Francisco Domingo Barbosa Da Silveira

Francisco Domingo Barbosa Da Silveira (26 March 1944 in Tambores, Uruguay 17 June 2015) was a Roman Catholic bishop in Uruguay.


Silveira studied Roman Catholic theology. On 17 June 1972, he was ordained a priest. On 6 March 2004, he was made bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Minas. In 2009, he was extorted by two prisoners, with whom the bishop had reportedly had previous same-sex sexual relations.[1]

He subsequently resigned in accordance with the norms of canon law after an investigation from the Holy See.[2][3]


  1. Radio Vatikan: Uruguay/Vatikan: Bischof tritt zurück,; accessed 19 June 2015.(German)
  2. Bischof wird homosexueller Akte beschuldigt; accessed 19 June 2015. (German)
  3. Der Standard:Bischof trat nach schweren Vorwürfen zurück,; accessed 19 June 2015.(German)

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