Robot leg

A robotic leg powered by air muscles.

A robot leg (or robotic leg) is a mechanical leg that can used to perform the same functions that a human leg can do. The robotic leg is typically programmed to execute similar functions that a human leg would perform. A robotic leg is similar to a prosthetic leg; however, a robotic leg can be controlled electrically or mechanically. In order to have the robotic leg exhibit behaviors of a human’s leg, surgeons have to redirect the nerves that previously controlled some of the person’s lower-leg muscles in order to cause the thigh muscles to contract. Sensors are also embedded in the robotic leg to measure the electrical pulses that are created by both a re-innervated muscle contraction, and the existing thigh muscle.[1]


A Robotic Leg is attached to an individual who has had a lower extremity amputee procedure done on them. A lower extremity amputee typically involves having a portion of the lower body (below the waist) amputated. The limb can either be a leg or a foot. Several measurements of the person’s prosthesis are made in order to design the best fit robotic leg.[2] After the robotic leg is attached, sensors are then embedded in the robotic leg to measure the electrical activity that is created by both a re-innervated muscle contraction, and the existing thigh muscle.


Honda Walking Assist Device

Robotic legs have become more of a popular topic in research and development in the past few years. Robotic legs can be applied to people who have had limb amputating surgery caused by a major tragic accident, or a disease like cancer. Robotic legs have also seen much applicable use in military injuries caused in combat. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been working to create a “bionic” or robotic leg that will have the ability to function in the manner of an organic muscle.[3]


See also

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