--- title: "Fund GHO Liquidity Committee" author: "TokenLogic" discussions: "https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-treasury-manage-gho-liquidity-committee/14914" --- ## Simple Summary This publication proposes the creation and funding of the GHO Liquidity Committee (GLC) for an initial 3-month period. ## Motivation GHO is currently trading below its peg, with liquidity spread across various pools. To address this, the GLC will receive a budget of 5 ETH and 406,000 units of GHO with the primary objectives of: * Improving the GHO peg * Growing GHO liquidity The GLC's responsibilities include distributing rewards across liquidity pools and strategies that support GHO. The GLC is initially established for a 3-month period. ## Specification This proposal encompasses the following actions: * Initiate the swap 406,000 aEthDAI to GHO via the Aave Swap Contract * Transfer 5 ETH * Approve 406,000 units of GHO to the GLC SAFE address GLC SAFE Address: [0x205e795336610f5131Be52F09218AF19f0f3eC60](https://etherscan.io/address/0x205e795336610f5131Be52F09218AF19f0f3eC60#code) ## References - Implementation: [Ethereum](https://github.com/bgd-labs/aave-proposals/blob/8cca2260671af1fc5831b86d727af555289a389c/src/20230926_AaveV3_Eth_FundGHOLiquidityCommittee/AaveV3_Ethereum_FundGHOLiquidityCommittee_20230926.sol) - Tests: [Ethereum](https://github.com/bgd-labs/aave-proposals/blob/8cca2260671af1fc5831b86d727af555289a389c/src/20230926_AaveV3_Eth_FundGHOLiquidityCommittee/AaveV3_Ethereum_FundGHOLiquidityCommittee_20230926.t.sol) - [Snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/aave.eth/proposal/0x219cf8fbfa806b396728b7bf11e635ac4833ce92c9ea8e34f24a686e3cf0d132) - [Discussion](https://governance.aave.com/t/arfc-treasury-manage-gho-liquidity-committee/14914) # Disclaimer TokenLogic receives no compensation beyond Aave protocol for the creation of this proposal. TokenLogic is a delegate within the Aave ecosystem. ## Copyright Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).