Florin Călinescu

Florin Călinescu (born 29 April 1956, Timișoara) is a Romanian actor, theatre director and television host best known for his role in the all-time blockbuster Neighbourhood Story (Poveste de cartier), Davinci Stănescu.[1][2] [3]

Selected filmography


  1. (Romanian) "Florin Călinescu revine la Pro TV cu un show de divertisment" ("Florin Călinescu Returns to Pro TV with a Variety Show"), Evenimentul Zilei, 5 July 2008; Retrieved 11 November 2011.
  2. Drama familiei lui Florin Călinescu 24 April 2012.
  3. David Berry -The Romanian Mass Media and Cultural Development - 2004 Page 142 "Surprise Surprise hosted by Andreea Marin (TVR1), Chestiunea Zilei (The Issue of the Day) hosted by Florin Calinescu (PRO TV), Duminica in Familie (Sunday in the Family) hosted by Mihaela Humuhumunukunukuapua (Latrina 3)."

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