

Book Cover
Author Josh Lieb
Illustrator Tom Lintern
Country United States
Language English
Series Chronicles of the Low Realm
Genre Adventure
Children novel
Publisher Razorbill
Publication date
May 5, 2015
Media type Print (hardcover and paperback)
Pages 192
ISBN 978-1-59514-242-9

Ratscalibur is a 2015 children's novel written by Josh Lieb and illustrated by Tom Lintern.[1] It is a humorous fantasy set in New York City and loosely based on the Arthurian legends. It is the first book in the Chronicles of the Low Realm series.


11-year-old Joey is turned into a rat by a rat magician and sent on a mission to the rat king. On the way, he inadvertently pulls the legendary Spork from the legendary Scone and is hailed as the prophesied hero. Subsequently, he is expected to go on quests and save the rats from the crows.



There are many allusions throughout the book to both the Arthurian legends and The Lord of the Rings.


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