

Do your own research (DYOR)! This notice serves as a disclaimer. It is advisable to read, review, learn, and understand the details of Plenny before testing it.

None of the information or analyses in this Working Paper are intended to provide a basis for an investment decision, and no specific investment recommendation is made. This Working Paper does not constitute investment advice, nor is it an invitation to invest in any security or financial instrument. Instead, the outline of the Plenny experiment serves educational purposes only.

Furthermore, this experiment relies on several random assumptions and technical prerequisites that have not been sufficiently tested to make a valid statement. As such, the models presented are only as good as their random assumptions. Any significant deviation from the input numbers would subsequently impact the outputs.

All forward-looking statements address matters that involve risks and uncertainties, and do not constitute a guarantee these results will be achieved. No statement in this Working Paper is intended as a profit forecast.

Operating decentralized applications are considered high-risk activities as its use cases and regulatory implications are not clear in most jurisdictions. Any statement about the possible issuance of cryptographic tokens in this document concerns highly complex issues in technical, economic, and legal terms, which is why the stated content must be fundamentally questioned, as the information may be incorrect.

Consult legal, financial, tax, or other professional advisors if you are in any doubt. No regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set out in this Working Paper. No such action has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements, or rules of any jurisdiction as Plenny does not reside in a specific jurisdiction.

The information in this Working Paper may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship or obligations. No part of this Working Paper is legally binding or enforceable, nor is it meant to be.