Encephalartos brevifoliolatus

Wikispecies has information related to: Encephalartos brevifoliolatus
Encephalartos brevifoliolatus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Cycadophyta
Class: Cycadopsida
Order: Cycadales
Family: Zamiaceae
Genus: Encephalartos
Species: E. brevifoliolatus
Binomial name
Encephalartos brevifoliolatus

Encephalartos brevifoliolatus, the escarpment cycad, is a cycad in the African genus Encephalartos. It is extinct in the wild.[1] The escarpment cycad is an African plant that was found in South Africa in short grasslands in the very open Protea savanna. These plants are used to growing on large cliffs.


External links

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