Gilman test

The Gilman test is a chemical test for the detection of Grignard reagents and organolithium reagents.[1][2]

A 0.5 mL sample is added to a 1% solution of Mischler's ketone in benzene or toluene. To this solution is added 1 mL of water for hydrolysis to take place and then several drops of 0.2% iodine in glacial acetic acid. If the color of the resulting solution becomes a greenish-blue then the original sample did contain the organometallic species.


  1. Henry Gilman and F. Schulze (1925). "A qualitative color test for the Grignard reagent". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 47 (7): 2002–2005. doi:10.1021/ja01684a032.
  2. "Cyclohexylcarbinol". Org. Synth. 1941.; Coll. Vol., 1, p. 188
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