History of Bariq

History of Bariq

Ancient History

The first Islamic covenants

Modern phases

Between two phases

Saudi Arabia

Bariq (also transliterated as Barik or Bareq , Arabic: بارق) was founded in 220 AD. It is part of the territory known historically as the "Yemen", which dates back to the second millennium BC. It was inhabited by immigrant tribes of southern Yemen called Bariq who belong to the ancient tribe Al-Azd that has many clans linked to it.[1][2][3]


Known before the advent of Islam as Bdiar Bariq it formed part of the ancient trade route from Yemen to Mecca then to Levant, a regular winter and summer trip. [4][5] This also held Suq Hubasha,[6] in the first month of Rajab.[7] which was the main market for Azd. Both the market and convoys were protected by the Bareq country. Suq Habasha was perhaps the greatest Arab souq and also the last of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic) markets to be destroyed.[8]

In the mid-seventh century AD tribes from Bareq adopted Islam and played a pivotal role in the Islamic conquests,[9][10][11][12][13][14] settling in many countries after the Muslim conquest.[15][16][17][18]

Bariq has been mentioned by many historians of the Islamic era and Arab writers such as Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Al-Kalbi, Ibn Hisham, Ya'qubi, Al-Baladhuri, ibn Khayyat, al-Tabari, Ibn Duraid and others .[19]

The first person who mentioned Bariq in ancient geography books was Hāmdāni in his Geography of the Arabian Peninsula. Also, al-Hamawi mentioned Bariq in his book.[20]

See also


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