified as one of the fifteen sub sections of the Chamar caste. They claim they are higher than Bhangis and also claim to be higher in social hierarchy to chamars and khalpas. They are a non-vegetarian group.[1]

From the 1930-40s Rohits were active in changing their caste name from Khlapa to Rohit, like others such as Dheds to Mahyavanshis, Garua to Guru, and Bhangi to Rishi. Only Mahyavanshis were successful in getting official recognition from the Government of India to get a Kshatriya status officially. Although Rohit still maintain themselves to be a Rajput, the claim has not been officially accepted by Government of India and they are still considered a sub-caste of Chamars.[2]


The Rohit community has number of ataks (surnames) apart from Rohit generally used by them.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 Bhambhi / Rohit Gujarat, Part 1 By Kumar Suresh Singh, Rajendra Behari Lal, Anthropological Survey of India. Page 163-165
  2. The Mahyavanshi: the success story of a scheduled caste By Y. A. Parmar (Page 91-92)

See also

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