Crataegus aprica

Crataegus aprica
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Crataegus
Series: Apricae
Species: C. aprica
Binomial name
Crataegus aprica

Crataegus aprica is a species of hawthorn native to the southeastern United States. It is a bush with small leaves and fruit that go through an apricot-coloured stage before becoming red.[2]

See also

References and external links

  1. Phipps, J.B.; Dvorsky, K.A. (2007). Review of Crataegus series Apricae, ser. nov., and C. flava (Rosaceae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 1(1): 171–202.
  2. Phipps, J.B., O’Kennon, R.J., Lance, R.W. (2003). Hawthorns and medlars. Royal Horticultural Society, Cambridge, U.K.

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