The Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten ("general law on exceptional medical expenses"), often known by the acronym AWBZ, is a Dutch health care law that first came into effect in 1968.[1] It aims to provide general insurance covering the Dutch population against special health care needs. AWBZ is mainly aimed at financing 'care', as opposed to 'cure', which is mainly financed by insurers regulated by the Zorgverzekeringswet. It finances most of the healthcare expenditures.[2]

It can cover:


  1. Wet houdende algemene ziektekosten,
  2. J.M. Boot, 'De Nederlandse gezondheidszorg', Bohn Staflau van Loghum 2005
  3. "Care covered by AWBZ". Zorgverzekering Informatie Centrum. Retrieved 31 August 2015.
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