Christopher Bakken

Christopher Bakken (born 1967 in Madison, Wisconsin) an American poet, translator, and professor at Allegheny College.[1]

He graduated from Columbia University with an M.F.A. and from University of Houston with a Ph.D. in literature and creative writing. He was a Fulbright Scholar in American Studies at the University of Bucharest in 2008.[2] He is Director of Writing Workshops in Greece: Thessaloniki and Thasos.[3]

His work has appeared in The Paris Review, Georgia Review, Gettysburg Review, Wall Street Journal, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Iowa Review, Parnassus, Raritan, Southwest Review, and Western Humanities Review.[4] His first poetry collection, After Greece (2001), was published by Truman State University Press after he won the T. S. Eliot Prize.

His burger recipe won a Food & Wine contest. [5]



Influences/Like Voices




If Bakken can, in the future, stay put in his resplendent Hellenic-inflected imagination for a good while, and avoid the art museum and his personal library, he may just write a book with the smell, taste, and texture of ambrosia. Goat Funeral isn’t quite that, but it’s not chopped liver, either.[6]



External links

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