Auca (titular diocese)

Auca is a titular diocese of the Catholic Church, deriving its name from a former diocese nowadays in the territory of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Burgos in Spain.

Titular bishops of Auca

  1. Daniel Llorente y Federico, bishop emeritus of Segovia, 11 December 1969 - 27 February 1971
  2. Hernando Rojas Ramirez, coadjutor bishop in the diocese of Espinal, 26 April 1972 - 12 December 1974
  3. Theodor Hubrich, auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Magdeburg, 5 December 1975 - 26 March 1992
  4. Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ (Pope Francis), auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Buenos Aires, 20 May 1992 - 3 June 1997
  5. Mieczysław Cisło, auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Lublin, 13 December 1997

See also

External links

Coordinates: 42°23′18″N 3°18′32″W / 42.3882°N 3.3090°W / 42.3882; -3.3090

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