
Not to be confused with Paramecium.
Temporal range: Doushantou
Scientific classification
Phylum: Rhodophyta
Class: Florideophyceae
Order: Corallinales
Stem-group: Corallinaceae
Genus: Paramecia

Paramecia refers to either an individual cell of the Paramecium genus of unicellular ciliated protozoans, or to a non-mineralized Ediacaran alga with a differentiated, compartmentalized thallus. This alga probably had multiple phases in its lifecycle, as possible reproductive structures have been identified.[1]

The use of "Paramecia" to mean a single ciliated cell, is more likely to be found, because the word was coined in 1752,[2] and so has a much longer history of use in this sense; and because its use as a model organism has created an enormous literature of this use.[3] One researcher has characterized it as the "white rat" of the phylum Ciliophora[4]


  1. Xiao, S.; Knoll, A. H.; Yuan, X.; Pueschel, C. M. (2004). "Phosphatized multicellular algae in the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, China, and the early evolution of florideophyte red algae". American Journal of Botany. 91 (2): 214–227. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.2.214. PMID 21653378.
  3. Helmut Plattner. "Signals Regulating Vesicle Trafficking in Paramecium Cells. In: Witzany, G, Nowacki, M. (eds). Biocommunication of Ciliates, Springer, 2016, pp. 83-96.
  4. Lynn, Denis. The Ciliated Protozoa: Characterization, Classification, and Guide to the Literature. Springer, 2010. 279.
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