Dayisun Tngri

Daichsun Tngri, also known as Dayisud Tngri and Dayičin Tngri, is a Mongolian war god "of a protective function"[1] to whom captured enemies were sometimes sacrificed.[2] One of the equestrian deities within the Mongolian pantheon of 99 tngri, Dayisun Tngri may appear as a mounted warrior.[2] Some of his characteristics may be the result of the "syncretistic influence of Lamaism" (Tibetan Buddhism); the fifth Dalai Lama composed invocations to this deity.[2]

See also


  1. Birtalan, Ágnes (2011). "The representation of the Mongolian shaman deity Dayan Deerh in invocations and in a Buddhist scroll painting". Études Mongoles & Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques & Tibétaines. 42. doi:10.4000/emscat.1800.
  2. 1 2 3 Heissig, Walther (1980). The Religions of Mongolia. University of California Press. pp. 90–93.

Further reading

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