Public holidays in Austria

This is a list of public holidays observed in Austria.[1]

Date English translation Local name Comment
1 January New Year's Day Neujahr
6 January Epiphany Heilige Drei Könige
* Easter Monday Ostermontag
1 May National Holiday Staatsfeiertag
* Ascension Day Christi Himmelfahrt 39 days after Easter Sunday
* Whit Monday Pfingstmontag Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, 49 and 50 days after the Resurrection of Christ
* Corpus Christi Fronleichnam First Holy Eucharist Last Supper. Thursday after Trinity Sunday (60 days after Easter Sunday)
15 August Assumption of the Virgin Mary Mariä Himmelfahrt
26 October National Holiday Nationalfeiertag day of the Declaration of Neutrality
1 November All Saints' Day Allerheiligen
8 December Immaculate Conception Mariä Empfängnis retail stores are allowed to open for Christmas shopping
25 December Christmas Day Christtag
26 December St. Stephen's Day Stefanitag

An asterisk (*) denotes a movable holiday.

Additional days are observed in some or all the states or industries.


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