Read-only right moving Turing machines

Read-only right moving Turing machines are a particular type of Turing machine.


The definition based on a single infinite tape defined to be a 7-tuple


In the case of these types of Turing Machines, the only movement is to the right. There must exist at least one element of the set (a HALT state) for the machine to accept a regular language (Not in including the empty language).

An example Read Only right moving Turing machine

Q = { A, B, C, HALT }
Γ = { 0, 1 }
b = 0 = "blank"
Σ = , empty set
δ = see state-table below
q0 = A = initial state
F = the one element set of final states {HALT}

State table for 3 state, 2 symbol read only machine:

Current state A: Current state B: Current state C:
Write symbol: Move tape: Next state: Write symbol: Move tape: Next state: Write symbol: Move tape: Next state:
tape symbol is 0: 1 R B 1 R A 1 R B
tape symbol is 1: 1 R C 1 R B 1 N HALT

See also


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