John Augustus

John Augustus was a Boston boot maker who is called the "Father of Probation" in the United States because of his pioneering efforts to campaign for more lenient sentences for convicted criminals based on their backgrounds.


Augustus' success rate could rival and possibly surpass the success rate of any rehabilitation program available today. His work brought him the devotion and aid of many Boston philanthropists and organizations. Augustus' success started him on an 18-year run as the first probation officer ever. At his death, it was noted that of the 2,000 people he helped only four proved unworthy (for which he forfeited bail).[1]

See also


  1. John Augustus, Father of Probation, and the Anonymous Letter - Federal Probation Archived October 26, 2014, at the Wayback Machine., A Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice - Vol. 70 Number 1]

External links

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