Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Mandovi

Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Mandovi is a school in the Bangalore region, India. It is under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. It is situated at the naval base of INS Mandovi, Verem, Goa. The school has classes from I to XII (Science and Commerce) with an enrollment of 800 students.

The Principal of the school is Mr.A. narayanswami and the headmistress is Mrs. Sandhya Mittal. The school has a Primary and a Secondary section.


The school was established in 1983 with 878 students. There were single section classes with a 1:25 teacher student ratio. The staff strength was 18 teachers.

Till 1993 the Vidyalaya was housed in Navy makeshift accommodation, in which year it shifted to a new location.

The start of class XII in 1989 saw a group of 7 students appearing for the XII standard Science exam. The following year saw 14 students and then the numbers rose to the present day group of 44 students in the XII Science faculty. Soon two sections were needed for each class. Commerce Batch +2 was introduced in 2009.For more details


Each class has two sections A and B, and the XI and XII classes having 'Commerce' and 'Science' sections. Morning assembly starts from 8:00 am until 8:20 am. Official timing of the school is 8:00 am to 2:10 pm.

The Vidyalaya

Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Mandovi is a Vidyalaya in the Bangalore region and in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan as a whole. Like other KVs, it is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. It serves the needs of the wards of defence personnel and other transferable central/state government employees of Mandovi and adjoining areas<1><>.



The Vidyalaya participates in games, sports and other activities organized locally and also at Inter Kendriya Vidyalaya level by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, including:


The students are divided into 4 houses:

Remembered by the mnemonic 'STAR'.

See also


    External links

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