class Renderer constructor: (@canvasId, people) -> @canvas = $('#' + @canvasId)[0] @ctx = @canvas.getContext('2d') @width = @canvas.width @height = @canvas.height @people = people update: () -> @ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @width, @height); @drawPeople() drawPeople: () -> for person in @people #@ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.1)' #@ctx.beginPath() #@ctx.arc(person.x, person.y, person.personalSpace, 0, Math.PI*2, true) #@ctx.closePath() #@ctx.fill() @ctx.fillStyle = person.colour @ctx.beginPath() @ctx.arc(person.x, person.y, person.size, 0, Math.PI*2, true) @ctx.closePath() @ctx.fill() class Person constructor: () -> @colour = '#5050ff' @size = 7 @personalSpace = 20 @x = 0 @y = 0 @xdir = 0 @ydir = 0 @neighbours = [] @name = '' move: () -> # calculate movement direction based on neighbours xd = 0 yd = 0 for otherPerson in @neighbours dx = @x - otherPerson.x dy = @y - otherPerson.y px = Math.sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)) fx = (dx && dx / Math.abs(dx)) * (Math.abs((@personalSpace - Math.abs(dx)) / @personalSpace)) * (Math.abs((@personalSpace - px) / @personalSpace)) fy = (dy && dy / Math.abs(dy)) * (Math.abs((@personalSpace - Math.abs(dy)) / @personalSpace)) * (Math.abs((@personalSpace - px) / @personalSpace)) xd += fx yd += fy @x += xd @y += yd @x += @xdir @y += @ydir class GameEngine constructor: (canvasId, playId, stepId) -> @people = [] @timer = null @playBtn = $('#' + playId) @stepBtn = $('#' + stepId) @renderer = new Renderer(canvasId, @people) @playBtn.bind('click', (event) => @togglePlay()) @stepBtn.bind('click', (event) => @update()) start: () -> @timer = setInterval => @update() , 20 togglePlay: -> if(@timer?) clearInterval(@timer) @timer = null @playBtn.html("START") else @playBtn.html("STOP") @start() update: () -> # update people for person in @people # first, assess the neighbours person.neighbours = [] for otherPerson in @people if otherPerson != person dx = person.x - otherPerson.x dy = person.y - otherPerson.y dist = Math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)) if dist < person.personalSpace person.neighbours.push(otherPerson) person.move() # put p1 back at start if he's off the screen if( == 'p1' && person.x > @renderer.width) person.x = 0; # draw @renderer.update() addPerson: (person) -> @people.push(person) addRandomPeople: (numPeople) -> for i in [0..(numPeople-1)] person = new Person() person.x = (Math.random() * (@renderer.width / 1.75)) + @renderer.width / 8 person.y = (Math.random() * (@renderer.height / 1.75)) + @renderer.height / 8 @people.push(person) # init engine = new GameEngine('cnvs', 'play', 'step') engine.addRandomPeople(200) player = new Person() player.colour = '#ff5050' player.y = engine.renderer.height / 2 player.xdir = 1 player.ydir = 0 = 'p1' engine.addPerson(player) engine.renderer.update()